private void UpdateIsPlayingMonitor(bool componentIsActive) { if (showIsPlaying && componentIsActive) { if (monitor_isPlaying == null) { monitor_isPlaying = new Monitor("Is playing"); monitor_isPlaying.GameObject = gameObject; monitor_isPlaying.Mode = ValueAxisMode.Fixed; monitor_isPlaying.Min = 0f; monitor_isPlaying.Max = 1f; } if (monitorInput_isPlaying == null) { monitorInput_isPlaying = new MonitorInput(monitor_isPlaying, "isPlaying",; } } else { if (monitor_isPlaying != null) { monitor_isPlaying.Close(); monitor_isPlaying = null; } if (monitorInput_isPlaying != null) { monitorInput_isPlaying.Close(); monitorInput_isPlaying = null; } } }
private void UpdateVolumeMonitor(bool componentIsActive) { if (showVolume && componentIsActive) { if (monitor_volume == null) { monitor_volume = new Monitor("Volume"); monitor_volume.GameObject = gameObject; monitor_volume.Mode = ValueAxisMode.Fixed; monitor_volume.Min = 0f; monitor_volume.Max = 1f; } if (monitorInput_volume == null) { monitorInput_volume = new MonitorInput(monitor_volume, "volume",; } } else { if (monitor_volume != null) { monitor_volume.Close(); monitor_volume = null; } if (monitorInput_volume != null) { monitorInput_volume.Close(); monitorInput_volume = null; } } }
private void UpdatePitchMonitor(bool componentIsActive) { if (showPitch && componentIsActive) { if (monitor_pitch == null) { monitor_pitch = new Monitor("Pitch"); monitor_pitch.GameObject = gameObject; } monitor_pitch.Mode = pitchMode; monitor_pitch.Min = pitchMin; monitor_pitch.Max = pitchMax; if (monitorInput_pitch == null) { monitorInput_pitch = new MonitorInput(monitor_pitch, "pitch",; } } else { if (monitor_pitch != null) { monitor_pitch.Close(); monitor_pitch = null; } if (monitorInput_pitch != null) { monitorInput_pitch.Close(); monitorInput_pitch = null; } } }
private void UpdateVelocityMonitor(bool componentIsActive) { // velocity if (showVelocity && componentIsActive) { if (monitor_velocity == null) { monitor_velocity = new Monitor("Velocity"); monitor_velocity.GameObject = gameObject; } monitor_velocity.Mode = velocityMode; monitor_velocity.Min = velocityMin; monitor_velocity.Max = velocityMax; } else { if (monitor_velocity != null) { monitor_velocity.Close(); monitor_velocity = null; } } // velocity x if (showVelocity && showVelocity_x && componentIsActive) { if (monitorInput_velocity_x == null) { monitorInput_velocity_x = new MonitorInput(monitor_velocity, "x",; } } else { if (monitorInput_velocity_x != null) { monitorInput_velocity_x.Close(); monitorInput_velocity_x = null; } } // velocity y if (showVelocity && showVelocity_y && componentIsActive) { if (monitorInput_velocity_y == null) { monitorInput_velocity_y = new MonitorInput(monitor_velocity, "y",; } } else { if (monitorInput_velocity_y != null) { monitorInput_velocity_y.Close(); monitorInput_velocity_y = null; } } }
private void UpdatePositionMonitor(bool componentIsActive) { // position if (showPosition && componentIsActive) { if (monitor_position == null) { monitor_position = new Monitor("Position"); monitor_position.GameObject = gameObject; } monitor_position.Mode = positionMode; monitor_position.Min = positionMin; monitor_position.Max = positionMax; } else { if (monitor_position != null) { monitor_position.Close(); monitor_position = null; } } // position x if (showPosition && showPosition_x && componentIsActive) { if (monitorInput_position_x == null) { monitorInput_position_x = new MonitorInput(monitor_position, "x",; } } else { if (monitorInput_position_x != null) { monitorInput_position_x.Close(); monitorInput_position_x = null; } } // position y if (showPosition && showPosition_y && componentIsActive) { if (monitorInput_position_y == null) { monitorInput_position_y = new MonitorInput(monitor_position, "y",; } } else { if (monitorInput_position_y != null) { monitorInput_position_y.Close(); monitorInput_position_y = null; } } }
private void UpdateAngularVelocityMonitor(bool componentIsActive) { // angularVelocity if (showAngularVelocity && componentIsActive) { if (monitor_angularVelocity == null) { monitor_angularVelocity = new Monitor("Angular Velocity"); monitor_angularVelocity.GameObject = gameObject; } monitor_angularVelocity.Mode = angularVelocityMode; monitor_angularVelocity.Min = angularVelocityMin; monitor_angularVelocity.Max = angularVelocityMax; } else { if (monitor_angularVelocity != null) { monitor_angularVelocity.Close(); monitor_angularVelocity = null; } } // angularVelocity x if (showAngularVelocity && componentIsActive) { if (monitorInput_angularVelocity == null) { monitorInput_angularVelocity = new MonitorInput(monitor_angularVelocity, "angular velocity",; } } else { if (monitorInput_angularVelocity != null) { monitorInput_angularVelocity.Close(); monitorInput_angularVelocity = null; } } }
