public static Task NotifyOfVoteProcessedUpdateAverage(VoteProcessed v)
            return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                //Connect to the signalR hub
                var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<VoteHub>();

                //Update the client of their vote
                context.Clients.Client(v.ConnectionId).DisplayVoteResult(v.OriginalVoteValue, true, v.CurrentAverage);

                //Update all clients on the latest vote

        //Process good votes as quickly as we can and return the current average.
        public Task ProcessGoodVote(Vote vote)
            return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                if (vote.VoteValue < 0)
                    //Add the vote to the local store of all votes

                    var avg = GetAverageResult();

                    VoteProcessed processed = new VoteProcessed()
                        VoterId = vote.VoterId,
                        ConnectionId = vote.ConnectionId,
                        ProcessedDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                        OriginalVoteValue = vote.VoteValue,
                        CurrentAverage = avg.Average

                    //Publish the latest average vote value to the bus
                    BusHost.Publish(avg, BusTopic.NewAverageResult);

                    //publish a message saying that the message was processed
                    BusHost.Publish(processed, BusTopic.VoteProcessed);
        //Process bad votes in out own time..
        public Task ProcessBadVote(Vote vote)
            return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                if (vote.VoteValue >= 0)
                    //Bad votes take longer to count.

                    //One in every 4 bad votes get lost.
                    if ((_Votes.Count +1) % 4 == 0)
                        //Add the vote to the local store of all votes
                        vote.VoteLost = true;

                    var avg = GetAverageResult();

                    VoteProcessed processed = new VoteProcessed()
                        VoterId = vote.VoterId,
                        ConnectionId = vote.ConnectionId,
                        ProcessedDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                        OriginalVoteValue = vote.VoteValue,
                        CurrentAverage = avg.Average

                    //Publish the latest average vote value to the bus
                    BusHost.Publish(avg, BusTopic.NewAverageResult);

                    //publish a message saying
                    BusHost.Publish(processed, BusTopic.VoteProcessed);