public TurretShot(Particle newParticle, Position target, IGameSprite sprite) : base(newParticle,sprite)
   _particle = newParticle;
   _particle.velocity = GameParameters.TURRET_SHOT_VELOCITY;
   _type = ObjectType.TURRET_SHOT;
   _target = target;
Exemple #2
 public Particle(Particle particle)
   position = particle.position;
   velocity = particle.velocity;
   acceleration = particle.acceleration;
   theta = particle.theta;
    /// <summary>
    /// Given an initialization vector, returns a packet describing a missile spawn event.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="startVector"></param>
    /// <returns>A missile spawn event packet.</returns>
    public EventPacket MakeSpawnMissileEventPacket(Particle startVector)
      SpawnMissileEvent missileSpawn = new SpawnMissileEvent(startVector);
      byte[] eventData = EventCodec.Instance.Serialize<SpawnMissileEvent>(missileSpawn);
      EventPacket eventPacket = new EventPacket(EventTypes.SPAWN_MISSILE, eventData);

      return eventPacket;
Exemple #4
 public Missile(Particle newParticle, IGameSprite sprite)
   _hullRadius = GameParameters.MISSILE_HULL_RADIUS;
   _type = ObjectType.MISSILE;
   _health = 10;
   _particle = newParticle;
   _sprite = sprite;
    public IGameObject MakeTurretShot(Particle initialVector, Position target)
      IGameSprite turretShotSprite = _spriteFactory.MakeTurretShotSprite(initialVector.position);
      TurretShot turretShot = new TurretShot(initialVector, target, turretShotSprite);
      turretShot.OnProximityDetonation += _eventMonitor.OnAirBurstDetonation;

      return (IGameObject)turretShot;
    public EventPacket MakeSpawnMirvEventPacket(Particle startVector, double deployAltitude)
      SpawnMirvEvent missileSpawn = new SpawnMirvEvent(startVector,deployAltitude);
      byte[] eventData = EventCodec.Instance.Serialize<SpawnMirvEvent>(missileSpawn);
      EventPacket eventPacket = new EventPacket(EventTypes.SPAWN_MIRV, eventData);

      return eventPacket;
 public IGameObject MakeMissile(Particle initialVector)
   IGameSprite missileSprite = _spriteFactory.MakeMissileSprite(initialVector.position);
   Missile missile = new Missile(initialVector, missileSprite);
   missile.OnDetonation += _eventMonitor.OnMissileDetonation;
   return (IGameObject)missile;
    public IGameObject MakeMirv(Particle initialVector, double deploymentAltitude)
      IGameSprite mirvSprite = _spriteFactory.MakeMirvSprite(initialVector.position);
      Mirv mirv = new Mirv(initialVector, mirvSprite, deploymentAltitude);
      mirv.OnMirvDeployment += _eventMonitor.OnMirvDeployment;
      mirv.OnDetonation += _eventMonitor.OnMissileDetonation;

      return (IGameObject)mirv;
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when an object wishes to drop a bomb. The hostVector parameter is the kinematic
 /// description of the object dropping the bomb; this allows us to use this info however
 /// we want, even though not all of it will be used.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="hostVector"></param>
 public void OnBombDrop(Particle hostVector)
   Particle startVector = new Particle(hostVector);
   startVector.velocity = GameParameters.MISSILE_VELOCITY;
   startVector.acceleration = GameParameters.MISSILE_ACCELERATION;
   //bomb theta is random, within some range constraint (a downward cone) centered at 3pi/2
   startVector.theta = (((double)RandomNumberGenerator.Instance.Rand()) / 47.0) % GameParameters.BOMB_THETA_FUZZ + 1.5 * GameParameters.PI - GameParameters.BOMB_THETA_FUZZ / 2.0;
   EventPacket packet = _eventFactory.MakeSpawnMissileEventPacket(startVector);
     When a mirv deploys, the missile separates into three separate mirvs.
     The primary continues on its trajectory; the other two
     branch off at plus/minus k degrees, respectively. The second mirvs are set
     * to deploy below 0, so they will effectively never deploy, just act as missiles.
    public void OnMirvDeployment(Particle vector)
      int velocityRandomizationPct = 15;

