/*Funcion: insertar parametros Param: ParameterInsertView,AuditDataFromWeb Return: status */ public CUDView insertParameter(ParameterInsertView parameter, AuditDataFromWeb audit) { ParameterDao Dao = new ParameterDao(); String state = Dao.insertParameter(parameter); CUDView logic = CUDVerifyLogic.verifierInsertDeleteUpdate("insert", state); if (logic.insert == true) { AuditService auditservice = new AuditService(); String Action = "Insert new parameter"; String NewValues = "ParameterName: " + parameter.ParameterName + ", ParameterMinValue: " + parameter.ParameterMinValue + ", ParameterXPlot: " + parameter.ParameterXPlot + ", ParameterYPlot: " + parameter.ParameterYPlot + ", ParameterYPlotRange: " + parameter.ParameterYPlotRange + ", ProcessId: " + parameter.ProcessId + ", UnitId: " + parameter.UnitId; auditservice.formInsert(Action, NewValues, audit); } return logic; }
private void saveAuxiliar() { if (ProductText.SelectedItem != null & ProcessText.SelectedItem != null) { if (ProductText.SelectedItem.Value != "" & ProcessText.SelectedItem.Value != "") { int ProcessIdNew = Int32.Parse(HttpContext.Current.Session["ProcessId"].ToString()); if (verifyParameterTable()) { ParameterService parameterService = new ParameterService(); //Insert Parameters foreach (GridViewRow gvrow in GridView1.Rows) { ParameterInsertView parameter = new ParameterInsertView(); TextBox lblParameter = (TextBox)gvrow.FindControl("Parameter"); TextBox lblMinValue = (TextBox)gvrow.FindControl("MinValue"); DropDownList lblUnit = (DropDownList)gvrow.FindControl("Unit"); CheckBox lblxPlot = (CheckBox)gvrow.FindControl("xPlot"); CheckBox lblyPlot = (CheckBox)gvrow.FindControl("yPlot"); TextBox lblIncer = (TextBox)gvrow.FindControl("Incer"); if (lblParameter.Text != "") { /*System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(lblParameter.Text); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(lblMinValue.Text); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(lblUnit.SelectedItem.Value); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(lblxPlot.Checked); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(lblyPlot.Checked); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(lblIncer.Text);*/ parameter.ParameterMinValue = Double.Parse(lblMinValue.Text); parameter.ParameterName = lblParameter.Text; parameter.ParameterXPlot = lblxPlot.Checked; parameter.ParameterYPlot = lblyPlot.Checked; parameter.ParameterYPlotRange = Int32.Parse(lblIncer.Text); parameter.ProcessId = ProcessIdNew; parameter.UnitId = Int32.Parse(lblUnit.SelectedItem.Value); CUDView crud = parameterService.insertParameter(parameter); if (crud.insert == false) { this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "alert('Could not insert the Parameters')", true); } } } clearFields(); fillTable(); } else { this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "alert('Some parameters in Parameter Table has some incorrrect data format.')", true); } } } }
/* Metodo que se utiliza para realizar inserciones */ private void saveAuxiliar() { //Se verifica que se haya el producto y el proceso no sean nulos if (ProductText.SelectedItem != null & ProcessText.SelectedItem != null) { //Se verifica que se haya completado el producto y el proceso, es decir que no esten en blanco if (ProductText.SelectedItem.Value != "" & ProcessText.SelectedItem.Value != "") { //Se verifica que se haya añadido al menos un parametro if (validateParameter()) { int ProcessIdNew = Int32.Parse(HttpContext.Current.Session["ProcessId"].ToString()); if (verifyParameterTable()) { //Se crea el servicio ParameterService parameterService = new ParameterService(); //Insert Parameters foreach (GridViewRow gvrow in GridView1.Rows) { ParameterInsertView parameter = new ParameterInsertView(); TextBox lblParameter = (TextBox)gvrow.FindControl("Parameter"); TextBox lblMinValue = (TextBox)gvrow.FindControl("MinValue"); DropDownList lblUnit = (DropDownList)gvrow.FindControl("Unit"); CheckBox lblxPlot = (CheckBox)gvrow.FindControl("xPlot"); CheckBox lblyPlot = (CheckBox)gvrow.FindControl("yPlot"); TextBox lblIncer = (TextBox)gvrow.FindControl("Incer"); if (lblParameter.Text != "") { parameter.ParameterMinValue = Double.Parse(lblMinValue.Text); parameter.ParameterName = lblParameter.Text; parameter.ParameterXPlot = lblxPlot.Checked; parameter.ParameterYPlot = lblyPlot.Checked; parameter.ParameterYPlotRange = Int32.Parse(lblIncer.Text); parameter.ProcessId = ProcessIdNew; parameter.UnitId = Int32.Parse(lblUnit.SelectedItem.Value); //Se llenan los datos de la auditoria String user = Context.User.Identity.Name; AuditDataFromWeb audit = new AuditDataFromWeb(); audit.Reason = "N/A"; audit.StationIP = General.getIp(this.Page); audit.UserName = user; //Se realiza la insercion CUDView crud = parameterService.insertParameter(parameter, audit); if (crud.insert == false) { this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "alert('Could not insert the Parameters')", true); } } } clearFields(); fillTable(); } else { this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "alert('Some parameters in Parameter Table has some incorrrect data format.')", true); } } else { this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "alert('Add at least one parameter.')", true); } } } }
/* Funcion: Inserta parametros Param: ParameterId, ProcessId,ParameterName,UnitId,ParameterMinValue,ParameterXPlot,ParameterYPlot,ParameterYPlotRange Return: Status */ public String insertParameter(ParameterInsertView parameter) { return context.InsertUpdateDeleteMSQL("EXEC insertParameter @ProcessId=" + parameter.ProcessId + " , @ParameterName= '" + parameter.ParameterName + "', @UnitId= " + parameter.UnitId + " , @ParameterMinValue= " + parameter.ParameterMinValue + " , @ParameterXPlot= " + parameter.ParameterXPlot + " , @ParameterYPlot= " + parameter.ParameterYPlot + " , @ParameterYPlotRange= " + parameter.ParameterYPlotRange + " ;"); }