Inheritance: Gtk.EventBox
        void ShowAddin(object data)
            AddinHeader sinfo        = null;
            Addin       installed    = null;
            AddinHeader updateInfo   = null;
            string      repo         = "";
            string      downloadSize = null;


            if (data is Addin)
                installed = (Addin)data;
                sinfo     = SetupService.GetAddinHeader(installed);
                var entry = GetUpdate(installed);
                if (entry != null)
                    updateInfo = entry.Addin;
                foreach (var prop in sinfo.Properties)
                    if (prop.Name.StartsWith("PreviewImage"))
                        previewImages.Add(new ImageContainer(installed, prop.Value));
                string icon32 = sinfo.Properties.GetPropertyValue("Icon32");
                if (icon32.Length > 0)
                    titleIcon = new ImageContainer(installed, icon32);
            else if (data is AddinRepositoryEntry)
                AddinRepositoryEntry entry = (AddinRepositoryEntry)data;
                sinfo     = entry.Addin;
                installed = AddinManager.Registry.GetAddin(Addin.GetIdName(sinfo.Id));
                if (installed != null && Addin.CompareVersions(installed.Version, sinfo.Version) > 0)
                    updateInfo = sinfo;
                string rname = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.RepositoryName) ? entry.RepositoryName : entry.RepositoryUrl;
                repo = "<small><b>" + Catalog.GetString("Available in repository:") + "</b>\n" + GLib.Markup.EscapeText(rname) + "\n\n</small>";
                foreach (var prop in sinfo.Properties)
                    if (prop.Name.StartsWith("PreviewImage"))
                        previewImages.Add(new ImageContainer(entry, prop.Value));
                string icon32 = sinfo.Properties.GetPropertyValue("Icon32");
                if (icon32.Length > 0)
                    titleIcon = new ImageContainer(entry, icon32);
                int size;
                if (int.TryParse(sinfo.Properties.GetPropertyValue("DownloadSize"), out size))
                    float fs = ((float)size) / 1048576f;
                    downloadSize = fs.ToString("0.00 MB");

            if (installed != null)

            string missingDepsTxt = null;

            if (sinfo == null)
                btnDisable.Visible   = false;
                btnUninstall.Visible = false;
                btnUpdate.Visible    = false;
                string version;
                string newVersion = null;
                if (installed != null)
                    btnInstall.Visible   = false;
                    btnUpdate.Visible    = updateInfo != null && AllowInstall;
                    btnDisable.Visible   = true;
                    btnDisable.Label     = installed.Enabled ? Catalog.GetString("Disable") : Catalog.GetString("Enable");
                    btnDisable.Visible   = installed.Description.CanDisable;
                    btnUninstall.Visible = installed.Description.CanUninstall;
                    version = installed.Version;
                    var missingDeps = Services.GetMissingDependencies(installed);
                    if (updateInfo != null)
                        newVersion         = updateInfo.Version;
                        labelHeader.Markup = "<b><span color='black'>" + Catalog.GetString("Update available") + "</span></b>";
//						topHeaderBox.BackgroundColor = new Gdk.Color (0, 132, 208);
                        imageHeader.Pixbuf           = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource("update-16.png");
                        topHeaderBox.BackgroundColor = new Gdk.Color(255, 176, 0);
                    else if (missingDeps.Any())
                        labelHeader.Markup           = "<b><span color='black'>" + Catalog.GetString("This extension package can't be loaded due to missing dependencies") + "</span></b>";
                        topHeaderBox.BackgroundColor = new Gdk.Color(255, 176, 0);
                        imageHeader.SetFromStock(Gtk.Stock.DialogWarning, Gtk.IconSize.Menu);
                        missingDepsTxt = "";
                        foreach (var mdep in missingDeps)
                            if (mdep.Found != null)
                                missingDepsTxt += "\n" + string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Required: {0} v{1}, found v{2}"), mdep.Addin, mdep.Required, mdep.Found);
                                missingDepsTxt += "\n" + string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Missing: {0} v{1}"), mdep.Addin, mdep.Required);
                    btnInstall.Visible   = AllowInstall;
                    btnUpdate.Visible    = false;
                    btnDisable.Visible   = false;
                    btnUninstall.Visible = false;
                    version = sinfo.Version;
                labelName.Markup = "<b><big>" + GLib.Markup.EscapeText(sinfo.Name) + "</big></b>";