private void UpdateRotationMonitor(bool componentIsActive) { // rotation if (showRotation && componentIsActive) { if (monitor_rotation == null) { monitor_rotation = new Monitor("Rotation"); monitor_rotation.GameObject = gameObject; } monitor_rotation.Mode = rotationMode; monitor_rotation.Min = rotationMin; monitor_rotation.Max = rotationMax; } else { if (monitor_rotation != null) { monitor_rotation.Close(); monitor_rotation = null; } } // rotation if (showRotation) { if (monitorInput_rotation == null) { monitorInput_rotation = new MonitorInput(monitor_rotation, "angle",; } } else { if (monitorInput_rotation != null) { monitorInput_rotation.Close(); monitorInput_rotation = null; } } }
public void OnGUI() { // Make sure content color is sane. GUI.contentColor = Color.white; // Load editor settings. timeWindow_exp = EditorPrefs.GetFloat(TIME_WINDOW_EXP, 0.69897000433f); interpolationTypeIndex = EditorPrefs.GetInt(INTERPOLATION_TYPE_INDEX, 0); monitorHeight = EditorPrefs.GetInt(MONITOR_HEIGHT, 140); legendWidth = EditorPrefs.GetInt(LEGEND_WIDTH, 170); // Dynamic colors. if (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin) { legendBackgroundColor = legendBackgroundColor_dark; timeColor = timeColor_dark; legendTextColorSelected = legendTextColorSelected_dark; legendTextColorUnselected = legendTextColorUnselected_dark; settingsHeaderBackgroundColor = settingsHeaderBackgroundColor_dark; monitorInputHeaderColor = monitorInputHeaderColor_dark; } else { legendBackgroundColor = legendBackgroundColor_light; timeColor = timeColor_light; legendTextColorSelected = legendTextColorSelected_light; legendTextColorUnselected = legendTextColorUnselected_light; settingsHeaderBackgroundColor = settingsHeaderBackgroundColor_light; monitorInputHeaderColor = monitorInputHeaderColor_light; } timeStyle.normal.textColor = timeColor; // textures (must check this in every OnGUI for some reason). if (topTexture == null) { topTexture = new Texture2D(1, 2); topTexture.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; topTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; topTexture.SetPixel(0, 1, new Color(22f / 255f, 22f / 255f, 22f / 255f, 1f)); topTexture.SetPixel(0, 0, new Color(32f / 255f, 32f / 255f, 32f / 255f, 0f)); topTexture.Apply(); } if (leftTexture == null) { leftTexture = new Texture2D(2, 1); leftTexture.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; leftTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; leftTexture.SetPixel(0, 0, new Color(22f / 255f, 22f / 255f, 22f / 255f, 1f)); leftTexture.SetPixel(1, 0, new Color(32f / 255f, 32f / 255f, 32f / 255f, 0f)); leftTexture.Apply(); } // calculate dynamic sizes. width = position.width; height = position.height; monitorWidth = width - legendWidth - 5f; monitorGraphHeight = monitorHeight - headerHeight - extraSpace; // settings header (prelude) Rect settingsRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, position.width, 25f); float timeWindow = Mathf.Pow(10f, timeWindow_exp); // draw background. GUI.color = backgroundColor; GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, settingsRect.height, width, height - settingsRect.height), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); GUI.color = legendBackgroundColor; GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0f, settingsRect.height, legendWidth, height - settingsRect.height), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture); Event e = Event.current; Vector2 mousePosition = e.mousePosition; mousePosition.x = Mathf.Min(mousePosition.x, width); bool isInPauseMode = (EditorApplication.isPlaying && EditorApplication.isPaused); if (!isInPauseMode) { // smooth catch up. Nice! scrollPositionTime = 0f; } if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && mousePosition.x > legendWidth && (mousePosition.x < (width - 14f)) && mousePosition.y > settingsRect.height) { Debug.Break(); } MonitorInput newSelectedMonitorInput = null; int lineCount = 0; List <Monitor> visibleMonitors; if (gameObjectFilter != null) { visibleMonitors = new List <Monitor>(); // TODO: remove alloc. foreach (var monitor in monitors.All) { if (monitor.GameObject == gameObjectFilter) { visibleMonitors.Add(monitor); } } } else { visibleMonitors = monitors.All; } float latestTime = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < visibleMonitors.Count; i++) { latestTime = Mathf.Max(latestTime, visibleMonitors[i].latestTime); } for (int i = 0; i < visibleMonitors.Count; i++) { Monitor monitor = visibleMonitors[i]; Rect