public static void ProcessFile(string logfile)
            if (File.Exists(logfile + ".jpg"))

            double minx = 99999;
            double maxx = -99999;
            double miny = 99999;
            double maxy = -99999;

            bool sitl = false;

            Dictionary <int, List <PointLatLngAlt> > loc_list = new Dictionary <int, List <PointLatLngAlt> >();

                if (logfile.ToLower().EndsWith(".tlog"))
                    Comms.CommsFile cf = new CommsFile();

                    using (CommsStream cs = new CommsStream(cf, cf.BytesToRead))
                        MAVLink.MavlinkParse parse = new MAVLink.MavlinkParse(true);

                        while (cs.Position < cs.Length)
                            MAVLink.MAVLinkMessage packet = parse.ReadPacket(cs);

                            if (packet == null || packet.Length < 5)

                            if (packet.msgid == (byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.SIM_STATE ||
                                packet.msgid == (byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.SIMSTATE)
                                sitl = true;

                            if (packet.msgid == (byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.GLOBAL_POSITION_INT)
                                var loc = packet.ToStructure <MAVLink.mavlink_global_position_int_t>();

                                if ( == 0 || loc.lon == 0)

                                var id = packet.sysid * 256 + packet.compid;

                                if (!loc_list.ContainsKey(id))
                                    loc_list[id] = new List <PointLatLngAlt>();

                                loc_list[id].Add(new PointLatLngAlt( / 10000000.0f, loc.lon / 10000000.0f));

                                minx = Math.Min(minx, loc.lon / 10000000.0f);
                                maxx = Math.Max(maxx, loc.lon / 10000000.0f);
                                miny = Math.Min(miny, / 10000000.0f);
                                maxy = Math.Max(maxy, / 10000000.0f);
                else if (logfile.ToLower().EndsWith(".bin") || logfile.ToLower().EndsWith(".log"))
                    using (
                        CollectionBuffer colbuf =
                            new CollectionBuffer(File.Open(logfile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
                        loc_list[0] = new List <PointLatLngAlt>();

                        foreach (var item in colbuf.GetEnumeratorType("GPS"))
                            if (item.msgtype.StartsWith("GPS"))
                                if (!colbuf.dflog.logformat.ContainsKey("GPS"))

                                var status =
                                    double.Parse(item.items[colbuf.dflog.FindMessageOffset(item.msgtype, "Status")]);
                                var lat = double.Parse(item.items[colbuf.dflog.FindMessageOffset(item.msgtype, "Lat")]);
                                var lon = double.Parse(item.items[colbuf.dflog.FindMessageOffset(item.msgtype, "Lng")]);

                                if (lat == 0 || lon == 0 || status < 3)

                                loc_list[0].Add(new PointLatLngAlt(lat, lon));

                                minx = Math.Min(minx, lon);
                                maxx = Math.Max(maxx, lon);
                                miny = Math.Min(miny, lat);
                                maxy = Math.Max(maxy, lat);

                if (loc_list.Count > 0 && loc_list.First().Value.Count > 10)
                    // add a bit of buffer
                    var area = RectLatLng.FromLTRB(minx - 0.001, maxy + 0.001, maxx + 0.001, miny - 0.001);
                    using (var map = GetMap(area))
                        using (var grap = Graphics.FromImage(map))
                            if (sitl)
                                AddTextToMap(grap, "SITL");

                            Color[] colours =
                                Color.Red,    Color.Orange, Color.Yellow, Color.Green, Color.Blue, Color.Indigo,
                                Color.Violet, Color.Pink

                            int a = 0;
                            foreach (var locs in loc_list.Values)
                                PointF lastpoint = new PointF();
                                var    pen       = new Pen(colours[a % (colours.Length - 1)]);

                                foreach (var loc in locs)
                                    PointF newpoint = GetPixel(area, loc, map.Size);

                                    if (!lastpoint.IsEmpty)
                                        grap.DrawLine(pen, lastpoint, newpoint);

                                    lastpoint = newpoint;


                            map.Save(logfile + ".jpg", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);

