public static string CalculateM(string formula)
            double M = 0;

                //Load the formula into ElementGroup object
                ElementGroup molecule = new ElementGroup(formula, 1, true);

                //Disassemble the formula in the ElementGroup object to single elements
                Dictionary <string, int> elementsTable = molecule.CountElements();

                //Add the molar masses of all the atoms together
                M = AddMolarMasses(elementsTable);
            catch (InvalidInputException e)
                return(e.Message + "\nPlease, check the Help menu for rules about writing formulas.");
            catch (Exception e)
                return("An unexpected exception occured.\nThis shouldn't be happening.\nCan you please submit a bug report via the Feedback menu (accessible via the help button).\nPlease, don't forget to include the formula you entered in your report.\n\nException details: " + e.ToString());
                //return "An exception occured.\nThis is most likely caused by invalid input.\nPlease, check the Help menu for rules about writing formulas and if this problem persist, submit a bug report via the Feedback menu.\nPlease, include the following informationg in your report. Thanks.\n\nAn exception occured while calculating molar mass of " + formula + ": " + e.ToString();

            return("Molar mass of " + formula + ": " + M + " g/mol");
Exemple #2
         * Method taking a whole formula, starting index and characters terminating end of element abbreviation or it's count
         * Returns the first loaded element group as object and index, where in the formula it ended as out parameter
        private ElementGroup ReadElementGroup(string content, int startIndex, string contentTerminatingChars, string countTerminatingChars, out int endIndex)
            int    index         = startIndex;
            int    bracketsLevel = 0;
            string resultContent = "";
            string resultCount   = "";

                resultContent += content[index];
                if (content[index] == '(')
                if (content[index] == ')')
            } while (index < content.Length && (!contentTerminatingChars.Contains(content[index].ToString()) || (bracketsLevel > 0)));

            //Checking for balanced brackets
            if (bracketsLevel != 0)
                throw new InvalidInputException("Unbalanced brackets.");

            while (index < content.Length && (!countTerminatingChars.Contains(content[index].ToString())))
                resultCount += content[index];
            if (resultCount.Length == 0)
                resultCount = "1";
                int resultCountInt = Convert.ToInt32(resultCount);
            catch (FormatException e)
                throw new InvalidInputException("Count of element or element group " + resultContent + " contains a non-number character.");

            bool containsGroup = false;

            if (resultContent.Contains("("))
                //Resulting object contains element group, not a single element
                containsGroup = true;
            endIndex = index;
            ElementGroup result = new ElementGroup(resultContent, Convert.ToInt32(resultCount), containsGroup);
