PendingImplementation(TypeContainer container, MissingInterfacesInfo[] missing_ifaces, IList<MethodSpec> abstract_methods, int total) { var type_builder = container.Definition; this.container = container; pending_implementations = new TypeAndMethods [total]; int i = 0; if (abstract_methods != null) { int count = abstract_methods.Count; pending_implementations [i].methods = new MethodSpec [count]; pending_implementations [i].need_proxy = new MethodSpec [count]; pending_implementations [i].methods = abstract_methods; pending_implementations [i].found = new MethodData [count]; pending_implementations [i].type = type_builder; ++i; } foreach (MissingInterfacesInfo missing in missing_ifaces) { var iface = missing.Type; var mi = MemberCache.GetInterfaceMembers (iface); int count = mi.Count; pending_implementations [i].type = iface; pending_implementations [i].optional = missing.Optional; pending_implementations [i].methods = mi; pending_implementations [i].found = new MethodData [count]; pending_implementations [i].need_proxy = new MethodSpec [count]; i++; } }
public Class(TypeContainer parent, MemberName name, Modifiers mod, Attributes attrs) : base(parent, name, attrs, MemberKind.Class) { var accmods = IsTopLevel ? Modifiers.INTERNAL : Modifiers.PRIVATE; this.ModFlags = ModifiersExtensions.Check (AllowedModifiers, mod, accmods, Location, Report); spec = new TypeSpec (Kind, null, this, null, ModFlags); }
public HoistedStoreyClass (TypeContainer parent, MemberName name, TypeParameter[] tparams, Modifiers mod) : base (parent, name, mod | Modifiers.PRIVATE) { if (tparams != null) { type_params = new TypeParameter[tparams.Length]; var src = new TypeParameterSpec[tparams.Length]; var dst = new TypeParameterSpec[tparams.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < type_params.Length; ++i) { type_params[i] = tparams[i].CreateHoistedCopy (this, spec); src[i] = tparams[i].Type; dst[i] = type_params[i].Type; } // A copy is not enough, inflate any type parameter constraints // using a new type parameters var inflator = new TypeParameterInflator (this, null, src, dst); for (int i = 0; i < type_params.Length; ++i) { src[i].InflateConstraints (inflator, dst[i]); } mutator = new TypeParameterMutator (tparams, type_params); } }
protected CompilerGeneratedContainer (TypeContainer parent, MemberName name, Modifiers mod, MemberKind kind) : base (parent, name, null, kind) { Debug.Assert ((mod & Modifiers.AccessibilityMask) != 0); ModFlags = mod | Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED | Modifiers.SEALED; spec = new TypeSpec (Kind, null, this, null, ModFlags); }
public Enum(TypeContainer parent, FullNamedExpression type, Modifiers mod_flags, MemberName name, Attributes attrs) : base(parent, name, attrs, MemberKind.Enum) { underlying_type_expr = type; var accmods = IsTopLevel ? Modifiers.INTERNAL : Modifiers.PRIVATE; ModFlags = ModifiersExtensions.Check (AllowedModifiers, mod_flags, accmods, Location, Report); spec = new EnumSpec (null, this, null, null, ModFlags); }
public TypeContainer (TypeContainer parent, MemberName name, Attributes attrs, MemberKind kind) : base (parent, name, attrs) { this.Kind = kind; if (name != null) this.Basename = name.Basename; defined_names = new Dictionary<string, MemberCore> (); }
// // Our constructor // public Iterator(ParametersBlock block, IMethodData method, TypeContainer host, TypeSpec iterator_type, bool is_enumerable) : base(block, TypeManager.bool_type, block.StartLocation) { this.OriginalMethod = method; this.OriginalIteratorType = iterator_type; this.IsEnumerable = is_enumerable; this.Host = host; this.type = method.ReturnType; }
public Delegate(TypeContainer parent, FullNamedExpression type, Modifiers mod_flags, MemberName name, ParametersCompiled param_list, Attributes attrs) : base(parent, name, attrs, MemberKind.Delegate) { this.ReturnType = type; ModFlags = ModifiersExtensions.Check (AllowedModifiers, mod_flags, IsTopLevel ? Modifiers.INTERNAL : Modifiers.PRIVATE, name.Location, Report); parameters = param_list; spec = new TypeSpec (Kind, null, this, null, ModFlags | Modifiers.SEALED); }
// // Our constructor // private Iterator(CompilerContext ctx, IMethodData method, TypeContainer host, TypeSpec iterator_type, bool is_enumerable) : base(new ToplevelBlock (ctx, method.Block, ParametersCompiled.EmptyReadOnlyParameters, method.Block.StartLocation), TypeManager.bool_type, method.Location) { this.OriginalMethod = method; this.OriginalIteratorType = iterator_type; this.IsEnumerable = is_enumerable; this.Host = host; this.type = method.ReturnType; IteratorHost = Block.ChangeToIterator (this, method.Block); }
// TypeContainer // // Generates xml doc comments (if any), and if required, // handle warning report. // internal static void GenerateTypeDocComment (TypeContainer t, DeclSpace ds, Report Report) { GenerateDocComment (t, ds, Report); if (t.DefaultStaticConstructor != null) t.DefaultStaticConstructor.GenerateDocComment (t); if (t.InstanceConstructors != null) foreach (Constructor c in t.InstanceConstructors) c.GenerateDocComment (t); if (t.Types != null) foreach (TypeContainer tc in t.Types) tc.GenerateDocComment (t); if (t.Delegates != null) foreach (Delegate de in t.Delegates) de.GenerateDocComment (t); if (t.Constants != null) foreach (Const c in t.Constants) c.GenerateDocComment (t); if (t.Fields != null) foreach (FieldBase f in t.Fields) f.GenerateDocComment (t); if (t.Events != null) foreach (Event e in t.Events) e.GenerateDocComment (t); if (t.Indexers != null) foreach (Indexer ix in t.Indexers) ix.GenerateDocComment (t); if (t.Properties != null) foreach (Property p in t.Properties) p.GenerateDocComment (t); if (t.Methods != null) foreach (MethodOrOperator m in t.Methods) m.GenerateDocComment (t); if (t.Operators != null) foreach (Operator o in t.Operators) o.GenerateDocComment (t); }