monitorRect = new Rect(legendWidth, i * monitorHeight + settingsRect.height - scrollPositionY, monitorWidth, monitorHeight); Rect graphRect = new Rect(monitorRect.xMin, monitorRect.yMin + headerHeight, monitorRect.width - 20, monitorGraphHeight - 5); float span = monitor.Max - monitor.Min; GUI.color = Color.white; GUI.Label(new Rect(legendWidth + 10f, monitorRect.yMin + 10, 100f, 30f), monitor.Name, headerStyle); float maxTime = latestTime + scrollPositionTime; float minTime = latestTime - timeWindow + scrollPositionTime; if (monitor.Mode == ValueAxisMode.Adaptive) { monitor.Min = float.PositiveInfinity; monitor.Max = float.NegativeInfinity; foreach (MonitorInput monitorInput in monitor.inputs) { float min, max; monitorInput.GetMinMax(minTime, maxTime, out min, out max); monitor.Min = Mathf.Min(min, monitor.Min); monitor.Max = Mathf.Max(max, monitor.Max); } } if (monitor.Min < float.PositiveInfinity) { GUI.Label(new Rect(graphRect.xMax - 200f - 5f, graphRect.yMax + 5f, 200f, 20f), monitor.Min.ToString(), minStyle); } if (monitor.Max > float.NegativeInfinity) { GUI.Label(new Rect(graphRect.xMax - 200f - 5f, graphRect.yMin - 5f - 20f, 200f, 20f), monitor.Max.ToString(), maxStyle); } // monitor resizing. Rect resizeRect = new Rect(0f, monitorRect.yMax - 10, width - 12, 21); if (!legendResize) { EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(resizeRect, MouseCursor.SplitResizeUpDown); } if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && resizeRect.Contains(mousePosition) && !legendResize) { monitorHeightResize = true; monitorHeightResizeIndex = i; monitorHeightResizeOldHeight = monitorHeight; monitorHeightResizeYstart = mousePosition.y; monitorHeightResizeDelta = 0; } if (e.type == EventType.MouseDrag && monitorHeightResize) { monitorHeightResizeDelta = (mousePosition.y - monitorHeightResizeYstart); monitorHeight = monitorHeightResizeOldHeight + Mathf.FloorToInt(monitorHeightResizeDelta / (monitorHeightResizeIndex + 1)); if (monitorHeight < monitorHeight_min) { monitorHeight = monitorHeight_min; } if (monitorHeight > monitorHeight_max) { monitorHeight = monitorHeight_max; } } if (e.type == EventType.MouseUp && monitorHeightResize) { monitorHeightResize = false; } // Is monitor visible? otherwise cull... if (monitorRect.yMin < position.height && monitorRect.yMax > 0f) { Handles.color = zeroLineColor; horizontalLines[0] = new Vector3(graphRect.xMax, graphRect.yMin); horizontalLines[1] = new Vector3(graphRect.xMin, graphRect.yMin); horizontalLines[2] = new Vector3(graphRect.xMin, Mathf.Clamp(graphRect.height * monitor.Min / span + graphRect.yMax, graphRect.yMin, graphRect.yMax)); if (monitor.Min <= 0f && monitor.Max >= 0f) { horizontalLines[3] = new Vector3(graphRect.xMax, Mathf.Clamp(graphRect.height * monitor.Min / span + graphRect.yMax, graphRect.yMin, graphRect.yMax)); } else { horizontalLines[3] = new Vector3(graphRect.xMin, Mathf.Clamp(graphRect.height * monitor.Min / span + graphRect.yMax, graphRect.yMin, graphRect.yMax)); } horizontalLines[4] = new Vector3(graphRect.xMin, Mathf.Clamp(graphRect.height * monitor.Min / span + graphRect.yMax, graphRect.yMin, graphRect.yMax)); horizontalLines[5] = new Vector3(graphRect.xMin, graphRect.yMax); horizontalLines[6] = new Vector3(graphRect.xMax, graphRect.yMax); Handles.DrawPolyLine(horizontalLines); lineCount++; if (isInPauseMode) { float time = (maxTime - minTime) * (mousePosition.x - graphRect.xMin) / graphRect.width + minTime; if (graphRect.Contains(mousePosition)) { if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown) { timeIntervalStartTime = Mathf.Max(0f, time); timeIntervalEndTime = timeIntervalStartTime; timeIntervalSelectionMonitor = monitor; } } if (timeIntervalSelectionMonitor == monitor && e.type == EventType.MouseDrag) { timeIntervalEndTime = Mathf.Max(0f, time); } } int n = 0; float startTime = Mathf.CeilToInt(minTime / subTimeTicks) * subTimeTicks; float t = startTime; float transparentTime = 3; float opaqueTime = 2; // Sub tick lines. if (timeWindow < transparentTime) { Color subTimeTickColorWithAlpha = subTimeTickColor; subTimeTickColorWithAlpha.a = subTimeTickColor.a * Mathf.Lerp(1f, 0f, (timeWindow - opaqueTime) / (transparentTime - opaqueTime)); Handles.color = subTimeTickColorWithAlpha; while (t < maxTime) { Handles.DrawLine( new Vector3(graphRect.xMin + graphRect.width * (t - minTime) / timeWindow, graphRect.yMax, 0f), new Vector3(graphRect.xMin + graphRect.width * (t - minTime) / timeWindow, graphRect.yMax - graphRect.height, 0f) ); lineCount++; n++; t = startTime + n * 0.1f; } } // Tick lines. Handles.color = timeTickColor; n = 0; startTime = Mathf.CeilToInt(minTime); t = startTime; while (t < maxTime) { Handles.DrawLine( new Vector3(graphRect.xMin + graphRect.width * (t - minTime) / timeWindow, graphRect.yMax, 0f), new Vector3(graphRect.xMin + graphRect.width * (t - minTime) / timeWindow, graphRect.yMax - graphRect.height, 0f) ); lineCount++; n++; t = startTime + n; } foreach (MonitorInput monitorInput in monitor.inputs) { Color deselectedColor = monitorInput.Color; deselectedColor.a = deselectionAlpha; Color color = (selectedMonitorInput == null) || (monitorInput == selectedMonitorInput) ? monitorInput.Color : deselectedColor; Handles.color = color; int pointIndex = 0; for (int j = 0; j < monitorInput.numberOfSamples - 1; j++) { int index_a = (monitorInput.sampleIndex + j) % monitorInput.numberOfSamples; int index_b = (index_a + 1) % monitorInput.numberOfSamples; float time_a = monitorInput.times[index_a]; float time_b = monitorInput.times[index_b]; if (float.IsNaN(time_a) || float.IsNaN(time_b)) { continue; } if (time_b > time_a && !(time_b < minTime || time_a > maxTime)) { float sample_a = monitorInput.samples[index_a]; float sample_b = monitorInput.samples[index_b]; if (float.IsNaN(sample_a) || float.IsNaN(sample_b)) { continue; } float aNormalizedSample = (sample_a - monitor.Min) / span; if (span == 0f) { aNormalizedSample = 0.5f; } else { aNormalizedSample = Mathf.Clamp01(aNormalizedSample); } float bNormalizedSample = (sample_b - monitor.Min) / span; if (span == 0f) { bNormalizedSample = 0.5f; } else { bNormalizedSample = Mathf.Clamp01(bNormalizedSample); } // Draw graph step. if (interpolationTypeIndex == 0) { points[pointIndex++] = new Vector3(graphRect.xMin + graphRect.width * (time_b - minTime) / timeWindow, graphRect.yMin + graphRect.height * (1f - bNormalizedSample), 0f); } else { points[pointIndex++] = new Vector3(graphRect.xMin + graphRect.width * (time_b - minTime) / timeWindow, graphRect.yMin + graphRect.height * (1f - aNormalizedSample), 0f); points[pointIndex++] = new Vector3(graphRect.xMin + graphRect.width * (time_b - minTime) / timeWindow, graphRect.yMin + graphRect.height * (1f - bNormalizedSample), 0f); } } } if (pointIndex > 0) { Vector3 lastPoint = points[pointIndex - 1]; for (int p = pointIndex; p < points.Length; p++) { points[p] = lastPoint; } Handles.DrawPolyLine(points); lineCount++; } } if (timeIntervalSelectionMonitor == monitor && timeIntervalStartTime != timeIntervalEndTime) { GUI.color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.1f); float selectionTime_left = Mathf.Max(0f, Mathf.Min(timeIntervalStartTime, timeIntervalEndTime)); float selectionTime_right = Mathf.Max(0f, Mathf.Max(timeIntervalStartTime, timeIntervalEndTime)); float left = graphRect.width * (selectionTime_left - minTime) / (maxTime - minTime) + graphRect.xMin; float right = graphRect.width * (selectionTime_right - minTime) / (maxTime - minTime) + graphRect.xMin; GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(left, graphRect.yMin, right - left, graphRect.height), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); Handles.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.3f); Handles.DrawLine(new Vector3(left, 0, 0), new Vector3(left, height, 0)); Handles.DrawLine(new Vector3(right, 0, 0), new Vector3(right, height, 0)); GUI.color = Color.white; Handles.color = Color.white; Handles.DrawLine(new Vector3(left, graphRect.yMin, 0), new Vector3(left, graphRect.yMax, 0)); Handles.DrawLine(new Vector3(right, graphRect.yMin, 0), new Vector3(right, graphRect.yMax, 0)); Handles.DrawLine(new Vector3(left, (graphRect.yMin + graphRect.yMax) * 0.5f, 0), new Vector3(right, (graphRect.yMin + graphRect.yMax) * 0.5f, 0)); GUI.Label(new Rect(left, graphRect.yMax, right - left, 20), (selectionTime_right - selectionTime_left) + " secs", timeIntervalSelectionStyle); } GUI.color = legendBackgroundColor; GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0f, monitorRect.yMin, legendWidth, monitorRect.height + 5), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture); // Game object name label. if (monitor.GameObject != null) { Rect gameObjectNameRect = new Rect(22f, monitorRect.yMin + 10f, legendWidth - 30f, 16f); GUI.color = monitorInputHeaderColor; GUI.Label(gameObjectNameRect,, simpleStyle); EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(gameObjectNameRect, MouseCursor.Link); if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && gameObjectNameRect.Contains(mousePosition)) { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(monitor.GameObject); } } // Time line. float mouseTime = maxTime; if (isInPauseMode) { mouseTime = Mathf.Lerp(minTime, maxTime, (mousePosition.x - graphRect.xMin) / graphRect.width); } mouseTime = Mathf.Max(mouseTime, 0f); Handles.color = timeLineColor; float x = (mouseTime - minTime) / (maxTime - minTime) * graphRect.width + graphRect.xMin; Handles.DrawLine(new Vector3(x, settingsRect.height), new Vector3(x, position.height)); for (int j = 0; j < monitor.inputs.Count; j++) { MonitorInput monitorInput = monitor.inputs[j]; Color deselectedColor = monitorInput.Color; deselectedColor.a = deselectionAlpha; Color monitorInputColor = (selectedMonitorInput == null) || (monitorInput == selectedMonitorInput) ? monitorInput.Color : deselectedColor; int index = -1; for (int k = 1; k < monitorInput.samples.Length - 1; k++) { int sampleIndex_a = (monitorInput.sampleIndex + k) % monitorInput.samples.Length; int sampleIndex_b = (sampleIndex_a + 1) % monitorInput.samples.Length; if (mouseTime >= monitorInput.times[sampleIndex_a] && mouseTime <= monitorInput.times[sampleIndex_b]) { index = Mathf.Abs(monitorInput.times[sampleIndex_a] - mouseTime) <= Mathf.Abs(monitorInput.times[sampleIndex_b] - mouseTime) ? sampleIndex_a : sampleIndex_b; break; } } float sampleValue = float.NaN; float time = float.NaN; int frame = -1; if (index > -1) { sampleValue = monitorInput.samples[index]; time = monitorInput.times[index]; frame = monitorInput.frames[index]; } // Draw time marker. if (j == 0 && selectedMonitorInput == null) { GUI.color = timeColor; if (!float.IsNaN(time)) { GUI.Label(new Rect(legendTextOffset, monitorRect.yMax - legendTextOffset * 2f, legendWidth, 20), "t = " + time, timeStyle); } if (frame > -1) { GUI.Label(new Rect(legendTextOffset, monitorRect.yMax - legendTextOffset * 3.5f, legendWidth, 20), "frame = " + frame, timeStyle); } } Handles.color = monitorInputColor; float normalizedSampleValue = (sampleValue - monitor.Min) / span; if (span == 0f) { normalizedSampleValue = 0.5f; } float clampedNormalizedSampleValue = Mathf.Clamp01(normalizedSampleValue); Vector3 samplePosition = new Vector3(graphRect.xMin + graphRect.width * (time - minTime) / timeWindow, graphRect.yMax - graphRect.height * clampedNormalizedSampleValue, 0f); float handleRadius = 5f; if (normalizedSampleValue < 0f) { // Draw down arrow. arrowPoints[0] = samplePosition + new Vector3(-handleRadius, -handleRadius, 0); arrowPoints[1] = samplePosition + new Vector3(handleRadius, -handleRadius, 0); arrowPoints[2] = samplePosition + new Vector3(0, handleRadius, 0); arrowPoints[3] = arrowPoints[0]; Handles.DrawPolyLine(arrowPoints); lineCount++; } else if (normalizedSampleValue > 1f) { // Draw up arrow. arrowPoints[0] = samplePosition + new Vector3(-handleRadius, handleRadius, 0); arrowPoints[1] = samplePosition + new Vector3(handleRadius, handleRadius, 0); arrowPoints[2] = samplePosition + new Vector3(0, -handleRadius, 0); arrowPoints[3] = arrowPoints[0]; Handles.DrawPolyLine(arrowPoints); lineCount++; } else { // Draw circle. float size = handleRadius * 0.75f; diamondPoints[0] = samplePosition + new Vector3(0, size, 0); diamondPoints[1] = samplePosition + new Vector3(size, 0, 0); diamondPoints[2] = samplePosition + new Vector3(0, -size, 0); diamondPoints[3] = samplePosition + new Vector3(-size, 0, 0); diamondPoints[4] = diamondPoints[0]; Handles.DrawPolyLine(diamondPoints); lineCount++; } string sampleValueString; if (float.IsNaN(sampleValue)) { sampleValueString = ""; } else { sampleValueString = " = " + sampleValue.ToString(); } string valueText = monitorInput.Description + sampleValueString; GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f); valueTextStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; if (monitorInput == selectedMonitorInput) { float sampleTextWidth = valueTextStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(valueText)).x; if (samplePosition.x + sampleTextWidth + 40 > position.width) { valueTextStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight; GUI.Label(new Rect(samplePosition.x - sampleTextWidth - 15, samplePosition.y - 20, sampleTextWidth, 20), valueText, valueTextStyle); } else { valueTextStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; GUI.Label(new Rect(samplePosition.x + 15, samplePosition.y, sampleTextWidth, 20), valueText, valueTextStyle); } GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f); GUI.Label(new Rect(10, graphRect.yMax - 10, legendWidth, 20), "Time = " + time, timeStyle); } GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f); valueTextStyle.normal.textColor = selectedMonitorInput == null || selectedMonitorInput == monitorInput ? legendTextColorSelected : legendTextColorUnselected; valueTextStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; valueTextStyle.clipping = TextClipping.Clip; float offset = 30f; Rect selectionRect = new Rect(0f, monitorRect.yMin + offset + 20 * j, legendWidth, 16f); GUI.Label(new Rect(22f, monitorRect.yMin + 30f + 20 * j, legendWidth - 30f, 16f), valueText, valueTextStyle); EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(selectionRect, MouseCursor.Link); // Selection of monitor input. if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && selectionRect.Contains(mousePosition)) { newSelectedMonitorInput = monitorInput; } // Color marker. GUI.color = monitorInputColor * 0.7f; GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(10, monitorRect.yMin + offset + 20 * j + 6, 7, 7), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); GUI.color = monitorInputColor; GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(10 + 1, monitorRect.yMin + offset + 20 * j + 7, 5, 5), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f); } List <MonitorEvent> monitorEvents = new List <MonitorEvent>(); monitor.GetEvents(maxTime - timeWindow, maxTime, monitorEvents); foreach (var monitorEvent in monitorEvents) { Color eventColor = Color.yellow; Handles.color = eventColor; float normalizedX = (monitorEvent.time - minTime) / timeWindow; if (normalizedX * graphRect.width >= 5f) { Handles.DrawLine( new Vector3(graphRect.xMin + graphRect.width * normalizedX, graphRect.yMin, 0f), new Vector3(graphRect.xMin + graphRect.width * normalizedX, graphRect.yMax, 0f) ); lineCount++; Handles.DrawLine( new Vector3(graphRect.xMin + graphRect.width * normalizedX, graphRect.yMax, 0f), new Vector3(graphRect.xMin + graphRect.width * normalizedX + 5, graphRect.yMax + 5, 0f) ); lineCount++; Handles.DrawLine( new Vector3(graphRect.xMin + graphRect.width * normalizedX, graphRect.yMax, 0f), new Vector3(graphRect.xMin + graphRect.width * normalizedX - 5, graphRect.yMax + 5, 0f) ); lineCount++; Handles.DrawLine( new Vector3(graphRect.xMin + graphRect.width * normalizedX - 5, graphRect.yMax + 5, 0f), new Vector3(graphRect.xMin + graphRect.width * normalizedX + 5, graphRect.yMax + 5, 0f) ); lineCount++; GUI.color = eventColor; GUI.contentColor = Color.white; GUI.Label(new Rect(graphRect.xMin + graphRect.width * normalizedX - 5, graphRect.yMax + 5f, 100f, 20f), monitorEvent.text, simpleStyle); } } } } // select/deselect. if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown) { selectedMonitorInput = newSelectedMonitorInput; } // Left gradient. GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(legendWidth, settingsRect.height, 10f, position.height - settingsRect.height), leftTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, true); // Draw top gradient. GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.3f); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, settingsRect.height, width, 8), topTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); for (int i = 0; i < visibleMonitors.Count; i++) { // separator line Handles.color = Color.grey; Handles.DrawLine(new Vector3(0f, (i + 1) * monitorHeight + settingsRect.height - scrollPositionY, 0f), new Vector3(width, (i + 1) * monitorHeight + settingsRect.height - scrollPositionY, 0f)); lineCount++; } // Scrollbar float scrollMaxY = monitorHeight * visibleMonitors.Count + extraScrollSpace; float visibleHeightY = Mathf.Min(scrollMaxY, position.height - settingsRect.height); GUI.color = Color.white; scrollPositionY = GUI.VerticalScrollbar(new Rect( position.width - 15, settingsRect.height, 15f, position.height - settingsRect.height), scrollPositionY, visibleHeightY, 0f, scrollMaxY); scrollPositionY = Mathf.Max(scrollPositionY, 0f); if (isInPauseMode) { if (!wasInPauseMode) { // Reset scroll positionwhen going into pause mode. scrollPositionTime = 0f; // Find the maximum time span in samples. float minTime = float.PositiveInfinity; float maxTime = float.NegativeInfinity; foreach (var monitor in visibleMonitors) { float monitorMinTime, monitorMaxTime; monitor.GetMinMaxTime(out monitorMinTime, out monitorMaxTime); minTime = Mathf.Min(minTime, monitorMinTime); maxTime = Mathf.Max(maxTime, latestTime); } scrollPositionTimeMax = (maxTime - minTime) + 1f; } GUI.color = Color.white; scrollPositionTime = GUI.HorizontalScrollbar( new Rect(legendWidth, height - 15f, width - legendWidth - 15f, 15f), scrollPositionTime, Mathf.Min(scrollPositionTimeMax, timeWindow), -scrollPositionTimeMax + timeWindow, timeWindow ); scrollPositionTime = Mathf.Min(0f, scrollPositionTime); } // Top settings GUI.color = settingsHeaderBackgroundColor; GUI.DrawTexture(settingsRect, EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture); GUI.color = Color.white; float padding = 5f; float timeWindowFloored = Mathf.RoundToInt(timeWindow * 10f) / 