Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The Stock class constructor
        /// </summary>
        public Stock()
            : base()
            this.FUserForages = new List<string>();
            this.FUserPaddocks = new List<string>();
            this.FRandFactory = new TMyRandom(this.FRandSeed);       // random number generator
            this.FModel = new TStockList(this.FRandFactory);

            Array.Resize(ref FGenotypeInits, 0);
            Array.Resize(ref FAnimalInits, 0);
            FSuppFed = new TSupplement();
            FExcretion = new TExcretionInfo();
            FPaddocksGiven = false;
            FFirstStep = true;
            FRandSeed = 0;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// The main stock management function that handles a number of events.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Model"></param>
        /// <param name="stockEvent">The event parameters</param>
        /// <param name="dtToday"></param>
        /// <param name="fLatitude"></param>
        public void doStockManagement(TStockList Model, IStockEvent stockEvent, int dtToday = 0, double fLatitude = -35.0)
            TCohortsInfo CohortsInfo = new TCohortsInfo();
            TPurchaseInfo PurchaseInfo = new TPurchaseInfo();
            List<string> sClosed;
            string sParam;
            int iParam1;
            int iParam3;
            double fValue;
            int iTag;
            int iGroups;

            if (stockEvent != null)
                if (stockEvent.GetType() == typeof(TStockAdd))          // add_animals
                    TStockAdd stockInfo = (TStockAdd)stockEvent;
                    CohortsInfo.sGenotype = stockInfo.genotype;
                    CohortsInfo.iNumber = Math.Max(0, stockInfo.number);
                    if (!ParseRepro(stockInfo.sex, ref CohortsInfo.ReproClass))
                        throw new Exception("Event ADD does not support sex='" + stockInfo.sex + "'");
                    if (dtToday > 0)
                        CohortsInfo.iAgeOffsetDays = DaysFromDOY365(stockInfo.birth_day, dtToday);
                        CohortsInfo.iAgeOffsetDays = 0;
                    CohortsInfo.iMinYears = stockInfo.min_years;
                    CohortsInfo.iMaxYears = stockInfo.max_years;
                    CohortsInfo.fMeanLiveWt = stockInfo.mean_weight;
                    CohortsInfo.fCondScore = stockInfo.cond_score;
                    CohortsInfo.fMeanGFW = stockInfo.mean_fleece_wt;
                    if (dtToday > 0)
                        CohortsInfo.iFleeceDays = DaysFromDOY365(stockInfo.shear_day, dtToday);
                        CohortsInfo.iFleeceDays = 0;
                    CohortsInfo.sMatedTo = stockInfo.mated_to;
                    CohortsInfo.iDaysPreg = stockInfo.pregnant;
                    CohortsInfo.fFoetuses = stockInfo.foetuses;
                    CohortsInfo.iDaysLact = stockInfo.lactating;
                    CohortsInfo.fOffspring = stockInfo.offspring;
                    CohortsInfo.fOffspringWt = stockInfo.young_wt;
                    CohortsInfo.fOffspringCS = stockInfo.young_cond_score;
                    CohortsInfo.fLambGFW = stockInfo.young_fleece_wt;

                    if (CohortsInfo.iNumber > 0)
                        Model.AddCohorts(CohortsInfo, 1 + DaysFromDOY365(1, dtToday), fLatitude, null);

