Exemple #1
        public static ModMedicine FindBestAndroidCompatMedicine(Pawn p)
            ModMedicine bestMed = medList[0];

            if (DynGetMedicalCare(p) == MedicalCareCategory.NoMeds)
                bestMed = medList[1];
            if (IsAndroid(p))
                List <ModMedicine> localMedList = androidMedList;
                if (MOARANDROIDS.Settings.androidsCanUseOrganicMedicine)
                    localMedList = medList;

                for (int i = 2; i < localMedList.Count; i++)
                    if (!GetDynamicAllowsMedicine(DynGetMedicalCare(p), localMedList[i].thingDef))
                    if (localMedList[i].potency > bestMed.potency)
                        bestMed = localMedList[i];
                    else if (localMedList[i].potency == bestMed.potency)
                        if (IsAndroidMedicine(localMedList[i]))
                            bestMed = localMedList[i];
                List <ModMedicine> localMedList = humanMedList;

                for (int i = 2; i < localMedList.Count; i++)
                    if (!GetDynamicAllowsMedicine(DynGetMedicalCare(p), localMedList[i].thingDef))
                    if (localMedList[i].potency > bestMed.potency)
                        bestMed = localMedList[i];
                    else if (localMedList[i].potency == bestMed.potency)
                        if (!IsAndroidMedicine(localMedList[i]))
                            bestMed = localMedList[i];
Exemple #2
        public static IEnumerable <Widgets.DropdownMenuElement <MedicalCareCategory> > DynMedGenerateMenu(Pawn p)
            List <ModMedicine> localMedList = medList;

            if (androids)
                localMedList = GetAndroidCompatMedList(p);
            for (int i = 0; i < localMedList.Count; i++)
                ModMedicine med = localMedList[i];

                yield return(new Widgets.DropdownMenuElement <MedicalCareCategory>
                     * option = new FloatMenuOption(med.care.GetLabel(), delegate
                     * {
                     *  p.playerSettings.medCare = med.care;
                     * }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 30f, rect =>
                     * {
                     *  //Float menu medicine icon inspired by Fluffy's Pharmacist.
                     *  Rect iconRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, 24, 24).CenteredOnXIn(rect).CenteredOnYIn(rect);
                     *  GUI.DrawTexture(iconRect, med.tex);
                     *  return false;
                     * }, null),
                     * payload = med.care*/
                    option = new FloatMenuOption(med.care.GetLabel(), delegate
                        p.playerSettings.medCare = med.care;
                    }, med.tex, Color.white),
                    payload = med.care
Exemple #3
        public static void DynamicMedicalCareSetter(Rect rect, ref MedicalCareCategory medCare)
            //modified CareSetter/UI panel
            float scaleFacV = 0.5f;
            float scaleFacH = 5.0f / (medList.Count);
            int   nFirstRow = (int)Mathf.Ceil(0.5f * medList.Count);
            bool  row       = (scaleFacV > scaleFacH);

            if (row)
                scaleFacH = 5.0f / nFirstRow;
            float scaleFac = Mathf.Max(scaleFacV, scaleFacH);

            Rect rect2 = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y + (row ? scaleFac * -0.5f * rect.height : (1f - scaleFac) * rect.height * 0.5f), rect.width * scaleFac / 5, rect.height * scaleFac);

            for (int i = 0; i < medList.Count; i++)
                ModMedicine med = medList[i];

                GUI.DrawTexture(rect2, med.tex);

                Widgets.DraggableResult draggableResult = Widgets.ButtonInvisibleDraggable(rect2, false);
                if (draggableResult == Widgets.DraggableResult.Dragged)
                    medicalCarePainting = true;
                if ((medicalCarePainting && Mouse.IsOver(rect2) && medCare != med.care) || (draggableResult == Widgets.DraggableResult.Pressed || draggableResult == Widgets.DraggableResult.DraggedThenPressed))
                    medCare = med.care;
                if (medCare == med.care)
                    Widgets.DrawBox(rect2, 1);
                TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect2, () => med.care.GetLabel(), 632165 + (int)med.care * 17);

                rect2.x += rect2.width;
                if (row)
                    if (i == nFirstRow - 1)
                        rect2.y += rect2.height;
                        rect2.x  = rect.x;
            if (!Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                medicalCarePainting = false;
Exemple #4
        public static IEnumerable <Widgets.DropdownMenuElement <MedicalCareCategory> > DynMedGenerateMenu(Pawn p)
            for (int i = 0; i < medList.Count; i++)
                ModMedicine med = medList[i];

                yield return(new Widgets.DropdownMenuElement <MedicalCareCategory>
                    option = new FloatMenuOption(med.care.GetLabel(), delegate
                        p.playerSettings.medCare = med.care;
                    }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 30f, rect =>
                        //Float menu medicine icon inspired by Fluffy's Pharmacist.
                        Rect iconRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, 24, 24).CenteredOnXIn(rect).CenteredOnYIn(rect);
                        GUI.DrawTexture(iconRect, med.tex);
                        return false;
                    }, null),
                    payload = med.care
Exemple #5
 public static bool IsAndroidMedicine(ModMedicine m)
Exemple #6
        public static void DynamicMedicalCareSetter(Rect rect, ref MedicalCareCategory medCare)
            //modified CareSetter/UI panel

            //aspect = number of squares rect fits along the width that are height x height
            int aspect = Mathf.FloorToInt(rect.width / rect.height);

            //initialScaleFac is how much to scale the texture to make it the height of the rect
            float initialScaleFac = medList[0].tex.height / rect.height;

            List <ModMedicine> localMedList = medList;

            if (androids && currentMedCarePawn != null)
                localMedList = GetAndroidCompatMedList(currentMedCarePawn);

            int nRows  = 1;
            int nInRow = 0;

            if (localMedList.Count > aspect * 2)
                nRows = Mathf.CeilToInt(Mathf.Sqrt((float)localMedList.Count / (float)aspect));
            int nPerRow = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)localMedList.Count / (float)nRows);

            float scaleFac = Mathf.Min((float)aspect / (localMedList.Count), 1.0f);

            if (nRows > 1)
                scaleFac = 1.0f / nRows;
            //scaleFac *= initialScaleFac;

            Rect rect2 = new Rect(rect.x + 0.5f * (rect.width - (nPerRow * scaleFac * rect.height)), rect.y + (1 - scaleFac * nRows) * 0.5f * rect.height, rect.height * scaleFac, rect.height * scaleFac);

            for (int i = 0; i < localMedList.Count; i++)
                ModMedicine med = localMedList[i];

                //if (medCare == med.care)
                if ((i > 1 && med.potency == indexedMedList[(int)medCare].potency) || medCare == med.care)
                    Widgets.DrawBox(rect2, 1);

                if ((med.potency <= indexedMedList[(int)medCare].potency && i != 0 && (int)medCare != 0) || medCare == med.care)
                    Widgets.DrawBoxSolid(rect2, new Color(0, 1, 1, 0.3f));

                GUI.DrawTexture(rect2, med.tex);

                Widgets.DraggableResult draggableResult = Widgets.ButtonInvisibleDraggable(rect2, false);
                if (draggableResult == Widgets.DraggableResult.Dragged)
                    medicalCarePainting = true;
                if ((medicalCarePainting && Mouse.IsOver(rect2) && medCare != med.care) || (draggableResult == Widgets.DraggableResult.Pressed || draggableResult == Widgets.DraggableResult.DraggedThenPressed))
                    medCare = med.care;
                TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect2, () => med.care.GetLabel(), 632165 + (int)med.care * 17);


                rect2.x += rect2.width;
                if (nInRow == nPerRow)
                    nInRow   = 0;
                    rect2.y += rect2.height;
                    rect2.x  = rect.x + 0.5f * (rect.width - (nPerRow * scaleFac * rect.height));
            if (!Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                medicalCarePainting = false;