static MissingInterfacesInfo [] GetMissingInterfaces(TypeContainer container) { // // Notice that Interfaces will only return the interfaces that the Type // is supposed to implement, not all the interfaces that the type implements. // var impl = container.Definition.Interfaces; if (impl == null || impl.Count == 0) { return(EmptyMissingInterfacesInfo); } MissingInterfacesInfo[] ret = new MissingInterfacesInfo[impl.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < impl.Count; i++) { ret [i] = new MissingInterfacesInfo(impl [i]); } // we really should not get here because Object doesnt implement any // interfaces. But it could implement something internal, so we have // to handle that case. if (container.BaseType == null) { return(ret); } var base_impls = container.BaseType.Interfaces; if (base_impls != null) { foreach (TypeSpec t in base_impls) { for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) { if (t == ret[i].Type) { ret[i].Optional = true; break; } } } } return(ret); }
public static void FindDynamicClasses(TypeContainer container, List<Class> classes) { foreach (var cont in container.Containers) { if (cont is Class) { // Is class marked as dynamic? var cl = cont as Class; if (cl.IsAsDynamicClass && !(cl.BaseType != null && cl.BaseType.IsAsDynamicClass)) { classes.Add ((Class)cont); } } // Recursively find more classes if (cont.Containers != null) FindDynamicClasses(cont, classes); } }
/// <summary> /// This function tells whether one of our base classes implements /// the given method (which turns out, it is valid to have an interface /// implementation in a base /// </summary> bool BaseImplements(Type iface_type, MethodInfo mi, out MethodInfo base_method) { MethodSignature ms; AParametersCollection param = TypeManager.GetParameterData(mi); ms = new MethodSignature(mi.Name, TypeManager.TypeToCoreType(mi.ReturnType), param.Types); MemberList list = TypeContainer.FindMembers( container.TypeBuilder.BaseType, MemberTypes.Method | MemberTypes.Property, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, MethodSignature.method_signature_filter, ms); if (list.Count == 0) { base_method = null; return(false); } if (TypeManager.ImplementsInterface(container.TypeBuilder.BaseType, iface_type)) { base_method = null; return(true); } base_method = (MethodInfo)list [0]; if (base_method.DeclaringType.IsInterface) { return(false); } if (!base_method.IsPublic) { return(false); } if (!base_method.IsAbstract && !base_method.IsVirtual) { // FIXME: We can avoid creating a proxy if base_method can be marked 'final virtual' instead. // However, it's too late now, the MethodBuilder has already been created (see bug 377519) DefineProxy(iface_type, base_method, mi, param); } return(true); }
static bool CheckType(TypeSpec ret, TypeContainer parent, out TypeSpec original_iterator_type, out bool is_enumerable) { original_iterator_type = null; is_enumerable = false; if (ret.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.IEnumerable) { original_iterator_type = parent.Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object; is_enumerable = true; return(true); } if (ret.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.IEnumerator) { original_iterator_type = parent.Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object; is_enumerable = false; return(true); } InflatedTypeSpec inflated = ret as InflatedTypeSpec; if (inflated == null) { return(false); } var member_definition = inflated.MemberDefinition; PredefinedType ptype = parent.Module.PredefinedTypes.IEnumerableGeneric; if (ptype.Define() && ptype.TypeSpec.MemberDefinition == member_definition) { original_iterator_type = inflated.TypeArguments[0]; is_enumerable = true; return(true); } ptype = parent.Module.PredefinedTypes.IEnumeratorGeneric; if (ptype.Define() && ptype.TypeSpec.MemberDefinition == member_definition) { original_iterator_type = inflated.TypeArguments[0]; is_enumerable = false; return(true); } return(false); }
public void AddTypeContainer (TypeContainer current_container, TypeDefinition tc) { if (current_container == tc){ Console.Error.WriteLine ("Internal error: inserting container into itself"); return; } if (undo_actions == null) undo_actions = new List<Action> (); var existing = current_container.Containers.FirstOrDefault (l => l.Basename == tc.Basename); if (existing != null) { current_container.RemoveContainer (existing); undo_actions.Add (() => current_container.AddTypeContainer (existing)); } undo_actions.Add (() => current_container.RemoveContainer (tc)); }
// // Factory method: if there are pending implementation methods, we return a PendingImplementation // object, otherwise we return null. // // Register method implementations are either abstract methods // flagged as such on the base class or interface methods // static public PendingImplementation GetPendingImplementations(TypeContainer container) { TypeSpec b = container.BaseType; var missing_interfaces = GetMissingInterfaces(container); // // If we are implementing an abstract class, and we are not // ourselves abstract, and there are abstract methods (C# allows // abstract classes that have no abstract methods), then allocate // one slot. // // We also pre-compute the methods. // bool implementing_abstract = ((b != null) && b.IsAbstract && (container.ModFlags & Modifiers.ABSTRACT) == 0); MethodSpec[] abstract_methods = null; if (implementing_abstract) { var am = MemberCache.GetNotImplementedAbstractMethods(b); if (am == null) { implementing_abstract = false; } else { abstract_methods = new MethodSpec[am.Count]; am.CopyTo(abstract_methods, 0); } } int total = missing_interfaces.Length + (implementing_abstract ? 1 : 0); if (total == 0) { return(null); } return(new PendingImplementation(container, missing_interfaces, abstract_methods, total)); }