                string ver;
                if (newVersion != null)
                    ver  = "<small><b>" + Catalog.GetString("Installed version") + ":</b> " + version + "</small>\n";
                    ver += "<small><b>" + Catalog.GetString("Repository version") + ":</b> " + newVersion + "</small>";
                    ver = "<small><b>" + Catalog.GetString("Version") + " " + version + "</b></small>";

                if (downloadSize != null)
                    ver += "\n<small><b>" + Catalog.GetString("Download size") + ":</b> " + downloadSize + "</small>";
                if (missingDepsTxt != null)
                    ver += "\n\n" + GLib.Markup.EscapeText(Catalog.GetString("The following dependencies required by this extension package are not available:")) + missingDepsTxt;
                labelVersion.Markup = ver;

                string desc = GLib.Markup.EscapeText(sinfo.Description);
                labelDesc.Markup = repo + GLib.Markup.EscapeText(desc);

                foreach (var img in previewImages)
                    vboxDesc.PackStart(img, false, false, 0);

                urlButton.Visible = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sinfo.Url);
                infoUrl           = sinfo.Url;

                if (titleIcon != null)
                    boxTitle.PackEnd(titleIcon, false, false, 0);
                    labelName.WidthRequest    = titleWidth - 32;
                    labelVersion.WidthRequest = titleWidth - 32;
                    labelName.WidthRequest    = titleWidth;
                    labelVersion.WidthRequest = titleWidth;

                if (IsRealized)
Exemple #2
        void ShowAddin(object data)
            AddinHeader sinfo = null;
            Addin installed = null;
            AddinHeader updateInfo = null;
            string repo = "";
            string downloadSize = null;

            topHeaderBox.Hide ();

            if (data is Addin) {
                installed = (Addin) data;
                sinfo = SetupService.GetAddinHeader (installed);
                var entry = GetUpdate (installed);
                if (entry != null) {
                    updateInfo = entry.Addin;
                    selectedEntry.Add (entry);
                foreach (var prop in sinfo.Properties) {
                    if (prop.Name.StartsWith ("PreviewImage"))
                        previewImages.Add (new ImageContainer (installed, prop.Value));
                string icon32 = sinfo.Properties.GetPropertyValue ("Icon32");
                if (icon32.Length > 0)
                    titleIcon = new ImageContainer (installed, icon32);
            else if (data is AddinRepositoryEntry) {
                AddinRepositoryEntry entry = (AddinRepositoryEntry) data;
                sinfo = entry.Addin;
                installed = AddinManager.Registry.GetAddin (Addin.GetIdName (sinfo.Id));
                if (installed != null && Addin.CompareVersions (installed.Version, sinfo.Version) > 0)
                    updateInfo = sinfo;
                selectedEntry.Add (entry);
                string rname = !string.IsNullOrEmpty (entry.RepositoryName) ? entry.RepositoryName : entry.RepositoryUrl;
                repo = "<small><b>" + Catalog.GetString ("Available in repository:") + "</b>\n" + GLib.Markup.EscapeText (rname) + "\n\n</small>";
                foreach (var prop in sinfo.Properties) {
                    if (prop.Name.StartsWith ("PreviewImage"))
                        previewImages.Add (new ImageContainer (entry, prop.Value));
                string icon32 = sinfo.Properties.GetPropertyValue ("Icon32");
                if (icon32.Length > 0)
                    titleIcon = new ImageContainer (entry, icon32);
                int size;
                if (int.TryParse (sinfo.Properties.GetPropertyValue ("DownloadSize"), out size)) {
                    float fs = ((float)size) / 1048576f;
                    downloadSize = fs.ToString ("0.00 MB");
            } else
                selectedEntry.Clear ();

            if (installed != null)
                selectedAddin.Add (installed);

            string missingDepsTxt = null;

