/// <summary>
        /// Loads and returns a record list of all GalleryCategory objects.
        /// Parameters: itemsPerPage = max records to fetch; pageNum = one based page number if multiple pages (otherwise itemsPerPage is effectively TOP)
        /// eg LoadActive() = returns all records; LoadActive(10) = returns top 10 records by default sort order; LoadActive(10, 2) = returns second page of 10 records by default sort order
        /// ("Default sort order" can be defined for each record type by overriding in the partial model file. By default it looks for fields: SortPosition,SortOrder,Position, DateAdded,CreateDate,DateCreated and GalleryCategoryID desc.)
        /// </summary>
        public static GalleryCategoryList LoadAll()
            var result = new GalleryCategoryList();

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a record list of GalleryCategory objects, given a SQL statement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sql">A SQL statement constructed using the Beweb.Sql class</param>
        /// <returns>A list of GalleryCategory records.</returns>
        public static GalleryCategoryList Load(Sql sql)
            var result = new GalleryCategoryList();

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads all records which are active plus the one with the given ID. For situations where you want to only show active records except you also want to include the record that is already current.
        /// </summary>
        public static GalleryCategoryList LoadActivePlusExisting(object existingRecordID)
            var result = new GalleryCategoryList();
            var sql    = (new GalleryCategory()).GetSqlWhereActivePlusExisting(existingRecordID);

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads and returns a record list of all the "active" GalleryCategory objects.
        /// Parameters: itemsPerPage = max records to fetch; pageNum = one based page number if multiple pages (otherwise itemsPerPage is effectively TOP)
        /// eg LoadActive() = returns all active records; LoadActive(10) = returns top 10 active records by default sort order; LoadActive(10, 2) = returns second page of 10 active records by default sort order
        /// ("Active" can be defined for each record type by overriding in the partial model file. By default it looks for fields: PublishDate/ExpiryDate, IsActive,IsEnabled,IsPublished,Active,Enabled,Published,IsVisible,Visible.)
        /// </summary>
        public static GalleryCategoryList LoadActive()
            var result = new GalleryCategoryList();
            var sql    = (new GalleryCategory()).GetSqlWhereActive();

        public static GalleryCategoryList LoadIDs(string[] ids, bool useDefaultOrderBy)
            var sql    = new Sql("where GalleryCategoryID in (", ids.SqlizeNumberList(), ")");
            var result = new GalleryCategoryList();

            result.LoadRecords(sql, useDefaultOrderBy);
        public static GalleryCategoryList LoadActive(int itemsPerPage, int pageNum)
            var result = new GalleryCategoryList();
            var sql    = (new GalleryCategory()).GetSqlWhereActive();

            sql.Paging(itemsPerPage, pageNum);
        public static GalleryCategoryList LoadAll(int itemsPerPage, int pageNum)
            var result = new GalleryCategoryList();
            var sql    = new Sql("where 1=1");

            sql.Paging(itemsPerPage, pageNum);