public bool HandlePacket(MinecraftClient client, MinecraftPacketStream stream)
     // NOTE: Maybe bad practice... Probably a better idea to store data after packet 100% received...
     // Although I don't see anything that might go wrong... Since the server and client is essentially "syncronized"
     if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 8)
         client.Player.Position.X = stream.ReadDouble();
         if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 8)
             client.Player.Stance = stream.ReadDouble();
             if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 8)
                 client.Player.Position.Y = stream.ReadDouble();
                 if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 8)
                     client.Player.Position.Z = stream.ReadDouble();
                     if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 4)
                         client.Player.Rotation.Yaw = stream.ReadFloat();
                         if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 4)
                             client.Player.Rotation.Pitch = stream.ReadFloat();
                             if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 1)
                                 client.Player.OnGround = stream.ReadBool();
                                 return true;
     return false;
 public bool HandlePacket(MinecraftClient client, MinecraftPacketStream stream)
     if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 8)
         double x = stream.ReadDouble();
         if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 8)
             double y = stream.ReadDouble();
             if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 8)
                 double stance = stream.ReadDouble();
                 if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 8)
                     double z = stream.ReadDouble();
                     if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 1)
                         bool onGround = stream.ReadBool();
                         client.Player.Position.X = x;
                         client.Player.Position.Y = y;
                         client.Player.Stance = stance;
                         client.Player.Position.Z = z;
                         client.Player.OnGround = onGround;
                         return true;
     return false;