10f; GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(settingsRect.xMin + padding, settingsRect.yMin + padding, settingsRect.width - 2 * padding, settingsRect.height - 2 * padding)); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // Find list of unique game objects (linked to monitors). List <GameObject> gameObjects = new List <GameObject>(); foreach (Monitor monitor in monitors.All) { if (monitor.GameObject != null) { if (!gameObjects.Contains(monitor.GameObject)) { gameObjects.Add(monitor.GameObject); } } } gameObjects.Sort((GameObject a, GameObject b) => { int nameDelta =; if (nameDelta == 0) { return(a.GetInstanceID().CompareTo(b.GetInstanceID())); } else { return(nameDelta); } }); string[] visibleGameObjectNames = new string[gameObjects.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < visibleGameObjectNames.Length; i++) { visibleGameObjectNames[i] = gameObjects[i].name; } for (int i = 0; i < visibleGameObjectNames.Length; i++) { int lastIndexWithSameName = i; for (int j = i + 1; j < visibleGameObjectNames.Length; j++) { if (visibleGameObjectNames[j] == visibleGameObjectNames[i]) { lastIndexWithSameName = j; } else { break; } } if (lastIndexWithSameName > i) { int n = 1; for (int j = i; j <= lastIndexWithSameName; j++) { visibleGameObjectNames[j] = visibleGameObjectNames[j] + "/" + n + ""; n++; } i = lastIndexWithSameName + 1; } } // Game object filter. int gameObjectFilterIndex = 0; string[] gameObjectFilterOptions = new string[gameObjects.Count + 1]; gameObjectFilterOptions[0] = "All"; for (int i = 0; i < gameObjects.Count; i++) { gameObjectFilterOptions[i + 1] = visibleGameObjectNames[i]; if (gameObjectFilter == gameObjects[i]) { gameObjectFilterIndex = i + 1; } } gameObjectFilterIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup(gameObjectFilterIndex, gameObjectFilterOptions, GUILayout.Width(160)); GameObject gameObjectFilter_old = gameObjectFilter; if (gameObjectFilterIndex == 0) { gameObjectFilter = null; } else { gameObjectFilter = gameObjects[gameObjectFilterIndex - 1]; } if (gameObjectFilter != gameObjectFilter_old) { scrollPositionY = 0; } // Interpolation selection. GUILayout.Space(5f); GUILayout.Label("Interpolation", GUILayout.Width(75)); interpolationTypeIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup(interpolationTypeIndex, interpolationTypes, GUILayout.Width(120)); timeWindow_exp = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(timeWindow_exp, -1f, 1.30102999566f); GUILayout.Label(timeWindowFloored.ToString("0.0") + " secs.", GUILayout.Width(60)); GUILayout.Space(5f); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndArea(); float splitSize = 6; Rect legendResizeRect = new Rect(legendWidth - splitSize / 2, 0, splitSize, height); EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(legendResizeRect, MouseCursor.SplitResizeLeftRight); if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && legendResizeRect.Contains(mousePosition) && !monitorHeightResize) { legendResize = true; } if (e.type == EventType.MouseDrag && legendResize) { legendWidth = Mathf.FloorToInt(mousePosition.x); } if (e.type == EventType.MouseUp && legendResize) { legendResize = false; } Repaint(); wasInPauseMode = isInPauseMode; // Save editor settings. EditorPrefs.SetFloat(TIME_WINDOW_EXP, timeWindow_exp); EditorPrefs.SetInt(INTERPOLATION_TYPE_INDEX, interpolationTypeIndex); EditorPrefs.SetInt(MONITOR_HEIGHT, monitorHeight); EditorPrefs.SetInt(LEGEND_WIDTH, legendWidth); }
private void UpdatePositionMonitor(bool componentIsActive) { // position if (showPosition && componentIsActive) { if (monitor_position == null) { monitor_position = new Monitor(""); monitor_position.GameObject = gameObject; } monitor_position.Name = "Position (" + (positionSpace == Space.World ? "world" : "local") + ")"; monitor_position.Mode = positionMode; monitor_position.Min = positionMin; monitor_position.Max = positionMax; } else { if (monitor_position != null) { monitor_position.Close(); monitor_position = null; } } // position x if (showPosition && showPosition_x && componentIsActive) { if (monitorInput_position_x == null) { monitorInput_position_x = new MonitorInput(monitor_position, "x",; } } else { if (monitorInput_position_x != null) { monitorInput_position_x.Close(); monitorInput_position_x = null; } } // position y if (showPosition && showPosition_y && componentIsActive) { if (monitorInput_position_y == null) { monitorInput_position_y = new MonitorInput(monitor_position, "y",; } } else { if (monitorInput_position_y != null) { monitorInput_position_y.Close(); monitorInput_position_y = null; } } // position z if (showPosition && showPosition_z && componentIsActive) { if (monitorInput_position_z == null) { monitorInput_position_z = new MonitorInput(monitor_position, "z",; } } else { if (monitorInput_position_z != null) { monitorInput_position_z.Close(); monitorInput_position_z = null; } } }
