public static void GetModGalleryImage(ModProfile profile, string imageFileName, ModGalleryImageSize size, Action <Texture2D> onSuccess, Action <WebRequestError> onError) { var cachedImageTexture = CacheClient.LoadModGalleryImage(, imageFileName, size); if (cachedImageTexture != null) { if (onSuccess != null) { onSuccess(cachedImageTexture); } } else { // - Fetch from Server - var download = DownloadClient.DownloadModGalleryImage(profile, imageFileName, size); download.succeeded += (d) => { CacheClient.SaveModGalleryImage(, imageFileName, size, d.imageTexture); }; download.succeeded += (d) => onSuccess(d.imageTexture); download.failed += (d) => onError(d.error); } }
// TODO(@jackson): Take ModMediaCollection instead of profile public static ImageRequest DownloadModGalleryImage(ModProfile profile, string imageFileName, ModGalleryImageSize size) { Debug.Assert(profile != null, "[] Profile parameter cannot be null"); Debug.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(imageFileName), "[] imageFileName parameter needs to be not null or empty (used as identifier for gallery images)"); ImageRequest request = null; if ( == null) { Debug.LogWarning("[] The given mod profile has no media information"); } else { GalleryImageLocator locator =; if (locator == null) { Debug.LogWarning("[] Unable to find mod gallery image with the file name \'" + imageFileName + "\' for the mod profile \'" + + "\'[" + + "]"); } else { request = DownloadClient.DownloadModGalleryImage(locator, size); } } return(request); }
// ---------[ MOD IMAGES ]--------- // TODO(@jackson): Look at reconfiguring params public static void GetModLogo(ModProfile profile, LogoSize size, Action <Texture2D> onSuccess, Action <WebRequestError> onError) { Debug.Assert(onSuccess != null); var logoTexture = CacheClient.LoadModLogo(, size); if (logoTexture != null) { onSuccess(logoTexture); } var versionInfo = CacheClient.LoadModLogoVersionInfo(; if (logoTexture == null || versionInfo[size] != profile.logoLocator.GetFileName()) { var textureDownload = DownloadClient.DownloadModLogo(profile, size); textureDownload.succeeded += (d) => { CacheClient.SaveModLogo(, profile.logoLocator.GetFileName(), size, d.imageTexture); }; textureDownload.succeeded += (d) => onSuccess(d.imageTexture); textureDownload.failed += (d) => onError(d.error); } }
private static void OnGetModfile(Modfile modfile, ModBinaryRequest request) { string tempFilePath = request.binaryFilePath + ".download"; request.modfile = modfile; request.webRequest = UnityWebRequest.Get(modfile.downloadLocator.binaryURL); try { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(tempFilePath)); request.webRequest.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerFile(tempFilePath); } catch (Exception e) { string warningInfo = ("[] Failed to create download file on disk." + "\nFile: " + tempFilePath + "\n\n"); Debug.LogWarning(warningInfo + Utility.GenerateExceptionDebugString(e)); request.NotifyFailed(); return; } var operation = request.webRequest.SendWebRequest(); operation.completed += (o) => DownloadClient.OnModBinaryRequestCompleted(operation, request); }
// ---------[ BINARY DOWNLOADS ]--------- public static ModBinaryRequest DownloadModBinary(int modId, int modfileId, string downloadFilePath) { ModBinaryRequest request = new ModBinaryRequest(); request.isDone = false; request.binaryFilePath = downloadFilePath; // - Acquire Download URL - APIClient.GetModfile(modId, modfileId, (mf) => DownloadClient.OnGetModfile(mf, request), (e) => { request.error = e; request.NotifyFailed(); }); return(request); }
