public void TestCalculateSizeOfSimpleDoc() { Document doc = new Document(); doc.Append("a","a"); doc.Append("b",1); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); BsonWriter writer = new BsonWriter(ms); //BsonDocument bdoc = BsonConvert.From(doc); Assert.AreEqual(21,writer.CalculateSize(doc)); }
public void TestCalculateSizeOfComplexDoc() { Document doc = new Document(); doc.Append("a","a"); doc.Append("b",1); Document sub = new Document().Append("c_1",1).Append("c_2",DateTime.Now); doc.Append("c",sub); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); BsonWriter writer = new BsonWriter(ms); Assert.AreEqual(51,writer.CalculateSize(doc)); }
public Collection CreateCollection(String name, Document options) { Document cmd = new Document(); cmd.Append("create", name).Update(options); db.SendCommand(cmd); return new Collection(name, connection,; }
public ICursor Find(String where) { Document spec = new Document(); spec.Append("$where", new Code(where)); return(this.Find(spec, 0, 0, null)); }
public override void SaveSettings(System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary settings) { using (var mongo = new MongoDbWr()) { var coll = mongo.BlogDB.GetCollection("settings"); foreach (string key in settings.Keys) { Document doc = new Document(); doc.Append("name", key); doc.Append("value", settings[key]); coll.Insert(doc); } } }
public Collection CreateCollection(String name, Document options) { Document cmd = new Document(); cmd.Append("create", name).Update(options); db.SendCommand(cmd); return(new Collection(name, connection,; }
public void DropIndex(string name) { Document cmd = new Document(); cmd.Append("deleteIndexes","index", name); db.SendCommand(cmd); this.refresh(); }
public Collection CreateCollection(String name, Document options) { Document command = new Document(); command.Append("create", name).Update(options); //this.connection.SendCommand(command); //TODO send command to DB. return new Collection(name, connection, this.Name); }
private static Document creatadocFromArrays(string[] names, object[] values) { if (values.Length != names.Length) { throw new MongoXtrasException("MongoCollection.Fill: the length is different"); } Document doc = new Document(); for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++) { doc.Append(names[i], values[i]); } return doc; }
public IEnumerable RunQuery(string server, string database, string port, string query) { if (database == string.Empty) throw new QueryValidationException("You must specify a non-empty database name"); if (query == string.Empty) throw new QueryValidationException("You must specify a non-empty query"); _db = new Mongo(string.Format("Server={0}:{1}", server, port)); IList<DictionaryBase> documents = new List<DictionaryBase>(); try { _db.Connect(); } catch (SocketException ex) { throw new UnknownServerException(string.Format("Unknown server: {0}:{1}", server, port), ex); } string[] queryParts = query.Split(':'); string collection = queryParts[0]; if (queryParts.Length > 1) { Document spec = new Document(); string where = queryParts[1]; const string LIMIT_TEXT = " limit "; int limitIndex = where.IndexOf(LIMIT_TEXT); int limit = 0; if (limitIndex > -1) { string limitText; if (int.TryParse(where.Substring(limitIndex + LIMIT_TEXT.Length), out limit)) where = where.Substring(0, limitIndex); } spec.Append("$where", new Code(where)); _cursor = _db[database][collection].Find(spec, limit, 0); } else _cursor = _db[database][collection].FindAll(); return _cursor.Documents; //Document d = db[database].SendCommand("db.test.find();"); }
public void TestDBRefRoundTrip() { Document source = new Document(); source.Append("x",1).Append("ref",new DBRef("refs","ref1")); BsonDocument bdoc = BsonConvert.From(source); Document copy = (Document)bdoc.ToNative(); Assert.IsTrue(copy.Contains("ref")); Assert.IsTrue(copy["ref"].GetType() == typeof(DBRef)); DBRef sref = (DBRef)source["ref"]; DBRef cref = (DBRef)copy["ref"]; Assert.AreEqual(sref.Id, cref.Id); }
public ICursor Find(String where) { Document spec = new Document(); spec.Append("$where", new Code(where)); return this.Find(spec, 0, 0, null); }
public override MembershipUser CreateUser(string username, string password, string email, string passwordQuestion, string passwordAnswer, bool isApproved, object providerUserKey, out MembershipCreateStatus status) { ValidatePasswordEventArgs args = new ValidatePasswordEventArgs(username, password, true); OnValidatingPassword(args); if (args.Cancel) { status = MembershipCreateStatus.InvalidPassword; return null; } if (RequiresUniqueEmail && GetUserNameByEmail(email) != "") { status = MembershipCreateStatus.DuplicateEmail; return null; } MembershipUser u = GetUser(username, false); if (u == null) { DateTime createDate = DateTime.Now; if (providerUserKey == null) { providerUserKey = Guid.NewGuid(); } else { if (!(providerUserKey is Guid)) { status = MembershipCreateStatus.InvalidProviderUserKey; return null; } } try { using (var conn = cm.New) { var collection = conn.Database.GetCollection("aspnet_members"); Document doc = new Document(); doc.Append("PKID", providerUserKey); doc.Append("Username", username); doc.Append("Password", EncodePassword(password)); doc.Append("Email", email); doc.Append("PasswordQuestion", passwordQuestion); doc.Append("PasswordAnswer", EncodePassword(passwordAnswer)); doc.Append("IsApproved", isApproved); doc.Append("Comment", ""); doc.Append("CreationDate", createDate); doc.Append("LastPasswordChangedDate", createDate); doc.Append("LastActivityDate", createDate); doc.Append("ApplicationName", pApplicationName); doc.Append("IsLockedOut", false); doc.Append("LastLockedOutDate", createDate); doc.Append("FailedPasswordAttemptCount", 0); doc.Append("FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart", createDate); doc.Append("FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount", 0); doc.Append("FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart", createDate); collection.Insert(doc); } status = MembershipCreateStatus.Success; } catch (MongoException e) { if (WriteExceptionsToEventLog) { WriteToEventLog(e, "CreateUser"); } status = MembershipCreateStatus.ProviderError; } return GetUser(username, false); } else { status = MembershipCreateStatus.DuplicateUserName; } return null; }
public void DropIndex(string name) { Document cmd = new Document(); cmd.Append("deleteIndexes","index",name); db.SendCommand(cmd); this.refresh(); }
static void DoInsert(Database db, string col, Document doc) { for(int i = 0; i < perTrial; i++){ Document ins = new Document(); doc.CopyTo(ins); ins.Append("x", i); db[col].Insert(ins); } }
public void DropIndex(string name) { Document cmd = new Document(); cmd.Append("deleteIndexes","index",name); db["$cmd"].FindOne(cmd); this.refresh(); }