// // Fixes full type name of each documented types/members up. // public void GenerateDocComment(Report r) { TypeContainer root = RootContext.ToplevelTypes; if (root.Types != null) { foreach (TypeContainer tc in root.Types) { DocUtil.GenerateTypeDocComment(tc, null, r); } } if (root.Delegates != null) { foreach (Delegate d in root.Delegates) { DocUtil.GenerateDocComment(d, null, r); } } }
public NamespaceEntry(ModuleContainer module, NamespaceEntry parent, CompilationSourceFile sourceFile, string name) { this.module = module; this.parent = parent; this.file = sourceFile; if (parent != null) { ns = parent.NS.GetNamespace(name, true); } else if (name != null) { ns = module.GlobalRootNamespace.GetNamespace(name, true); } else { ns = module.GlobalRootNamespace; } SlaveDeclSpace = new RootDeclSpace(module, this); }
// // Factory method: if there are pending implementation methods, we return a PendingImplementation // object, otherwise we return null. // // Register method implementations are either abstract methods // flagged as such on the base class or interface methods // static public PendingImplementation GetPendingImplementations(TypeContainer container) { TypeBuilder type_builder = container.TypeBuilder; MissingInterfacesInfo [] missing_interfaces; Type b = type_builder.BaseType; missing_interfaces = GetMissingInterfaces(type_builder); // // If we are implementing an abstract class, and we are not // ourselves abstract, and there are abstract methods (C# allows // abstract classes that have no abstract methods), then allocate // one slot. // // We also pre-compute the methods. // bool implementing_abstract = ((b != null) && b.IsAbstract && !type_builder.IsAbstract); ArrayList abstract_methods = null; if (implementing_abstract) { abstract_methods = GetAbstractMethods(b); if (abstract_methods == null) { implementing_abstract = false; } } int total = missing_interfaces.Length + (implementing_abstract ? 1 : 0); if (total == 0) { return(null); } return(new PendingImplementation(container, missing_interfaces, abstract_methods, total)); }
public NamespaceContainer(MemberName name, ModuleContainer module, NamespaceContainer parent, CompilationSourceFile sourceFile) { this.module = module; this.parent = parent; this.file = sourceFile; this.loc = name == null ? Location.Null : name.Location; if (parent != null) { ns = parent.NS.GetNamespace(name.GetName(), true); } else if (name != null) { ns = module.GlobalRootNamespace.GetNamespace(name.GetName(), true); } else { ns = module.GlobalRootNamespace; } SlaveDeclSpace = new RootDeclSpace(module, this); }
public NamespaceEntry(ModuleContainer ctx, NamespaceEntry parent, CompilationUnit file, string name) { this.ctx = ctx; this.parent = parent; this.file = file; entries.Add(this); if (parent != null) { ns = parent.NS.GetNamespace(name, true); } else if (name != null) { ns = ctx.GlobalRootNamespace.GetNamespace(name, true); } else { ns = ctx.GlobalRootNamespace; } SlaveDeclSpace = new RootDeclSpace(ctx, this); }
/// /// Looks for extension method in this namespace /// public List <MethodSpec> LookupExtensionMethod(TypeSpec extensionType, TypeContainer invocationContext, string name, int arity) { if (types == null) { return(null); } List <MethodSpec> found = null; // TODO: Add per namespace flag when at least 1 type has extension foreach (var tgroup in types.Values) { foreach (var ts in tgroup) { if ((ts.Modifiers & Modifiers.METHOD_EXTENSION) == 0) { continue; } var res = ts.MemberCache.FindExtensionMethods(invocationContext, extensionType, name, arity); if (res == null) { continue; } if (found == null) { found = res; } else { found.AddRange(res); } } } return(found); }
public void AddTypeContainer(TypeContainer current_container, TypeContainer tc) { if (current_container == tc) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Internal error: inserting container into itself"); return; } if (undo_actions == null) { undo_actions = new List <Action> (); } var existing = current_container.Types.FirstOrDefault(l => l.MemberName.Basename == tc.MemberName.Basename); if (existing != null) { current_container.RemoveTypeContainer(existing); existing.NamespaceEntry.SlaveDeclSpace.RemoveTypeContainer(existing); undo_actions.Add(() => current_container.AddTypeContainer(existing)); } undo_actions.Add(() => current_container.RemoveTypeContainer(tc)); }
protected StateMachine(Block block, TypeContainer parent, MemberBase host, TypeParameter[] tparams, string name) : base(block, parent, host, tparams, name) { }
public virtual void RemoveContainer (TypeContainer cont) { if (containers != null) containers.Remove (cont); var tc = Parent == Module ? Module : this; tc.defined_names.Remove (cont.Basename); }
public virtual void AddTypeContainer (TypeContainer tc) { containers.Add (tc); var tparams = tc.MemberName.TypeParameters; if (tparams != null && tc.PartialContainer != null) { var td = (TypeDefinition) tc; for (int i = 0; i < tparams.Count; ++i) { var tp = tparams[i]; if (tp.MemberName == null) continue; td.AddNameToContainer (tp, tp.Name); } } }