                else if (stockEvent.GetType() == typeof(TStockBuy))
                    TStockBuy stockInfo = (TStockBuy)stockEvent;
                    PurchaseInfo.sGenotype = stockInfo.genotype;
                    PurchaseInfo.Number = Math.Max(0, stockInfo.number);
                    if (!ParseRepro(stockInfo.sex, ref PurchaseInfo.Repro))
                        throw new Exception("Event BUY does not support sex='" + stockInfo.sex + "'");
                    PurchaseInfo.AgeDays = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(MONTH2DAY * stockInfo.age));  // Age in months
                    PurchaseInfo.LiveWt = stockInfo.weight;
                    PurchaseInfo.GFW = stockInfo.fleece_wt;
                    PurchaseInfo.fCondScore = stockInfo.cond_score;
                    PurchaseInfo.sMatedTo = stockInfo.mated_to;
                    PurchaseInfo.Preg = stockInfo.pregnant;
                    PurchaseInfo.Lact = stockInfo.lactating;
                    PurchaseInfo.NYoung = stockInfo.no_young;
                    if ((PurchaseInfo.Preg > 0) || (PurchaseInfo.Lact > 0))
                        PurchaseInfo.NYoung = Math.Max(1, PurchaseInfo.NYoung);
                    PurchaseInfo.YoungWt = stockInfo.young_wt;
                    if ((PurchaseInfo.Lact == 0) || (PurchaseInfo.YoungWt == 0.0))                              // Can't use MISSING as default owing
                        PurchaseInfo.YoungWt = StdMath.DMISSING;                                                //   to double-to-single conversion
                    PurchaseInfo.YoungGFW = stockInfo.young_fleece_wt;
                    iTag = stockInfo.usetag;

                    if (PurchaseInfo.Number > 0)
                        if (iTag > 0)
                            Model.setTag(Model.Count(), iTag);
                } //_ buy _

                //sell a number from a group of animals
                else if (stockEvent.GetType() == typeof(TStockSell))
                    TStockSell stockInfo = (TStockSell)stockEvent;
                    Model.Sell(stockInfo.group, stockInfo.number);
                //sell a number of animals tagged with a specific tag
                else if (stockEvent.GetType() == typeof(TStockSellTag))
                    TStockSellTag stockInfo = (TStockSellTag)stockEvent;
                    Model.SellTag(stockInfo.tag, stockInfo.number);

                else if (stockEvent.GetType() == typeof(TStockShear))
                    TStockShear stockInfo = (TStockShear)stockEvent;
                    sParam = stockInfo.sub_group.ToLower();
                    Model.Shear(stockInfo.group, ((sParam == "adults") || (sParam == "both") || (sParam == "")), ((sParam == "lambs") || (sParam == "both")));

                else if (stockEvent.GetType() == typeof(TStockMove))
                    TStockMove stockInfo = (TStockMove)stockEvent;
                    iParam1 = stockInfo.group;
                    if ((iParam1 >= 1) && (iParam1 <= Model.Count()))
                        Model.setInPadd(iParam1, stockInfo.paddock);
                        throw new Exception("Invalid group number in MOVE event");

                else if (stockEvent.GetType() == typeof(TStockJoin))
                    TStockJoin stockInfo = (TStockJoin)stockEvent;
                    Model.Join(stockInfo.group, stockInfo.mate_to, stockInfo.mate_days);
                else if (stockEvent.GetType() == typeof(TStockCastrate))
                    TStockCastrate stockInfo = (TStockCastrate)stockEvent;
                    Model.Castrate(stockInfo.group, stockInfo.number);
                else if (stockEvent.GetType() == typeof(TStockWean))
                    TStockWean stockInfo = (TStockWean)stockEvent;
                    iParam1 = stockInfo.group;
                    sParam = stockInfo.sex.ToLower();
                    iParam3 = stockInfo.number;

                    if (sParam == "males")
                        Model.Wean(iParam1, iParam3, false, true);
                    else if (sParam == "females")
                        Model.Wean(iParam1, iParam3, true, false);
                    else if ((sParam == "all") || (sParam == ""))
                        Model.Wean(iParam1, iParam3, true, true);
                        throw new Exception("Invalid offspring type \"" + sParam + "\" in WEAN event");

                else if (stockEvent.GetType() == typeof(TStockDryoff))
                    TStockDryoff stockInfo = (TStockDryoff)stockEvent;
                    Model.DryOff(stockInfo.group, stockInfo.number);
                //split off the requested animals from all groups
                else if (stockEvent.GetType() == typeof(TStockSplitAll))
                    TStockSplitAll stockInfo = (TStockSplitAll)stockEvent;
                    iGroups = Model.Count(); //get pre-split count of groups
                    for (iParam1 = 1; iParam1 <= iGroups; iParam1++)
                        sParam = stockInfo.type.ToLower();
                        fValue = stockInfo.value;
                        iTag = stockInfo.othertag;