public static void UpdateDownloadSpeed(ModfileIdPair idPair) { FileDownloadInfo downloadInfo = null; DownloadProgressMarkerCollection markers = null; if (DownloadClient.modfileDownloadMap.TryGetValue(idPair, out downloadInfo) && DownloadClient.modfileProgressMarkers.TryGetValue(idPair, out markers) && !downloadInfo.isDone) { Int64 bytesReceived = (downloadInfo.request == null ? 0 : (Int64)downloadInfo.request.downloadedBytes); DownloadClient.AddDownloadProgressMarker(markers, bytesReceived); downloadInfo.bytesPerSecond = DownloadClient.CalculateAverageDownloadSpeed(markers); } }
private static void DownloadModBinary_Internal(ModfileIdPair idPair, string downloadURL) { FileDownloadInfo downloadInfo = modfileDownloadMap[idPair]; downloadInfo.request = UnityWebRequest.Get(downloadURL); string tempFilePath = + ".download"; DataStorage.WriteFile(tempFilePath, new byte[0], (p, success) => { if (success) { downloadInfo.request.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerFile(tempFilePath); #if PLATFORM_PS4 // NOTE(@jackson): This workaround addresses an issue in UnityWebRequests on the // PS4 whereby redirects fail in specific cases. Special thanks to @Eamon of // Spiderling Studios ( downloadInfo.request.redirectLimit = 0; #endif var operation = downloadInfo.request.SendWebRequest(); #if DEBUG DebugUtilities.DebugDownload(operation, LocalUser.instance, tempFilePath); #endif operation.completed += (o) => DownloadClient.OnModBinaryRequestCompleted(idPair); DownloadClient.StartMonitoringSpeed(); // notify download started if (DownloadClient.modfileDownloadStarted != null) { DownloadClient.modfileDownloadStarted(idPair, downloadInfo); } } else if (DownloadClient.modfileDownloadFailed != null) { string warningInfo = ("Failed to create download file on disk." + "\nSource: " + downloadURL + "\nDestination: " + tempFilePath + "\n\n"); modfileDownloadFailed(idPair, WebRequestError.GenerateLocal(warningInfo)); } }); }
private static System.Collections.IEnumerator SpeedMonitorCoroutine() { while (DownloadClient.modfileDownloadMap.Count > 0) { int downloadCount = DownloadClient.modfileDownloadMap.Count; int monitoredDownloadCount = 0; FileDownloadInfo[] infos = new FileDownloadInfo[downloadCount]; DownloadProgressMarkerCollection[] markerCollections = new DownloadProgressMarkerCollection[downloadCount]; // collect downloads to update foreach (var kvp in DownloadClient.modfileDownloadMap) { DownloadProgressMarkerCollection markers = null; if (!kvp.Value.isDone && DownloadClient.modfileProgressMarkers.TryGetValue(kvp.Key, out markers)) { infos[monitoredDownloadCount] = kvp.Value; markerCollections[monitoredDownloadCount] = markers; ++monitoredDownloadCount; } } // update progress for (int i = 0; i < monitoredDownloadCount; ++i) { FileDownloadInfo downloadInfo = infos[i]; DownloadProgressMarkerCollection markers = markerCollections[i]; Int64 bytesReceived = (downloadInfo.request == null ? 0 : (Int64)downloadInfo.request.downloadedBytes); DownloadClient.AddDownloadProgressMarker(markers, bytesReceived); downloadInfo.bytesPerSecond = DownloadClient.CalculateAverageDownloadSpeed(markers); } yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(DownloadClient.DOWNLOAD_SPEED_UPDATE_INTERVAL)); } DownloadClient.monitorBehaviour.coroutine = null; }
private static void FinalizeDownload(ModfileIdPair idPair, FileDownloadInfo downloadInfo) { downloadInfo.bytesPerSecond = 0; downloadInfo.isDone = true; if (downloadInfo.error == null && DownloadClient.modfileDownloadSucceeded != null) { DownloadClient.modfileDownloadSucceeded(idPair, downloadInfo); } else if (downloadInfo.error != null && DownloadClient.modfileDownloadFailed != null) { DownloadClient.modfileDownloadFailed(idPair, downloadInfo.error); } modfileDownloadMap.Remove(idPair); DownloadClient.modfileProgressMarkers.Remove(idPair); }
