Run-time representation of an add-in.
 internal void RegisterAssemblies(RuntimeAddin addin)
     foreach (Assembly asm in addin.Assemblies)
         loadedAssemblies [asm] = addin;
		public AnimatedIcon (RuntimeAddin addin, string animationSpec, Gtk.IconSize size)
			this.addin = addin;
			this.size = size;
			this.animationSpec = animationSpec;
			Parse (animationSpec);
Exemple #3
        RuntimeAddin[] GetDepAddins()
            if (depAddins != null)

            ArrayList plugList = new ArrayList();
            string    ns       = ainfo.Description.Namespace;

            // Collect dependent ids
            foreach (Dependency dep in module.Dependencies)
                AddinDependency pdep = dep as AddinDependency;
                if (pdep != null)
                    RuntimeAddin adn = addinEngine.GetAddin(Addin.GetFullId(ns, pdep.AddinId, pdep.Version));
                    if (adn != null)
                        addinEngine.ReportError("Add-in dependency not loaded: " + pdep.FullAddinId, module.ParentAddinDescription.AddinId, null, false);
            return(depAddins = (RuntimeAddin[])plugList.ToArray(typeof(RuntimeAddin)));
Exemple #4
        internal void UnloadAddin(string id)

            RuntimeAddin addin = GetAddin(id);

            if (addin != null)
                lock (LocalLock) {
                    var loadedAddinsCopy = new Dictionary <string, RuntimeAddin> (loadedAddins);
                    loadedAddins = loadedAddinsCopy;
                    if (addin.AssembliesLoaded)
                        var loadedAssembliesCopy = new Dictionary <Assembly, RuntimeAddin> ();
                        foreach (Assembly asm in addin.Assemblies)
                        loadedAssemblies = loadedAssembliesCopy;
 protected SolutionItemDescriptor(RuntimeAddin addin, XmlElement element)
     this.addin = addin;
     name = element.GetAttribute ("name");
     //			relativePath = element.GetAttribute ("directory");
     typeName = element.GetAttribute ("type");
     template = element;
			public PropertyRef (RuntimeAddin addin, string targetType, string name, string propertyType, bool isExternal, bool skipEmpty)
				this.Addin = addin;
				this.TargetType = targetType;
				this.Name = name;
				this.PropertyType = propertyType;
				this.IsExternal = isExternal;
				this.SkipEmpty = skipEmpty;
Exemple #7
 internal void RegisterAssemblies(RuntimeAddin addin)
     lock (LocalLock) {
         var loadedAssembliesCopy = new Dictionary <Assembly, RuntimeAddin> (loadedAssemblies);
         foreach (Assembly asm in addin.Assemblies)
             loadedAssembliesCopy [asm] = addin;
         loadedAssemblies = loadedAssembliesCopy;
Exemple #8
 internal RuntimeAddin(AddinEngine addinEngine, RuntimeAddin parentAddin, ModuleDescription module)
     this.addinEngine = addinEngine;
     this.parentAddin = parentAddin;
     this.module = module;
     id =;
     baseDirectory = parentAddin.baseDirectory;
     privatePath = parentAddin.privatePath;
     ainfo = parentAddin.ainfo;
     localizer = parentAddin.localizer;
     module.RuntimeAddin = this;
Exemple #9
 internal void InsertExtensionPoint(RuntimeAddin addin, ExtensionPoint ep)
     foreach (ExtensionNodeType nt in ep.NodeSet.NodeTypes)
         if (nt.ObjectTypeName.Length > 0)
             Type ntype = addin.GetType(nt.ObjectTypeName, true);
             RegisterAutoTypeExtensionPoint(ntype, ep.Path);
Exemple #10
 internal RuntimeAddin(AddinEngine addinEngine, RuntimeAddin parentAddin, ModuleDescription module)
     this.addinEngine = addinEngine;
     this.parentAddin = parentAddin;
     this.module      = module;
     id                  =;
     baseDirectory       = parentAddin.baseDirectory;
     privatePath         = parentAddin.privatePath;
     ainfo               = parentAddin.ainfo;
     localizer           = parentAddin.localizer;
     module.RuntimeAddin = this;
        void LoadModule(ModuleDescription module, string ns, ArrayList plugList, ArrayList asmList)
            // Load the assemblies
            foreach (string s in module.Assemblies)
                Assembly asm = null;

                // don't load the assembly if it's already loaded
                string asmPath = Path.Combine(baseDirectory, s);
                foreach (Assembly a in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
                    // Sorry, you can't load addins from
                    // dynamic assemblies as get_Location
                    // throws a NotSupportedException
                    if (a is System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder)

                    if (a.Location == asmPath)
                        asm = a;

                if (asm == null)
                    asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(asmPath);