                        if (sParam == "age")
                            Model.SplitAge(iParam1, Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(fValue)));
                        else if (sParam == "weight")
                            Model.SplitWeight(iParam1, fValue);
                        else if (sParam == "young")
                        else if (sParam == "number")
                            Model.Split(iParam1, Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(fValue)));
                            throw new Exception("Stock: invalid keyword (" + sParam + ") in \"split\" event");
                        if ((iTag > 0) && (Model.Count() > iGroups))     //if a tag for any new group is given
                            Model.setTag(Model.Count(), iTag);

                //split off the requested animals from one group
                else if (stockEvent.GetType() == typeof(TStockSplit))
                    TStockSplit stockInfo = (TStockSplit)stockEvent;
                    iGroups = Model.Count(); //get pre-split count of groups
                    iParam1 = stockInfo.group;
                    sParam = stockInfo.type.ToLower();
                    fValue = stockInfo.value;
                    iTag = stockInfo.othertag;

                    if ((iParam1 < 1) && (iParam1 > Model.Count()))
                        throw new Exception("Invalid group number in SPLIT event");
                    else if (sParam == "age")
                        Model.SplitAge(iParam1, Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(fValue)));
                    else if (sParam == "weight")
                        Model.SplitWeight(iParam1, fValue);
                    else if (sParam == "young")
                    else if (sParam == "number")
                        Model.Split(iParam1, Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(fValue)));
                        throw new Exception("Stock: invalid keyword (" + sParam + ") in \"split\" event");
                    if ((iTag > 0) && (Model.Count() > iGroups))     //if a tag for the new group is given
                        Model.setTag(Model.Count(), iTag);

                else if (stockEvent.GetType() == typeof(TStockTag))
                    TStockTag stockInfo = (TStockTag)stockEvent;
                    iParam1 = stockInfo.group;
                    if ((iParam1 >= 1) && (iParam1 <= Model.Count()))
                        Model.setTag(iParam1, stockInfo.value);
                        throw new Exception("Invalid group number in TAG event");

                else if (stockEvent.GetType() == typeof(TStockSort))

                else if (stockEvent.GetType() == typeof(TStockPrioritise))
                    TStockPrioritise stockInfo = (TStockPrioritise)stockEvent;
                    iParam1 = stockInfo.group;
                    if ((iParam1 >= 1) && (iParam1 <= Model.Count()))
                        Model.setPriority(iParam1, stockInfo.value);
                        throw new Exception("Invalid group number in PRIORITISE event");

                else if (stockEvent.GetType() == typeof(TStockDraft))
                    TStockDraft stockInfo = (TStockDraft)stockEvent;
                    sClosed = new List<string>(stockInfo.closed);


                    throw new Exception("Event not recognised in STOCK");
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy the supplement eaten into a TSupplementEaten[]
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Model"></param>
        /// <param name="aValue"></param>
        public static void MakeSuppEaten(TStockList Model, ref TSupplementEaten[] aValue)
            int iCount;
            int iPadd;
            uint Idx;

            iCount = 0;
            for (iPadd = 0; iPadd <= Model.Paddocks.Count() - 1; iPadd++)
                if (Model.Paddocks.byIndex(iPadd).SuppRemovalKG > 0.0)
            aValue = new TSupplementEaten[iCount];
            Idx = 0;
            for (iPadd = 0; iPadd <= Model.Paddocks.Count() - 1; iPadd++)
                if (Model.Paddocks.byIndex(iPadd).SuppRemovalKG > 0.0)
                    aValue[Idx] = new TSupplementEaten();
                    aValue[Idx].paddock = Model.Paddocks.byIndex(iPadd).sName;
                    aValue[Idx].eaten = Model.Paddocks.byIndex(iPadd).SuppRemovalKG;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Fill the double[] with values from the model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Model"></param>
        /// <param name="varCode"></param>
        /// <param name="bUseYoung"></param>
        /// <param name="bUseAll"></param>
        /// <param name="bUseTag"></param>
        /// <param name="aValue"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool PopulateRealValue(TStockList Model, int varCode, bool bUseYoung, bool bUseAll, bool bUseTag, ref double[] aValue)
            int iNoPasses;
            TAnimalGroup aGroup;
            double dValue;
            double dTotal;
            int iDenom;
            int iPass, Idx;