public static ImageRequest DownloadModGalleryImage(ModProfile profile, string imageFileName, ModGalleryImageSize size) { ImageRequest request = new ImageRequest(); string imageURL =; UnityWebRequest webRequest = UnityWebRequest.Get(imageURL); webRequest.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerTexture(true); var operation = webRequest.SendWebRequest(); operation.completed += (o) => DownloadClient.OnImageDownloadCompleted(operation, request); return(request); }
// ---------[ IMAGE DOWNLOADS ]--------- public static ImageRequest DownloadModLogo(ModProfile profile, LogoSize size) { ImageRequest request = new ImageRequest(); request.isDone = false; string logoURL = profile.logoLocator.GetSizeURL(size); UnityWebRequest webRequest = UnityWebRequest.Get(logoURL); webRequest.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerTexture(true); var operation = webRequest.SendWebRequest(); operation.completed += (o) => DownloadClient.OnImageDownloadCompleted(operation, request); return(request); }
public static ImageRequest DownloadImage(string imageURL) { ImageRequest request = new ImageRequest(); request.isDone = false; UnityWebRequest webRequest = UnityWebRequest.Get(imageURL); webRequest.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerTexture(true); var operation = webRequest.SendWebRequest(); operation.completed += (o) => DownloadClient.OnImageDownloadCompleted(operation, request); #if DEBUG if ( { string requestHeaders = ""; List <string> requestKeys = new List <string>(APIClient.UNITY_REQUEST_HEADER_KEYS); requestKeys.AddRange(APIClient.MODIO_REQUEST_HEADER_KEYS); foreach (string headerKey in requestKeys) { string headerValue = webRequest.GetRequestHeader(headerKey); if (headerValue != null) { requestHeaders += "\n" + headerKey + ": " + headerValue; } } int timeStamp = ServerTimeStamp.Now; Debug.Log("IMAGE REQUEST SENT" + "\nTimeStamp: [" + timeStamp.ToString() + "] " + ServerTimeStamp.ToLocalDateTime(timeStamp).ToString() + "\nURL: " + webRequest.url + "\nHeaders: " + requestHeaders); } #endif return(request); }
public static ImageRequest DownloadImage(string imageURL) { ImageRequest request = new ImageRequest(); request.isDone = false; UnityWebRequest webRequest = UnityWebRequest.Get(imageURL); webRequest.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerTexture(true); var operation = webRequest.SendWebRequest(); operation.completed += (o) => DownloadClient.OnImageDownloadCompleted(operation, request); #if DEBUG DebugUtilities.DebugDownload(operation, LocalUser.instance, null); #endif return(request); }
public static ImageRequest DownloadImage(string imageURL) { ImageRequest request = new ImageRequest(); request.isDone = false; UnityWebRequest webRequest = UnityWebRequest.Get(imageURL); webRequest.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerTexture(true); #if DEBUG if (DownloadClient.logAllRequests) { string requestHeaders = ""; List <string> requestKeys = new List <string>(APIClient.UNITY_REQUEST_HEADER_KEYS); requestKeys.AddRange(APIClient.MODIO_REQUEST_HEADER_KEYS); foreach (string headerKey in requestKeys) { string headerValue = webRequest.GetRequestHeader(headerKey); if (headerValue != null) { requestHeaders += "\n" + headerKey + ": " + headerValue; } } Debug.Log("GENERATING DOWNLOAD REQUEST" + "\nURL: " + webRequest.url + "\nHeaders: " + requestHeaders + "\n" ); } #endif var operation = webRequest.SendWebRequest(); operation.completed += (o) => DownloadClient.OnImageDownloadCompleted(operation, request); return(request); }
public static ModBinaryRequest GetActiveModBinary(ModProfile profile) { string zipFilePath = CacheClient.GenerateModBinaryZipFilePath(,; ModBinaryRequest request; if (File.Exists(zipFilePath)) { request = new ModBinaryRequest(); request.isDone = true; request.binaryFilePath = zipFilePath; } else { request = DownloadClient.DownloadModBinary(,, CacheClient.GenerateModBinaryZipFilePath(,; request.succeeded += (r) => CacheClient.SaveModfile(r.modfile); } return(request); }
