Exemple #1
        public WtmData Clone()
            var _new = new WtmData();

            //_new.Coin = this.Coin;
            _new.DefaultHashrate = this.DefaultHashrate;
            _new.Json            = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            foreach (var entry in this.Json)
                _new.Json.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);
            _new.HasAverage   = this.HasAverage;
            _new.AverageDays  = this.AverageDays;
            _new.AveragePrice = this.AveragePrice;
Exemple #2
        // Calculate historical averages in wtmDataDict from historical data of historicalData
        public void GetHistoricalAverages(Dictionary <string, WtmData> wtmDataDict, List <HistoricalData> historicalData)
            if (wtmDataDict == null || wtmDataDict.Count == 0 || historicalData == null || historicalData.Count == 0)

            var historyCount = historicalData.Count;

            foreach (var coin in wtmDataDict)
                decimal priceAccum = 0; bool coinAverageSuccess = true; var date = DateTime.Now.Date;
                foreach (var day in historicalData)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Loop round " + historicalData.IndexOf(day));
                    if (day.Date.Date != date)
                        coinAverageSuccess = false;
                    WtmData historicalRecord = null;
                    day.PriceData.TryGetValue(coin.Key, out historicalRecord);
                    if (historicalRecord != null)
                        var tmpPrice = Helpers.StringToDecimal(historicalRecord.Json["exchange_rate24"]);
                        priceAccum += tmpPrice;
                        coinAverageSuccess = false;
                    date = date.Date.AddDays(-1);
                if (coinAverageSuccess)
                    coin.Value.HasAverage   = true;
                    coin.Value.AverageDays  = historyCount;
                    coin.Value.AveragePrice = priceAccum / historyCount;
Exemple #3
        public static (decimal profit24, decimal revenue) CalculateProfit(
            CoinTable coinTable,
            Dictionary <string, WtmData> wtmDataDict,
            WtmData btc,
            WtmSettingsObject settings,
            decimal powerCost
            decimal revenueAllCoins = 0;

            revenueAllCoins = 0;

            decimal coinRate = 0; decimal btcRate = 0;

            foreach (Coin coin in coinTable.Coins)
                WtmData currentCoin = null;
                wtmDataDict.TryGetValue(coin.Name, out currentCoin);
                if (currentCoin == null)
                if (settings.UseHistoricalAverage && currentCoin.HasAverage)
                    coinRate = currentCoin.AveragePrice;
                    btcRate  = btc != null ? btc.AveragePrice : 0;
                    string keyName;
                    if (settings.Average24)
                        keyName = "exchange_rate24";
                        keyName = "exchange_rate";
                    string coinValue;
                    currentCoin.Json.TryGetValue(keyName, out coinValue);
                    if (coinValue != null)
                        coinRate = Helpers.StringToDecimal(coinValue);
                    string btcValue = null;
                    btc?.Json.TryGetValue(keyName, out btcValue);
                    if (btcValue != null)
                        btcRate = Helpers.StringToDecimal(btcValue);

                decimal ratio            = (decimal)coin.Hashrate / (decimal)currentCoin.DefaultHashrate;
                decimal revenueOneCoin   = 0;
                decimal estimatedRewards = Helpers.StringToDecimal(currentCoin.Json["estimated_rewards"]);
                revenueOneCoin   = ratio * estimatedRewards * coinRate * btcRate;
                revenueAllCoins += revenueOneCoin;
                //totalHashrate += Convert.ToString(coin.Hashrate, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "+";
                //name += coin.Name + "+";
                //algorithm += currentCoin.Json["algorithm"] + "+";
            decimal profit24 = 0;

