async Task ReceiveClientTry(TryRequest t) // Simulate the POST /try function { WriteLine($"..... receive try {t}"); await Task.Delay(0); GeneticAlgorithm(t); return; // emphatic empty return }
async void GeneticAlgorithm(TryRequest treq) { WriteLine($"..... GeneticAlgorithm {treq}"); await Task.Delay(0); // just an ad-hoc PR test - you will remove this // await ProportionalRandomTest (); // YOU CODE GOES HERE // FOLLOW THE GIVEN PSEUDOCODE // ... var id =; var monkeys = treq.monkeys; if (monkeys % 2 != 0) { monkeys += 1; } var length = treq.length; var crossover = treq.crossover / 100.0; var mutation = treq.mutation / 100.0; var limit = treq.limit; if (limit == 0) { limit = 1000; } // ... UDOO for (int loop = 0; loop < limit; loop++) { // ... UDOO } }
async void GeneticAlgorithm(TryRequest treq) { WriteLine($"..... GeneticAlgorithm {treq}"); await Task.Delay(0); var id =; var monkeys = treq.monkeys; if (monkeys % 2 != 0) { monkeys += 1; } var length = 0; if (treq.length == 0) { var nullText = new[] { "" }.ToList(); var r = new AssessRequest { id = id, genomes = nullText }; AssessResponse ares = await PostFitnessAssess(r); var scores = ares.scores; length = scores[0]; } else { length = treq.length; } var crossover = treq.crossover / 100.0; var mutation = treq.mutation / 100.0; var limit = treq.limit; if (limit == 0) { limit = 1000; } var topscore = int.MaxValue; var genomes = Enumerable.Range(0, monkeys).Select(i => { var genome = Enumerable.Range(0, length).Select(n => { return((char)NextInt(32, 127)); }).ToList(); return(string.Join("", genome)); }).ToList(); var obj1 = new AssessRequest { id = id, genomes = genomes }; for (int loop = 0; loop < limit; loop++) { AssessResponse x = await PostFitnessAssess(obj1); var Id =; var scores = x.scores; var smallest = scores.Min(); var largest = scores.Max(); var index = scores.IndexOf(smallest); var genome_list = obj1.genomes; var genome = genome_list[index]; if (smallest < topscore) { var obj2 = new TopRequest { id = Id, loop = loop, score = smallest, genome = genome }; await PostClientTop(obj2); topscore = smallest; } if (smallest == 0) { break; } else { var weights = scores.Select(s => { return(largest - s + 1); }); var para = treq.parallel; if (para) { var newGenomes = ParallelEnumerable.Range(1, monkeys / 2).SelectMany <int, string>(i => { var c1 = ""; var c2 = ""; var index1 = ProportionalRandom(weights.ToArray(), weights.Sum()); var index2 = ProportionalRandom(weights.ToArray(), weights.Sum()); var p1 = genome_list[index1]; var p2 = genome_list[index2]; if (NextDouble() < crossover) { var crossoverIndex = NextInt(0, length); c1 = p1.Substring(0, crossoverIndex) + p2.Substring(crossoverIndex, p2.Length - crossoverIndex); c2 = p2.Substring(0, crossoverIndex) + p1.Substring(crossoverIndex, p1.Length - crossoverIndex); } else { c1 = p1; c2 = p2; } if (NextDouble() < mutation) { char[] c = c1.ToCharArray(); c[NextInt(0, c1.Length)] = (char)NextInt(32, 127); c1 = new string(c); } if (NextDouble() < mutation) { char[] c = c2.ToCharArray(); c[NextInt(0, c2.Length)] = (char)NextInt(32, 127); c2 = new string(c); } var mylist = new List <string>(); mylist.Add(c1); mylist.Add(c2); return(mylist); }).ToList(); = Id; obj1.genomes = newGenomes; } else { var newGenomes = Enumerable.Range(1, monkeys / 2).SelectMany <int, string>(i => { var c1 = ""; var c2 = ""; var index1 = ProportionalRandom(weights.ToArray(), weights.Sum()); var index2 = ProportionalRandom(weights.ToArray(), weights.Sum()); var p1 = genome_list[index1]; var p2 = genome_list[index2]; if (NextDouble() < crossover) { var crossoverIndex = NextInt(0, length); c1 = p1.Substring(0, crossoverIndex) + p2.Substring(crossoverIndex, p2.Length - crossoverIndex); c2 = p2.Substring(0, crossoverIndex) + p1.Substring(crossoverIndex, p1.Length - crossoverIndex); } else { c1 = p1; c2 = p2; } if (NextDouble() < mutation) { char[] c = c1.ToCharArray(); c[NextInt(0, c1.Length)] = (char)NextInt(32, 127); c1 = new string(c); } if (NextDouble() < mutation) { char[] c = c2.ToCharArray(); c[NextInt(0, c2.Length)] = (char)NextInt(32, 127); c2 = new string(c); } var mylist = new List <string>(); mylist.Add(c1); mylist.Add(c2); return(mylist); }).ToList(); = Id; obj1.genomes = newGenomes; } } } }
