Exemple #1
 public MyRichLabelText()
     m_text  = new StringBuilder(512);
     m_font  = null;
     m_scale = 0;
     m_color = Vector4.Zero;
 public MyNotification(String notificationText, MyGuiScreenGamePlayType LifeArea, float scale,
                       MyGuiFont font,
                       MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textAlign, int disapearTimeMs, MyEntity owner = null, bool showConfirmMessage = false,
                       object[] textFormatArguments = null)
     : this(0, notificationText, LifeArea, scale, font, textAlign, disapearTimeMs, owner, showConfirmMessage, textFormatArguments)
        public MyGuiControlMultilineText(
            IMyGuiControlsParent parent, Vector2 position,
            Vector2 size, Vector4? backgroundColor,
            MyGuiFont font, float textScale, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textAlign, StringBuilder contents, bool drawBorders = true, bool drawScrollbar = true)
            : base(parent, position, size, backgroundColor, null)
            m_font = font;
            m_textScale = textScale;
            m_textAlign = textAlign;
            m_drawBorders = drawBorders;
            m_drawScrollbar = drawScrollbar;
            TextColor = new Color(MyGuiConstants.LABEL_TEXT_COLOR);

            m_scrollbar = new MyVScrollbar(this);
            m_scrollbar.TopBorder = m_scrollbar.RightBorder = m_scrollbar.BottomBorder = false;
            m_scrollbar.LeftBorder = drawBorders;
            m_scrollbarSize = new Vector2(0.0334f, MyGuiConstants.COMBOBOX_VSCROLLBAR_SIZE.Y);
            m_scrollbarSize = MyGuiConstants.COMBOBOX_VSCROLLBAR_SIZE;
            float minLineHeight = MyGuiManager.MeasureString(m_font,
                                                      m_parent.GetPositionAbsolute() + m_position, m_textScale,
            m_label = new MyRichLabel(size.X, minLineHeight);
            if (contents != null && contents.Length > 0)
 public MyRichLabelText()
     m_text = new StringBuilder(512);
     m_font = null;
     m_scale = 0;
     m_color = Vector4.Zero;
Exemple #5
        public MyGuiControlMultilineText(
            IMyGuiControlsParent parent, Vector2 position,
            Vector2 size, Vector4?backgroundColor,
            MyGuiFont font, float textScale, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textAlign, StringBuilder contents, bool drawBorders = true, bool drawScrollbar = true)
            : base(parent, position, size, backgroundColor, null)
            m_font          = font;
            m_textScale     = textScale;
            m_textAlign     = textAlign;
            m_drawBorders   = drawBorders;
            m_drawScrollbar = drawScrollbar;
            TextColor       = new Color(MyGuiConstants.LABEL_TEXT_COLOR);

            m_scrollbar            = new MyVScrollbar(this);
            m_scrollbar.TopBorder  = m_scrollbar.RightBorder = m_scrollbar.BottomBorder = false;
            m_scrollbar.LeftBorder = drawBorders;
            m_scrollbarSize        = new Vector2(0.0334f, MyGuiConstants.COMBOBOX_VSCROLLBAR_SIZE.Y);
            m_scrollbarSize        = MyGuiConstants.COMBOBOX_VSCROLLBAR_SIZE;
            float minLineHeight = MyGuiManager.MeasureString(m_font,
                                                             m_parent.GetPositionAbsolute() + m_position, m_textScale,

            m_label = new MyRichLabel(size.X, minLineHeight);
            if (contents != null && contents.Length > 0)
            private MyNotification(int notificationTextId, string notificationString, MyGuiScreenGamePlayType LifeArea, float scale,
                                  MyGuiFont font,
                                  MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textAlign, int disapearTimeMs, MyEntity owner, bool showConfirmMessage = false,
                                  object[] textFormatArguments = null)
                Owner = owner;
                m_originalText = notificationString;
                m_notificationText = notificationString;
                m_notificationTextID = (int)notificationTextId;
                m_isTextDirty = false;

