Inheritance: Mono.Debugger.Soft.Mirror
Exemple #1
		internal void FetchFrames (bool mustFetch = false) {
			lock (fetchingLocker) {
				if (fetching || !cacheInvalid)
				cacheInvalid = false;
				fetching = true;
				fetchingEvent.Reset ();
			vm.conn.Thread_GetFrameInfo (id, 0, -1, (frame_info) => {
				var framesList = new List<StackFrame> ();
				for (int i = 0; i < frame_info.Length; ++i) {
					var frameInfo = (FrameInfo)frame_info [i];
					var method = vm.GetMethod (frameInfo.method);
					var f = new StackFrame (vm,, this, method, frameInfo.il_offset, frameInfo.flags);
					if (!(f.IsNativeTransition && !NativeTransitions))
						framesList.Add (f);
				lock (fetchingLocker) {
					vm.AddThreadToInvalidateList (this);
					fetching = false;
					//In case it was invalidated during waiting for response from
					//runtime and mustFetch was set refetch
					if (cacheInvalid && mustFetch) {
						FetchFrames (mustFetch);
					frames = framesList.ToArray ();
					fetchingEvent.Set ();
 public MonoProperty(StackFrame frame, LocalVariable localVariable, TypeMirror typeMirror, Mirror childMirror)
     this.frame = frame;
     this.variable = localVariable;
     this.mirror = typeMirror;
     this.childMirror = childMirror;
Exemple #3
        bool IsSameAsOurFrame(MDS.StackFrame otherFrame)
            if (otherFrame == null)

            // None of the properties below can throw, all values are cached in the StackFrame instance
            if (__monoFrame_DONT_USE.Method != otherFrame.Method)
            if (__monoFrame_DONT_USE.ILOffset != otherFrame.ILOffset)
            if (__monoFrame_DONT_USE.IsDebuggerInvoke != otherFrame.IsDebuggerInvoke)
            if (__monoFrame_DONT_USE.IsNativeTransition != otherFrame.IsNativeTransition)

            // Looks like it could be the correct frame. There's no address so we don't know for sure,
            // but since the properties above matched AND the frame index is probably the same too,
            // it's very likely the same frame.

Exemple #4
        DbgEngineStackFrame CreateEngineStackFrame(MDS.StackFrame monoFrame, int frameIndex)
            var method = monoFrame.Method;

            if (method == null)
                if (monoFrame.IsDebuggerInvoke)
                if (monoFrame.IsNativeTransition)

                Debug.Fail("Unknown frame without a method");
                var module = engine.TryGetModule(method.DeclaringType.Module);
                if (module != null)
                    return(new ILDbgEngineStackFrame(engine, module, monoThread, monoFrame, frameIndex, dbgDotNetCodeLocationFactory));

                Debug.Fail("Creating an error stack frame");
 public ExpandedProperty(TypeMirror typeMirror, StackFrame frame, LocalVariable localVariable)
     this.frame = frame;
     this.localVariable = localVariable;
     var properties = typeMirror.GetProperties().Cast<Mirror>();
     var methods = typeMirror.GetMethods().Cast<Mirror>();
     var fields = typeMirror.GetFields().Cast<Mirror>();
     var children = properties.Concat(methods).Concat(fields);
     allProperties = children.ToList();
        protected override EvaluationContext GetEvaluationContext(int frameIndex, EvaluationOptions options)
            if (frameIndex >= frames.Length)

            MDB.StackFrame frame = frames [frameIndex];
            return(new SoftEvaluationContext(session, frame, options));
Exemple #7
		// FIXME: Cache, invalidate when the thread/runtime is resumed
		public StackFrame[] GetFrames () {
			FrameInfo[] frame_info = vm.conn.Thread_GetFrameInfo (id, 0, -1);

			StackFrame[] frames = new StackFrame [frame_info.Length];
			for (int i = 0; i < frame_info.Length; ++i) {
				FrameInfo info = (FrameInfo)frame_info [i];
				MethodMirror method = vm.GetMethod (info.method);
				frames [i] = new StackFrame (vm,, this, method, info.il_offset, info.flags);

			return frames;
        DC.StackFrame CreateStackFrame(MDB.StackFrame frame)
            string method = frame.Method.Name;

            if (frame.Method.DeclaringType != null)
                method = frame.Method.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + method;
            var location = new DC.SourceLocation(method, frame.FileName, frame.LineNumber);
            var lang     = frame.Method != null? "Managed" : "Native";