            bool Result = true;
            Array.Clear(aValue, 0, aValue.Length);

            if (bUseTag)
                iNoPasses = aValue.Length;
                iNoPasses = 1;

            for (iPass = 1; iPass <= iNoPasses; iPass++)
                dTotal = 0.0;
                iDenom = 0;

                for (Idx = 1; Idx <= Model.Count(); Idx++)
                    if (!bUseTag || (Model.getTag(Idx) == iPass))
                        if (!bUseYoung)
                            aGroup = Model.At(Idx);
                            aGroup = Model.At(Idx).Young;

                        dValue = 0.0;
                        if (aGroup != null)
                            int N = (int)GrazType.TOMElement.N;
                            int P = (int)GrazType.TOMElement.P;
                            int S = (int)GrazType.TOMElement.S;
                            switch (varCode)
                                case StockProps.prpAGE: dValue = aGroup.AgeDays; break;
                                case StockProps.prpAGE_MONTHS: dValue = aGroup.AgeDays / MONTH2DAY; break;
                                case StockProps.prpLIVE_WT: dValue = aGroup.LiveWeight; break;
                                case StockProps.prpBASE_WT: dValue = aGroup.BaseWeight; break;
                                case StockProps.prpCOND_SCORE: dValue = aGroup.fConditionScore(TAnimalParamSet.TCond_System.csSYSTEM1_5); break;
                                case StockProps.prpMAX_PREV_WT: dValue = aGroup.MaxPrevWeight; break;
                                case StockProps.prpFLEECE_WT: dValue = aGroup.FleeceCutWeight; break;
                                case StockProps.prpCFLEECE_WT: dValue = aGroup.CleanFleeceWeight; break;
                                case StockProps.prpFIBRE_DIAM: dValue = aGroup.FibreDiam; break;
                                case StockProps.prpPREGNANT: dValue = aGroup.Pregnancy; break;
                                case StockProps.prpLACTATING: dValue = aGroup.Lactation; break;
                                case StockProps.prpNO_FOETUSES: dValue = aGroup.NoFoetuses; break;
                                case StockProps.prpNO_SUCKLING: dValue = aGroup.NoOffspring; break;
                                case StockProps.prpBIRTH_CS: dValue = aGroup.BirthCondition; break;
                                case StockProps.prpDSE: dValue = aGroup.DrySheepEquivs; break;
                                case StockProps.prpWT_CHANGE: dValue = aGroup.WeightChange; break;
                                case StockProps.prpME_INTAKE: dValue = aGroup.AnimalState.ME_Intake.Total; break;
                                case StockProps.prpCPI_INTAKE: dValue = aGroup.AnimalState.CP_Intake.Total; break;
                                case StockProps.prpCFLEECE_GROWTH: dValue = aGroup.CleanFleeceGrowth; break;
                                case StockProps.prpDAY_FIBRE_DIAM: dValue = aGroup.DayFibreDiam; break;
                                case StockProps.prpMILK_WT: dValue = aGroup.MilkYield; break;
                                case StockProps.prpMILK_ME: dValue = aGroup.MilkEnergy; break;
                                case StockProps.prpRETAINED_N:
                                    dValue = aGroup.AnimalState.CP_Intake.Total / GrazType.N2Protein - (aGroup.AnimalState.InOrgFaeces.Nu[N] + aGroup.AnimalState.OrgFaeces.Nu[N] + aGroup.AnimalState.Urine.Nu[N]);
                                case StockProps.prpRETAINED_P:
                                    dValue = aGroup.AnimalState.Phos_Intake.Total - (aGroup.AnimalState.InOrgFaeces.Nu[P] + aGroup.AnimalState.OrgFaeces.Nu[P] + aGroup.AnimalState.Urine.Nu[P]);
                                case StockProps.prpRETAINED_S:
                                    dValue = aGroup.AnimalState.Sulf_Intake.Total - (aGroup.AnimalState.InOrgFaeces.Nu[S] + aGroup.AnimalState.OrgFaeces.Nu[S] + aGroup.AnimalState.Urine.Nu[S]);
                                case StockProps.prpURINE_N: dValue = aGroup.AnimalState.Urine.Nu[N]; break;
                                case StockProps.prpURINE_P: dValue = aGroup.AnimalState.Urine.Nu[P]; break;
                                case StockProps.prpURINE_S: dValue = aGroup.AnimalState.Urine.Nu[S]; break;
                                case StockProps.prpCH4_OUTPUT:
                                    dValue = 0.001 * aGroup.MethaneWeight;         // Convert g/d to kg/d                  
                                case StockProps.prpRDPI: dValue = aGroup.AnimalState.RDP_Intake; break;
                                case StockProps.prpRDPR: dValue = aGroup.AnimalState.RDP_Reqd; break;
                                case StockProps.prpRDP_EFFECT: dValue = aGroup.AnimalState.RDP_IntakeEffect; break;
                                case StockProps.prpINTAKE_MOD: dValue = aGroup.IntakeModifier; break;
                                default: Result = false; break;