                // always false:
                m_isDisappeared = false;

                m_actualScale = scale;                
                m_actualFont = font;
                m_actualTextAlign = textAlign;

                m_textFormatArguments = textFormatArguments;

                // timing:
                m_disappearTimeMs = disapearTimeMs;
                m_aliveTime = 0;

                // life space;
                m_lifeSpace = LifeArea;

                // show standart message?
                m_showConfirmMessage = showConfirmMessage;
 public MyRichLabelText(StringBuilder text, MyGuiFont font, float scale, Vector4 color)
     m_text = text;
     m_font = font;
     m_scale = scale;
     m_color = color;
 public void Init(string text, MyGuiFont font, float scale, Vector4 color)
     m_font = font;
     m_scale = scale;
     m_color = color;
Exemple #9
 public void Init(string text, MyGuiFont font, float scale, Vector4 color)
     m_font  = font;
     m_scale = scale;
     m_color = color;
Exemple #10
 public MyRichLabelText(StringBuilder text, MyGuiFont font, float scale, Vector4 color)
     m_text  = text;
     m_font  = font;
     m_scale = scale;
     m_color = color;
 public MyColoredText(StringBuilder text, Color normalColor, Color highlightColor, MyGuiFont font, float textScale, Vector2 offset)
     Text = text;
     NormalColor = normalColor;
     HighlightColor = highlightColor;
     Font = font;
     Scale = textScale;
     Offset = offset;
 public MyColoredText(StringBuilder text, Color normalColor, Color highlightColor, MyGuiFont font, float textScale, Vector2 offset)
     Text           = text;
     NormalColor    = normalColor;
     HighlightColor = highlightColor;
     Font           = font;
     Scale          = textScale;
     Offset         = offset;
Exemple #13
        public MyGuiControlLabel(IMyGuiControlsParent parent, Vector2 position, Vector2?size, MyTextsWrapperEnum textEnum, Vector4 textColor, float textScale, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textAlign, MyGuiFont font)
            : base(parent, position, size, null, null, false)
            m_type = MyGuiControlLabelType.DEFINED_BY_TEXT_WRAPPER_ENUM;

            m_textEnum = textEnum;
            Font       = font;
            Init(textColor, textScale, textAlign);
        public MyGuiControlLabel(IMyGuiControlsParent parent, Vector2 position, Vector2? size, MyTextsWrapperEnum textEnum, Vector4 textColor, float textScale, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textAlign, MyGuiFont font)
            : base(parent, position, size, null, null, false)
            m_type = MyGuiControlLabelType.DEFINED_BY_TEXT_WRAPPER_ENUM;

            m_textEnum = textEnum;
            Font = font;
            Init(textColor, textScale, textAlign);
 public MyMessageBoxConfiguration(MyTexture2D texture, Vector4 textColor, Vector4 backgroundColor, Vector4 buttonColor, Vector4 rotatingWheelColor, Vector4 interferenceVideoColor, MyGuiFont font, MyTexture2D buttonTexture ) 
     Texture = texture;
     TextColor = textColor;
     BackgroundColor = backgroundColor;
     ButtonColor = buttonColor;
     RotatingWheelColor = rotatingWheelColor;
     InterferenceVideoColor = interferenceVideoColor;
     Font = font;
     ButtonTexture = buttonTexture;
Exemple #16
        //  IMPORTANT: This class isn't initialized by constructor, but by Start() because it's supposed to be used in memory pool
        public void Start(MyGuiFont font, Vector2 position, Color color, float scale, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum alignement)
            Font = font;
            Position = position;            
            Color = color;
            Scale = scale;
            Alignement = alignement;