            return(new DC.StackFrame(frame.ILOffset, frame.Method.FullName, location, lang, session.IsExternalCode(frame), true));
        public MonoStackFrame(MonoThread thread, DebuggedMonoProcess debuggedMonoProcess, StackFrame frame)
            this.thread = thread;
            this.debuggedMonoProcess = debuggedMonoProcess;
            this.frame = frame;

            docContext = new MonoDocumentContext(this.frame.FileName,
            var locals = frame.GetVisibleVariables().ToList();

            this.locals = locals.Select(x => new MonoProperty(frame, x)).ToList();
Exemple #10
		// FIXME: Cache, invalidate when the thread/runtime is resumed
		public StackFrame[] GetFrames () {
			FrameInfo[] frame_info = vm.conn.Thread_GetFrameInfo (id, 0, -1);

			var frames = new List<StackFrame> ();

			for (int i = 0; i < frame_info.Length; ++i) {
				FrameInfo info = (FrameInfo)frame_info [i];
				MethodMirror method = vm.GetMethod (info.method);
				var f = new StackFrame (vm,, this, method, info.il_offset, info.flags);
				if (!(f.IsNativeTransition && !NativeTransitions))
					frames.Add (f);

			return frames.ToArray ();
        DC.StackFrame CreateStackFrame(MDB.StackFrame frame)
            MDB.MethodMirror method     = frame.Method;
            MDB.TypeMirror   type       = method.DeclaringType;
            string           methodName = method.Name;

            if (type != null)
                methodName = type.FullName + "." + methodName;
            var location = new DC.SourceLocation(methodName, SoftDebuggerSession.NormalizePath(frame.FileName), frame.LineNumber);
            var lang     = frame.Method != null ? "Managed" : "Native";

            return(new DC.StackFrame(frame.ILOffset, method.FullName, location, lang, session.IsExternalCode(frame), true, type.Module.FullyQualifiedName, type.FullName));
Exemple #12
        public AD7StackFrame(AD7Engine engine, AD7Thread thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.StackFrame threadContext)
            Debug.Assert(threadContext != null, "ThreadContext is null");

            Engine        = engine;
            Thread        = thread;
            ThreadContext = threadContext;

            _textPosition = RoslynHelper.GetStatementRange(ThreadContext.FileName, ThreadContext.LineNumber, ThreadContext.ColumnNumber);
            _functionName = threadContext.Method.Name;

            if (_textPosition != null)
                docContext = new AD7DocumentContext(_textPosition);

            this.LocalVariables = threadContext.GetVisibleVariables().Select(x => new MonoProperty(threadContext, x)).ToList();
Exemple #13
        void UpdateFrame()
            var frames = frameThread.GetFrames();

            // PERF: It's not likely that frames were removed, so always start searching from the frame index
            for (int i = frameIndex; i < frames.Length; i++)
                var currentFrame = frames[i];
                if (IsSameAsOurFrame(currentFrame))
                    __monoFrame_DONT_USE = currentFrame;
                    frameIndex           = i;
                    methodInvokeCounter  = engine.MethodInvokeCounter;
            Debug.Fail("Failed to find the frame");
Exemple #14
        public ILDbgEngineStackFrame(DbgEngineImpl engine, DbgModule module, ThreadMirror frameThread, MDS.StackFrame monoFrame, int frameIndex, Lazy <DbgDotNetCodeLocationFactory> dbgDotNetCodeLocationFactory)
            this.engine          = engine ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(engine));
            this.frameThread     = frameThread;
            __monoFrame_DONT_USE = monoFrame ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(monoFrame));
            this.frameIndex      = frameIndex;
            methodInvokeCounter  = engine.MethodInvokeCounter;
            Module        = module ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(module));
            FunctionToken = (uint)monoFrame.Method.MetadataToken;
            // Native transitions have no IL offset so -1 is used by mono, but we should use 0 instead
            uint ilOffset = (uint)monoFrame.ILOffset;

            FunctionOffset = ilOffset == uint.MaxValue ? 0 : ilOffset;
            var moduleId = DbgEngineImpl.TryGetModuleId(module) ?? default;
            var options  = ilOffset == uint.MaxValue || monoFrame.IsNativeTransition ? DbgDotNetCodeLocationOptions.InvalidOffset : 0;

