private int AddToDatabase(Feed <Google.YouTube.Video> vids, int bikeModelID) { int entriesAdded = 0; foreach (var vid in vids.Entries) { int?checkVid = Beweb.BewebData.GetValueInt(new Sql("SELECT COUNT(VideoId) FROM Video WHERE VideoCode=", vid.VideoId.Sqlize_Text())); if (checkVid > 0) { continue; // don't add one that already exists } Models.Video v = new Video(); v.SourceWebsiteCode = "youtube"; // actually all are from youtube v.VideoCode = vid.VideoId; v.Title = vid.Title.Left(150); v.VideoDescription = vid.Description; v.Credit = vid.Author; //vid.Uploader; v.ViewCount = vid.ViewCount; v.Status = "New"; v.VideoPostedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(vid.YouTubeEntry.Published); v.DateAdded = DateTime.Now; v.ThumbnailUrl = vid.Thumbnails[0].Url; v.BikeModelID = bikeModelID; v.IsAuto = true; v.Save(); entriesAdded++; } return(entriesAdded); }
private void Save(Models.Video record, bool isNew) { // add any code to update other fields/tables here if (isNew) { record.VideoCode = ParseVideoUrl("YouTube", Request["VideoURL"]); } record.ThumbnailUrl = "" + record.VideoCode + "/default.jpg"; record.Save(); }
public string ApproveVid() { int vid = Request["VID"].ToInt(); bool approved = Request["Approved"].ConvertToBool(); Models.Video v = Models.Video.LoadByVideoID(vid); if (approved) { v.Status = "Approved"; } else { v.Status = "Rejected"; } v.Save(); return(vid.ToString()); }
protected ActionResult ProcessForm(Models.Video record) { try { record.UpdateFromRequest(); Validate(record); if (ModelState.IsValid) { Save(record, record.IsNewRecord); TempData["info"] = "Video " + record.GetName() + " saved."; } } catch (UserErrorException e) { ModelState.AddModelError("Record", e.Message); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { // invalid so redisplay form with validation message(s) return(View("VideoEdit", record)); } else if (Web.Request["SaveAndRefreshButton"] != null) { return(RedirectToEdit(record.ID)); } else if (Web.Request["DuplicateButton"] != null) { var newRecord = new Models.Video(); newRecord.UpdateFrom(record); newRecord.Save(); TempData["info"] = "Copy of Video " + record.GetName() + " created. You are now editing the new copy."; return(RedirectToEdit(newRecord.ID)); } else { return(RedirectToReturnPage()); } }