            if (sinfo == null) {
                btnDisable.Visible = false;
                btnUninstall.Visible = false;
                btnUpdate.Visible = false;
            } else {
                string version;
                string newVersion = null;
                if (installed != null) {
                    btnInstall.Visible = false;
                    btnUpdate.Visible = updateInfo != null && AllowInstall;
                    btnDisable.Visible = true;
                    btnDisable.Label = installed.Enabled ? Catalog.GetString ("Disable") : Catalog.GetString ("Enable");
                    btnDisable.Visible = installed.Description.CanDisable;
                    btnUninstall.Visible = installed.Description.CanUninstall;
                    version = installed.Version;
                    var missingDeps = Services.GetMissingDependencies (installed);
                    if (updateInfo != null) {
                        newVersion = updateInfo.Version;
                        labelHeader.Markup = "<b><span color='black'>" + Catalog.GetString ("Update available") + "</span></b>";
            //						topHeaderBox.BackgroundColor = new Gdk.Color (0, 132, 208);
                        imageHeader.Pixbuf = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource ("update-16.png");
                        topHeaderBox.BackgroundColor = new Gdk.Color (255, 176, 0);
                        topHeaderBox.Show ();
                    else if (missingDeps.Any ()) {
                        labelHeader.Markup = "<b><span color='black'>" + Catalog.GetString ("This add-in can't be loaded due to missing dependencies") + "</span></b>";
                        topHeaderBox.BackgroundColor = new Gdk.Color (255, 176, 0);
                        imageHeader.SetFromStock (Gtk.Stock.DialogWarning, Gtk.IconSize.Menu);
                        topHeaderBox.Show ();
                        missingDepsTxt = "";
                        foreach (var mdep in missingDeps) {
                            if (mdep.Found != null)
                                missingDepsTxt += "\n" + string.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Required: {0} v{1}, found v{2}"), mdep.Addin, mdep.Required, mdep.Found);
                                missingDepsTxt += "\n" + string.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Missing: {0} v{1}"), mdep.Addin, mdep.Required);
                } else {
                    btnInstall.Visible = AllowInstall;
                    btnUpdate.Visible = false;
                    btnDisable.Visible = false;
                    btnUninstall.Visible = false;
                    version = sinfo.Version;
                labelName.Markup = "<b><big>" + GLib.Markup.EscapeText(sinfo.Name) + "</big></b>";

                string ver;
                if (newVersion != null) {
                    ver =  "<small><b>" + Catalog.GetString ("Installed version") + ":</b> " + version + "</small>\n";
                    ver += "<small><b>" + Catalog.GetString ("Repository version") + ":</b> " + newVersion + "</small>";
                    ver = "<small><b>" + Catalog.GetString ("Version") + " " + version + "</b></small>";

                if (downloadSize != null)
                    ver += "\n<small><b>" + Catalog.GetString ("Download size") + ":</b> " + downloadSize + "</small>";
                if (missingDepsTxt != null)
                    ver += "\n\n" + GLib.Markup.EscapeText (Catalog.GetString ("The following depedencies required by this add-in are not available:")) + missingDepsTxt;
                labelVersion.Markup = ver;

                string desc = GLib.Markup.EscapeText (sinfo.Description);
                labelDesc.Markup = repo + GLib.Markup.EscapeText (desc);

                foreach (var img in previewImages)
                    vboxDesc.PackStart (img, false, false, 0);

                urlButton.Visible = !string.IsNullOrEmpty (sinfo.Url);
                infoUrl = sinfo.Url;

                if (titleIcon != null) {
                    boxTitle.PackEnd (titleIcon, false, false, 0);
                    labelName.WidthRequest = titleWidth - 32;
                    labelVersion.WidthRequest = titleWidth - 32;
                } else {
                    labelName.WidthRequest = titleWidth;
                    labelVersion.WidthRequest = titleWidth;

                if (IsRealized)
                    SetComponentsBg ();
        public void ShowAddins(object[] data)
            eboxButs.Visible = true;

            if (titleIcon != null)
                titleIcon = null;

            foreach (var img in previewImages)

            if (data.Length == 1)
            else if (data.Length > 1)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.Append(Catalog.GetString("Multiple selection:\n\n"));
                bool allowUpdate    = AllowInstall;
                bool allowInstall   = true;
                bool allowUninstall = AllowInstall;
                bool allowEnable    = true;
                bool allowDisable   = true;