            // Collect dependent ids
            foreach (Dependency dep in module.Dependencies)
                AddinDependency pdep = dep as AddinDependency;
                if (pdep != null)
                    RuntimeAddin adn = AddinManager.SessionService.GetAddin(Addin.GetFullId(ns, pdep.AddinId, pdep.Version));
                    if (adn != null)
                        AddinManager.ReportError("Add-in dependency not loaded: " + pdep.FullAddinId, module.ParentAddinDescription.AddinId, null, false);
		public IAddinLocalizer CreateLocalizer (RuntimeAddin addin, NodeElement element)
			string pkg = element.GetAttribute ("catalog");
			if (pkg.Length == 0)
				pkg = addin.Id;
			string dir = element.GetAttribute ("location");
			if (dir.Length == 0)
				dir = "locale";
			dir = addin.GetFilePath (dir);
			domain = new GettextDomain ();
			domain.Init (pkg, dir);
			return this;
Exemple #13
        internal void UnloadAddin(string id)

            RuntimeAddin addin = GetAddin(id);

            if (addin != null)
Exemple #14
        bool InsertAddin(IProgressStatus statusMonitor, Addin iad)
            try {
                RuntimeAddin p = new RuntimeAddin();

                // Read the config file and load the add-in assemblies
                AddinDescription description = p.Load(iad);

                // Register the add-in
                loadedAddins [Addin.GetIdName(p.Id)] = p;

                if (!AddinDatabase.RunningSetupProcess)
                    // Load the extension points and other addin data

                    foreach (ExtensionNodeSet rel in description.ExtensionNodeSets)

                    foreach (ConditionTypeDescription cond in description.ConditionTypes)
                        Type ctype = p.GetType(cond.TypeName, true);
                        defaultContext.RegisterCondition(cond.Id, ctype);

                foreach (ExtensionPoint ep in description.ExtensionPoints)
                    InsertExtensionPoint(p, ep);

                foreach (Assembly asm in p.Assemblies)
                    loadedAssemblies [asm] = p;

                // Fire loaded event
            catch (Exception ex) {
                AddinManager.ReportError("Extension could not be loaded", iad.Id, ex, false);
                if (statusMonitor != null)
                    statusMonitor.ReportError("Extension '" + iad.Id + "' could not be loaded.", ex);
 public void NotifyAddinLoaded(RuntimeAddin ad, bool recursive)
     if (extensionNode != null && extensionNode.AddinId == ad.Addin.Id)
     if (recursive && childrenLoaded)
         foreach (TreeNode node in Children.Clone())
             node.NotifyAddinLoaded(ad, true);
Exemple #16
        ExtensionLoadData GetAddinExtensions(string id, ExtensionPoint ep)
            Addin pinfo = null;

            // Root add-ins are not returned by GetInstalledAddin.
            RuntimeAddin addin = AddinManager.SessionService.GetAddin(id);

            if (addin != null)
                pinfo = addin.Addin;
                pinfo = AddinManager.Registry.GetAddin(id);

            if (pinfo == null)
                AddinManager.ReportError("Required add-in not found", id, null, false);
            if (!pinfo.Enabled)

            // Loads extensions defined in each module

            ExtensionLoadData data = null;
            AddinDescription  conf = pinfo.Description;

            GetAddinExtensions(conf.MainModule, id, ep, ref data);

            foreach (ModuleDescription module in conf.OptionalModules)
                if (CheckOptionalAddinDependencies(conf, module))
                    GetAddinExtensions(module, id, ep, ref data);
            if (data != null)

Exemple #17
        internal void UnloadAddin(string id)

            RuntimeAddin addin = GetAddin(id);

            if (addin != null)
                foreach (Assembly asm in addin.Assemblies)
Exemple #18
        internal RuntimeAddin GetModule(ModuleDescription module)
            // If requesting the root module, return this
            if (module == module.ParentAddinDescription.MainModule)

            if (module.RuntimeAddin != null)

            RuntimeAddin addin = new RuntimeAddin(addinEngine, this, module);

Exemple #19
        bool InsertAddin(IProgressStatus statusMonitor, Addin iad)
            try {
                RuntimeAddin p = new RuntimeAddin(this);

                // Read the config file and load the add-in assemblies
                AddinDescription description = p.Load(iad);

                // Register the add-in
                var loadedAddinsCopy = new Dictionary <string, RuntimeAddin> (loadedAddins);
                loadedAddinsCopy [Addin.GetIdName(p.Id)] = p;
                loadedAddins = loadedAddinsCopy;

                if (!AddinDatabase.RunningSetupProcess)
                    // Load the extension points and other addin data

                    RegisterNodeSets(iad.Id, description.ExtensionNodeSets);

                    foreach (ConditionTypeDescription cond in description.ConditionTypes)
                        Type ctype = p.GetType(cond.TypeName, true);
                        RegisterCondition(cond.Id, ctype);

                foreach (ExtensionPoint ep in description.ExtensionPoints)
                    InsertExtensionPoint(p, ep);