            //name = name.TrimEnd('+');
            profit24 = revenueAllCoins - (revenueAllCoins * (decimal)coinTable.Fees / 100) - (((decimal)coinTable.Power / 1000) * 24 * powerCost);
            return(profit24, revenueAllCoins);
        private void LoadHistoricalChartsCommand(object obj)
            DateTime FromDate;
            DateTime ToDate;

            using (var db = new LiteDatabase(Constants.DataBase))
                var collection = db.GetCollection <HistoricalData>(Constants.LightDB_HistoricalDataCollection);
                var allDays    = collection.FindAll();
                if (allDays.Count() == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("The historical prices database is empty. Set up 'Accumulate Historical Prices', collect some stats for a while and return then.", "Nothing to show", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
                var selectDatesWindow = new SelectDateRange();
                var viewModel         = new SelectDateRangeVM(allDays.First().Date, allDays.Last().Date);
                selectDatesWindow.DataContext = viewModel;
                var dialogResult = selectDatesWindow.ShowDialog();
                if (dialogResult == false)
                FromDate = viewModel.FromDate;
                ToDate   = viewModel.ToDate;

            var workersChecked   = Workers.WorkerList.Where(w => w.Query).ToList();
            var historicalCharts = new Dictionary <string, HistoricalChart>();

            // Create a chart for each worker
            foreach (var worker in workersChecked)
                //var coinListFullName = Workers.GetCoins(new List<Worker> { worker }, false, false, true);
                var chart = new HistoricalChart {
                    Name          = worker.Name,
                    Description   = worker.Description,
                    Computers     = new ObservableCollection <string>(worker.Computers),
                    Coins         = new ObservablePairCollection <string, ChartCoin>(),
                    PlotModel     = new PlotModel(),
                    DisplayCoinAs = Workers.DisplayCoinAs

                // Add AutoSwitch "coin"
                chart.Coins.Add("0, AutoSwitch", new ChartCoin {
                    Color = OxyColors.Red.ToBrush(), IsChecked = true, Name = "AutoSwitch", Symbol = "AutoSwitch"
                var serie = new LineSeries
                    StrokeThickness             = 2,
                    MarkerSize                  = 3,
                    Color                       = OxyColors.Red,
                    MarkerType                  = MarkerType.Circle,
                    CanTrackerInterpolatePoints = false,
                    Title                       = "AutoSwitch",
                    Smooth                      = false,
                    Tag = 0

                // Add real coins
                int index = 1;
                foreach (var coinTable in worker.CoinList)
                    var lockExpiry = FromDate.Date.Date.AddHours(WtmSettings.DelayNextSwitchTime);
                    var oxyColor   = ChartColors.Colors[chart.PlotModel.Series.Count % ChartColors.Colors.Count];
                    chart.Coins.Add($"{index}, {coinTable.FullName}", new ChartCoin {
                        Index       = index,
                        IsChecked   = true,
                        LockedUntil = lockExpiry,
                        Color       = oxyColor.ToBrush(),
                        Name        = coinTable.FullName,
                        Symbol      = coinTable.FullSymbol
                    var newSerie = new LineSeries
                        StrokeThickness             = 2,
                        MarkerSize                  = 3,
                        Color                       = oxyColor,
                        MarkerType                  = MarkerType.Circle,
                        CanTrackerInterpolatePoints = false,
                        Title                       = coinTable.FullName,
                        Smooth                      = false,
                        Tag = index

                CultureInfo currentCulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.ToString());
                chart.PlotModel.Axes.Add(new DateTimeAxis
                    IsPanEnabled           = true,
                    IsZoomEnabled          = false,
                    Position               = AxisPosition.Bottom,
                    StringFormat           = currentCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern,
                    MajorGridlineStyle     = LineStyle.Solid,
                    MinorGridlineStyle     = LineStyle.Dot,
                    TextColor              = ChartColors.DarkBlue,
                    TicklineColor          = ChartColors.DarkBlue,
                    MajorGridlineColor     = ChartColors.DarkBlue,
                    MinorGridlineThickness = 0.9,
                    AxislineThickness      = 0.9,
                    MajorGridlineThickness = 0.9,
                    IntervalLength         = 80
                chart.PlotModel.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis
                    IsZoomEnabled          = false,
                    Position               = AxisPosition.Left,
                    Title                  = "Daily profit",
                    Minimum                = 0,
                    TitleColor             = ChartColors.DarkBlue,
                    TextColor              = ChartColors.DarkBlue,
                    TicklineColor          = ChartColors.DarkBlue,
                    MajorGridlineColor     = ChartColors.DarkBlue,
                    MinorTicklineColor     = ChartColors.DarkBlue,
                    MinorGridlineColor     = ChartColors.DarkBlue,
                    MajorGridlineStyle     = LineStyle.Solid,
                    MinorGridlineStyle     = LineStyle.Dot,
                    AxislineThickness      = 0.9,
                    MinorGridlineThickness = 0.9,
                    MajorGridlineThickness = 0.9,