public static void UpdateDownloadSpeed(int modId, int modfileId) { DownloadClient.UpdateDownloadSpeed(new ModfileIdPair(modId, modfileId)); }
private static void DownloadModBinary_Internal(ModfileIdPair idPair, string downloadURL) { FileDownloadInfo downloadInfo = modfileDownloadMap[idPair]; downloadInfo.request = UnityWebRequest.Get(downloadURL); string tempFilePath = + ".download"; try { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(tempFilePath)); downloadInfo.request.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerFile(tempFilePath); #if PLATFORM_PS4 // NOTE(@jackson): This workaround addresses an issue in UnityWebRequests on the // PS4 whereby redirects fail in specific cases. Special thanks to @Eamon of // Spiderling Studios ( downloadInfo.request.redirectLimit = 0; #endif } catch (Exception e) { string warningInfo = ("Failed to create download file on disk." + "\nFile: " + tempFilePath + "\n\n"); Debug.LogWarning("[] " + warningInfo + Utility.GenerateExceptionDebugString(e)); if (modfileDownloadFailed != null) { modfileDownloadFailed(idPair, WebRequestError.GenerateLocal(warningInfo)); } return; } var operation = downloadInfo.request.SendWebRequest(); #if DEBUG if ( { string requestHeaders = ""; List <string> requestKeys = new List <string>(APIClient.UNITY_REQUEST_HEADER_KEYS); requestKeys.AddRange(APIClient.MODIO_REQUEST_HEADER_KEYS); foreach (string headerKey in requestKeys) { string headerValue = downloadInfo.request.GetRequestHeader(headerKey); if (headerValue != null) { requestHeaders += "\n" + headerKey + ": " + headerValue; } } int timeStamp = ServerTimeStamp.Now; Debug.Log("DOWNLOAD REQUEST SENT" + "\nTimeStamp: [" + timeStamp.ToString() + "] " + ServerTimeStamp.ToLocalDateTime(timeStamp).ToString() + "\nURL: " + downloadInfo.request.url + "\nHeaders: " + requestHeaders); } #endif operation.completed += (o) => DownloadClient.OnModBinaryRequestCompleted(idPair); DownloadClient.StartMonitoringSpeed(); // notify download started if (DownloadClient.modfileDownloadStarted != null) { DownloadClient.modfileDownloadStarted(idPair, downloadInfo); } }
private static void OnModBinaryRequestCompleted(ModfileIdPair idPair) { FileDownloadInfo downloadInfo = DownloadClient.modfileDownloadMap[idPair]; UnityWebRequest request = downloadInfo.request; downloadInfo.bytesPerSecond = 0; if (request.isNetworkError || request.isHttpError) { if (request.error.ToUpper() == "USER ABORTED" || request.error.ToUpper() == "REQUEST ABORTED") { downloadInfo.wasAborted = true; DownloadClient.FinalizeDownload(idPair, downloadInfo); } // NOTE(@jackson): This workaround addresses an issue in UnityWebRequests on the // PS4 whereby redirects fail in specific cases. Special thanks to @Eamon of // Spiderling Studios ( #if UNITY_PS4 || MODIO_DEV else if (downloadInfo.error.webRequest.responseCode == 302) // Redirect limit exceeded { string headerLocation = string.Empty; if (downloadInfo.error.webRequest.GetResponseHeaders().TryGetValue("location", out headerLocation) && !request.url.Equals(headerLocation)) { if (PluginSettings.REQUEST_LOGGING.logAllResponses) { Debug.LogFormat("[] Caught PS4 redirection error. Reattempting.\nURL: {0}", headerLocation); } downloadInfo.error = null; downloadInfo.isDone = false; DownloadModBinary_Internal(idPair, headerLocation); return; } } #endif // UNITY_PS4 else { downloadInfo.error = WebRequestError.GenerateFromWebRequest(request); DownloadClient.FinalizeDownload(idPair, downloadInfo); } } else { DataStorage.MoveFile( + ".download",, (src, dst, success) => { if (!success) { string errorMessage = ("Download succeeded but failed to rename from" + " temporary file name." + "\nTemporary file name: " + + ".download"); downloadInfo.error = WebRequestError.GenerateLocal(errorMessage); } DownloadClient.FinalizeDownload(idPair, downloadInfo); }); } }