public override void CompareTo (XmlDocument doc, XmlNode parent, object other)
			this.document = doc;
			XMLClass oclass = (XMLClass) other;

			if (attributes != null || oclass.attributes != null) {
				if (attributes == null)
					attributes = new XMLAttributes ();

				attributes.CompareTo (doc, parent, oclass.attributes);
				counters.AddPartialToPartial (attributes.Counters);
				if (oclass.attributes != null && oclass.attributes.IsTodo) {
					AddAttribute (parent, "error", "todo");
					if (oclass.attributes.Comment != null)
						AddAttribute (parent, "comment", oclass.attributes.Comment);

			if (type != oclass.type)
				AddWarning (parent, "Class type is wrong: {0} != {1}", type, oclass.type);

			if (baseName != oclass.baseName)
				AddWarning (parent, "Base class is wrong: {0} != {1}", baseName, oclass.baseName);

			if (isAbstract != oclass.isAbstract || isSealed != oclass.isSealed) {
				if ((isAbstract && isSealed) || (oclass.isAbstract && oclass.isSealed))
					AddWarning (parent, "Should {0}be static", (isAbstract && isSealed) ? "" : "not ");
				else if (isAbstract != oclass.isAbstract)
					AddWarning (parent, "Should {0}be abstract", isAbstract ? "" : "not ");
				else if (isSealed != oclass.isSealed)
					AddWarning (parent, "Should {0}be sealed", isSealed ? "" : "not ");

			if (isSerializable != oclass.isSerializable)
				AddWarning (parent, "Should {0}be serializable", isSerializable ? "" : "not ");

			if (charSet != oclass.charSet)
				AddWarning (parent, "CharSet is wrong: {0} != {1}", charSet, oclass.charSet);

			if (layout != oclass.layout)
				AddWarning (parent, "Layout is wrong: {0} != {1}", layout, oclass.layout);

			if (interfaces != null || oclass.interfaces != null) {
				if (interfaces == null)
					interfaces = new XMLInterfaces ();

				interfaces.CompareTo (doc, parent, oclass.interfaces);
				counters.AddPartialToPartial (interfaces.Counters);

			if (genericConstraints != null || oclass.genericConstraints != null) {
				if (genericConstraints == null)
					genericConstraints = new XMLGenericTypeConstraints ();

				genericConstraints.CompareTo (doc, parent, oclass.genericConstraints);
				counters.AddPartialToPartial (genericConstraints.Counters);

			if (fields != null || oclass.fields != null) {
				if (fields == null)
					fields = new XMLFields ();

				fields.CompareTo (doc, parent, oclass.fields);
				counters.AddPartialToPartial (fields.Counters);

			if (constructors != null || oclass.constructors != null) {
				if (constructors == null)
					constructors = new XMLConstructors ();

				constructors.CompareTo (doc, parent, oclass.constructors);
				counters.AddPartialToPartial (constructors.Counters);

			if (properties != null || != null) {
				if (properties == null)
					properties = new XMLProperties ();

				properties.CompareTo (doc, parent,;
				counters.AddPartialToPartial (properties.Counters);

			if (events != null || != null) {
				if (events == null)
					events = new XMLEvents ();

				events.CompareTo (doc, parent,;
				counters.AddPartialToPartial (events.Counters);

			if (methods != null || oclass.methods != null) {
				if (methods == null)
					methods = new XMLMethods ();

				methods.CompareTo (doc, parent, oclass.methods);
				counters.AddPartialToPartial (methods.Counters);

			if (nested != null || oclass.nested != null) {
				XmlNode n = doc.CreateElement ("classes", null);
				parent.AppendChild (n);
				CompareTypes (n, oclass.nested);

			AddCountersAttributes (parent);
		public override void LoadData (XmlNode node)
			if (node == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("node");

			name = node.Attributes ["name"].Value;
			type = node.Attributes  ["type"].Value;
			XmlAttribute xatt = node.Attributes ["base"];
			if (xatt != null)
				baseName = xatt.Value;

			xatt = node.Attributes ["sealed"];
			isSealed = (xatt != null && xatt.Value == "true");

			xatt = node.Attributes ["abstract"];
			isAbstract = (xatt != null && xatt.Value == "true");

			xatt = node.Attributes["serializable"];
			isSerializable = (xatt != null && xatt.Value == "true");

			xatt = node.Attributes["charset"];
			if (xatt != null)
				charSet = xatt.Value;

			xatt = node.Attributes["layout"];
			if (xatt != null)
				layout = xatt.Value;

