public object get(string id) { CourseTable courTable = null; string selectSql = "SELECT * FROM t_courseTable WHERE ID=@ID"; SqlParameter[] sqlParas = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@ID", id) }; DataSet ds = SQLServerDBUtil.query(selectSql, sqlParas); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0) { courTable = new CourseTable(); courTable.Id = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); courTable.Semester = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][1].ToString(); courTable.Week = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][2].ToString(); courTable.WeekDay = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][3].ToString(); courTable.Place = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][4].ToString(); courTable.CourseTime = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][5].ToString(); courTable.TeachID = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][6].ToString(); courTable.ClassID = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][7].ToString(); courTable.CourId = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][8].ToString(); } return courTable; }
protected void ImageButton_delete_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { ImageButton imageButton = sender as ImageButton; string id = imageButton.CommandArgument; AttendanceBLL attendBLL = new AttendanceBLL(); CourseTableBLL ctBLL = new CourseTableBLL(); CourseTable ct = ctBLL.get(id); string filter = "courId='" + ct.CourId + "' and teachID='" + ct.TeachID + "' and classID='" + ct.ClassID; filter += "' and semester='" + ct.Semester + "' and weekDay='" + ct.WeekDay + "' and courseTime='" + ct.CourseTime + "'"; DataTable dt = PageUtil.getProcessedDataTable(ctBLL.getAll().Tables[0], filter,null,false); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { attendBLL.deleteByCourseTableId(dr["ID"].ToString()); CourseTable tempCt = new CourseTable(); tempCt.Id = dr["ID"].ToString(); ctBLL.delete(tempCt); } Response.Write("<script>alert('删除成功!');location.href='showCourseTable.aspx';</script>"); }
/// <summary> /// 删除课程表信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="courTable"></param> public void delete(CourseTable courTable) { dal.delete(courTable); }
/// <summary> /// 更新课程表信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="courTable"></param> public void update(CourseTable courTable) { dal.update(courTable); }
/// <summary> /// 保存课程表信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="courTable"></param> public void save(CourseTable courTable) {; }
protected void ImageButton_submit_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { if (check()) { AttendanceBLL attendBLL = new AttendanceBLL(); CourseTableBLL ctBLL = new CourseTableBLL(); string filter = "courId='" + ct.CourId + "' and teachID='" + ct.TeachID + "' and classID='" + ct.ClassID; filter += "' and semester='" + ct.Semester + "' and weekDay='" + ct.WeekDay + "' and courseTime='" + ct.CourseTime + "'"; #region 先删除旧数据 DataTable dt = PageUtil.getProcessedDataTable(ctBLL.getAll().Tables[0], filter,null, false); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { attendBLL.deleteByCourseTableId(dr["ID"].ToString()); CourseTable tempCt = new CourseTable(); tempCt.Id = dr["ID"].ToString(); ctBLL.delete(tempCt); } #endregion #region 后添加新数据 string semester = DropDownList_semester_from.SelectedValue + "-" + DropDownList_semester_to.SelectedValue + "学年" + DropDownList_semester_end.SelectedValue; int week_from = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList_week_from.SelectedValue); int week_to = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList_week_to.SelectedValue); string weekDay = DropDownList_weekDay.SelectedValue; string place = TextBox_place.Text; string courseTime = DropDownList_courseTime.SelectedValue + "节"; string teachId = ct.TeachID; string classId = ct.ClassID; string courId = ct.CourId; CourseTable courTable = new CourseTable(); courTable.Semester = semester; courTable.WeekDay = weekDay; courTable.Place = place; courTable.CourseTime = courseTime; courTable.TeachID = teachId; courTable.ClassID = classId; courTable.CourId = courId; for (int i = week_from; i <= week_to; i++) { courTable.Week = i.ToString();; } #endregion Response.Write("<script>alert('修改成功!');location.href='showCourseTable.aspx';</script>"); } }
/// <summary> /// 绑定数据源 /// </summary> private void bind() { string id = Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString(); string week = Request.QueryString["week"].ToString(); CourseBLL courBLL = new CourseBLL(); TeacherBLL teacherBLL = new TeacherBLL(); ClassBLL classBLL = new ClassBLL(); CourseTableBLL ctBLL = new CourseTableBLL(); ct = ctBLL.get(id); #region 页面数据绑定 Label_course.Text = courBLL.get(ct.CourId).Name; Label_teacher.Text = teacherBLL.get(ct.TeachID).Name; Label_class.Text = classBLL.get(ct.ClassID).Name; PageUtil.bindDropDownList(DropDownList_semester_from, ct.Semester.Substring(0, 4)); PageUtil.bindDropDownList(DropDownList_semester_to, ct.Semester.Substring(5, 4)); PageUtil.bindDropDownList(DropDownList_semester_end, ct.Semester.Substring(9, 3)); PageUtil.bindDropDownList(DropDownList_week_from, week.Split('-')[0]); PageUtil.bindDropDownList(DropDownList_week_to, week.Split('-')[1]); PageUtil.bindDropDownList(DropDownList_weekDay, ct.WeekDay); TextBox_place.Text = ct.Place; PageUtil.bindDropDownList(DropDownList_courseTime, ct.CourseTime.Split('节')[0]); #endregion }
protected void ImageButton_submit_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { if (check()) { string semester = DropDownList_semester_from.SelectedValue + "-" + DropDownList_semester_to.SelectedValue + "学年" + DropDownList_semester_end.SelectedValue; int week_from = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList_week_from.SelectedValue); int week_to = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList_week_to.SelectedValue); string weekDay = DropDownList_weekDay.SelectedValue; string place = TextBox_place.Text; string courseTime = DropDownList_courseTime.SelectedValue + "节" ; string teachId = DropDownList_teacher.SelectedValue; string classId = DropDownList_class.SelectedValue; string courId = DropDownList_course.SelectedValue; CourseTableBLL courTableBLL = new CourseTableBLL(); CourseTable courTable = new CourseTable(); courTable.Semester = semester; courTable.WeekDay = weekDay; courTable.Place = place; courTable.CourseTime = courseTime; courTable.TeachID = teachId; courTable.ClassID = classId; courTable.CourId = courId; for (int i = week_from; i <= week_to; i++) { courTable.Week = i.ToString();; } Response.Write("<script>alert('添加成功!');location.href='addCourseTable.aspx';</script>"); } }