                chart.PlotModel.IsLegendVisible         = false;
                chart.PlotModel.PlotAreaBorderThickness = new OxyThickness(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9);
                chart.PlotModel.PlotAreaBorderColor     = ChartColors.DarkBlue;
                chart.PlotModel.Padding       = new OxyThickness(0, 10, 0, -10);
                chart.PlotModel.DefaultColors = ChartColors.Colors;

                historicalCharts.Add(worker.Name, chart);

            //Fill PlotModel with data
            using (var db = new LiteDatabase(Constants.DataBase))
                var collection   = db.GetCollection <HistoricalData>(Constants.LightDB_HistoricalDataCollection);
                var selectedDays = collection.Find(x => x.Date >= FromDate && x.Date <= ToDate);

                if (selectedDays.FirstOrDefault() == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("The time selection is missing actual records in database.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

                DateTime previousDay = selectedDays.FirstOrDefault().Date.Date;

                foreach (var day in selectedDays)
                    // Check if there's a gap and fill the missing days with blank data
                    var difference = (day.Date.Date - previousDay.Date).Days;
                    if (difference > 1)
                        for (int i = 1; i <= difference - 1; i++)
                            foreach (var worker in workersChecked)
                                var index = 1;
                                var chart = historicalCharts[worker.Name]; // The chart that corresponds to the worker

                                chart.AutoSwitchCoinName = null;
                                var serie = chart.PlotModel.Series.First() as LineSeries;
                                var point = new DataPoint(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(previousDay.Date.AddDays(i)), 0);

                                foreach (var coinTable in worker.CoinList)
                                    serie = chart.PlotModel.Series.FirstOrDefault(x => (int)x.Tag == index) as LineSeries;
                                    point = new DataPoint(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(previousDay.Date.AddDays(i)), 0);

                    WtmData btc = null;
                    day.PriceData.TryGetValue("Bitcoin", out btc);

                    foreach (var worker in workersChecked)
                        var chart = historicalCharts[worker.Name]; // The chart that corresponds to the worker
                        var AutoSwitchPseudoCoin = chart.Coins["0, AutoSwitch"];

                        var index = 1;
                        foreach (var coinTable in worker.CoinList)
                            var currentChartCoin = chart.Coins[$"{index}, {coinTable.FullName}"];
                            if (currentChartCoin.Accumulator == null)
                                currentChartCoin.Accumulator = new Accumulator(coinTable.Coins);

                            // Calculate profit

                            var     profitResult = WhatToMine.CalculateProfit(coinTable, day.PriceData, btc, WtmSettings, (decimal)Workers.PowerCost);
                            decimal profit24     = profitResult.profit24;

                            currentChartCoin.TodaysProfit = profit24;

                            // Accumulate daily reward
                            foreach (var coin in coinTable.Coins)
                                if (day.PriceData.ContainsKey(coin.Name))
                                    decimal ratio     = (decimal)coin.Hashrate / (decimal)day.PriceData[coin.Name].DefaultHashrate;
                                    var     dayReward = Helpers.StringToDecimal(day.PriceData[coin.Name].Json["estimated_rewards"]) * ratio; // Daily reward in mined coin
                                    dayReward -= dayReward * (decimal)coinTable.Fees / 100;                                                  // Deduct fees
                                    currentChartCoin.Accumulator.AddValue(coin.Name, dayReward);
                                    currentChartCoin.Accumulator.AddValue(coin.Name, 0);
                            currentChartCoin.PowerAccumulator += coinTable.Power / 1000 * 24; // Accumulate daily power consumption