                            File.SetLastWriteTime(logfile + ".jpg", new FileInfo(logfile).LastWriteTime);
                    DoTextMap(logfile + ".jpg", "No gps data");

                    File.SetLastWriteTime(logfile + ".jpg", new FileInfo(logfile).LastWriteTime);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.ToString().Contains("Mavlink 0.9"))
                    DoTextMap(logfile + ".jpg", "Old log\nMavlink 0.9");
Exemple #2
        void processbg(string file)
            Loading.ShowLoading(a + "/" + files.Count + " " + file, this);

            if (!File.Exists(file + ".jpg"))
                LogMap.MapLogs(new string[] { file });

            var loginfo = new loginfo();

            loginfo.fullname = file;

                // file not found exception even though it passes the exists check above.
                loginfo.Size = new FileInfo(file).Length;

            if (File.Exists(file + ".jpg"))
                loginfo.imgfile = file + ".jpg";

            if (file.ToLower().EndsWith(".tlog"))
                using (MAVLinkInterface mine = new MAVLinkInterface())
                        mine.logplaybackfile =
                            new BinaryReader(File.Open(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        CustomMessageBox.Show("Log Can not be opened. Are you still connected?");
                    mine.logreadmode   = true;
                    mine.speechenabled = false;

                    // file is to small
                    if (mine.logplaybackfile.BaseStream.Length < 1024 * 4)


                    loginfo.Date     = mine.lastlogread;
                    loginfo.Aircraft = mine.sysidcurrent;

                    loginfo.Frame = mine.MAV.aptype.ToString();

                    var start = mine.lastlogread;

                        mine.logplaybackfile.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                    var end = mine.lastlogread;

                    var length = mine.logplaybackfile.BaseStream.Length;

                    var a = 0;

                    // abandon last 100 bytes
                    while (mine.logplaybackfile.BaseStream.Position < (length - 100))
                        var packet = mine.readPacket();

                        // gcs
                        if (packet.sysid == 255)

                        if (packet.msgid == (uint)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.CAMERA_FEEDBACK)

                        if (a % 10 == 0)
                            mine.MAV.cs.UpdateCurrentSettings(null, true, mine);


                        if (mine.lastlogread > end)
                            end = mine.lastlogread;

                    loginfo.Home = mine.MAV.cs.Location;

                    loginfo.TimeInAir = mine.MAV.cs.timeInAir;

                    loginfo.DistTraveled = mine.MAV.cs.distTraveled;

                    loginfo.Duration = (end - start).ToString();
            else if (file.ToLower().EndsWith(".bin") || file.ToLower().EndsWith(".log"))
                using (CollectionBuffer colbuf = new CollectionBuffer(File.OpenRead(file)))
                    PointLatLngAlt lastpos = null;
                    DateTime       start   = DateTime.MinValue;
                    DateTime       end     = DateTime.MinValue;
                    DateTime       tia     = DateTime.MinValue;
                    // set time in air/home/distancetraveled
                    foreach (var dfItem in colbuf.GetEnumeratorType("GPS"))
                        if (dfItem["Status"] != null)
                            var status = int.Parse(dfItem["Status"]);
                            if (status >= 3)
                                var pos = new PointLatLngAlt(
                                    double.Parse(dfItem["Lat"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                    double.Parse(dfItem["Lng"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                    double.Parse(dfItem["Alt"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                                if (lastpos == null)
                                    lastpos = pos;

                                if (start == DateTime.MinValue)
                                    loginfo.Date = dfItem.time;
                                    start        = dfItem.time;

                                end = dfItem.time;

                                // add distance
                                loginfo.DistTraveled += (float)lastpos.GetDistance(pos);

                                // set home
                                if (loginfo.Home == null)
                                    loginfo.Home = pos;