public ProxyMethodContext(TypeContainer container) { this.container = container; }
public Field (TypeContainer parent, FullNamedExpression type, Modifiers mod, MemberName name, Attributes attrs) : base (parent, type, mod, AllowedModifiers, name, attrs) { }
protected TypeContainer AddPartial (TypeContainer next_part, string name) { next_part.ModFlags |= Modifiers.PARTIAL; TypeContainer tc = GetDefinition (name) as TypeContainer; if (tc == null) return AddTypeContainer (next_part); if ((tc.ModFlags & Modifiers.PARTIAL) == 0) { Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (next_part); Error_MissingPartialModifier (tc); } if (tc.Kind != next_part.Kind) { Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (tc); Report.Error (261, next_part.Location, "Partial declarations of `{0}' must be all classes, all structs or all interfaces", next_part.GetSignatureForError ()); } if ((tc.ModFlags & Modifiers.AccessibilityMask) != (next_part.ModFlags & Modifiers.AccessibilityMask) && ((tc.ModFlags & Modifiers.DEFAULT_ACCESS_MODIFER) == 0 && (next_part.ModFlags & Modifiers.DEFAULT_ACCESS_MODIFER) == 0)) { Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (tc); Report.Error (262, next_part.Location, "Partial declarations of `{0}' have conflicting accessibility modifiers", next_part.GetSignatureForError ()); } if (tc.partial_parts == null) tc.partial_parts = new List<TypeContainer> (1); if ((next_part.ModFlags & Modifiers.DEFAULT_ACCESS_MODIFER) != 0) { tc.ModFlags |= next_part.ModFlags & ~(Modifiers.DEFAULT_ACCESS_MODIFER | Modifiers.AccessibilityMask); } else if ((tc.ModFlags & Modifiers.DEFAULT_ACCESS_MODIFER) != 0) { tc.ModFlags &= ~(Modifiers.DEFAULT_ACCESS_MODIFER | Modifiers.AccessibilityMask); tc.ModFlags |= next_part.ModFlags; } else { tc.ModFlags |= next_part.ModFlags; } tc.spec.Modifiers = tc.ModFlags; if (next_part.attributes != null) { if (tc.attributes == null) tc.attributes = next_part.attributes; else tc.attributes.AddAttributes (next_part.attributes.Attrs); } next_part.PartialContainer = tc; tc.partial_parts.Add (next_part); return tc; }
// TypeContainer // // Generates xml doc comments (if any), and if required, // handle warning report. // internal static void GenerateTypeDocComment(TypeContainer t, DeclSpace ds, Report Report) { GenerateDocComment(t, ds, Report); if (t.DefaultStaticConstructor != null) { t.DefaultStaticConstructor.GenerateDocComment(t); } if (t.InstanceConstructors != null) { foreach (Constructor c in t.InstanceConstructors) { c.GenerateDocComment(t); } } if (t.Types != null) { foreach (TypeContainer tc in t.Types) { tc.GenerateDocComment(t); } } if (t.Constants != null) { foreach (Const c in t.Constants) { c.GenerateDocComment(t); } } if (t.Fields != null) { foreach (FieldBase f in t.Fields) { f.GenerateDocComment(t); } } if (t.Events != null) { foreach (Event e in t.Events) { e.GenerateDocComment(t); } } if (t.Indexers != null) { foreach (Indexer ix in t.Indexers) { ix.GenerateDocComment(t); } } if (t.Properties != null) { foreach (Property p in t.Properties) { p.GenerateDocComment(t); } } if (t.Methods != null) { foreach (MethodOrOperator m in t.Methods) { m.GenerateDocComment(t); } } if (t.Operators != null) { foreach (Operator o in t.Operators) { o.GenerateDocComment(t); } } }
public DynamicSiteClass(TypeContainer parent, MemberBase host, TypeParameter[] tparams) : base(parent, MakeMemberName(host, "DynamicSite", parent.DynamicSitesCounter, tparams, Location.Null), tparams, Modifiers.STATIC) { parent.DynamicSitesCounter++; }
public static void Create(IMemberContext context, ParametersBlock block, ParametersCompiled parameters, TypeContainer host, TypeSpec returnType, Location loc) { for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++) { Parameter p = parameters[i]; Parameter.Modifier mod = p.ModFlags; if ((mod & Parameter.Modifier.ISBYREF) != 0) { host.Compiler.Report.Error(1988, p.Location, "Async methods cannot have ref or out parameters"); return; } if (p is ArglistParameter) { host.Compiler.Report.Error(4006, p.Location, "__arglist is not allowed in parameter list of async methods"); return; } if (parameters.Types[i].IsPointer) { host.Compiler.Report.Error(4005, p.Location, "Async methods cannot have unsafe parameters"); return; } } if (!block.IsAsync) { host.Compiler.Report.Warning(1998, 1, loc, "Async block lacks `await' operator and will run synchronously"); } block.WrapIntoAsyncTask(context, host, returnType); }
public static void RegisterOrder(TypeContainer tc) { type_container_resolve_order.Add(tc); }
PendingImplementation(TypeContainer container, MissingInterfacesInfo [] missing_ifaces, ArrayList abstract_methods, int total) { TypeBuilder type_builder = container.TypeBuilder; this.container = container; pending_implementations = new TypeAndMethods [total]; int i = 0; if (abstract_methods != null) { int count = abstract_methods.Count; pending_implementations [i].methods = new MethodInfo [count]; pending_implementations [i].need_proxy = new MethodInfo [count]; abstract_methods.CopyTo(pending_implementations [i].methods, 0); pending_implementations [i].found = new MethodData [count]; pending_implementations [i].args = new Type [count][]; pending_implementations [i].mods = new Parameter.Modifier [count][]; pending_implementations [i].type = type_builder; int j = 0; foreach (MemberInfo m in abstract_methods) { MethodInfo mi = (MethodInfo)m; AParametersCollection pd = TypeManager.GetParameterData(mi); Type [] types = pd.Types; pending_implementations [i].args [j] = types; pending_implementations [i].mods [j] = null; if (pd.Count > 0) { Parameter.Modifier [] pm = new Parameter.Modifier [pd.Count]; for (int k = 0; k < pd.Count; k++) { pm [k] = pd.FixedParameters[k].ModFlags; } pending_implementations [i].mods [j] = pm; } j++; } ++i; } foreach (MissingInterfacesInfo missing in missing_ifaces) { MethodInfo [] mi; Type t = missing.Type; if (!t.IsInterface) { continue; } if (t is TypeBuilder) { TypeContainer iface; iface = TypeManager.LookupInterface(t); mi = iface.GetMethods(); } else { mi = t.GetMethods(); } int count = mi.Length; pending_implementations [i].type = t; pending_implementations [i].optional = missing.Optional; pending_implementations [i].methods = mi; pending_implementations [i].args = new Type [count][]; pending_implementations [i].mods = new Parameter.Modifier [count][]; pending_implementations [i].found = new MethodData [count]; pending_implementations [i].need_proxy = new MethodInfo [count]; int j = 0; foreach (MethodInfo m in mi) { pending_implementations [i].args [j] = Type.EmptyTypes; pending_implementations [i].mods [j] = null; // If there is a previous error, just ignore if (m == null) { continue; } AParametersCollection pd = TypeManager.GetParameterData(m); pending_implementations [i].args [j] = pd.Types; if (pd.Count > 0) { Parameter.Modifier [] pm = new Parameter.Modifier [pd.Count]; for (int k = 0; k < pd.Count; k++) { pm [k] = pd.FixedParameters [k].ModFlags; } pending_implementations [i].mods [j] = pm; } j++; } i++; } }
// <remarks> // Returns a list of the abstract methods that are exposed by all of our // bases that we must implement. Notice that this `flattens' the // method search space, and takes into account overrides. // </remarks> static ArrayList GetAbstractMethods(Type t) { ArrayList list = null; bool searching = true; Type current_type = t; do { MemberList mi; mi = TypeContainer.FindMembers( current_type, MemberTypes.Method, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly, virtual_method_filter, null); if (current_type == TypeManager.object_type) { searching = false; } else { current_type = current_type.BaseType; if (!current_type.IsAbstract) { searching = false; } } if (mi.Count == 0) { continue; } if (mi.Count == 1 && !(mi [0] is MethodBase)) { searching = false; } else { list = TypeManager.CopyNewMethods(list, mi); } } while (searching); if (list == null) { return(null); } for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { while (list.Count > i && !((MethodInfo)list [i]).IsAbstract) { list.RemoveAt(i); } } if (list.Count == 0) { return(null); } return(list); }
public override void AddTypeContainer(TypeContainer tc) { AddTypeContainerMember(tc); }
public override TypeContainer AddPartial(TypeContainer nextPart) { return(AddPartial(nextPart, nextPart.Name)); }
public override void AddTypeContainer (TypeContainer tc) { AddNameToContainer (tc, tc.Basename); if (containers == null) containers = new List<TypeContainer> (); members.Add (tc); base.AddTypeContainer (tc); }
protected CompilerGeneratedContainer (TypeContainer parent, MemberName name, Modifiers mod) : this (parent, name, mod, MemberKind.Class) { }
public TypeContainer AddTypeContainer (TypeContainer tc) { if (!AddMemberType (tc)) return tc; if (types == null) types = new List<TypeContainer> (); types.Add (tc); return tc; }
protected virtual void RemoveMemberType (TypeContainer ds) { RemoveFromContainer (ds.Basename); }
public void VerifyClsCompliance() { if (types == null || cls_checked) { return; } cls_checked = true; // TODO: This is quite ugly way to check for CLS compliance at namespace level var locase_types = new Dictionary <string, List <TypeSpec> > (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); foreach (var tgroup in types.Values) { foreach (var tm in tgroup) { if ((tm.Modifiers & Modifiers.PUBLIC) == 0 || !tm.IsCLSCompliant()) { continue; } List <TypeSpec> found; if (!locase_types.TryGetValue(tm.Name, out found)) { found = new List <TypeSpec> (); locase_types.Add(tm.Name, found); } found.Add(tm); } } foreach (var locase in locase_types.Values) { if (locase.Count < 2) { continue; } bool all_same = true; foreach (var notcompliant in locase) { all_same = notcompliant.Name == locase[0].Name; if (!all_same) { break; } } if (all_same) { continue; } TypeContainer compiled = null; foreach (var notcompliant in locase) { if (!notcompliant.MemberDefinition.IsImported) { if (compiled != null) { compiled.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError(compiled); } compiled = notcompliant.MemberDefinition as TypeContainer; } else { compiled.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError(notcompliant); } } compiled.Compiler.Report.Warning(3005, 1, compiled.Location, "Identifier `{0}' differing only in case is not CLS-compliant", compiled.GetSignatureForError()); } }
public virtual TypeContainer AddPartial (TypeContainer next_part) { return AddPartial (next_part, next_part.Basename); }