            //  Clear current text
        public void Append(string text, MyGuiFont font, float scale, Vector4 color)
            string[] paragraphs = text.Split(m_lineSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None);

            for (int i = 0; i < paragraphs.Length; i++)
                AppendParagraph(paragraphs[i], font, scale, color);
                if (i < paragraphs.Length - 1)
Exemple #18
        public MyGuiControlLabel(IMyGuiControlsParent parent, Vector2 position, Vector2?size, StringBuilder text, Vector4 textColor, float textScale, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textAlign, MyGuiFont font)
            : base(parent, position, size, null, null, false)
            m_type = MyGuiControlLabelType.DEFINED_BY_STRING_BUILDER;
            Font   = font;
            if (text != null)
                //  Create COPY of the text (Don't just point to one string builder!!! This was my original mistake!)
                m_textDefinition = new StringBuilder(text.ToString());
                m_textDraw       = new StringBuilder(text.ToString());

            Init(textColor, textScale, textAlign);
Exemple #19
 public void AppendText(StringBuilder text, MyGuiFont font, float scale, Vector4 color)
     m_label.Append(text, font, scale, color);
        //  Draws string (string builder) at specified position
        //  normalizedPosition -> X and Y are within interval <0..1>
        //  scale -> scale for original texture, it's not in pixel/texels, but multiply of original size. E.g. 1 means unchanged size, 2 means double size. Scale is uniform, preserves aspect ratio.
        //  RETURN: Method returns rectangle where was string drawn in normalized coordinates
        public static MyRectangle2D DrawStringCentered(MyGuiFont font, StringBuilder sb, Vector2 normalizedCoord, float scale, Color color, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum drawAlign)
            Vector2 screenCoord = GetScreenCoordinateFromNormalizedCoordinate(normalizedCoord);

            //  Fix the scale for screen resolution
            float fixedScale = scale * m_safeScreenScale;

            //  IMPORTANT: We don't draw shadows under text here because shadows are already contained in font texture!

            int lineCount = 0;
            foreach (var line in sb.Split('\n'))
                var lineSizeInPixelsScaled = font.MeasureString(line, fixedScale);
                var lineCoord = GetAlignedCoordinate(screenCoord + new Vector2(0, lineCount * font.LineHeight * fixedScale), lineSizeInPixelsScaled, drawAlign);
                font.DrawString(lineCoord, color, line, fixedScale);

            //  IMPORTANT: MeasureString is weird method, because for example it returns height 56 pixels, but DrawString actualy draws 33 pixels tall characters
            //  And SpriteFont.LineSpacing gives me 53 pixels... so am quite sure MeasureString returns height of line and not of characters, but then why is it less than LineSpacing???
            Vector2 sizeInPixelsScaled = font.MeasureString(sb, fixedScale);
            screenCoord = GetAlignedCoordinate(screenCoord, sizeInPixelsScaled, drawAlign);
            return new MyRectangle2D(GetNormalizedCoordinateFromScreenCoordinate(screenCoord), GetNormalizedSizeFromScreenSize(sizeInPixelsScaled));
 public MyNotification(MyTextsWrapperEnum notificationText, MyGuiFont font, MyEntity owner = null)
     : this(notificationText, GetCurrentScreen(), 1.0f, font, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_CENTER_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER, DONT_DISAPEAR, owner)
 public MyNotification(string notificationText, MyGuiFont font, MyEntity owner = null, bool showConfirmMessage = false)
     : this(notificationText, GetCurrentScreen(), 1.0f, font, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_CENTER_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER, DONT_DISAPEAR, owner)
     m_showConfirmMessage = showConfirmMessage;
 public void Append(StringBuilder text, MyGuiFont font, float scale, Vector4 color)
     Append(text.ToString(), font, scale, color);
Exemple #24
        public void Append(string text, MyGuiFont font, float scale, Vector4 color)
            string[] paragraphs = text.Split(m_lineSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None);