                                if (dfItem.time > tia.AddSeconds(1))
                                    // ground speed  > 0.2 or  alt > homelat+2
                                    if (double.Parse(dfItem["Spd"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) > 0.2 ||
                                        pos.Alt > (loginfo.Home.Alt + 2))
                                    tia = dfItem.time;

                    loginfo.Duration = (end - start).ToString();

                    loginfo.CamMSG = colbuf.GetEnumeratorType("CAM").Count();

                    loginfo.Aircraft = 0;      //colbuf.dflog.param[""];

                    loginfo.Frame = "Unknown"; //mine.MAV.aptype.ToString();

            lock (logs)
        public static List <Tuple <DFLog.DFItem, double> > ProcessExpression(DFLog dflog, CollectionBuffer logdata, string expression)
            List <Tuple <DFLog.DFItem, double> > answer = new List <Tuple <DFLog.DFItem, double> >();

            Dictionary <string, List <string> > fieldsUsed = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();

            var fieldmatchs = Regex.Matches(expression, @"(([A-z0-9_]{2,20})\.([A-z0-9_]+))");

            if (fieldmatchs.Count > 0)
                foreach (Match match in fieldmatchs)
                    var type  = match.Groups[2].Value.ToString();
                    var field = match.Groups[3].Value.ToString();

                    if (!fieldsUsed.ContainsKey(type))
                        fieldsUsed[type] = new List <string>();


            Function f  = new Function("wrap_360(x) = (x+360) # 360");
            Function f1 = new Function("degrees(x) = x*57.295779513");
            Function f2 = new Function("atan2", new atan2());
            Function f3 = new Function("lowpass", new lowpass());
            Function f4 = new Function("delta", new deltaF());

            // fix maths operators
            var filter1 =
                expression.Replace("%", "#").Replace("**", "^").Replace(":2", "");

            //convert paramnames to remove .
            var filter2 = Regex.Replace(filter1, @"(([A-z0-9_]{2,20})\.([A-z0-9_]+))",
                                        match => match.Groups[2].ToString() + match.Groups[3]);

            // convert strings to long
            var filter3 = Regex.Replace(filter2, @"([""']{1}[^""]+[""']{1})",
                                        match => BitConverter.ToUInt64(match.Groups[0].Value.MakeBytesSize(8), 0).ToString());

            Expression e = new Expression(filter3);


            foreach (var item in fieldsUsed)
                foreach (var value in item.Value)
                    Argument x = new Argument(item.Key + "" + value);

            bool bad = false;


                if (!e.checkSyntax())
                    bad = true;
                bad = true;

            if (!bad)
                foreach (var line in logdata.GetEnumeratorType(fieldsUsed.Keys.ToArray()))
                    foreach (var item in fieldsUsed)
                        foreach (var value in item.Value.Distinct())
                            e.setArgumentValue(item.Key + "" + value,
                                               double.Parse(line.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset(item.Key, value)]));

                    answer.Add(line, e.calculate());

            if (answer.Count > 0)

            if (expression.Contains("earth_accel_df"))
                var matchs = Regex.Matches(expression, @"([A-z0-9_]+),([A-z0-9_]+)");

                List <string> msglist = new List <string>();

                foreach (Match match in matchs)
                    foreach (var item in match.Groups)

                IMU_t IMU = new IMU_t();
                ATT_t ATT = new ATT_t();

                foreach (var item in logdata.GetEnumeratorType(msglist.ToArray()))
                    if (item.msgtype == "ATT")
                        ATT.Roll  = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("ATT", "Roll")]);
                        ATT.Pitch = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("ATT", "Pitch")]);
                        ATT.Yaw   = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("ATT", "Yaw")]);
                    else if (item.msgtype == "IMU")
                        IMU.AccX = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("IMU", "AccX")]);
                        IMU.AccY = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("IMU", "AccY")]);
                        IMU.AccZ = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("IMU", "AccZ")]);
                    else if (item.msgtype == "IMU2")
                        IMU.AccX = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("IMU2", "AccX")]);
                        IMU.AccY = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("IMU2", "AccY")]);
                        IMU.AccZ = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("IMU2", "AccZ")]);