public static void Create(IMemberContext context, ParametersBlock block, ParametersCompiled parameters, TypeContainer host, TypeSpec returnType, Location loc) { if (returnType != null && returnType.Kind != MemberKind.Void && returnType != host.Module.PredefinedTypes.Task.TypeSpec && !returnType.IsGenericTask) { host.Compiler.Report.Error(1983, loc, "The return type of an async method must be void, Task, or Task<T>"); } for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++) { Parameter p = parameters[i]; Parameter.Modifier mod = p.ModFlags; if ((mod & Parameter.Modifier.ISBYREF) != 0) { host.Compiler.Report.Error(1988, p.Location, "Async methods cannot have ref or out parameters"); return; } // TODO: if (p is ArglistParameter) { host.Compiler.Report.Error(1636, p.Location, "__arglist is not allowed in parameter list of iterators"); return; } // TODO: if (parameters.Types[i].IsPointer) { host.Compiler.Report.Error(1637, p.Location, "Iterators cannot have unsafe parameters or yield types"); return; } } if (!block.IsAsync) { host.Compiler.Report.Warning(1998, 1, loc, "Async block lacks `await' operator and will run synchronously"); } block.WrapIntoAsyncTask(context, host, returnType); }
public virtual void RemoveTypeContainer (TypeContainer next_part) { if (types != null) types.Remove (next_part); Cache.Remove (next_part.Basename); RemoveMemberType (next_part); }
public override void AddTypeContainer(TypeContainer tc) { containers.Add(tc); }
protected FieldBase (TypeContainer parent, FullNamedExpression type, Modifiers mod, Modifiers allowed_mod, MemberName name, Attributes attrs) : base (parent, type, mod, allowed_mod | Modifiers.ABSTRACT, Modifiers.PRIVATE, name, attrs) { if ((mod & Modifiers.ABSTRACT) != 0) Report.Error (681, Location, "The modifier 'abstract' is not valid on fields. Try using a property instead"); }
public AsyncInitializer(ParametersBlock block, TypeContainer host, TypeSpec returnType) : base(block, host, returnType) { }
public override void RemoveContainer (TypeContainer cont) { base.RemoveContainer (cont); Members.Remove (cont); Cache.Remove (cont.Basename); }
// // Factory method: if there are pending implementation methods, we return a PendingImplementation // object, otherwise we return null. // // Register method implementations are either abstract methods // flagged as such on the base class or interface methods // static public PendingImplementation GetPendingImplementations(TypeContainer container) { TypeSpec b = container.BaseType; var missing_interfaces = GetMissingInterfaces(container); // // If we are implementing an abstract class, and we are not // ourselves abstract, and there are abstract methods (C# allows // abstract classes that have no abstract methods), then allocate // one slot. // // We also pre-compute the methods. // bool implementing_abstract = ((b != null) && b.IsAbstract && (container.ModFlags & Modifiers.ABSTRACT) == 0); MethodSpec[] abstract_methods = null; if (implementing_abstract) { var am = MemberCache.GetNotImplementedAbstractMethods(b); if (am == null) { implementing_abstract = false; } else { abstract_methods = new MethodSpec[am.Count]; am.CopyTo(abstract_methods, 0); } } int total = missing_interfaces.Length + (implementing_abstract ? 1 : 0); if (total == 0) { return(null); } var pending = new PendingImplementation(container, missing_interfaces, abstract_methods, total); // // check for inherited conflicting methods // foreach (var p in pending.pending_implementations) { // // It can happen for generic interfaces only // if (!p.type.IsGeneric) { continue; } // // CLR does not distinguishes between ref and out // for (int i = 0; i < p.methods.Count; ++i) { MethodSpec compared_method = p.methods[i]; if (compared_method.Parameters.IsEmpty) { continue; } for (int ii = i + 1; ii < p.methods.Count; ++ii) { MethodSpec tested_method = p.methods[ii]; if (compared_method.Name != tested_method.Name) { continue; } if (p.type != tested_method.DeclaringType) { continue; } if (!TypeSpecComparer.Override.IsSame(compared_method.Parameters.Types, tested_method.Parameters.Types)) { continue; } bool exact_match = true; bool ref_only_difference = false; var cp = compared_method.Parameters.FixedParameters; var tp = tested_method.Parameters.FixedParameters; for (int pi = 0; pi < cp.Length; ++pi) { // // First check exact modifiers match // const Parameter.Modifier ref_out = Parameter.Modifier.REF | Parameter.Modifier.OUT; if ((cp[pi].ModFlags & ref_out) == (tp[pi].ModFlags & ref_out)) { continue; } if ((cp[pi].ModFlags & tp[pi].ModFlags & Parameter.Modifier.ISBYREF) != 0) { ref_only_difference = true; continue; } exact_match = false; break; } if (!exact_match || !ref_only_difference) { continue; } pending.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError(compared_method); pending.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError(tested_method); pending.Report.Error(767, container.Location, "Cannot implement interface `{0}' with the specified type parameters because it causes method `{1}' to differ on parameter modifiers only", p.type.GetDefinition().GetSignatureForError(), compared_method.GetSignatureForError()); break; } } } return(pending); }
public ClassOrStruct (TypeContainer parent, MemberName name, Attributes attrs, MemberKind kind) : base (parent, name, attrs, kind) { }