                // Fire loaded event
            catch (Exception ex) {
                ReportError("Add-in could not be loaded", iad.Id, ex, false);
                if (statusMonitor != null)
                    statusMonitor.ReportError("Add-in '" + iad.Id + "' could not be loaded.", ex);
Exemple #20
        internal void NotifyAddinLoaded(RuntimeAddin ad)
            tree.NotifyAddinLoaded(ad, true);

            lock (conditionTypes) {
                if (childContexts != null)
                    foreach (WeakReference wref in childContexts)
                        ExtensionContext ctx = wref.Target as ExtensionContext;
                        if (ctx != null)
 public void ResetCachedData()
     if (extensionPoint != null)
         string       aid = Addin.GetIdName(extensionPoint.ParentAddinDescription.AddinId);
         RuntimeAddin ad  = AddinManager.SessionService.GetAddin(aid);
         if (ad != null)
             extensionPoint = ad.Addin.Description.ExtensionPoints [GetPath()];
     if (childrenList != null)
         foreach (TreeNode cn in childrenList)
Exemple #22
        void LoadModuleExtensionNodes(Extension extension, string addinId, ExtensionNodeSet nset, ArrayList loadedNodes)
            // Now load the extensions
            ArrayList addedNodes = new ArrayList();

            tree.LoadExtension(addinId, extension, addedNodes);

            RuntimeAddin ad = AddinManager.SessionService.GetAddin(addinId);

            if (ad != null)
                foreach (TreeNode nod in addedNodes)
                    // Don't call OnAddinLoaded here. Do it when the entire extension point has been loaded.
                    if (nod.ExtensionNode != null)
        public static SolutionDescriptor CreateSolutionDescriptor (RuntimeAddin addin, XmlElement xmlElement,
			FilePath baseDirectory)
            SolutionDescriptor solutionDescriptor = new SolutionDescriptor ();
			solutionDescriptor.addin = addin;

            if (xmlElement.Attributes["name"] != null)
       = xmlElement.Attributes["name"].Value;
                throw new InvalidOperationException ("Attribute 'name' not found");

            if (xmlElement.Attributes["type"] != null)
                solutionDescriptor.type = xmlElement.Attributes["type"].Value;

            if (xmlElement.Attributes["directory"] != null)
       = xmlElement.Attributes["directory"].Value;

            if (xmlElement["Options"] != null && xmlElement["Options"]["StartupProject"] != null)
                solutionDescriptor.startupProject = xmlElement["Options"]["StartupProject"].InnerText;

            foreach (XmlNode xmlNode in xmlElement.ChildNodes) {
                if (xmlNode is XmlElement) {
                    XmlElement xmlNodeElement = (XmlElement)xmlNode;
                    switch (xmlNodeElement.Name) {
                    case "Project":
                        solutionDescriptor.entryDescriptors.Add (
							ProjectDescriptor.CreateProjectDescriptor (xmlNodeElement, baseDirectory));
                    case "CombineEntry":
                    case "SolutionItem":
                        solutionDescriptor.entryDescriptors.Add (
							SolutionItemDescriptor.CreateDescriptor (addin, xmlNodeElement));

            return solutionDescriptor;
 public bool FindExtensionPathByType(IProgressStatus monitor, Type type, string nodeName, out string path, out string pathNodeName)
     if (extensionPoint != null)
         foreach (ExtensionNodeType nt in extensionPoint.NodeSet.NodeTypes)
             if (nt.ObjectTypeName.Length > 0 && (nodeName.Length == 0 || nodeName == nt.Id))
                 RuntimeAddin addin = AddinManager.SessionService.GetAddin(extensionPoint.RootAddin);
                 Type         ot    = addin.GetType(nt.ObjectTypeName);
                 if (ot != null)
                     if (ot.IsAssignableFrom(type))
                         path         = extensionPoint.Path;
                         pathNodeName = nt.Id;
                     monitor.ReportError("Type '" + nt.ObjectTypeName + "' not found in add-in '" + Id + "'", null);
         foreach (TreeNode node in Children)
             if (node.FindExtensionPathByType(monitor, type, nodeName, out path, out pathNodeName))
     path         = null;
     pathNodeName = null;
		public IAddinLocalizer CreateLocalizer (RuntimeAddin addin, NodeElement element)
			foreach (NodeElement nloc in element.ChildNodes) {
				if (nloc.NodeName != "Locale")
					throw new InvalidOperationException ("Invalid element found: '" + nloc.NodeName + "'. Expected: 'Locale'");
				string ln = nloc.GetAttribute ("id");
				if (ln.Length == 0)
					throw new InvalidOperationException ("Locale id not specified");
				ln = ln.Replace ('_','-');
				Hashtable messages = new Hashtable ();
				foreach (NodeElement nmsg in nloc.ChildNodes) {
					if (nmsg.NodeName != "Msg")
						throw new InvalidOperationException ("Locale '" + ln + "': Invalid element found: '" + nmsg.NodeName + "'. Expected: 'Msg'");
					string id = nmsg.GetAttribute ("id");
					if (id.Length == 0)
						throw new InvalidOperationException ("Locale '" + ln + "': Message id not specified");
					messages [id] = nmsg.GetAttribute ("str");
				locales [ln] = messages;
			return this;
Exemple #26
		static int GetAddinId (RuntimeAddin addin)
			int result = addins.IndexOf (addin);
			if (result == -1) {
				result = addins.Count;
				addinIcons.Add (new Dictionary<string, string> ());
			return result;
Exemple #27
		static string InternalGetStockIdFromResource (RuntimeAddin addin, string id, Gtk.IconSize size)
			if (!id.StartsWith ("res:", StringComparison.Ordinal))
				return id;