            for (int i = 0; i < paragraphs.Length; i++)
                AppendParagraph(paragraphs[i], font, scale, color);
                if (i < paragraphs.Length - 1)
Exemple #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates new instance with text's color
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text">Warning text</param>
 /// <param name="textFont">Text's font</param>
 public MyHudTextWarning(StringBuilder text, MyGuiFont textFont)
     Text = text;
     TextFont = textFont;
 public MyNotification(string notificationText, MyGuiFont font, int disapearTimeMs, MyEntity owner = null, object[] textFormatArguments = null)
     : this(notificationText, GetCurrentScreen(), 1.0f, font, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_CENTER_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER, disapearTimeMs, owner, false, textFormatArguments)
        protected void AddLabel(StringBuilder text, Vector4 color, float scale, List<MyGuiControlBase> controlGroup = null, MyGuiFont font = null)
            MyGuiControlLabel label = new MyGuiControlLabel(this, m_currentPosition, null, text, color, MyGuiConstants.LABEL_TEXT_SCALE * MyGuiConstants.DEBUG_LABEL_TEXT_SCALE * scale * m_scale,
                                                            MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_LEFT_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER, font);
            float labelWidth = label.GetTextSize().Size.X + 0.02f;
            m_maxWidth = Math.Max(m_maxWidth, labelWidth);

            m_currentPosition.Y += 0.04f * m_scale;

            if (controlGroup != null)
        //  Draws string (string builder) at specified position
        //  normalizedPosition -> X and Y are within interval <0..1>
        //  scale -> scale for original texture, it's not in pixel/texels, but multiply of original size. E.g. 1 means unchanged size, 2 means double size. Scale is uniform, preserves aspect ratio.
        //  RETURN: Method returns rectangle where was string drawn in normalized coordinates
        public static MyRectangle2D DrawString(MyGuiFont font, StringBuilder sb, Vector2 normalizedCoord, float scale, Color color, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum drawAlign, bool fullscreen = false)
            Vector2 screenCoord = GetScreenCoordinateFromNormalizedCoordinate(normalizedCoord, fullscreen);

            //  Fix the scale for screen resolution
            float fixedScale = scale * m_safeScreenScale;

            //  IMPORTANT: MeasureString is weird method, because for example it returns height 56 pixels, but DrawString actualy draws 33 pixels tall characters
            //  And SpriteFont.LineSpacing gives me 53 pixels... so am quite sure MeasureString returns height of line and not of characters, but then why is it less than LineSpacing???
            Vector2 sizeInPixelsScaled = font.MeasureString(sb, fixedScale);

            screenCoord = GetAlignedCoordinate(screenCoord, sizeInPixelsScaled, drawAlign);

            //  IMPORTANT: We don't draw shadows under text here because shadows are already contained in font texture!


            //font.DrawString(screenCoord, /*color*/ Color.White, sb, fixedScale);
            font.DrawString(screenCoord, color, sb, fixedScale);

            return new MyRectangle2D(GetNormalizedCoordinateFromScreenCoordinate(screenCoord), GetNormalizedSizeFromScreenSize(sizeInPixelsScaled));
 public void AppendText(StringBuilder text, MyGuiFont font, float scale, Vector4 color)
     m_label.Append(text, font, scale, color);
Exemple #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates new instance with text's font
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text">Warning text</param>
 /// <param name="textFont">Text's font</param>
 public MyHudTextWarning(MyTextsWrapperEnum text, MyGuiFont textFont)
     : this(MyTextsWrapper.Get(text), textFont)
Exemple #31
        private void AppendParagraph(string paragraph, MyGuiFont font, float scale, Vector4 color)
            float textWidth = MyGuiManager.GetNormalizedSize(font, m_helperSb, scale).X;
            // first we try append all paragraph to current line
            if (textWidth < m_currentLineRestFreeSpace)
                m_richTextsPool[++m_richTextsOffset].Init(m_helperSb.ToString(), font, scale, color);
            // if there is not enough free space in current line for whole paragraph
                m_richTextsPool[++m_richTextsOffset].Init("", font, scale, color);
                string[] words = paragraph.Split(m_wordSeparator);
                int currentWordIndex = 0;
                while (currentWordIndex < words.Length)
                    if (words[currentWordIndex].Trim().Length == 0)

                    if (m_richTextsPool[m_richTextsOffset].Text.Length > 0)

                    textWidth = MyGuiManager.GetNormalizedSize(font, m_helperSb, scale).X;

                    if (textWidth <= m_currentLineRestFreeSpace - m_richTextsPool[m_richTextsOffset].GetSize().X)
                        // if this word is wider than line and it will be only one word at line, then we append it to current line
                        if ((m_currentLine == null || m_currentLine.IsEmpty()) && m_richTextsPool[m_richTextsOffset].Text.Length == 0)

