public MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? GetIntersectionWithLine(MyEntity physObject, ref MyLine line, IntersectionFlags flags)
            BoundingSphere vol = physObject.WorldVolume;
            //  Check if line intersects phys object's current bounding sphere, and if not, return 'no intersection'
            if (MyUtils.IsLineIntersectingBoundingSphere(ref line, ref vol) == false) return null;

            //  Transform line into 'model instance' local/object space. Bounding box of a line is needed!!
            Matrix worldInv = physObject.GetWorldMatrixInverted();

            return GetIntersectionWithLine(physObject, ref line, ref worldInv, flags);
        public bool GetIntersectionWithSphere(MyEntity physObject, ref BoundingSphere sphere)
            //  Transform sphere from world space to object space
            Matrix worldInv = physObject.GetWorldMatrixInverted();
            Vector3 positionInObjectSpace = MyUtils.GetTransform(sphere.Center, ref worldInv);
            BoundingSphere sphereInObjectSpace = new BoundingSphere(positionInObjectSpace, sphere.Radius);

            var aabb = BoundingBoxHelper.InitialBox;
            BoundingBoxHelper.AddSphere(ref sphereInObjectSpace, ref aabb);
            AABB gi_aabb = new AABB(ref aabb.Min, ref aabb.Max);
            if (m_bvh.BoxQuery(ref gi_aabb, m_overlappedTriangles))
                // temporary variable for storing tirngle boundingbox info
                BoundingBox triangleBoundingBox = new BoundingBox();

                //  Triangles that are directly in this node
                for (int i = 0; i < m_overlappedTriangles.Count; i++)
                    var triangleIndex = m_overlappedTriangles[i];

                    m_model.GetTriangleBoundingBox(triangleIndex, ref triangleBoundingBox);

                    //  First test intersection of triangleVertexes's bounding box with bounding sphere. And only if they overlap or intersect, do further intersection tests.
                    if (MyUtils.IsBoxIntersectingSphere(triangleBoundingBox, ref sphereInObjectSpace) == true)
                        //  See that we swaped vertex indices!!
                        MyTriangle_Vertexes triangle;
                        MyTriangleVertexIndices triangleIndices = m_model.Triangles[triangleIndex];
                        triangle.Vertex0 = m_model.GetVertex(triangleIndices.I0);
                        triangle.Vertex1 = m_model.GetVertex(triangleIndices.I2);
                        triangle.Vertex2 = m_model.GetVertex(triangleIndices.I1);

                        MyPlane trianglePlane = new MyPlane(ref triangle);

                        if (MyUtils.GetSphereTriangleIntersection(ref sphereInObjectSpace, ref trianglePlane, ref triangle) != null)
                            //  If we found intersection we can stop and dont need to look further
                            return true;

            return false;
 //  Return true if object intersects specified sphere.
 //  This method doesn't return exact point of intersection or any additional data.
 //  We don't look for closest intersection - so we stop on first intersection found.
 public bool GetIntersectionWithSphere(MyEntity physObject, ref BoundingSphere sphere)
     //  Transform sphere from world space to object space
     Matrix worldInv = physObject.GetWorldMatrixInverted();
     Vector3 positionInObjectSpace = MyUtils.GetTransform(sphere.Center, ref worldInv);
     BoundingSphere sphereInObjectSpace = new BoundingSphere(positionInObjectSpace, sphere.Radius);
     return m_rootNode.GetIntersectionWithSphere(m_model, ref sphereInObjectSpace);