Exemple #1
        public override void WriteStartElement(string prefix, string localName, string nsURI)
            if (_emitter == null)
                this.DetermineOutputMethod(localName, nsURI);
                if (pendingFirstSpaces != null)
                    pendingFirstSpaces = null;

            if (_state == WriteState.Prolog)
                //Seems to be the first element - take care of Doctype
                // Note that HTML does not require SYSTEM identifier.
                if (_currentOutput.DoctypePublic != null || _currentOutput.DoctypeSystem != null)
                    Emitter.WriteDocType(prefix + (prefix == null? ":" : "") + localName,
                                         _currentOutput.DoctypePublic, _currentOutput.DoctypeSystem);
            if (nsURI == String.Empty)
                prefix = String.Empty;
            Emitter.WriteStartElement(prefix, localName, nsURI);
            _state = WriteState.Element;
            if (_nsManager.LookupNamespace(prefix, false) != nsURI)
//				_nsManager.AddNamespace (prefix, nsURI);
                _currentNamespaceDecls [prefix] = nsURI;
            pendingAttributesPos  = 0;
            _canProcessAttributes = true;