                foreach (object o in data)
                    Addin installed;
                    if (o is Addin)
                        Addin a = (Addin)o;
                        installed = a;
                        AddinRepositoryEntry entry = (AddinRepositoryEntry)o;
                        installed = AddinManager.Registry.GetAddin(Addin.GetIdName(entry.Addin.Id));
                    if (installed != null)
                        if (GetUpdate(installed) == null)
                            allowUpdate = false;
                        allowInstall = false;
                        if (installed.Enabled)
                            allowEnable = false;
                            allowDisable = false;
                        allowEnable = allowDisable = allowUninstall = allowUpdate = false;

                    labelDesc.Text = sb.ToString();

                    if (allowEnable)
                        btnDisable.Visible = true;
                        btnDisable.Label   = Catalog.GetString("Enable");
                    else if (allowDisable)
                        btnDisable.Visible = true;
                        btnDisable.Label   = Catalog.GetString("Disable");
                        btnDisable.Visible = false;
                    btnInstall.Visible   = allowInstall;
                    btnUninstall.Visible = allowUninstall;
                    btnUpdate.Visible    = allowUpdate;
                btnDisable.Visible   = false;
                btnInstall.Visible   = false;
                btnUninstall.Visible = false;
                btnUpdate.Visible    = false;
                eboxButs.Visible     = false;
                labelDesc.Text       = Catalog.GetString("No selection");
Exemple #4
        public void ShowAddins(object[] data)
            selectedEntry.Clear ();
            selectedAddin.Clear ();
            eboxButs.Visible = true;
            topHeaderBox.Hide ();
            urlButton.Hide ();

            if (titleIcon != null) {
                boxTitle.Remove (titleIcon);
                titleIcon.Destroy ();
                titleIcon = null;

            foreach (var img in previewImages) {
                ((Gtk.Container)img.Parent).Remove (img);
                img.Destroy ();
            previewImages.Clear ();

            if (data.Length == 1) {
                headerBox.Show ();
                ShowAddin (data[0]);
            else if (data.Length > 1) {
                headerBox.Hide ();
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
                sb.Append (Catalog.GetString ("Multiple selection:\n\n"));
                bool allowUpdate = AllowInstall;
                bool allowInstall = true;
                bool allowUninstall = AllowInstall;
                bool allowEnable = true;
                bool allowDisable = true;

                foreach (object o in data) {
                    Addin installed;
                    if (o is Addin) {
                        Addin a = (Addin)o;
                        installed = a;
                        selectedAddin.Add (a);
                        sb.Append (a.Name);
                    else {
                        AddinRepositoryEntry entry = (AddinRepositoryEntry) o;
                        selectedEntry.Add (entry);
                        sb.Append (entry.Addin.Name);
                        installed = AddinManager.Registry.GetAddin (Addin.GetIdName (entry.Addin.Id));
                    if (installed != null) {
                        if (GetUpdate (installed) == null)
                            allowUpdate = false;
                        allowInstall = false;
                        if (installed.Enabled)
                            allowEnable = false;
                            allowDisable = false;
                    } else
                        allowEnable = allowDisable = allowUninstall = allowUpdate = false;

                    sb.Append ('\n');
                    labelDesc.Text = sb.ToString ();

                    if (allowEnable) {
                        btnDisable.Visible = true;
                        btnDisable.Label = Catalog.GetString ("Enable");
                    } else if (allowDisable) {
                        btnDisable.Visible = true;
                        btnDisable.Label = Catalog.GetString ("Disable");
                    } else
                        btnDisable.Visible = false;
                    btnInstall.Visible = allowInstall;
                    btnUninstall.Visible = allowUninstall;
                    btnUpdate.Visible = allowUpdate;
            else {
                headerBox.Hide ();
                btnDisable.Visible = false;
                btnInstall.Visible = false;
                btnUninstall.Visible = false;
                btnUpdate.Visible = false;
                eboxButs.Visible = false;
                labelDesc.Text = Catalog.GetString ("No selection");