                        if (!bUseTag && !bUseAll)
                            aValue[Idx - 1] = dValue;
                        else if (varCode == StockProps.prpDSE)                                     // Sum DSE's; take a weighted average of 
                            dTotal = dTotal + dValue;                                              //   all other values                    
                        else if (aGroup != null)
                            dTotal = dTotal + aGroup.NoAnimals * dValue;
                            iDenom = iDenom + aGroup.NoAnimals;
                    } //_ loop over animal groups _

                if ((varCode != StockProps.prpDSE) && (iDenom > 0))
                    dTotal = dTotal / iDenom;
                if (bUseAll)
                    aValue[0] = dTotal;
                else if (bUseTag)
                    aValue[iPass - 1] = dTotal;
            } //_ loop over passes _
            return Result;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate the dry matter pool
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Model"></param>
        /// <param name="iCode"></param>
        /// <param name="bUseYoung"></param>
        /// <param name="bUseAll"></param>
        /// <param name="bUseTag"></param>
        /// <param name="aValue"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool PopulateDMPoolValue(TStockList Model, int iCode, bool bUseYoung, bool bUseAll, bool bUseTag, ref TDMPoolHead[] aValue)
            int iNoPasses;
            TAnimalGroup aGroup;
            GrazType.DM_Pool Pool = new GrazType.DM_Pool();
            GrazType.DM_Pool TotalPool = new GrazType.DM_Pool();
            int iDenom;
            int iPass, Idx;

            bool Result = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < aValue.Length; i++)
                aValue[i] = new TDMPoolHead();

            if (bUseTag)
                iNoPasses = aValue.Length;
                iNoPasses = 1;

            for (iPass = 1; iPass <= iNoPasses; iPass++)
                GrazType.ZeroDMPool(ref TotalPool);
                iDenom = 0;

                for (Idx = 1; Idx <= Model.Count(); Idx++)
                    if (!bUseTag || (Model.getTag(Idx) == iPass))
                        if (!bUseYoung)
                            aGroup = Model.At(Idx);
                            aGroup = Model.At(Idx).Young;

                        GrazType.ZeroDMPool(ref Pool);
                        if (aGroup != null)
                            int N = (int)GrazType.TOMElement.N;
                            int P = (int)GrazType.TOMElement.P;
                            int S = (int)GrazType.TOMElement.S;