                        m_richTextsPool[++m_richTextsOffset].Init("", font, scale, color);
                        if (currentWordIndex < words.Length)

                if (m_richTextsPool[m_richTextsOffset].Text.Length > 0)
Exemple #32
 public MyHudSetting(MyGuiFont font, MyHudTexturesEnum textureDirectionIndicator, MyHudTexturesEnum textureTarget, MyHudTexturesEnum textureUnpowered, Color color, float textureTargetRotationSpeed = 0f, float textureTargetScale = 1f) 
     Font = font;
     TextureDirectionIndicator = textureDirectionIndicator;
     TextureTarget = textureTarget;
     this.Color = color;
     TextureTargetRotationSpeed = textureTargetRotationSpeed;
     TextureTargetScale = textureTargetScale;
     TextureUnpowered = textureUnpowered;
Exemple #33
 public void Append(StringBuilder text, MyGuiFont font, float scale, Vector4 color)
     Append(text.ToString(), font, scale, color);
 public MyColoredText(StringBuilder text, Color color, MyGuiFont font, float textScale)
     : this(text, color, MyGuiConstants.COLORED_TEXT_DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR, font, textScale, Vector2.Zero)
        void AddIcon(Vector3 pos, float radius, MyTransparentMaterialEnum texture, Color color, string textDown, string textUp, float textSize, bool highlight, Vector3 offset, MyGuiFont font = null, float? importance = null)
            if (font == null)
                font = MyGuiManager.GetFontMinerWarsWhite();

            float scaledRadius = MySolarSystemUtils.CalculateDistanceUnscalingTo(pos, radius, MySolarSystemMapNavigationMark.SCALE_DISTANCE_FROM);

            float textScale = 1 / MySolarSystemUtils.CalculateDistanceUnscalingFrom(pos, 1 / 0.7f, MySolarSystemMapNavigationMark.SCALE_DISTANCE_FROM);// 1;// radius / scaledRadius / 2;

            Vector4 iconColor = Vector4.One;
            if (highlight)
                iconColor *= 1.5f;

            textSize = 1.35f;
            var position = pos + offset * scaledRadius + Vector3.Up / 2 * scaledRadius;
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddBillboardOriented(texture, iconColor, position, m_currentCamera.Up, m_currentCamera.Left, scaledRadius, 0200 + (int)importance);

            if (textUp != null)
                AddText(position, textUp, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_CENTER_AND_VERTICAL_TOP, textSize * textScale, color, font, new Vector2(0, -90) * textScale);

            if (textDown != null)
                AddText(position, textDown, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_CENTER_AND_VERTICAL_TOP, textSize * textScale, color, font, new Vector2(0, -60) * textScale);
        private void AppendParagraph(string paragraph, MyGuiFont font, float scale, Vector4 color)
            float textWidth = MyGuiManager.GetNormalizedSize(font, m_helperSb, scale).X;

            // first we try append all paragraph to current line
            if (textWidth < m_currentLineRestFreeSpace)
                m_richTextsPool[++m_richTextsOffset].Init(m_helperSb.ToString(), font, scale, color);
            // if there is not enough free space in current line for whole paragraph
                m_richTextsPool[++m_richTextsOffset].Init("", font, scale, color);
                string[] words            = paragraph.Split(m_wordSeparator);
                int      currentWordIndex = 0;
                while (currentWordIndex < words.Length)
                    if (words[currentWordIndex].Trim().Length == 0)

                    if (m_richTextsPool[m_richTextsOffset].Text.Length > 0)

                    textWidth = MyGuiManager.GetNormalizedSize(font, m_helperSb, scale).X;

                    if (textWidth <= m_currentLineRestFreeSpace - m_richTextsPool[m_richTextsOffset].GetSize().X)
                        // if this word is wider than line and it will be only one word at line, then we append it to current line
                        if ((m_currentLine == null || m_currentLine.IsEmpty()) && m_richTextsPool[m_richTextsOffset].Text.Length == 0)