			id = id.Substring (4);
			int addinId = GetAddinId (addin);
			Dictionary<string, string> hash = addinIcons[addinId];
			string stockId = "__asm" + addinId + "__" + id + "__" + size;
			if (!hash.ContainsKey (stockId)) {
				System.IO.Stream stream = addin.GetResource (id);
				if (stream != null) {
					Gdk.Pixbuf pix1, pix2 = null;
					using (stream) {
						pix1 = new Gdk.Pixbuf (stream);
					stream = addin.GetResource2x (id);
					if (stream != null) {
						using (stream) {
							pix2 = new Gdk.Pixbuf (stream);
					AddToIconFactory (stockId, pix1, pix2, size);
				hash[stockId] = stockId;
			return stockId;
Exemple #28
		static string InternalGetStockIdFromAnimation (RuntimeAddin addin, string id, Gtk.IconSize size)
			if (!id.StartsWith ("animation:"))
				return id;
			id = id.Substring (10);
			Dictionary<string, string> hash;
			int addinId;

			if (addin != null) {
				addinId = GetAddinId (addin);
				hash = addinIcons[addinId];
			} else {
				addinId = -1;
				hash = iconSpecToStockId;

			string stockId = "__asm" + addinId + "__" + id + "__" + size;
			if (!hash.ContainsKey (stockId)) {
				var aicon = new AnimatedIcon (addin, id, size);
				AddToIconFactory (stockId, aicon.FirstFrame.WithSize (size).ToPixbuf (), null, size);
				AddToAnimatedIconFactory (stockId, aicon);
				hash[stockId] = stockId;
			return stockId;
Exemple #29
		public static string GetStockId (RuntimeAddin addin, string filename)
			return GetStockId (addin, filename, Gtk.IconSize.Invalid);
Exemple #30
		public static string GetStockId (RuntimeAddin addin, string filename, Gtk.IconSize iconSize)
			return GetStockIdForImageSpec (addin, filename, iconSize);
Exemple #31
 internal void RegisterAssemblies(RuntimeAddin addin)
     foreach (Assembly asm in addin.Assemblies)
         loadedAssemblies [asm] = addin;
Exemple #32
		internal static string GetStockId (RuntimeAddin addin, string icon)
			return icon;
Exemple #33
        bool InitializeNodeType(ExtensionNodeType ntype)
            RuntimeAddin p = addinEngine.GetAddin(ntype.AddinId);

            if (p == null)
                if (!addinEngine.IsAddinLoaded(ntype.AddinId))
                    if (!addinEngine.LoadAddin(null, ntype.AddinId, false))
                    p = addinEngine.GetAddin(ntype.AddinId);
                    if (p == null)
                        addinEngine.ReportError("Add-in not found", ntype.AddinId, null, false);

            // If no type name is provided, use TypeExtensionNode by default
            if (ntype.TypeName == null || ntype.TypeName.Length == 0 || ntype.TypeName == typeof(TypeExtensionNode).FullName)
                // If it has a custom attribute, use the generic version of TypeExtensionNode
                if (ntype.ExtensionAttributeTypeName.Length > 0)
                    Type attType = p.GetType(ntype.ExtensionAttributeTypeName, false);
                    if (attType == null)
                        addinEngine.ReportError("Custom attribute type '" + ntype.ExtensionAttributeTypeName + "' not found.", ntype.AddinId, null, false);
                    if (ntype.ObjectTypeName.Length > 0 || ntype.TypeName == typeof(TypeExtensionNode).FullName)
                        ntype.Type = typeof(TypeExtensionNode <>).MakeGenericType(attType);
                        ntype.Type = typeof(ExtensionNode <>).MakeGenericType(attType);
                    ntype.Type = typeof(TypeExtensionNode);
                ntype.Type = p.GetType(ntype.TypeName, false);
                if (ntype.Type == null)
                    addinEngine.ReportError("Extension node type '" + ntype.TypeName + "' not found.", ntype.AddinId, null, false);

            // Check if the type has NodeAttribute attributes applied to fields.
            ExtensionNodeType.FieldData boundAttributeType          = null;
            Dictionary <string, ExtensionNodeType.FieldData> fields = GetMembersMap(ntype.Type, out boundAttributeType);

            ntype.CustomAttributeMember = boundAttributeType;
            if (fields.Count > 0)
                ntype.Fields = fields;

            // If the node type is bound to a custom attribute and there is a member bound to that attribute,
            // get the member map for the attribute.