protected void EmitCall(EmitContext ec, Expression binder, Arguments arguments, bool isStatement) { // // This method generates all internal infrastructure for a dynamic call. The // reason why it's quite complicated is the mixture of dynamic and anonymous // methods. Dynamic itself requires a temporary class (ContainerX) and anonymous // methods can generate temporary storey as well (AnonStorey). Handling MVAR // type parameters rewrite is non-trivial in such case as there are various // combinations possible therefore the mutator is not straightforward. Secondly // we need to keep both MVAR(possibly VAR for anon storey) and type VAR to emit // correct Site field type and its access from EmitContext. // int dyn_args_count = arguments == null ? 0 : arguments.Count; int default_args = isStatement ? 1 : 2; var module = ec.Module; bool has_ref_out_argument = false; var targs = new TypeExpression[dyn_args_count + default_args]; targs[0] = new TypeExpression(module.PredefinedTypes.CallSite.TypeSpec, loc); TypeExpression[] targs_for_instance = null; TypeParameterMutator mutator; var site_container = ec.CreateDynamicSite(); if (context_mvars != null) { TypeParameters tparam; TypeContainer sc = site_container; do { tparam = sc.CurrentTypeParameters; sc = sc.Parent; } while (tparam == null); mutator = new TypeParameterMutator(context_mvars, tparam); if (!ec.IsAnonymousStoreyMutateRequired) { targs_for_instance = new TypeExpression[targs.Length]; targs_for_instance[0] = targs[0]; } } else { mutator = null; } for (int i = 0; i < dyn_args_count; ++i) { Argument a = arguments[i]; if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.Out || a.ArgType == Argument.AType.Ref) { has_ref_out_argument = true; } var t = a.Type; // Convert any internal type like dynamic or null to object if (t.Kind == MemberKind.InternalCompilerType) { t = ec.BuiltinTypes.Object; } if (targs_for_instance != null) { targs_for_instance[i + 1] = new TypeExpression(t, loc); } if (mutator != null) { t = t.Mutate(mutator); } targs[i + 1] = new TypeExpression(t, loc); } TypeExpr del_type = null; TypeExpr del_type_instance_access = null; if (!has_ref_out_argument) { string d_name = isStatement ? "Action" : "Func"; TypeSpec te = null; Namespace type_ns = module.GlobalRootNamespace.GetNamespace("System", true); if (type_ns != null) { te = type_ns.LookupType(module, d_name, dyn_args_count + default_args, LookupMode.Normal, loc); } if (te != null) { if (!isStatement) { var t = type; if (t.Kind == MemberKind.InternalCompilerType) { t = ec.BuiltinTypes.Object; } if (targs_for_instance != null) { targs_for_instance[targs_for_instance.Length - 1] = new TypeExpression(t, loc); } if (mutator != null) { t = t.Mutate(mutator); } targs[targs.Length - 1] = new TypeExpression(t, loc); } del_type = new GenericTypeExpr(te, new TypeArguments(targs), loc); if (targs_for_instance != null) { del_type_instance_access = new GenericTypeExpr(te, new TypeArguments(targs_for_instance), loc); } else { del_type_instance_access = del_type; } } } // // Create custom delegate when no appropriate predefined delegate has been found // Delegate d; if (del_type == null) { TypeSpec rt = isStatement ? ec.BuiltinTypes.Void : type; Parameter[] p = new Parameter[dyn_args_count + 1]; p[0] = new Parameter(targs[0], "p0", Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null, loc); var site = ec.CreateDynamicSite(); int index = site.Containers == null ? 0 : site.Containers.Count; if (mutator != null) { rt = mutator.Mutate(rt); } for (int i = 1; i < dyn_args_count + 1; ++i) { p[i] = new Parameter(targs[i], "p" + i.ToString("X"), arguments[i - 1].Modifier, null, loc); } d = new Delegate(site, new TypeExpression(rt, loc), Modifiers.INTERNAL | Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED, new MemberName("Container" + index.ToString("X")), new ParametersCompiled(p), null); d.CreateContainer(); d.DefineContainer(); d.Define(); d.PrepareEmit(); site.AddTypeContainer(d); // // Add new container to inflated site container when the // member cache already exists // if (site.CurrentType is InflatedTypeSpec && index > 0) { site.CurrentType.MemberCache.AddMember(d.CurrentType); } del_type = new TypeExpression(d.CurrentType, loc); if (targs_for_instance != null) { del_type_instance_access = null; } else { del_type_instance_access = del_type; } } else { d = null; } var site_type_decl = new GenericTypeExpr(module.PredefinedTypes.CallSiteGeneric.TypeSpec, new TypeArguments(del_type), loc); var field = site_container.CreateCallSiteField(site_type_decl, loc); if (field == null) { return; } if (del_type_instance_access == null) { var dt = d.CurrentType.DeclaringType.MakeGenericType(module, context_mvars.Types); del_type_instance_access = new TypeExpression(MemberCache.GetMember(dt, d.CurrentType), loc); } var instanceAccessExprType = new GenericTypeExpr(module.PredefinedTypes.CallSiteGeneric.TypeSpec, new TypeArguments(del_type_instance_access), loc); if (instanceAccessExprType.ResolveAsType(ec.MemberContext) == null) { return; } bool inflate_using_mvar = context_mvars != null && ec.IsAnonymousStoreyMutateRequired; TypeSpec gt; if (inflate_using_mvar || context_mvars == null) { gt = site_container.CurrentType; } else { gt = site_container.CurrentType.MakeGenericType(module, context_mvars.Types); } // When site container already exists the inflated version has to be // updated manually to contain newly created field if (gt is InflatedTypeSpec && site_container.AnonymousMethodsCounter > 1) { var tparams = gt.MemberDefinition.TypeParametersCount > 0 ? gt.MemberDefinition.TypeParameters : TypeParameterSpec.EmptyTypes; var inflator = new TypeParameterInflator(module, gt, tparams, gt.TypeArguments); gt.MemberCache.AddMember(field.InflateMember(inflator)); } FieldExpr site_field_expr = new FieldExpr(MemberCache.GetMember(gt, field), loc); BlockContext bc = new BlockContext(ec.MemberContext, null, ec.BuiltinTypes.Void); Arguments args = new Arguments(1); args.Add(new Argument(binder)); StatementExpression s = new StatementExpression(new SimpleAssign(site_field_expr, new Invocation(new MemberAccess(instanceAccessExprType, "Create"), args))); using (ec.With(BuilderContext.Options.OmitDebugInfo, true)) { if (s.Resolve(bc)) { Statement init = new If(new Binary(Binary.Operator.Equality, site_field_expr, new NullLiteral(loc)), s, loc); init.Emit(ec); } args = new Arguments(1 + dyn_args_count); args.Add(new Argument(site_field_expr)); if (arguments != null) { int arg_pos = 1; foreach (Argument a in arguments) { if (a is NamedArgument) { // Name is not valid in this context args.Add(new Argument(a.Expr, a.ArgType)); } else { args.Add(a); } if (inflate_using_mvar && a.Type != targs[arg_pos].Type) { a.Expr.Type = targs[arg_pos].Type; } ++arg_pos; } } Expression target = new DelegateInvocation(new MemberAccess(site_field_expr, "Target", loc).Resolve(bc), args, loc).Resolve(bc); if (target != null) { target.Emit(ec); } } }