async void GeneticAlgorithm(TryRequest treq) { var length = treq.length; var monkeys = treq.monkeys; List <string> post = new List <string>(); string bestStr = ""; if (monkeys % 2 != 0) { monkeys += 1; } //discover length if (length == 0) { List <string> test = new List <string>() { "" }; var content = new StringContent(JsonSerializer.Serialize(test), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); var response = await client.PostAsync("http://localhost:8091/assess", content); var l = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <List <int> >(); length = l[0]; } //create start genome IEnumerable <string> strings = Enumerable.Repeat( Nextstr(length), monkeys); post = strings.ToList(); WriteLine($"..... POST length {length}"); for (var count = 0; count < treq.limit; count++) { //Send content var content = new StringContent(JsonSerializer.Serialize(post), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); var response = await client.PostAsync("http://localhost:8091/assess", content); var ress = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <List <int> >(); //find best var min = ress.Min(); var tempBestString = post[ress.IndexOf(min)]; var tempBest = min; if (0 == tempBest) { best = tempBest; bestStr = tempBestString; var top = new TopRequest(8081, count, best, bestStr); var topcont = new StringContent(JsonSerializer.Serialize(top), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); var resp = await client.PostAsync($"http://localhost:{}/top", topcont); WriteLine($" DONE {tempBestString}"); return; } if (tempBest < best) { best = tempBest; bestStr = tempBestString; WriteLine($" BEST {tempBestString}"); var top = new TopRequest(8081, count, best, bestStr); var topcont = new StringContent(JsonSerializer.Serialize(top), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); var resp = await client.PostAsync("http://localhost:8101/top", topcont); } //if its parallel if (treq.parallel) { post = ParallelEnumerable.Range(1, monkeys / 2) .SelectMany <int, string>(i => { var p1 = post[ProportionalRandom(ress.ToArray(), ress.Sum())]; var p2 = post[ProportionalRandom(ress.ToArray(), ress.Sum())]; var c1 = ""; var c2 = ""; //cross over chance if (NextInt(0, 100) < treq.crossover) { var Index = NextInt(0, p1.Length - 1); c1 = p1.Substring(0, Index) + p2.Substring(Index, p2.Length - Index); c2 = p2.Substring(0, Index) + p1.Substring(Index, p1.Length - Index); } else { c1 = p1; c2 = p2; } if (NextInt(0, 100) < treq.mutation) { var item = NextInt(0, c1.Length); StringBuilder strBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(c1); strBuilder[item] = Convert.ToChar(NextInt(32, 126)); ; c1 = strBuilder.ToString(); } if (NextInt(0, 100) < treq.mutation) { var item = NextInt(0, c2.Length); StringBuilder strBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(c2); strBuilder[item] = Convert.ToChar(NextInt(32, 126)); ; c2 = strBuilder.ToString(); } return(new[] { c1, c2 }); }).ToList(); } else { post = Enumerable.Range(1, monkeys / 2) .SelectMany <int, string>(i => { var p1 = post[ProportionalRandom(ress.ToArray(), ress.Sum())]; var p2 = post[ProportionalRandom(ress.ToArray(), ress.Sum())]; var c1 = ""; var c2 = ""; //cross over chance if (NextInt(0, 100) < treq.crossover) { var Index = NextInt(0, p1.Length - 1); c1 = p1.Substring(0, Index) + p2.Substring(Index, p2.Length - Index); c2 = p2.Substring(0, Index) + p1.Substring(Index, p1.Length - Index); } else { c1 = p1; c2 = p2; } if (NextInt(0, 100) < treq.mutation) { var item = NextInt(0, c1.Length); StringBuilder strBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(c1); strBuilder[item] = Convert.ToChar(NextInt(32, 126)); ; c1 = strBuilder.ToString(); } if (NextInt(0, 100) < treq.mutation) { var item = NextInt(0, c2.Length); StringBuilder strBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(c2); strBuilder[item] = Convert.ToChar(NextInt(32, 126)); ; c2 = strBuilder.ToString(); } return(new[] { c1, c2 }); }).ToList(); } } }
async void GeneticAlgorithm(TryRequest treq) { WriteLine($"..... GeneticAlgorithm {treq}"); await Task.Delay(0); var id =; var monkeys = treq.monkeys; if (monkeys % 2 != 0) { monkeys += 1; } var length = treq.length; var crossover = treq.crossover / 100.0; var mutation = treq.mutation / 100.0; var limit = treq.limit; if (limit == 0) { limit = 1000; } var isParallel = treq.parallel; if (treq.length == 0) // Dynamic cal length { var list = new List <string>() { "" }; var res = await PostFitnessAssess(new AssessRequest { id = id, genomes = list, }); length = res.scores[0]; } // Create randoms currentGeneration = new List <string>(); currentGeneration = createRandoms(monkeys, length); string currentBestGenome = currentGeneration[0]; // Randomly choose initially string targettxt = currentBestGenome; for (int loop = 0; loop < limit; loop++) // The evolutaion loop // Get the fitness values from the fitness server { var res = await PostFitnessAssess(new AssessRequest { id = id, genomes = currentGeneration, }); var fs = res.scores; currentBestGenome = getCurrentBest(fs); // Get the fitness of current best as well as the targettext var list = new List <string>() { currentBestGenome, targettxt }; var res2 = await PostFitnessAssess(new AssessRequest { id = id, genomes = list, }); var fs2 = res2.scores; if (fs2[0] < fs2[1]) // current best genome's fitness < best's fitness { targettxt = currentBestGenome; // Post the evolutaion string to the clinet await PostClientTop(new TopRequest { id = id, loop = loop, score = fs2[0], genome = targettxt, }); if (fs2[0] == 0) { break; // Find the target and break the loop } } // Create new generations currentGeneration = createNewGeneration(monkeys, mutation, crossover, fs, isParallel); } }