            if (boundAttributeType != null)
                if (ntype.ExtensionAttributeTypeName.Length == 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Extension node not bound to a custom attribute.");
                if (ntype.ExtensionAttributeTypeName != boundAttributeType.MemberType.FullName)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Incorrect custom attribute type declaration in " + ntype.Type + ". Expected '" + ntype.ExtensionAttributeTypeName + "' found '" + boundAttributeType.MemberType.FullName + "'");

                fields = GetMembersMap(boundAttributeType.MemberType, out boundAttributeType);
                if (fields.Count > 0)
                    ntype.CustomAttributeFields = fields;

Exemple #34
        bool InitializeNodeType(ExtensionNodeType ntype)
            RuntimeAddin p = AddinManager.SessionService.GetAddin(ntype.AddinId);

            if (p == null)
                if (!AddinManager.SessionService.IsAddinLoaded(ntype.AddinId))
                    if (!AddinManager.SessionService.LoadAddin(null, ntype.AddinId, false))
                    p = AddinManager.SessionService.GetAddin(ntype.AddinId);
                    if (p == null)
                        AddinManager.ReportError("Add-in not found", ntype.AddinId, null, false);

            // If no type name is provided, use TypeExtensionNode by default
            if (ntype.TypeName == null || ntype.TypeName.Length == 0)
                ntype.Type = typeof(TypeExtensionNode);

            ntype.Type = p.GetType(ntype.TypeName, false);
            if (ntype.Type == null)
                AddinManager.ReportError("Extension node type '" + ntype.TypeName + "' not found.", ntype.AddinId, null, false);

            Hashtable fields = new Hashtable();

            // Check if the type has NodeAttribute attributes applied to fields.
            Type type = ntype.Type;

            while (type != typeof(object) && type != null)
                foreach (FieldInfo field in type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly))
                    NodeAttributeAttribute at = (NodeAttributeAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(field, typeof(NodeAttributeAttribute), true);
                    if (at != null)
                        ExtensionNodeType.FieldData fdata = new ExtensionNodeType.FieldData();
                        fdata.Field       = field;
                        fdata.Required    = at.Required;
                        fdata.Localizable = at.Localizable;

                        string name;
                        if (at.Name != null && at.Name.Length > 0)
                            name = at.Name;
                            name = field.Name;

                        fields [name] = fdata;
                type = type.BaseType;
            if (fields.Count > 0)
                ntype.Fields = fields;

 public static SolutionItemDescriptor CreateDescriptor(RuntimeAddin addin, XmlElement element)
     return new SolutionItemDescriptor (addin, element);
Exemple #36
		static string GetStockIdForImageSpec (RuntimeAddin addin, string filename, Gtk.IconSize size)
			if (filename.IndexOf ('|') == -1)
				return PrivGetStockId (addin, filename, size);

			string[] parts = filename.Split ('|');
			for (int n = 0; n < parts.Length; n++) {
				parts[n] = PrivGetStockId (addin, parts[n], size);
			return GetComposedIcon (parts, size);
Exemple #37
        internal RuntimeAddin GetModule(ModuleDescription module)
            // If requesting the root module, return this
            if (module == module.ParentAddinDescription.MainModule)
                return this;

            if (module.RuntimeAddin != null)
                return module.RuntimeAddin;

            RuntimeAddin addin = new RuntimeAddin (addinEngine, this, module);
            return addin;
		protected ProjectTemplate (RuntimeAddin addin, string id, ProjectTemplateCodon codon, string overrideLanguage)
			XmlDocument xmlDocument = codon.GetTemplate ();

			XmlElement xmlConfiguration = xmlDocument.DocumentElement ["TemplateConfiguration"];

			// Get legacy category.
			if (xmlConfiguration ["_Category"] != null) {
				category = xmlConfiguration ["_Category"].InnerText;

			if (xmlConfiguration ["Category"] != null) {
				category = xmlConfiguration ["Category"].InnerText;
			} else if (category == null) {
				LoggingService.LogWarning (string.Format ("Category missing in project template {0}", codon.Id));

			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (overrideLanguage)) {
				this.languagename = overrideLanguage;
				this.category = overrideLanguage + "/" + this.category;
			else if (xmlConfiguration ["LanguageName"] != null) {

				List<string> listLanguages = new List<string> ();
				foreach (string item in xmlConfiguration ["LanguageName"].InnerText.Split (','))
					listLanguages.Add (item.Trim ());

				ExpandLanguageWildcards (listLanguages);

				this.languagename = listLanguages [0];
				if (listLanguages.Count > 1 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty (languagename) && !category.StartsWith (languagename + "/"))
					category = languagename + "/" + category;

				for (int i = 1; i < listLanguages.Count; i++) {
					string language = listLanguages[i];
					try {
						ProjectTemplates.Add (new ProjectTemplate (addin, id, codon, language));
					} catch (Exception e) {
						LoggingService.LogError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Error loading template {0} for language {1}", codon.Id, language), e);
			} = id;

			this.originator = xmlDocument.DocumentElement.GetAttribute ("originator");
			this.created = xmlDocument.DocumentElement.GetAttribute ("created");
			this.lastModified = xmlDocument.DocumentElement.GetAttribute ("lastModified");