      //push the second mirv warhead into the event system
      Particle startParticle = new Particle(vector);
      //randomize the velocity a max of 15%
      int rand = RandomNumberGenerator.Instance.Rand();
      startParticle.velocity += ((double)(rand % velocityRandomizationPct) / 100.0);
      startParticle.theta = startParticle.theta + GameParameters.PI / 18;
      EventPacket mirv2 = _eventFactory.MakeSpawnMirvEventPacket(startParticle, GameParameters.MIN_Y);

      //push the third mirv warhead
      startParticle = new Particle(vector);
      //randomize the velocity a max of 15%
      rand = RandomNumberGenerator.Instance.Rand();
      startParticle.velocity += ((double)(rand % velocityRandomizationPct) / 100.0);
      startParticle.theta = startParticle.theta - GameParameters.PI / 18;
      EventPacket mirv3 = _eventFactory.MakeSpawnMirvEventPacket(startParticle, GameParameters.MIN_Y);
Exemple #11
    public Bomber(Particle startVector, IGameSprite gameSprite, int numBombs, int dropInterval)
      _hullRadius = GameParameters.BOMBER_HULL_RADIUS;
      _type = ObjectType.BOMBER;
      _health = 100;
      _particle = startVector;
      _dropInterval = dropInterval;

      if (numBombs >= 0)
        _bombs = new bool[numBombs];
        for (int i = 0; i < numBombs; i++)
          _bombs[i] = true;
        Console.WriteLine("ERROR numBombs < 0 in Bomber ctor");
      _sprite = gameSprite;      
 public SpawnMissileEvent(Particle startVector)
   _startVector = new Particle(startVector);
 public void OnMissileDetonation(Particle particle)
   EventPacket packet = _eventFactory.MakeExplosionEventPacket(particle.position);
 public void OnAirBurstDetonation(Particle particle)
   EventPacket packet = _eventFactory.MakeAirBurstEventPacket(particle.position);
Exemple #15
 //ignore the stupidity of these functions. they act on velocity/acceleration as scalars instead of vectors.
 //update position per velocity
 public static void UpdatePosition(Particle particle)
   particle.position.X += (System.Math.Cos(particle.theta) * particle.velocity);
   particle.position.Y += (System.Math.Sin(particle.theta) * particle.velocity);
    /// <summary>
    /// Selects a random target base as target, and builds an event packet around it. This smells
    /// like business logic that belongs outside of this class... alternatively we could pass in the
    /// game-object list dependency for selecting a random target.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public EventPacket MakeRandomSpawnMissileEventPacket(List<IGameObject> gameObjects)
      //initialize a random start location along the top border
      int xCoor = RandomNumberGenerator.Instance.Rand() % GameParameters.MAX_X;
      Position startPosition = new Position(xCoor, GameParameters.MAX_Y);
      //all enemy missiles point at a random city or base, in radians
      double angleRad = _getTargetTrajectory(startPosition, gameObjects);
      Particle startVector = new Particle(GameParameters.MISSILE_VELOCITY, GameParameters.MISSILE_ACCELERATION, angleRad, startPosition);
      EventPacket packet = MakeSpawnMissileEventPacket(startVector);

      return packet;
Exemple #17
 public Mirv(Particle newParticle, IGameSprite sprite, double deployAltitude) : base(newParticle,sprite)
   _deployAltitude = deployAltitude;
   _once = true;
   _type = ObjectType.MISSILE;
 void spawnTurretShot(EventPacket newEvent)
   SpawnTurretShotEvent turretShotEvent = EventCodec.Instance.Deserialize<SpawnTurretShotEvent>(newEvent.Data);
   double ang = Position.pointTangent(turretShotEvent.Source,turretShotEvent.Target);
   Particle initialVector = new Particle(GameParameters.TURRET_SHOT_VELOCITY, GameParameters.TURRET_SHOT_ACCELERATION, ang, turretShotEvent.Source);
   IGameObject turretShot = _objectFactory.MakeTurretShot(initialVector,turretShotEvent.Target);
Exemple #19
 public static void Update(Particle particle)
 public SpawnMirvEvent(Particle startVector, double deployAltitude)
   StartVector = new Particle(startVector);
   DeployAltitude = deployAltitude;
Exemple #21
 public static void UpdateVelocity(Particle particle)
   particle.velocity += particle.acceleration;