public BaseContext (TypeContainer tc) { = tc; }
protected StateMachineInitializer(ParametersBlock block, TypeContainer host, TypeSpec returnType) : base(block, returnType, block.StartLocation) { this.Host = host; }
public TypeDefinition (TypeContainer parent, MemberName name, Attributes attrs, MemberKind kind) : base (parent, name, attrs, kind) { PartialContainer = this; members = new List<MemberCore> (); }
void UpdateTypeParameterConstraints (TypeContainer part) { TypeParameter[] current_params = type_params; for (int i = 0; i < current_params.Length; i++) { if (current_params [i].AddPartialConstraints (part, part.type_params [i])) continue; Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (Location, ""); Report.Error (265, part.Location, "Partial declarations of `{0}' have inconsistent constraints for type parameter `{1}'", GetSignatureForError (), current_params [i].GetSignatureForError ()); } }
public static AnonymousTypeClass Create (TypeContainer parent, IList<AnonymousTypeParameter> parameters, Location loc) { string name = ClassNamePrefix + parent.Module.CounterAnonymousTypes++; ParametersCompiled all_parameters; TypeParameters tparams = null; SimpleName[] t_args; if (parameters.Count == 0) { all_parameters = ParametersCompiled.EmptyReadOnlyParameters; t_args = null; } else { t_args = new SimpleName[parameters.Count]; tparams = new TypeParameters (); Parameter[] ctor_params = new Parameter[parameters.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; ++i) { AnonymousTypeParameter p = parameters[i]; for (int ii = 0; ii < i; ++ii) { if (parameters[ii].Name == p.Name) { parent.Compiler.Report.Error (833, parameters[ii].Location, "`{0}': An anonymous type cannot have multiple properties with the same name", p.Name); p = new AnonymousTypeParameter (null, "$" + i.ToString (), p.Location); parameters[i] = p; break; } } t_args[i] = new SimpleName ("<" + p.Name + ">__T", p.Location); tparams.Add (new TypeParameter (i, new MemberName (t_args[i].Name, p.Location), null, null, Variance.None)); ctor_params[i] = new Parameter (t_args[i], p.Name, Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null, p.Location); } all_parameters = new ParametersCompiled (ctor_params); } // // Create generic anonymous type host with generic arguments // named upon properties names // AnonymousTypeClass a_type = new AnonymousTypeClass (parent.Module, new MemberName (name, tparams, loc), parameters, loc); Constructor c = new Constructor (a_type, name, Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN, null, all_parameters, loc); c.Block = new ToplevelBlock (parent.Module.Compiler, c.ParameterInfo, loc); // // Create fields and constructor body with field initialization // bool error = false; for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; ++i) { AnonymousTypeParameter p = parameters [i]; Field f = new Field (a_type, t_args [i], Modifiers.PRIVATE | Modifiers.READONLY | Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN, new MemberName ("<" + p.Name + ">", p.Location), null); if (!a_type.AddField (f)) { error = true; continue; } c.Block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression ( new SimpleAssign (new MemberAccess (new This (p.Location), f.Name), c.Block.GetParameterReference (i, p.Location)))); ToplevelBlock get_block = new ToplevelBlock (parent.Module.Compiler, p.Location); get_block.AddStatement (new Return ( new MemberAccess (new This (p.Location), f.Name), p.Location)); Property prop = new Property (a_type, t_args [i], Modifiers.PUBLIC, new MemberName (p.Name, p.Location), null); prop.Get = new Property.GetMethod (prop, 0, null, p.Location); prop.Get.Block = get_block; a_type.AddMember (prop); } if (error) return null; a_type.AddConstructor (c); return a_type; }
TypeSpec CheckRecursiveDefinition (TypeContainer tc) { if (InTransit != null) return spec; InTransit = tc; if (base_type != null) { var ptc = base_type.MemberDefinition as TypeContainer; if (ptc != null && ptc.CheckRecursiveDefinition (this) != null) return base_type; } if (iface_exprs != null) { foreach (var iface in iface_exprs) { // the interface might not have been resolved, prevents a crash, see #442144 if (iface == null) continue; var ptc = iface.MemberDefinition as Interface; if (ptc != null && ptc.CheckRecursiveDefinition (this) != null) return iface; } } if (!IsTopLevel && Parent.PartialContainer.CheckRecursiveDefinition (this) != null) return spec; InTransit = null; return null; }
protected virtual bool AddMemberType (TypeContainer ds) { return AddToContainer (ds, ds.Basename); }
protected override void RemoveMemberType(TypeContainer ds) { defined_type_containers.Remove(ds.MemberName); ds.NamespaceEntry.NS.RemoveDeclSpace(ds.Basename); base.RemoveMemberType(ds); }