            Location = dbgDotNetCodeLocationFactory.Value.Create(moduleId, FunctionToken, FunctionOffset, options);
Exemple #15
        void GotStepRanges(MDS.StackFrame frame, object tag, bool isStepInto, GetCodeRangeResult result, uint continueCounter)
            if (IsClosed)
            if (stepData != null)
            if (continueCounter != engine.ContinueCounter)
                RaiseStepComplete(thread, tag, "Internal error");
            // If we failed to find the statement ranges (result.Success == false), step anyway.
            // We'll just step until the next sequence point instead of not doing anything.
            var stepIntoOverData = new StepIntoOverData(isStepInto, frame.Method, result.StatementRanges);

            StartStepIntoOver(tag, stepIntoOverData);
        public AD7StackFrame(AD7Engine engine, AD7Thread thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.StackFrame threadContext)
            Debug.Assert(threadContext != null, "ThreadContext is null");

            Engine = engine;
            this.Thread = thread;
            this.ThreadContext = threadContext;

            _textPosition = RoslynHelper.GetStatementRange(ThreadContext.FileName, ThreadContext.LineNumber, ThreadContext.ColumnNumber);
            _functionName = threadContext.Method.Name;



            if (_textPosition != null)
                docContext = new AD7DocumentContext(_textPosition);

            this.LocalVariables = threadContext.GetVisibleVariables().Select(x => new MonoProperty(threadContext, x)).ToList();
Exemple #17
        DC.StackFrame CreateStackFrame(MDB.StackFrame frame, int frameIndex)
            MDB.MethodMirror method       = frame.Method;
            MDB.TypeMirror   type         = method.DeclaringType;
            string           fileName     = frame.FileName;
            string           typeFullName = null;
            string           typeFQN      = null;
            string           methodName;

            if (fileName != null)
                fileName = SoftDebuggerSession.NormalizePath(fileName);

            if (method.VirtualMachine.Version.AtLeast(2, 12) && method.IsGenericMethod)
                StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(method.Name);


                if (method.VirtualMachine.Version.AtLeast(2, 15))
                    bool first = true;

                    foreach (var argumentType in method.GetGenericArguments())
                        if (!first)
                            name.Append(", ");

                        first = false;


                methodName = name.ToString();
                methodName = method.Name;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(methodName))
                methodName = "[Function Without Name]";

            // Compiler generated anonymous/lambda methods
            bool special_method = false;

            if (methodName [0] == '<' && methodName.Contains(">m__"))
                int nidx = methodName.IndexOf(">m__", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 2;
                methodName     = "AnonymousMethod" + methodName.Substring(nidx, method.Name.Length - nidx);
                special_method = true;

            if (type != null)
                string typeDisplayName = session.Adaptor.GetDisplayTypeName(type.FullName);

                if (SoftDebuggerAdaptor.IsGeneratedType(type))
                    // The user-friendly method name is embedded in the generated type name
                    var mn = SoftDebuggerAdaptor.GetNameFromGeneratedType(type);

                    // Strip off the generated type name
                    int dot   = typeDisplayName.LastIndexOf('.');
                    var tname = typeDisplayName.Substring(0, dot);

                    // Keep any type arguments
                    int targs = typeDisplayName.LastIndexOf('<');
                    if (targs > dot + 1)
                        mn += typeDisplayName.Substring(targs, typeDisplayName.Length - targs);

                    typeDisplayName = tname;

                    if (special_method)
                        typeDisplayName += "." + mn;
                        methodName = mn;

                methodName = typeDisplayName + "." + methodName;

                typeFQN      = type.Module.FullyQualifiedName;
                typeFullName = type.FullName;
            bool external = false;
            bool hidden   = false;

            if (session.VirtualMachine.Version.AtLeast(2, 21))
                var ctx        = GetEvaluationContext(frameIndex, session.EvaluationOptions);
                var hiddenAttr = session.Adaptor.GetType(ctx, "System.Diagnostics.DebuggerHiddenAttribute") as MDB.TypeMirror;
                hidden = method.GetCustomAttributes(hiddenAttr, true).Any();
            if (hidden)
                external = true;
                external = session.IsExternalCode(frame);
                if (!external && session.Options.ProjectAssembliesOnly && session.VirtualMachine.Version.AtLeast(2, 21))
                    var ctx             = GetEvaluationContext(frameIndex, session.EvaluationOptions);
                    var nonUserCodeAttr = session.Adaptor.GetType(ctx, "System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute") as MDB.TypeMirror;
                    external = method.GetCustomAttributes(nonUserCodeAttr, true).Any();

            var location = new DC.SourceLocation(methodName, fileName, frame.LineNumber, frame.ColumnNumber, frame.Location.EndLineNumber, frame.Location.EndColumnNumber, frame.Location.SourceFileHash);

            string addressSpace = string.Empty;
            bool   hasDebugInfo = false;
            string language;