                    if (expression.Contains(".x"))
                        answer.Add(item, earth_accel_df(IMU, ATT).x);
                    if (expression.Contains(".y"))
                        answer.Add(item, earth_accel_df(IMU, ATT).y);
                    if (expression.Contains(".z"))
                        answer.Add(item, earth_accel_df(IMU, ATT).z);
            } // delta(gps_velocity_df(GPS).x,'x',GPS.TimeUS)
            else if (expression.Contains("delta(gps_velocity_df(GPS)"))
                foreach (var item in logdata.GetEnumeratorType("GPS"))
                    var GPS = new GPS_t();

                    if (item.msgtype == "GPS")
                        GPS.Spd  = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("GPS", "Spd")]);
                        GPS.GCrs = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("GPS", "GCrs")]);
                        GPS.VZ   = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("GPS", "VZ")]);

                    if (expression.Contains(".x"))
                        answer.Add(item, delta(gps_velocity_df(GPS).x, "x", item.timems * 1000));
                    else if (expression.Contains(".y"))
                        answer.Add(item, delta(gps_velocity_df(GPS).y, "y", item.timems * 1000));
                    else if (expression.Contains(".z"))
                        answer.Add(item, delta(gps_velocity_df(GPS).z, "z", item.timems * 1000) - 9.8);
            else if (expression.Contains("delta(gps_velocity_df(GPS2)"))
                foreach (var item in logdata.GetEnumeratorType("GPS2"))
                    var GPS = new GPS_t();

                    if (item.msgtype == "GPS2")
                        GPS.Spd  = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("GPS2", "Spd")]);
                        GPS.GCrs = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("GPS2", "GCrs")]);
                        GPS.VZ   = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("GPS2", "VZ")]);

                    if (expression.Contains(".x"))
                        answer.Add(item, delta(gps_velocity_df(GPS).x, "x", item.timems * 1000));
                    else if (expression.Contains(".y"))
                        answer.Add(item, delta(gps_velocity_df(GPS).y, "y", item.timems * 1000));
                    else if (expression.Contains(".z"))
                        answer.Add(item, delta(gps_velocity_df(GPS).z, "z", item.timems * 1000) - 9.8);
            else if (expression.StartsWith("degrees"))
                var matchs = Regex.Matches(expression, @"([A-z0-9_]+)\.([A-z0-9_]+)");

                if (matchs.Count > 0)
                    var type  = matchs[0].Groups[1].Value.ToString();
                    var field = matchs[0].Groups[2].Value.ToString();

                    foreach (var item in logdata.GetEnumeratorType(type))
                        answer.Add(item, degrees(double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset(type, field)])));
            else if (expression.StartsWith("sqrt"))
                // there are alot of assumptions made in this code
                Dictionary <int, double> work = new Dictionary <int, double>();
                List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > types = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

                var matchs = Regex.Matches(expression, @"(([A-z0-9_]+)\.([A-z0-9_]+)\*\*2)");

                if (matchs.Count > 0)
                    foreach (Match match in matchs)
                        var type  = match.Groups[2].Value.ToString();
                        var field = match.Groups[3].Value.ToString();

                        types.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(type, field));

                    List <string> keyarray = new List <string>();
                    types.ForEach(g => { keyarray.Add(g.Key); });
                    List <string> valuearray = new List <string>();
                    types.ForEach(g => { valuearray.Add(g.Value); });

                    foreach (var item in logdata.GetEnumeratorType(keyarray.ToArray()))
                        for (int a = 0; a < types.Count; a++)
                            var key    = keyarray[a];
                            var value  = valuearray[a];
                            var offset = dflog.FindMessageOffset(key, value);
                            if (offset == -1)
                            var    ans        = logdata.GetUnit(key, value);
                            string unit       = ans.Item1;
                            double multiplier = ans.Item2;
                            work[a] = double.Parse(item.items[offset]) * multiplier;

