Exemple #1
 private static void UciGo(string[] tokens)
     if (TryParse(tokens, "movetime", out int timePerMove))
         //Fixed move time e.g. 5 Minutes per Move = go movetime 300000
         TryParse(tokens, "depth", out int searchDepth, int.MaxValue);
         _engine.Go(timePerMove, searchDepth);
     else if (TryParse(tokens, "btime", out int blackTime) && TryParse(tokens, "wtime", out int whiteTime))
         //Searching on a budget that may increase at certain intervals
         //40 Moves in 5 Minutes = go wtime 300000 btime 300000 movestogo 40
         //40 Moves in 5 Minutes, 1 second increment per Move =  go wtime 300000 btime 300000 movestogo 40 winc 1000 binc 1000 movestogo 40
         //5 Minutes total, no increment (sudden death) = go wtime 300000 btime 300000
         TryParse(tokens, "binc", out int blackIncrement);
         TryParse(tokens, "winc", out int whiteIncrement);
         TryParse(tokens, "movestogo", out int movesToGo, 40); //assuming 30 e.g. spend 1/30th of total budget on the move
         TryParse(tokens, "depth", out int searchDepth, int.MaxValue);
         _engine.Go(blackTime, whiteTime, blackIncrement, whiteIncrement, movesToGo, searchDepth);
     else if (TryParse(tokens, "depth", out int searchDepth))
     else if (IsDefined(tokens, "infinite"))
         //Infinite = go infinite
         Uci.Log("'go' parameters missing or not understood. Stop the search using 'stop'.");
Exemple #2
        private static void UciPosition(string[] tokens)
            //position [fen <fenstring> | startpos ]  moves <move1> .... <movei>
            if (tokens[1] == "startpos")
            else if (tokens[1] == "fen") //rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
                string fen = string.Join(' ', tokens, 2, tokens.Length - 2);
                Uci.Log("'position' parameters missing or not understood. Assuming 'startpos'.");

            int firstMove = Array.IndexOf(tokens, "moves") + 1;

            if (firstMove == 0)

            for (int i = firstMove; i < tokens.Length; i++)
                Move move = MoveFromUciNotation(tokens[i]);
Exemple #3
        //*** INTERNALS ***

        private void Search()
            _tN = Now;
            _search.StartSearch(() => RemainingTimeBudget < 0);
            _best = _search.bestMove;
            _search = null;
Exemple #4
        internal void Go(int blackTime, int whiteTime, int blackIncrement, int whiteIncrement, int movesToGo, int maxSearchDepth)
            _searchDepth = maxSearchDepth;
            int myTime      = _board.WhiteToMove ? whiteTime : blackTime;
            int myIncrement = _board.WhiteToMove ? whiteIncrement : blackIncrement;
            int totalTime   = myTime + myIncrement * (movesToGo - 1) - MOVE_TIME_MARGIN;

            _timeBudget = totalTime / movesToGo;
            Uci.Log($"Search budget set to {_timeBudget}ms!");
        private void Collect()
            _best = _search.PrincipalVariation[0];

                depth:  _search.Depth,
                score:  (int)SideToMove * _search.Score,
                nodes:  _search.NodesVisited,
                timeMs: _time.Elapsed,
                pv:     GetPrintablePV(_search.PrincipalVariation, _search.Depth)
        private void Search()
            while (CanSearchDeeper())

                if (_search.Aborted)

                //collect PV
            //Done searching!
            _search = null;
        //*** INTERNALS ***

        private void StartSearch(int maxDepth, long maxNodes)
            //do the first iteration. it's cheap, no time check, no thread
            Uci.Log($"Search scheduled to take {_time.TimePerMoveWithMargin}ms!");

            //add all history positions with a score of 0 (Draw through 3-fold repetition) and freeze them by setting a depth that is never going to be overwritten
            foreach (var position in _history)
                Transpositions.Store(position.ZobristHash, Transpositions.HISTORY, 0, SearchWindow.Infinite, 0, default);

            _search = new IterativeSearch(_board, maxNodes);

            //start the search thread
            _maxSearchDepth = maxDepth;
            _searching      = new Thread(Search)
                Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest