Exemple #1
        private void UpdatePosition(NavBarItemWrapper item, ref int y, int ident = 0)
            int itemIconPadding = (_itemHeight - _itemIconSize) / 2;
            int dropdownPadding = (_itemHeight - _dropdownSize) / 2;
            int actualIdent     = _collapsing ? 0 : ident;

            item.IdentPixel             = actualIdent;
            item.Boundary               = new Rectangle(0, y, Width - 1, _itemHeight);
            item.DropDownButtonBoundary = new Rectangle(item.Boundary.Right - dropdownPadding - _dropdownSize, item.Boundary.Top + dropdownPadding, _dropdownSize, _dropdownSize);
            item.IconBoundary           = new Rectangle(itemIconPadding + actualIdent, y + itemIconPadding, _itemIconSize, _itemIconSize);
            item.TextPosition           = new Point(itemIconPadding * 2 + _itemIconSize + actualIdent, y + (_itemHeight - TextRenderer.MeasureText(item.Text, Font).Height) / 2);
            y += _itemHeight;

            if (ItemHasChild(item))
                if (item.IsExpanded)
                    foreach (var childItem in item.Items)
                        UpdatePosition(childItem, ref y, actualIdent + _identWidth);
                    // Reset position -- prevent hit test
                    foreach (var childItem in item.Items)
                        childItem.Boundary = Rectangle.Empty;
                        childItem.DropDownButtonBoundary = Rectangle.Empty;
                        childItem.TextPosition           = Point.Empty;
Exemple #2
        private NavBarItemWrapper GetClickedItem(List <NavBarItemWrapper> items, Point hit)
            NavBarItemWrapper hitTest = null;

            foreach (var item in items)
                if (item.Boundary.Contains(hit))
                    hitTest = item;
                else // check child
                    if (ItemHasChild(item))
                        hitTest = GetClickedItem(item.Items, hit);

                // if hitTest found, return
                if (hitTest != null)
Exemple #3
        private void HandleMouseClick(MouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.Button != System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left)
            var clickedItem = GetClickedItem(this._navBarItems, e.Location);

            if (clickedItem != null)
                if (clickedItem == _collapseExpandItem)
                    _collapseExpandItem.Clicked(this, e);
                    if (_lastHitTestItem != null)
                        _lastHitTestItem.IsClicked = false;

                    clickedItem.IsExpanded = ItemHasChild(clickedItem) && !clickedItem.IsExpanded;
                    clickedItem.IsClicked  = true;
                    _lastHitTestItem       = clickedItem;
                    if (clickedItem.Clicked != null)
                        clickedItem.Clicked(_navBarItems, e);
Exemple #4
        public NavigationBar()
            _enableHighlightReveal = false;

            _navBarItems = new List <NavBarItemWrapper>();

            // add collapse button
            _collapsingImage    = SvgPath8x8Mgr.Get("M5 1v2h-5v2h5v2l3-3.03-3-2.97z" /*=>*/, 4, Brushes.Black, SmoothingMode.HighQuality);
            _expadingImage      = SvgPath8x8Mgr.Get("M3 1l-3 3.03 3 2.97v-2h5v-2h-5v-2z" /*<=*/, 4, Brushes.Black, SmoothingMode.HighQuality);
            _collapseExpandItem = new NavBarItemWrapper(new NavBarItem
                Icon    = _expadingImage,
                Clicked = (s, e) =>
                    _collapsing = !_collapsing;
                    _collapseExpandItem.Icon = _collapsing ? _collapsingImage : _expadingImage;
                    this.Width = _collapsing ? _itemHeight : _expandedWidth;
                    if (OnCollapseExpandStateChanged != null)
                        OnCollapseExpandStateChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
            _expandedWidth = 200;

            _navBackgroundBrush     = BrushCreator.CreateSolidBrush();
            _navItemBackgroundBrush = BrushCreator.CreateSolidBrush();
            _navClickedItemBrush    = BrushCreator.CreateSolidBrush();
            _navItemTextBrush       = BrushCreator.CreateSolidBrush("255, 0, 0, 0");
            _navItemBorderPen       = PenCreator.Create();

            DoubleBuffered = true;
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
Exemple #5
        private void PaintItem(NavBarItemWrapper item, Graphics g)
            if (item != _collapseExpandItem && (item.IsHovered || item.IsClicked))
                _navItemBackgroundBrush.Color = ExColorTranslator.Get("128, 128, 128, 128");
                _navItemBorderPen.Color       = ExColorTranslator.Get("128, 93, 93, 93");

                g.FillRectangle(_navItemBackgroundBrush, item.Boundary);
                g.DrawRectangle(_navItemBorderPen, new Rectangle(-1, item.Boundary.Y, this.Width, item.Boundary.Height));

            if (item.IsClicked)
                g.FillRectangle(_navClickedItemBrush, new Rectangle(0, item.Boundary.Y + 1, 3 /*px*/, item.Boundary.Height - 1));

            // Draw reveal highlight
            if (item.IsHovered && item != _collapseExpandItem)
                if (_enableHighlightReveal)
                    int halfRebelSize = 100;
                    // TODO:
                    // Brush created everytime so render performance will be decreased
                    // Replace with Translate matrix stuff
                    if (_navLeftRevealHighlightBrush != null)
                        _navLeftRevealHighlightBrush = null;

                    if (_navRightRevealHighlightBrush != null)
                        _navRightRevealHighlightBrush = null;

                    Rectangle leftRevealHighlightRect  = new Rectangle(_mouseLocation.X - halfRebelSize, item.Boundary.Y, halfRebelSize, item.Boundary.Height + 1);
                    Rectangle rightRevealHighlightRect = new Rectangle(_mouseLocation.X, item.Boundary.Y, halfRebelSize, item.Boundary.Height + 1);
                    _navLeftRevealHighlightBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(
                        ExColorTranslator.Get("0, 200, 200, 200"),
                        ExColorTranslator.Get("100, 255, 255, 255"), 0f);
                    _navRightRevealHighlightBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(
                        ExColorTranslator.Get("100, 255, 255, 255"),
                        ExColorTranslator.Get("0, 200, 200, 200"), 0f);
                    g.FillRectangle(_navLeftRevealHighlightBrush, leftRevealHighlightRect);
                    g.FillRectangle(_navRightRevealHighlightBrush, rightRevealHighlightRect);

            if (item.Icon != null)
                g.DrawImage(item.Icon, item.IconBoundary);

            if (item != _collapseExpandItem)
                g.DrawString(item.Text, Font, _navItemTextBrush, item.TextPosition);

            // draw arrow and child item if needed
            if (item != _collapseExpandItem && item.Items != null)
                if (item.IsExpanded)
                    // Draw dropdown arrow only mouse enter nav bar
                    if (_isMouseIn && !_collapsing)
                        g.DrawImage(SvgPath8x8Mgr.Get("M0,0H8L4,8z", 1, Brushes.Black), item.DropDownButtonBoundary);
                    foreach (var childItem in item.Items)
                        PaintItem(childItem, g);
                    // Draw dropdown arrow only mouse enter nav bar
                    if (_isMouseIn && !_collapsing)
                        g.DrawImage(SvgPath8x8Mgr.Get("M0,8H8L4,0z", 1, Brushes.Black), item.DropDownButtonBoundary);
Exemple #6
 private bool ItemHasChild(NavBarItemWrapper item)
     return(item.Items != null && item.Items.Count > 0);