                            switch (iCode)
                                case StockProps.prpINTAKE:
                                    Pool.DM = aGroup.AnimalState.DM_Intake.Total;
                                    Pool.Nu[N] = aGroup.AnimalState.CP_Intake.Total / GrazType.N2Protein;
                                    Pool.Nu[P] = aGroup.AnimalState.Phos_Intake.Total;
                                    Pool.Nu[S] = aGroup.AnimalState.Sulf_Intake.Total;
                                    Pool.AshAlk = aGroup.AnimalState.PaddockIntake.AshAlkalinity * aGroup.AnimalState.PaddockIntake.Biomass
                                                   + aGroup.AnimalState.SuppIntake.AshAlkalinity * aGroup.AnimalState.SuppIntake.Biomass;
                                case StockProps.prpINTAKE_PAST:
                                    Pool.DM = aGroup.AnimalState.DM_Intake.Herbage;
                                    Pool.Nu[N] = aGroup.AnimalState.CP_Intake.Herbage / GrazType.N2Protein;
                                    Pool.Nu[P] = aGroup.AnimalState.Phos_Intake.Herbage;
                                    Pool.Nu[S] = aGroup.AnimalState.Sulf_Intake.Herbage;
                                    Pool.AshAlk = aGroup.AnimalState.PaddockIntake.AshAlkalinity * aGroup.AnimalState.PaddockIntake.Biomass;
                                case StockProps.prpINTAKE_SUPP:
                                    Pool.DM = aGroup.AnimalState.DM_Intake.Supp;
                                    Pool.Nu[N] = aGroup.AnimalState.CP_Intake.Supp / GrazType.N2Protein;
                                    Pool.Nu[P] = aGroup.AnimalState.Phos_Intake.Supp;
                                    Pool.Nu[S] = aGroup.AnimalState.Sulf_Intake.Supp;
                                    Pool.AshAlk = aGroup.AnimalState.SuppIntake.AshAlkalinity * aGroup.AnimalState.SuppIntake.Biomass;
                                case StockProps.prpFAECES:
                                    GrazType.AddDMPool(aGroup.AnimalState.OrgFaeces, Pool);
                                    GrazType.AddDMPool(aGroup.AnimalState.InOrgFaeces, Pool);
                                case StockProps.prpINORG_FAECES:
                                    GrazType.AddDMPool(aGroup.AnimalState.InOrgFaeces, Pool);
                                    Result = false;

                        if (!bUseTag && !bUseAll)
                            DMPool2Value(Pool, aValue[Idx - 1], (iCode == StockProps.prpINORG_FAECES));
                        else if (aGroup != null)
                            GrazType.AddDMPool(GrazType.MultiplyDMPool(Pool, aGroup.NoAnimals), TotalPool);
                            iDenom = iDenom + aGroup.NoAnimals;
                } //_ loop over animal groups _

                if (bUseTag || bUseAll)
                    if (iDenom > 0)
                        TotalPool = GrazType.PoolFraction(TotalPool, 1.0 / iDenom);
                    if (bUseAll)
                        DMPool2Value(TotalPool, aValue[0], (iCode == StockProps.prpINORG_FAECES));
                        DMPool2Value(TotalPool, aValue[iPass - 1], (iCode == StockProps.prpINORG_FAECES));
            return Result;
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate the numbers array for the type of output required
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Model"></param>
        /// <param name="code"></param>
        /// <param name="bUseYoung"></param>
        /// <param name="bUseAll"></param>
        /// <param name="bUseTag"></param>
        /// <param name="numbers"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool PopulateNumberValue(TStockList Model, CountType code, bool bUseYoung, bool bUseAll, bool bUseTag, ref int[] numbers)
            int iNoPasses;
            TAnimalGroup aGroup;
            int iValue;
            int iTotal;
            int iPass, Idx;

            bool Result = true;
            Array.Clear(numbers, 0, numbers.Length);

            if (bUseTag)
                iNoPasses = numbers.Length;
                iNoPasses = 1;

            for (iPass = 1; iPass <= iNoPasses; iPass++)
                iTotal = 0;

                for (Idx = 1; Idx <= Model.Count(); Idx++)
                    if (!bUseTag || (Model.getTag(Idx) == iPass))
                        if (!bUseYoung)
                            aGroup = Model.At(Idx);
                            aGroup = Model.At(Idx).Young;

                        iValue = 0;
                        if (aGroup != null)
                            switch (code)
                                case CountType.eBoth:
                                    iValue = aGroup.NoAnimals;
                                case CountType.eFemale:
                                    iValue = aGroup.FemaleNo;
                                case CountType.eMale:
                                    iValue = aGroup.MaleNo;
                                    Result = false;
                        if (!bUseTag && !bUseAll)
                            numbers[Idx - 1] = iValue;
                            iTotal = iTotal + iValue;
                    } // _ loop over animal groups 

                if (bUseAll)
                    numbers[0] = iTotal;
                else if (bUseTag)
                    numbers[iPass - 1] = iTotal;
            } //_ loop over passes _
            return Result;
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Rank the paddocks
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Model"></param>
        /// <param name="aValue"></param>
        public static void MakePaddockRank(TStockList Model, ref string[] aValue)
            List<string> sList = new List<string>();

            aValue = sList.ToArray();
            /*Array.Resize(ref aValue, sList.Count);
            for (int Idx = 0; Idx < aValue.Length; Idx++)
                aValue[Idx] = sList[Idx];*/
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Model"></param>
        /// <param name="aValue"></param>
        public static void MakePaddockList(TStockList Model, ref TPaddInit[] aValue)
            TPaddockInfo aPadd;
            int Idx, Jdx;

            Array.Resize(ref aValue, Model.Paddocks.Count());

            for (Idx = 0; Idx < aValue.Length; Idx++)
                aPadd = Model.Paddocks.byIndex(Idx);
                aValue[Idx] = new TPaddInit();
                aValue[Idx].name = aPadd.sName;                                       // "name"                                
                aValue[Idx].area = aPadd.fArea;                                       // "area"                                
                aValue[Idx].slope = aPadd.Slope;                                       // "slope"                               
                Array.Resize(ref aValue[Idx].forages, aPadd.Forages.Count());
                for (Jdx = 0; Jdx < aPadd.Forages.Count(); Jdx++)
                    aValue[Idx].forages[Jdx] = aPadd.Forages.byIndex(Jdx).sName;
                aValue[Idx].excretion = aPadd.sExcretionDest;                              // "excretion"                           
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Model"></param>
        /// <param name="Animal"></param>
        /// <param name="aValue"></param>
        public static void MakeCattleValue(TStockList Model, GrazType.AnimalType Animal, ref TCattleInit[] aValue)
            TAnimalGroup aGroup;
            int iCount;
            int Idx, Jdx;

            iCount = 0;
            for (Idx = 1; Idx <= Model.Count(); Idx++)
                if (Model.At(Idx).Genotype.Animal == Animal)
            Array.Resize(ref aValue, iCount);

            Jdx = 0;
            for (Idx = 1; Idx <= Model.Count(); Idx++)
                if (Model.At(Idx).Genotype.Animal == Animal)
                    aGroup = Model.At(Idx);

                    aValue[Jdx] = new TCattleInit();

                    aValue[Jdx].genotype = aGroup.Genotype.sName;
                    aValue[Jdx].number = aGroup.NoAnimals;
                    aValue[Jdx].sex = Model.SexString(Idx, false);
                    aValue[Jdx].age = aGroup.AgeDays;
                    aValue[Jdx].weight = aGroup.LiveWeight;
                    aValue[Jdx].max_prev_wt = aGroup.MaxPrevWeight;
                    aValue[Jdx].pregnant = aGroup.Pregnancy;
                    aValue[Jdx].lactating = aGroup.Lactation;

                    /*if (Animal == GrazType.AnimalType.Sheep)
                        aValue[Jdx].fleece_wt = aGroup.FleeceCutWeight;
                        aValue[Jdx].fibre_diam = aGroup.FibreDiam;
                        aValue[Jdx].no_young = Math.Max(aGroup.NoFoetuses, aGroup.NoOffspring);
                    if (Animal == GrazType.AnimalType.Cattle)
                        aValue[Jdx].no_foetuses = aGroup.NoFoetuses;
                        aValue[Jdx].no_suckling = aGroup.NoOffspring;

                    if (aGroup.Lactation > 0)
                        aValue[Jdx].birth_cs = aGroup.BirthCondition;

                    if ((aGroup.Pregnancy > 0) || (aGroup.Young != null))
                        if (aGroup.MatedTo != null)
                            aValue[Jdx].mated_to = aGroup.MatedTo.sName;
                            aValue[Jdx].mated_to = "";
                        aValue[Jdx].mated_to = "";

                    if (aGroup.Young != null)
                        /*if (Animal == GrazType.AnimalType.Sheep)
                            aValue[Jdx].lamb_wt = aGroup.Young.LiveWeight;
                            aValue[Jdx].lamb_fleece_wt = aGroup.Young.FleeceCutWeight;
                        if (Animal == GrazType.AnimalType.Cattle)
                            aValue[Jdx].calf_wt = aGroup.Young.LiveWeight;

                        aValue[Jdx].paddock = Model.getInPadd(Idx);
                        aValue[Jdx].tag = Model.getTag(Idx);
                        aValue[Jdx].priority = Model.getPriority(Idx);
            } // next animal
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Copies the parameters into an array of genotype structures
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Model"></param>
        /// <param name="aValue"></param>
        public static void MakeGenotypesValue(TStockList Model, ref TStockGeno[] aValue)
            TAnimalParamSet Params;
            string sDamBreed = "";
            string sSireBreed = "";
            int iGeneration = 0;
            int Idx, Jdx;

            Array.Resize(ref aValue, Model.iGenotypeCount());
            for (Idx = 0; Idx <= Model.iGenotypeCount() - 1; Idx++)
                Params = Model.getGenotype(Idx);

                if (Params.iParentageCount() == 1)
                    sDamBreed = Params.sParentageBreed(0);
                    sSireBreed = sDamBreed;
                    iGeneration = 0;
                else if ((Params.iParentageCount() == 2) && (Params.fParentagePropn(0) > 0))
                    sDamBreed = Params.sParentageBreed(0);
                    sSireBreed = Params.sParentageBreed(1);
                    iGeneration = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Max(0, Math.Round(Math.Log(Params.fParentagePropn(0)) / Math.Log(0.5))));    //TODO: may need checking
                else if (Params.iParentageCount() == 2)
                    sSireBreed = Params.sParentageBreed(1);
                    sDamBreed = sSireBreed;
                    iGeneration = 0;
                    sDamBreed = Params.sParentageBreed(0);
                    sSireBreed = Params.sParentageBreed(1);
                    iGeneration = 0;

                aValue[Idx].name = Params.sName;
                aValue[Idx].dam_breed = sDamBreed;
                aValue[Idx].sire_breed = sSireBreed;
                aValue[Idx].generation = iGeneration;

                aValue[Idx].srw = Params.BreedSRW;
                aValue[Idx].death_rate = Params.AnnualDeaths(false);
                aValue[Idx].wnr_death_rate = Params.AnnualDeaths(true);
                aValue[Idx].ref_fleece_wt = Params.PotentialGFW;
                aValue[Idx].max_fibre_diam = Params.MaxMicrons;
                aValue[Idx].fleece_yield = Params.FleeceYield;
                aValue[Idx].peak_milk = Params.PotMilkYield;

                if (Params.Animal == GrazType.AnimalType.Sheep)
                    Array.Resize(ref aValue[Idx].conception, 3);
                    Array.Resize(ref aValue[Idx].conception, 2);
                for (Jdx = 0; Jdx < aValue[Idx].conception.Length; Jdx++)
                    aValue[Idx].conception[Jdx] = Params.Conceptions[Jdx];