                            // Sell accumulated reward if lock is expired
                            bool invalidateCoin = false;
                            if (day.Date.Date >= currentChartCoin.LockedUntil.Date)
                                decimal btcRate = 0;
                                if (WtmSettings.Average24)
                                    btcRate = btc != null?Helpers.StringToDecimal(btc.Json["exchange_rate24"]) : 0;
                                    btcRate = btc != null?Helpers.StringToDecimal(btc.Json["exchange_rate"]) : 0;
                                foreach (var coin in currentChartCoin.Accumulator.CoinList)
                                    if (day.PriceData.ContainsKey(coin.Name))
                                        var coinRate = WtmSettings.Average24 ?
                                                       Helpers.StringToDecimal(day.PriceData[coin.Name].Json["exchange_rate24"]) :
                                        var revenue = coin.Value * coinRate * btcRate;
                                        currentChartCoin.TotalProfit += revenue;
                                        if (chart.AutoSwitchCoinName == coinTable.FullName)
                                            AutoSwitchPseudoCoin.TotalProfit += revenue;
                                        invalidateCoin = true;

                                if (!invalidateCoin)
                                    var powerExpense = (decimal)(currentChartCoin.PowerAccumulator * Workers.PowerCost);
                                    currentChartCoin.TotalProfit -= powerExpense;
                                    if (chart.AutoSwitchCoinName == coinTable.FullName)
                                        AutoSwitchPseudoCoin.TotalProfit -= powerExpense;
                                currentChartCoin.PowerAccumulator = 0;
                                currentChartCoin.LockedUntil      = day.Date.Date.AddHours(WtmSettings.DelayNextSwitchTime);

                            // Add a new point for this day to the Graph
                            var point = new DataPoint(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(day.Date), (double)profit24);
                            var serie = chart.PlotModel.Series.FirstOrDefault(x => (int)x.Tag == index) as LineSeries;
                            if (serie != null)

                        }// foreach CoinTable

                        ChartCoin currentAutoSwitchCoin = null;

                        if (chart.AutoSwitchCoinName != null)
                            currentAutoSwitchCoin = chart.Coins[chart.AutoSwitchCoinName];

                        // AutoSwitch emulator
                        if (day.Date.Date >= AutoSwitchPseudoCoin.LockedUntil.Date)
                            var     mostProfitableCoin = chart.GetMostProfitableCoin();
                            decimal maxProfit          = mostProfitableCoin.Value != null ? mostProfitableCoin.Value.TodaysProfit : 0;

                            if (chart.AutoSwitchCoinName == null)
                                chart.AutoSwitchCoinName = mostProfitableCoin.Key != null ? mostProfitableCoin.Key : null;
                                //AutoSwitchPseudoCoin.TotalProfit = mostProfitableCoin.Value != null ? mostProfitableCoin.Value.TotalProfit : 0;
                                currentAutoSwitchCoin = chart.AutoSwitchCoinName != null ? chart.Coins[chart.AutoSwitchCoinName] : null;

                            var currentProfit = chart.AutoSwitchCoinName != null ? chart.Coins[chart.AutoSwitchCoinName].TodaysProfit : 0;
                            if (maxProfit > (currentProfit + (currentProfit * WtmSettings.PriceMargin / 100))) // Switch coin in new profit is higher
                                chart.AutoSwitchCoinName         = mostProfitableCoin.Key != null ? mostProfitableCoin.Key : null;
                                AutoSwitchPseudoCoin.LockedUntil = day.Date.Date.AddHours(WtmSettings.DelayNextSwitchTime);

                        var currentAutoSwitchCoinProfit = currentAutoSwitchCoin != null ? currentAutoSwitchCoin.TodaysProfit : 0;
                        AutoSwitchPseudoCoin.TotalProfit += currentAutoSwitchCoinProfit;
                        var autoSwitchPoint = new DataPoint(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(day.Date), (double)currentAutoSwitchCoinProfit);
                        var autoSwitchSerie = chart.PlotModel.Series.First() as LineSeries;
                    } // foreach Worker

                    previousDay = day.Date.Date;
                }// foreach days

            foreach (var chart in historicalCharts)

            HistoricalChartsEnabled = true;