			if (xmlConfiguration ["Wizard"] != null) {
				this.wizardPath = xmlConfiguration ["Wizard"].InnerText;

			if (xmlConfiguration ["_Name"] != null) {
				this.nonLocalizedName = xmlConfiguration ["_Name"].InnerText; = addin.Localizer.GetString (this.nonLocalizedName);

			if (xmlConfiguration ["_Description"] != null) {
				this.description = addin.Localizer.GetString (xmlConfiguration ["_Description"].InnerText);

			if (xmlConfiguration ["Icon"] != null) {
				this.icon = ImageService.GetStockId (addin, xmlConfiguration ["Icon"].InnerText, Gtk.IconSize.Dnd);

			if (xmlConfiguration ["GroupId"] != null) {
				this.groupId = xmlConfiguration ["GroupId"].InnerText;
				this.condition = xmlConfiguration ["GroupId"].GetAttribute ("condition");

			if (xmlConfiguration ["FileExtension"] != null) {
				this.fileExtension = xmlConfiguration ["FileExtension"].InnerText;

			if (xmlConfiguration ["SupportedParameters"] != null) {
				this.supportedParameters = xmlConfiguration ["SupportedParameters"].InnerText;

			if (xmlConfiguration ["DefaultParameters"] != null) {
				this.defaultParameters = xmlConfiguration ["DefaultParameters"].InnerText;

			if (xmlConfiguration ["Image"] != null) {
				XmlElement imageElement = xmlConfiguration ["Image"];
				imageId = imageElement.GetAttribute ("id");
				imageFile = imageElement.GetAttribute ("file");
				if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (imageFile)) {
					imageFile = Path.Combine (codon.BaseDirectory, imageFile);

			if (xmlConfiguration ["Visibility"] != null) {
				visibility = xmlConfiguration ["Visibility"].InnerText;

			if (xmlDocument.DocumentElement ["Combine"] == null) {
				throw new InvalidOperationException ("Combine element not found");
			else {
				solutionDescriptor = SolutionDescriptor.CreateSolutionDescriptor (addin, xmlDocument.DocumentElement ["Combine"],

			if (xmlDocument.DocumentElement ["Actions"] != null) {
				foreach (XmlNode xmlElement in xmlDocument.DocumentElement ["Actions"]) {
					if (xmlElement is XmlElement && xmlElement.Attributes ["filename"] != null)
						actions.Add (xmlElement.Attributes ["filename"].Value);
Exemple #39
		public CustomImageLoader (RuntimeAddin addin)
			this.addin = addin;
		public void SetDefaultHandlerTypeInfo (RuntimeAddin addin, string typeName)
			defaultHandlerAddin = addin;
			defaultHandlerTypeName = typeName;
Exemple #41
        bool InitializeNodeType(ExtensionNodeType ntype)
            RuntimeAddin p = AddinManager.SessionService.GetAddin(ntype.AddinId);

            if (p == null)
                if (!AddinManager.SessionService.IsAddinLoaded(ntype.AddinId))
                    if (!AddinManager.SessionService.LoadAddin(null, ntype.AddinId, false))
                    p = AddinManager.SessionService.GetAddin(ntype.AddinId);
                    if (p == null)
                        AddinManager.ReportError("Add-in not found", ntype.AddinId, null, false);

            // If no type name is provided, use TypeExtensionNode by default
            if (ntype.TypeName == null || ntype.TypeName.Length == 0)
                ntype.Type = typeof(TypeExtensionNode);

            ntype.Type = p.GetType(ntype.TypeName, false);
            if (ntype.Type == null)
                AddinManager.ReportError("Extension node type '" + ntype.TypeName + "' not found.", ntype.AddinId, null, false);

            Hashtable fields    = new Hashtable();
            ArrayList reqFields = new ArrayList();

            // Check if the type has NodeAttribute attributes applied to fields.
            foreach (FieldInfo field in ntype.Type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance))
                NodeAttributeAttribute at = (NodeAttributeAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(field, typeof(NodeAttributeAttribute), true);
                if (at != null)
                    string name;
                    if (at.Name != null && at.Name.Length > 0)
                        name = at.Name;
                        name = field.Name;

                    if (at.Required)
                    fields [name] = field;
            if (fields.Count > 0)
                ntype.Fields = fields;
                if (reqFields.Count > 0)
                    ntype.RequiredFields = (string[])reqFields.ToArray(typeof(string));

Exemple #42
		static string PrivGetStockId (RuntimeAddin addin, string filename, Gtk.IconSize size)
			if (addin != null && filename.StartsWith ("res:"))
				return InternalGetStockIdFromResource (addin, filename, size);

			if (filename.StartsWith ("animation:"))
				return InternalGetStockIdFromAnimation (addin, filename, size);

			return filename;
		static Xwt.Drawing.Image LoadStockIcon (RuntimeAddin addin, string stockId, string resource, string imageFile, string iconId, Gtk.IconSize iconSize, string animation, bool forceWildcard)
			try {
				Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf = null, pixbuf2x = null;
				AnimatedIcon animatedIcon = null;
				Func<Stream[]> imageLoader = null;