			XmlNode child = node.FirstChild;
			if (child == null) {
				// Console.Error.WriteLine ("Empty class {0} {1}", name, type);
			if (child.Name == "attributes") {
				attributes = new XMLAttributes ();
				attributes.LoadData (child);
				child = child.NextSibling;

			if (child != null && child.Name == "interfaces") {
				interfaces = new XMLInterfaces ();
				interfaces.LoadData (child);
				child = child.NextSibling;

			if (child != null && child.Name == "generic-type-constraints") {
				genericConstraints = new XMLGenericTypeConstraints ();
				genericConstraints.LoadData (child);
				child = child.NextSibling;

			if (child != null && child.Name == "fields") {
				fields = new XMLFields ();
				fields.LoadData (child);
				child = child.NextSibling;

			if (child != null && child.Name == "constructors") {
				constructors = new XMLConstructors ();
				constructors.LoadData (child);
				child = child.NextSibling;

			if (child != null && child.Name == "properties") {
				properties = new XMLProperties ();
				properties.LoadData (child);
				child = child.NextSibling;

			if (child != null && child.Name == "events") {
				events = new XMLEvents ();
				events.LoadData (child);
				child = child.NextSibling;

			if (child != null && child.Name == "methods") {
				methods = new XMLMethods ();
				methods.LoadData (child);
				child = child.NextSibling;

			if (child != null && child.Name == "generic-parameters") {
				// HACK: ignore this tag as it doesn't seem to
				// add any value when checking for differences

			if (child == null)

			if (child.Name != "classes") {
				Console.WriteLine ("name: {0} type: {1} {2}", name, type, child.NodeType);
				throw new FormatException ("Expecting <classes>. Got <" + child.Name + ">");

			nested = (XMLClass []) LoadRecursive (child.ChildNodes, typeof (XMLClass));
		protected override void CompareToInner (string name, XmlNode parent, XMLNameGroup other)
			Counters copy = counters;
			counters = new Counters ();

			try {
				base.CompareToInner (name, parent, other);
				AddCountersAttributes (parent);
				if (eventTypes == null)

				XMLEvents evt = (XMLEvents) other;
				string etype = eventTypes [name] as string;
				string oetype = null;
				if (evt.eventTypes != null)
					oetype = evt.eventTypes [name] as string;

				if (etype != oetype)
					AddWarning (parent, "Event type is {0} and should be {1}", oetype, etype);

				XMLMethods m = nameToMethod [name] as XMLMethods;
				XMLMethods om = evt.nameToMethod [name] as XMLMethods;
				if (m != null || om != null) {
					if (m == null)
						m = new XMLMethods ();

					m.CompareTo (document, parent, om);
					counters.AddPartialToPartial (m.Counters);
			} finally {
				AddCountersAttributes (parent);
				copy.AddPartialToPartial (counters);
				counters = copy;
		protected override void LoadExtraData (string name, XmlNode node)
			XmlAttribute xatt = node.Attributes ["eventtype"];
			if (xatt != null) {
				if (eventTypes == null)
					eventTypes = new Hashtable ();

				eventTypes [name] = xatt.Value;

			XmlNode child = node.FirstChild;
			while (child != null) {
				if (child != null && child.Name == "methods") {
					XMLMethods m = new XMLMethods ();
					XmlNode parent = child.ParentNode;
					string key = GetNodeKey (name, parent);
					m.LoadData (child);
					nameToMethod [key] = m;
				child = child.NextSibling;

			base.LoadExtraData (name, node);
		protected override void LoadExtraData (string name, XmlNode node)
			XmlNode orig = node;
			node = node.FirstChild;
			while (node != null) {
				if (node != null && node.Name == "methods") {
					XMLMethods m = new XMLMethods ();
					XmlNode parent = node.ParentNode;
					string key = GetNodeKey (name, parent);
					m.LoadData (node);
					nameToMethod [key] = m;
				node = node.NextSibling;

			base.LoadExtraData (name, orig);
		protected override void CompareToInner (string name, XmlNode parent, XMLNameGroup other)
			Counters copy = counters;
			counters = new Counters();

			XMLProperties oprop = other as XMLProperties;
			if (oprop != null) {
				XMLMethods m = nameToMethod [name] as XMLMethods;
				XMLMethods om = oprop.nameToMethod [name] as XMLMethods;
				if (m != null || om != null) {
					if (m == null)
						m = new XMLMethods ();

					m.CompareTo(document, parent, om);

			base.CompareToInner (name, parent, other);

			counters = copy;