                        m_richTextsPool[++m_richTextsOffset].Init("", font, scale, color);
                        if (currentWordIndex < words.Length)

                if (m_richTextsPool[m_richTextsOffset].Text.Length > 0)
 public MyColoredText(StringBuilder text, Color color, MyGuiFont font, float textScale)
     : this(text, color, MyGuiConstants.COLORED_TEXT_DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR, font, textScale, Vector2.Zero)
        // initialize:
        public static void LoadContent()

            m_usedFont = MyGuiManager.GetFontMinerWarsWhite();
            if (m_screenNotifications == null)
                int allScreensCount = (int) MyGuiScreenGamePlayType.ALL_SCREEN_COUNT;
                m_screenNotifications = new MyScreenNotifications[allScreensCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < allScreensCount; ++i)
                    m_screenNotifications[i] = new MyScreenNotifications();
            m_fogColor = MyGuiConstants.SELECT_AMMO_TIP_BACKGROUND_FADE_COLOR;
            m_fogColor.A = (byte) (m_fogColor.A * 0.85f);

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the test.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">Position in game units.</param>
        /// <param name="str"></param>
        /// <param name="alignment"></param>
        /// <param name="scale"></param>
        /// <param name="offset"></param>
        private void AddText(Vector3 position, string str, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum alignment, float scale, Color color, MyGuiFont font, Vector2 offset = new Vector2())
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str))
            Vector3 objToCamera = position - MyCamera.Position;
            if (Vector3.Dot(MyCamera.ForwardVector, objToCamera) < 0)

            Vector3 target = SharpDXHelper.ToXNA(MyCamera.Viewport.Project(SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(position), SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(MyCamera.ProjectionMatrix), SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(MyCamera.ViewMatrix), SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(Matrix.Identity)));
            Vector2 projectedPoint2D = new Vector2(target.X, target.Y) + offset / 1080 * MyGuiManager.GetFullscreenRectangle().Height;

            MyHudText text = m_texts.Allocate();
            if (text != null)
                text.Start(font, projectedPoint2D, color, scale * 1.0f, alignment);
 void AddIcon(Vector3 pos, float radius, MyTransparentMaterialEnum texture, Vector4 color, string textDown, string textUp, float textSize, bool highlight, Vector3 offset, MyGuiFont font = null, float? importance = null)
     AddIcon(pos, radius, texture, new Color(color), textDown, textUp, textSize, highlight, offset, font, importance);
        public MyGuiControlLabel(IMyGuiControlsParent parent, Vector2 position, Vector2? size, StringBuilder text, Vector4 textColor, float textScale, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textAlign,MyGuiFont font)
            : base(parent, position, size, null, null, false)
            m_type = MyGuiControlLabelType.DEFINED_BY_STRING_BUILDER;
            Font = font;
            if (text != null)
                //  Create COPY of the text (Don't just point to one string builder!!! This was my original mistake!)
                m_textDefinition = new StringBuilder(text.ToString());
                m_textDraw = new StringBuilder(text.ToString());

            Init(textColor, textScale, textAlign);
 // Draws string with default label text color
 public static MyRectangle2D DrawString(MyGuiFont font, StringBuilder sb, Vector2 normalizedCoord, float scale, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum drawAlign, bool fullscreen = false)
     return DrawString(font, sb, normalizedCoord, scale, new Color(MyGuiConstants.LABEL_TEXT_COLOR), drawAlign, fullscreen);