                        double workanswer = 0;
                        foreach (var value in work.Values)
                            workanswer += Math.Pow(value, 2);
                        answer.Add(item, Math.Sqrt(workanswer));
            else if (expression.Contains("*")) // ATT.DesRoll*ATT.Roll
                var matchs = Regex.Matches(expression, @"([A-z0-9_]+)\.([A-z0-9_]+)\*([A-z0-9_]+)\.([A-z0-9_]+)");

                if (matchs.Count > 0)
                    var type  = matchs[0].Groups[1].Value.ToString();
                    var field = matchs[0].Groups[2].Value.ToString();

                    var type2  = matchs[0].Groups[3].Value.ToString();
                    var field2 = matchs[0].Groups[4].Value.ToString();

                    foreach (var item in logdata.GetEnumeratorType(new[] { type, type2 }))
                        if (type == type2)
                            var idx1 = dflog.FindMessageOffset(type, field);
                            var idx2 = dflog.FindMessageOffset(type2, field2);
                            if (idx1 == -1 || idx2 == -1)
                                       double.Parse(item.items[idx1]) *
            else if (expression.Contains("-")) // ATT.DesRoll-ATT.Roll
                var matchs = Regex.Matches(expression, @"([A-z0-9_]+)\.([A-z0-9_]+)-([A-z0-9_]+)\.([A-z0-9_]+)");

                if (matchs.Count > 0)
                    var type  = matchs[0].Groups[1].Value.ToString();
                    var field = matchs[0].Groups[2].Value.ToString();

                    var type2  = matchs[0].Groups[3].Value.ToString();
                    var field2 = matchs[0].Groups[4].Value.ToString();

                    foreach (var item in logdata.GetEnumeratorType(new[] { type, type2 }))
                        if (type == type2)
                            var idx1 = dflog.FindMessageOffset(type, field);
                            var idx2 = dflog.FindMessageOffset(type2, field2);
                            if (idx1 == -1 || idx2 == -1)
                                       double.Parse(item.items[idx1]) -
            else if (expression.Contains("mag_heading_df"))
                var matchs = Regex.Matches(expression, @"([A-z0-9_]+),([A-z0-9_]+)");

                List <string> msglist = new List <string>();

                foreach (Match match in matchs)
                    foreach (var item in match.Groups)

                var MAG = new MAG_t();
                var ATT = new ATT_t();

                foreach (var item in logdata.GetEnumeratorType(msglist.ToArray()))
                    if (item.msgtype.StartsWith("MAG"))
                        MAG.MagX = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset(item.msgtype, "MagX")]);
                        MAG.MagY = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset(item.msgtype, "MagY")]);
                        MAG.MagZ = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset(item.msgtype, "MagZ")]);
                        MAG.OfsX = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset(item.msgtype, "OfsX")]);
                        MAG.OfsY = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset(item.msgtype, "OfsY")]);
                        MAG.OfsZ = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset(item.msgtype, "OfsZ")]);
                    else if (item.msgtype == "ATT")
                        ATT.Roll  = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("ATT", "Roll")]);
                        ATT.Pitch = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("ATT", "Pitch")]);
                        ATT.Yaw   = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("ATT", "Yaw")]);

                    answer.Add(item, mag_heading_df(MAG, ATT));

Exemple #4
        public static PointPairList ProcessExpression(ref DFLog dflog, ref CollectionBuffer logdata, string expression)
            PointPairList answer = new PointPairList();

            if (expression.Contains("earth_accel_df"))
                var matchs = Regex.Matches(expression, @"([A-z0-9_]+),([A-z0-9_]+)");

                List <string> msglist = new List <string>();

                foreach (Match match in matchs)
                    foreach (var item in match.Groups)

                foreach (var item in logdata.GetEnumeratorType(msglist.ToArray()))
                    IMU imu = new IMU();
                    ATT att = new ATT();

                    if (item.msgtype == "ATT")
                        ATT.Roll  = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("ATT", "Roll")]);
                        ATT.Pitch = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("ATT", "Pitch")]);
                        ATT.Yaw   = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("ATT", "Yaw")]);
                    else if (item.msgtype == "IMU")
                        IMU.AccX = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("IMU", "AccX")]);
                        IMU.AccY = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("IMU", "AccY")]);
                        IMU.AccZ = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("IMU", "AccZ")]);
                    else if (item.msgtype == "IMU2")
                        IMU.AccX = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("IMU2", "AccX")]);
                        IMU.AccY = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("IMU2", "AccY")]);
                        IMU.AccZ = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("IMU2", "AccZ")]);