            if (frame.Method != null)
                if (frame.IsNativeTransition)
                    language = "Transition";
                    addressSpace = method.FullName;
                    language     = "Managed";
                    hasDebugInfo = true;
                language = "Native";

            return(new SoftDebuggerStackFrame(frame, addressSpace, location, language, external, hasDebugInfo, hidden, typeFQN, typeFullName));
 public bool IsExternalCode(Mono.Debugger.Soft.StackFrame frame)
     return(frame.Method == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(frame.FileName) ||
            (assemblyFilters != null && !assemblyFilters.Contains(frame.Method.DeclaringType.Assembly)));
        DC.StackFrame CreateStackFrame(MDB.StackFrame frame)
            MDB.MethodMirror method       = frame.Method;
            MDB.TypeMirror   type         = method.DeclaringType;
            string           fileName     = frame.FileName;
            string           typeFullName = null;
            string           typeFQN      = null;
            string           methodName;

            if (fileName != null)
                fileName = SoftDebuggerSession.NormalizePath(fileName);

            if (method.VirtualMachine.Version.AtLeast(2, 12) && method.IsGenericMethod)
                StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(method.Name);


                if (method.VirtualMachine.Version.AtLeast(2, 15))
                    bool first = true;

                    foreach (var argumentType in method.GetGenericArguments())
                        if (!first)
                            name.Append(", ");

                        first = false;


                methodName = name.ToString();
                methodName = method.Name;

            // Compiler generated anonymous/lambda methods
            bool special_method = false;

            if (methodName [0] == '<' && methodName.Contains(">m__"))
                int nidx = methodName.IndexOf(">m__") + 2;
                methodName     = "AnonymousMethod" + methodName.Substring(nidx, method.Name.Length - nidx);
                special_method = true;

            if (type != null)
                string typeDisplayName = session.Adaptor.GetDisplayTypeName(type.FullName);

                if (SoftDebuggerAdaptor.IsGeneratedType(type))
                    // The user-friendly method name is embedded in the generated type name
                    var mn = SoftDebuggerAdaptor.GetNameFromGeneratedType(type);

                    // Strip off the generated type name
                    int dot   = typeDisplayName.LastIndexOf('.');
                    var tname = typeDisplayName.Substring(0, dot);

                    // Keep any type arguments
                    int targs = typeDisplayName.LastIndexOf('<');
                    if (targs > dot + 1)
                        mn += typeDisplayName.Substring(targs, typeDisplayName.Length - targs);

                    typeDisplayName = tname;

                    if (special_method)
                        typeDisplayName += "." + mn;
                        methodName = mn;

                methodName = typeDisplayName + "." + methodName;

                typeFQN      = type.Module.FullyQualifiedName;
                typeFullName = type.FullName;

            var location = new DC.SourceLocation(methodName, fileName, frame.LineNumber);
            var external = session.IsExternalCode(frame);

            return(new SoftDebuggerStackFrame(frame, method.FullName, location, "Managed", external, true, typeFQN, typeFullName));
		public LocalVariableBatch (StackFrame frame, LocalVariable[] variables)
			this.variables = variables;
			this.frame = frame;
 public MonoProperty(StackFrame frame, LocalVariable variable)
     : this(frame, variable, null, null)
Exemple #22
 public SdbStackFrame(MDS.StackFrame obj)
     : base(obj)
		public ThisValueReference (EvaluationContext ctx, StackFrame frame) : base (ctx)
			this.frame = frame;
Exemple #24
 public ThisValueReference(EvaluationContext ctx, StackFrame frame) : base(ctx)
     this.frame = frame;
		public SoftDebuggerStackFrame (Mono.Debugger.Soft.StackFrame frame, string addressSpace, SourceLocation location, string language, bool isExternalCode, bool hasDebugInfo, bool isDebuggerHidden, string fullModuleName, string fullTypeName)
			: base (frame.ILOffset, addressSpace, location, language, isExternalCode, hasDebugInfo, isDebuggerHidden, fullModuleName, fullTypeName)
			StackFrame = frame;
Exemple #26
 public SoftDebuggerStackFrame(Mono.Debugger.Soft.StackFrame frame, string addressSpace, SourceLocation location, string language, bool isExternalCode, bool hasDebugInfo, bool isDebuggerHidden, string fullModuleName, string fullTypeName)
     : base(frame.ILOffset, addressSpace, location, language, isExternalCode, hasDebugInfo, isDebuggerHidden, fullModuleName, fullTypeName)
     StackFrame = frame;