				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (resource) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty (imageFile)) {
					// using the stream directly produces a gdk warning.
					byte[] buffer;

					if (resource != null) {
						imageLoader = delegate {
							var stream = addin.GetResource (resource);
							var stream2x = addin.GetResource2x (resource);
							if (stream2x == null)
								return new [] { stream };
								return new [] { stream, stream2x };
					else {
						imageLoader = delegate {
							var file = addin.GetFilePath (imageFile);
							var stream = File.OpenRead (file);
							Stream stream2x = null;
							var file2x = Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (file), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (file) + "@2x" + Path.GetExtension (file));
							if (File.Exists (file2x))
								stream2x = File.OpenRead (file2x);
							else {
								file2x = file + "@2x";
								if (File.Exists (file2x))
									stream2x = File.OpenRead (file2x);
							if (stream2x == null)
								return new [] { stream };
								return new [] { stream, stream2x };
					var streams = imageLoader ();

					var st = streams[0];
					var st2x = streams.Length > 1 ? streams[1] : null;

					using (st) {
						if (st == null || st.Length < 0) {
							LoggingService.LogError ("Did not find resource '{0}' in addin '{1}' for icon '{2}'",
								resource, addin.Id, stockId);
							return null;
						buffer = new byte [st.Length];
						st.Read (buffer, 0, (int)st.Length);
					pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf (buffer);

					using (st2x) {
						if (st2x != null && st2x.Length >= 0) {
							buffer = new byte [st2x.Length];
							st2x.Read (buffer, 0, (int)st2x.Length);
							pixbuf2x = new Gdk.Pixbuf (buffer);

				} else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (iconId)) {
					var id = GetStockIdForImageSpec (addin, iconId, iconSize);
					pixbuf = GetPixbuf (id, iconSize);
					pixbuf2x = Get2xIconVariant (pixbuf);
					// This may be an animation, get it
					animationFactory.TryGetValue (id, out animatedIcon);
				} else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (animation)) {
					string id = GetStockIdForImageSpec (addin, "animation:" + animation, iconSize);
					pixbuf = GetPixbuf (id, iconSize);
					// This *should* be an animation
					animationFactory.TryGetValue (id, out animatedIcon);

				Gtk.IconSize size = forceWildcard? Gtk.IconSize.Invalid : iconSize;
				if (pixbuf != null)
					AddToIconFactory (stockId, pixbuf, pixbuf2x, size);

				if (animatedIcon != null)
					AddToAnimatedIconFactory (stockId, animatedIcon);

				var img = Xwt.Toolkit.CurrentEngine.WrapImage (pixbuf);
				if (pixbuf2x != null) {
					var img2x = Xwt.Toolkit.CurrentEngine.WrapImage (pixbuf2x);
					img = Xwt.Drawing.Image.CreateMultiResolutionImage (new [] { img, img2x });
				if (imageLoader != null)
					img.SetStreamSource (imageLoader);

				return img;

			} catch (Exception ex) {
				LoggingService.LogError (string.Format ("Error loading icon '{0}'", stockId), ex);
				return null;
Exemple #44
		internal void RegisterAssemblies (RuntimeAddin addin)
			lock (LocalLock) {
				var loadedAssembliesCopy = new Dictionary<Assembly,RuntimeAddin> (loadedAssemblies);
				foreach (Assembly asm in addin.Assemblies)
					loadedAssembliesCopy [asm] = addin;
				loadedAssemblies = loadedAssembliesCopy;
		static string InternalGetStockIdFromResource (RuntimeAddin addin, string id, Gtk.IconSize size)
			if (!id.StartsWith ("res:", StringComparison.Ordinal))
				return id;

			id = id.Substring (4);
			int addinId = GetAddinId (addin);
			Dictionary<string, string> hash = addinIcons[addinId];
			string stockId = "__asm" + addinId + "__" + id + "__" + size;
			if (!hash.ContainsKey (stockId)) {
				icons[stockId] = LoadStockIcon (addin, stockId, id, null, null, size, null, false);
				hash[stockId] = stockId;
			return stockId;
Exemple #46
        private static FileTemplate LoadFileTemplate (RuntimeAddin addin, ProjectTemplateCodon codon)
			XmlDocument xmlDocument = codon.GetTemplate ();
			FilePath baseDirectory = codon.BaseDirectory;
			XmlElement xmlNodeConfig = xmlDocument.DocumentElement["TemplateConfiguration"];