                    if (expression.Contains(".x"))
                        answer.Add(item.lineno, earth_accel_df(imu, att).x);
                    if (expression.Contains(".y"))
                        answer.Add(item.lineno, earth_accel_df(imu, att).y);
                    if (expression.Contains(".z"))
                        answer.Add(item.lineno, earth_accel_df(imu, att).z);
            } // delta(gps_velocity_df(GPS).x,'x',GPS.TimeUS)
            else if (expression.Contains("delta(gps_velocity_df(GPS)"))
                foreach (var item in logdata.GetEnumeratorType("GPS"))
                    var gps = new GPS();

                    if (item.msgtype == "GPS")
                        GPS.Spd  = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("GPS", "Spd")]);
                        GPS.GCrs = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("GPS", "GCrs")]);
                        GPS.VZ   = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("GPS", "VZ")]);

                    if (expression.Contains(".x"))
                        answer.Add(item.lineno, delta(gps_velocity_df(gps).x, "x", item.timems * 1000));
                    else if (expression.Contains(".y"))
                        answer.Add(item.lineno, delta(gps_velocity_df(gps).y, "y", item.timems * 1000));
                    else if (expression.Contains(".z"))
                        answer.Add(item.lineno, delta(gps_velocity_df(gps).z, "z", item.timems * 1000) - 9.8);
            else if (expression.StartsWith("degrees"))
                var matchs = Regex.Matches(expression, @"([A-z0-9_]+)\.([A-z0-9_]+)");

                if (matchs.Count > 0)
                    var type  = matchs[0].Groups[1].Value.ToString();
                    var field = matchs[0].Groups[2].Value.ToString();

                    foreach (var item in logdata.GetEnumeratorType(type))
                        answer.Add(item.lineno, degrees(double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset(type, field)])));
            else if (expression.StartsWith("sqrt"))
                // there are alot of assumptions made in this code
                Dictionary <int, double> work = new Dictionary <int, double>();
                List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > types = new EventList <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

                var matchs = Regex.Matches(expression, @"(([A-z0-9_]+)\.([A-z0-9_]+)\*\*2)");

                if (matchs.Count > 0)
                    foreach (Match match in matchs)
                        var type  = match.Groups[2].Value.ToString();
                        var field = match.Groups[3].Value.ToString();

                        types.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(type, field));

                    List <string> keyarray = new List <string>();
                    types.ForEach(g => { keyarray.Add(g.Key); });
                    List <string> valuearray = new List <string>();
                    types.ForEach(g => { valuearray.Add(g.Value); });

                    foreach (var item in logdata.GetEnumeratorType(keyarray.ToArray()))
                        for (int a = 0; a < types.Count; a++)
                            var key    = keyarray[a];
                            var value  = valuearray[a];
                            var offset = dflog.FindMessageOffset(key, value);
                            if (offset == -1)
                            work[a] = double.Parse(item.items[offset]);

                        double workanswer = 0;
                        foreach (var value in work.Values)
                            workanswer += Math.Pow(value, 2);
                        answer.Add(item.lineno, Math.Sqrt(workanswer));

        public static void Create(string filein, string fileout, List <string> fmtList = null)
            using (StreamReader tr = new StreamReader(filein))
                using (CollectionBuffer logdata = new CollectionBuffer(tr.BaseStream))
                    List <string>            colList  = new List <string>();
                    Dictionary <string, int> colStart = new Dictionary <string, int>();

                    colStart.Add("GLOBAL", colList.Count);

                    foreach (var logformatValue in logdata.dflog.logformat.Values)
                        if (fmtList != null && !fmtList.Contains(logformatValue.Name))
                        colStart.Add(logformatValue.Name, colList.Count);
                        foreach (var field in logformatValue.FieldNames)
                            colList.Add(logformatValue.Name + "_" + field);

                    using (StreamWriter sr = new StreamWriter(fileout))
                        // header
                        foreach (var item in colList)
                            sr.Write(item + ",");

