private void SetThisRoundDoubles(List <PlayerTeam> tlist) { var matchlist = MatchOrganizer.DoublesMatchList(tlist); if (matchlist[0].Team1.Player1.PlayerGender == Player.Gender.Male || matchlist[0].Team1.Player2.PlayerGender == Player.Gender.Female) { MatchOrganizer.AddRef(matchlist, MaleRefs); } else { MatchOrganizer.AddRef(matchlist, FemaleRefs); } ThisRound = matchlist; PlayRound(); }
private void SetThisRoundSingles(List <Player> plist) { var matchlist = MatchOrganizer.SinglesMatchList(plist); if (matchlist[0].Player1.PlayerGender == Player.Gender.Male) { MatchOrganizer.AddRef(matchlist, MaleRefs); } else { MatchOrganizer.AddRef(matchlist, FemaleRefs); } ThisRound = matchlist; PlayRound(); }
private void PlayRound() { NoRounds += 1; if (ThisRound.Count == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the final!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to round number " + NoRounds + "!"); } Random rand = new Random(); foreach (Match p in ThisRound) { p.PlayMatch(rand); } if (ThisRound.Count > 1) { var nextround = MatchOrganizer.NextRound(ThisRound); ThisRound = nextround; Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to start next round:"); Console.ReadKey(); PlayRound(); } else { if (ThisRound[0].WinnerSingle == null) { Console.WriteLine(ThisRound[0].WinnerDouble.Player1.FirstName + " " + ThisRound[0].WinnerDouble.Player1.LastName + " and " + ThisRound[0].WinnerDouble.Player2.FirstName + " " + ThisRound[0].WinnerDouble.Player2.LastName + " wins the tournament!"); } else { Console.WriteLine(ThisRound[0].WinnerSingle.FirstName + " " + ThisRound[0].WinnerSingle.LastName + " wins the tournament!"); } } }