            FileTemplate fileTemplate = null;
            if (xmlNodeConfig["Type"] != null) {
                Type configType = addin.GetType (xmlNodeConfig["Type"].InnerText);

                if (typeof (FileTemplate).IsAssignableFrom (configType)) {
                    fileTemplate = (FileTemplate)Activator.CreateInstance (configType);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format ("The file template class '{0}' must be a subclass of MonoDevelop.Ide.Templates.FileTemplate", xmlNodeConfig["Type"].InnerText));
                fileTemplate = new FileTemplate ();

            fileTemplate.originator = xmlDocument.DocumentElement.GetAttribute ("Originator");
            fileTemplate.created = xmlDocument.DocumentElement.GetAttribute ("Created");
            fileTemplate.lastModified = xmlDocument.DocumentElement.GetAttribute ("LastModified");

            if (xmlNodeConfig["_Name"] != null) {
       = xmlNodeConfig["_Name"].InnerText;
            else {
                throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format ("Missing element '_Name' in file template: {0}", codon.Id));

            if (xmlNodeConfig["_Category"] != null) {
                fileTemplate.category = xmlNodeConfig["_Category"].InnerText;
            else {
                throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format ("Missing element '_Category' in file template: {0}", codon.Id));

            if (xmlNodeConfig["LanguageName"] != null) {
                fileTemplate.languageName = xmlNodeConfig["LanguageName"].InnerText;

            if (xmlNodeConfig["ProjectType"] != null) {
                fileTemplate.projecttype = xmlNodeConfig["ProjectType"].InnerText;

            if (xmlNodeConfig["_Description"] != null) {
                fileTemplate.description = xmlNodeConfig["_Description"].InnerText;

            if (xmlNodeConfig["Icon"] != null) {
                fileTemplate.icon = ImageService.GetStockId (addin, xmlNodeConfig["Icon"].InnerText, IconSize.Dnd); //xmlNodeConfig["_Description"].InnerText;

            if (xmlNodeConfig["Wizard"] != null) {
                fileTemplate.icon = xmlNodeConfig["Wizard"].Attributes["path"].InnerText;

            if (xmlNodeConfig["DefaultFilename"] != null) {
                fileTemplate.defaultFilename = xmlNodeConfig["DefaultFilename"].InnerText;
				string isFixed = xmlNodeConfig["DefaultFilename"].GetAttribute ("IsFixed");
				if (isFixed.Length > 0) {
					bool bFixed;
					if (bool.TryParse (isFixed, out bFixed))
						fileTemplate.isFixedFilename = bFixed;
						throw new InvalidOperationException ("Invalid value for IsFixed in template.");

            //Template files
            XmlNode xmlNodeTemplates = xmlDocument.DocumentElement["TemplateFiles"];

			if(xmlNodeTemplates != null) {
				foreach(XmlNode xmlNode in xmlNodeTemplates.ChildNodes) {
					if(xmlNode is XmlElement) {
						fileTemplate.files.Add (
							FileDescriptionTemplate.CreateTemplate ((XmlElement)xmlNode, baseDirectory));

            XmlNode xmlNodeConditions = xmlDocument.DocumentElement["Conditions"];
			if(xmlNodeConditions != null) {
				foreach(XmlNode xmlNode in xmlNodeConditions.ChildNodes) {
					if(xmlNode is XmlElement) {
						fileTemplate.conditions.Add (FileTemplateCondition.CreateCondition ((XmlElement)xmlNode));

            return fileTemplate;
Exemple #47
 internal void InsertExtensionPoint(RuntimeAddin addin, ExtensionPoint ep)
     CreateExtensionPoint (ep);
     foreach (ExtensionNodeType nt in ep.NodeSet.NodeTypes) {
         if (nt.ObjectTypeName.Length > 0) {
             Type ntype = addin.GetType (nt.ObjectTypeName, true);
             RegisterAutoTypeExtensionPoint (ntype, ep.Path);
Exemple #48
        bool InsertAddin(IProgressStatus statusMonitor, Addin iad)
            try {
                RuntimeAddin p = new RuntimeAddin (this);

                // Read the config file and load the add-in assemblies
                AddinDescription description = p.Load (iad);

                // Register the add-in
                loadedAddins [Addin.GetIdName (p.Id)] = p;

                if (!AddinDatabase.RunningSetupProcess) {
                    // Load the extension points and other addin data

                    foreach (ExtensionNodeSet rel in description.ExtensionNodeSets) {
                        RegisterNodeSet (rel);

                    foreach (ConditionTypeDescription cond in description.ConditionTypes) {
                        Type ctype = p.GetType (cond.TypeName, true);
                        RegisterCondition (cond.Id, ctype);

                foreach (ExtensionPoint ep in description.ExtensionPoints)
                    InsertExtensionPoint (p, ep);

                // Fire loaded event
                NotifyAddinLoaded (p);
                ReportAddinLoad (p.Id);
                return true;
            catch (Exception ex) {
                ReportError ("Add-in could not be loaded", iad.Id, ex, false);
                if (statusMonitor != null)
                    statusMonitor.ReportError ("Add-in '" + iad.Id + "' could not be loaded.", ex);
                return false;
		protected ProjectTemplate (RuntimeAddin addin, string id, ProjectTemplateCodon codon)
			: this (addin, id, codon, null)
		public IAddinLocalizer CreateLocalizer (RuntimeAddin addin, NodeElement element)
			this.addin = addin;
			return this;
		public static string GetStockId (RuntimeAddin addin, string filename, Gtk.IconSize iconSize)
			return InternalGetStockId (addin, filename, iconSize);