private void UpdateScaleMonitor(bool componentIsActive) { // scale if (showScale && componentIsActive) { if (monitor_scale == null) { monitor_scale = new Monitor(""); monitor_scale.GameObject = gameObject; } monitor_scale.Name = "Scale (" + (scaleSpace == ScaleSpace.Local ? "local" : "lossy") + ")"; monitor_scale.Mode = scaleMode; monitor_scale.Min = scaleMin; monitor_scale.Max = scaleMax; } else { if (monitor_scale != null) { monitor_scale.Close(); monitor_scale = null; } } // scale x if (showScale && showScale_x && componentIsActive) { if (monitorInput_scale_x == null) { monitorInput_scale_x = new MonitorInput(monitor_scale, "x",; } } else { if (monitorInput_scale_x != null) { monitorInput_scale_x.Close(); monitorInput_scale_x = null; } } // scale y if (showScale && showScale_y && componentIsActive) { if (monitorInput_scale_y == null) { monitorInput_scale_y = new MonitorInput(monitor_scale, "y",; } } else { if (monitorInput_scale_y != null) { monitorInput_scale_y.Close(); monitorInput_scale_y = null; } } // scale z if (showScale && showScale_z && componentIsActive) { if (monitorInput_scale_z == null) { monitorInput_scale_z = new MonitorInput(monitor_scale, "z",; } } else { if (monitorInput_scale_z != null) { monitorInput_scale_z.Close(); monitorInput_scale_z = null; } } }
private void UpdateAngularVelocityMonitor(bool componentIsActive) { // angularVelocity if (showAngularVelocity && componentIsActive) { if (monitor_angularVelocity == null) { monitor_angularVelocity = new Monitor("Angular Velocity"); monitor_angularVelocity.GameObject = gameObject; } monitor_angularVelocity.Mode = angularVelocityMode; monitor_angularVelocity.Min = angularVelocityMin; monitor_angularVelocity.Max = angularVelocityMax; } else { if (monitor_angularVelocity != null) { monitor_angularVelocity.Close(); monitor_angularVelocity = null; } } // angularVelocity x if (showAngularVelocity && showAngularVelocity_x && componentIsActive) { if (monitorInput_angularVelocity_x == null) { monitorInput_angularVelocity_x = new MonitorInput(monitor_angularVelocity, "x",; } } else { if (monitorInput_angularVelocity_x != null) { monitorInput_angularVelocity_x.Close(); monitorInput_angularVelocity_x = null; } } // angularVelocity y if (showAngularVelocity && showAngularVelocity_y && componentIsActive) { if (monitorInput_angularVelocity_y == null) { monitorInput_angularVelocity_y = new MonitorInput(monitor_angularVelocity, "y",; } } else { if (monitorInput_angularVelocity_y != null) { monitorInput_angularVelocity_y.Close(); monitorInput_angularVelocity_y = null; } } // angularVelocity z if (showAngularVelocity && showAngularVelocity_z && componentIsActive) { if (monitorInput_angularVelocity_z == null) { monitorInput_angularVelocity_z = new MonitorInput(monitor_angularVelocity, "z",; } } else { if (monitorInput_angularVelocity_z != null) { monitorInput_angularVelocity_z.Close(); monitorInput_angularVelocity_z = null; } } }
private void UpdateRotationMonitor(bool componentIsActive) { // rotation if (showRotation && componentIsActive) { if (monitor_rotation == null) { monitor_rotation = new Monitor("Rotation"); monitor_rotation.GameObject = gameObject; } monitor_rotation.Mode = rotationMode; monitor_rotation.Min = rotationMin; monitor_rotation.Max = rotationMax; } else { if (monitor_rotation != null) { monitor_rotation.Close(); monitor_rotation = null; } } // rotation x if (showRotation && showRotation_x && componentIsActive) { if (monitorInput_rotation_x == null) { monitorInput_rotation_x = new MonitorInput(monitor_rotation, "x",; } } else { if (monitorInput_rotation_x != null) { monitorInput_rotation_x.Close(); monitorInput_rotation_x = null; } } // rotation y if (showRotation && showRotation_y && componentIsActive) { if (monitorInput_rotation_y == null) { monitorInput_rotation_y = new MonitorInput(monitor_rotation, "y",; } } else { if (monitorInput_rotation_y != null) { monitorInput_rotation_y.Close(); monitorInput_rotation_y = null; } } // rotation z if (showRotation && showRotation_z && componentIsActive) { if (monitorInput_rotation_z == null) { monitorInput_rotation_z = new MonitorInput(monitor_rotation, "z",; } } else { if (monitorInput_rotation_z != null) { monitorInput_rotation_z.Close(); monitorInput_rotation_z = null; } } }
public void Add(MonitorInput monitorInput) { inputs.Add(monitorInput); }
public void Remove(MonitorInput monitorInput) { inputs.Remove(monitorInput); }