                        // lines
                        foreach (var dfitem in logdata.GetEnumeratorType(colStart.Keys.ToArray()))
                            if (dfitem.msgtype == "FMT")

                            var           idx = 0;
                            StringBuilder sb  = new StringBuilder();


                            var start = colStart[dfitem.msgtype];

                            while (idx < start)

                            foreach (var item in dfitem.items.Skip(1))

        public static List <Tuple <DFLog.DFItem, double> > ProcessExpression(ref DFLog dflog, ref CollectionBuffer logdata, string expression)
            List <Tuple <DFLog.DFItem, double> > answer = new List <Tuple <DFLog.DFItem, double> >();

            if (expression.Contains("earth_accel_df"))
                var matchs = Regex.Matches(expression, @"([A-z0-9_]+),([A-z0-9_]+)");

                List <string> msglist = new List <string>();

                foreach (Match match in matchs)
                    foreach (var item in match.Groups)

                IMU_t IMU = new IMU_t();
                ATT_t ATT = new ATT_t();

                foreach (var item in logdata.GetEnumeratorType(msglist.ToArray()))
                    if (item.msgtype == "ATT")
                        ATT.Roll  = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("ATT", "Roll")]);
                        ATT.Pitch = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("ATT", "Pitch")]);
                        ATT.Yaw   = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("ATT", "Yaw")]);
                    else if (item.msgtype == "IMU")
                        IMU.AccX = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("IMU", "AccX")]);
                        IMU.AccY = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("IMU", "AccY")]);
                        IMU.AccZ = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("IMU", "AccZ")]);
                    else if (item.msgtype == "IMU2")
                        IMU.AccX = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("IMU2", "AccX")]);
                        IMU.AccY = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("IMU2", "AccY")]);
                        IMU.AccZ = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("IMU2", "AccZ")]);

                    if (expression.Contains(".x"))
                        answer.Add(item, earth_accel_df(IMU, ATT).x);
                    if (expression.Contains(".y"))
                        answer.Add(item, earth_accel_df(IMU, ATT).y);
                    if (expression.Contains(".z"))
                        answer.Add(item, earth_accel_df(IMU, ATT).z);
            } // delta(gps_velocity_df(GPS).x,'x',GPS.TimeUS)
            else if (expression.Contains("delta(gps_velocity_df(GPS)"))
                foreach (var item in logdata.GetEnumeratorType("GPS"))
                    var GPS = new GPS_t();

                    if (item.msgtype == "GPS")
                        GPS.Spd  = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("GPS", "Spd")]);
                        GPS.GCrs = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("GPS", "GCrs")]);
                        GPS.VZ   = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("GPS", "VZ")]);

                    if (expression.Contains(".x"))
                        answer.Add(item, delta(gps_velocity_df(GPS).x, "x", item.timems * 1000));
                    else if (expression.Contains(".y"))
                        answer.Add(item, delta(gps_velocity_df(GPS).y, "y", item.timems * 1000));
                    else if (expression.Contains(".z"))
                        answer.Add(item, delta(gps_velocity_df(GPS).z, "z", item.timems * 1000) - 9.8);
            else if (expression.Contains("delta(gps_velocity_df(GPS2)"))
                foreach (var item in logdata.GetEnumeratorType("GPS2"))
                    var GPS = new GPS_t();

                    if (item.msgtype == "GPS2")
                        GPS.Spd  = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("GPS2", "Spd")]);
                        GPS.GCrs = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("GPS2", "GCrs")]);
                        GPS.VZ   = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("GPS2", "VZ")]);

                    if (expression.Contains(".x"))
                        answer.Add(item, delta(gps_velocity_df(GPS).x, "x", item.timems * 1000));
                    else if (expression.Contains(".y"))
                        answer.Add(item, delta(gps_velocity_df(GPS).y, "y", item.timems * 1000));
                    else if (expression.Contains(".z"))
                        answer.Add(item, delta(gps_velocity_df(GPS).z, "z", item.timems * 1000) - 9.8);
            else if (expression.StartsWith("degrees"))
                var matchs = Regex.Matches(expression, @"([A-z0-9_]+)\.([A-z0-9_]+)");

