static GeoCoordinateWatcher()
     TimeToWarmUp = 500;
       TimeToGetFix = 500;
       TimeToStartMoving = 500;
       TimeToChangePosition = 500;
       InitialPosition = new GeoCoordinate();
 internal CivicAddress(GeoCoordinate coordinate)
     IsUnknown = false;
       this.coordinate = coordinate;
        private void ChangeStatusWithEvent(GeoPositionStatus status, GeoCoordinate currentLocation)
            Position = new GeoPosition<GeoCoordinate>(DateTimeOffset.Now, currentLocation);

              if (PositionChanged != null)
            PositionChanged(this, new GeoPositionChangedEventArgs<GeoCoordinate>(Position));
 // Summary:
 //     Attempts to asynchronously obtain a civic address from the provided geographic
 //     coordinate.
 // Parameters:
 //   coordinate:
 //     The geographic coordinate from which a civic address is resolved.
 public void ResolveAddressAsync(GeoCoordinate coordinate)
     Thread thread = new Thread(FakeResolve);