                if (matchs.Count > 0)
                    var type  = matchs[0].Groups[1].Value.ToString();
                    var field = matchs[0].Groups[2].Value.ToString();

                    foreach (var item in logdata.GetEnumeratorType(type))
                        answer.Add(item, degrees(double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset(type, field)])));
            else if (expression.StartsWith("sqrt"))
                // there are alot of assumptions made in this code
                Dictionary <int, double> work = new Dictionary <int, double>();
                List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > types = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

                var matchs = Regex.Matches(expression, @"(([A-z0-9_]+)\.([A-z0-9_]+)\*\*2)");

                if (matchs.Count > 0)
                    foreach (Match match in matchs)
                        var type  = match.Groups[2].Value.ToString();
                        var field = match.Groups[3].Value.ToString();

                        types.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(type, field));

                    List <string> keyarray = new List <string>();
                    types.ForEach(g => { keyarray.Add(g.Key); });
                    List <string> valuearray = new List <string>();
                    types.ForEach(g => { valuearray.Add(g.Value); });

                    foreach (var item in logdata.GetEnumeratorType(keyarray.ToArray()))
                        for (int a = 0; a < types.Count; a++)
                            var key    = keyarray[a];
                            var value  = valuearray[a];
                            var offset = dflog.FindMessageOffset(key, value);
                            if (offset == -1)
                            work[a] = double.Parse(item.items[offset]);

                        double workanswer = 0;
                        foreach (var value in work.Values)
                            workanswer += Math.Pow(value, 2);
                        answer.Add(item, Math.Sqrt(workanswer));
            else if (expression.Contains("-")) // ATT.DesRoll-ATT.Roll
                var matchs = Regex.Matches(expression, @"([A-z0-9_]+)\.([A-z0-9_]+)-([A-z0-9_]+)\.([A-z0-9_]+)");

                if (matchs.Count > 0)
                    var type  = matchs[0].Groups[1].Value.ToString();
                    var field = matchs[0].Groups[2].Value.ToString();

                    var type2  = matchs[0].Groups[3].Value.ToString();
                    var field2 = matchs[0].Groups[4].Value.ToString();

                    foreach (var item in logdata.GetEnumeratorType(new[] { type, type2 }))
                        if (type == type2)
                            var idx1 = dflog.FindMessageOffset(type, field);
                            var idx2 = dflog.FindMessageOffset(type2, field2);
                            if (idx1 == -1 || idx2 == -1)
                                       double.Parse(item.items[idx1]) -
            else if (expression.Contains("mag_heading_df"))
                var matchs = Regex.Matches(expression, @"([A-z0-9_]+),([A-z0-9_]+)");

                List <string> msglist = new List <string>();

                foreach (Match match in matchs)
                    foreach (var item in match.Groups)

                var MAG = new MAG_t();
                var ATT = new ATT_t();

                foreach (var item in logdata.GetEnumeratorType(msglist.ToArray()))
                    if (item.msgtype.StartsWith("MAG"))
                        MAG.MagX = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset(item.msgtype, "MagX")]);
                        MAG.MagY = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset(item.msgtype, "MagY")]);
                        MAG.MagZ = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset(item.msgtype, "MagZ")]);
                        MAG.OfsX = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset(item.msgtype, "OfsX")]);
                        MAG.OfsY = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset(item.msgtype, "OfsY")]);
                        MAG.OfsZ = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset(item.msgtype, "OfsZ")]);
                    else if (item.msgtype == "ATT")
                        ATT.Roll  = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("ATT", "Roll")]);
                        ATT.Pitch = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("ATT", "Pitch")]);
                        ATT.Yaw   = double.Parse(item.items[dflog.FindMessageOffset("ATT", "Yaw")]);

                    answer.Add(item, mag_heading_df(MAG, ATT));
