Exemple #1
        }                                               //END (getEngine)

        /// <summary>
        /// Start the new game
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="MS">Minesweeper settings class</param>
        private void NewGame(MinesSettings MS)
            NumMines         = MS.NumMines;             //set mines number
            NumFlags         = 0;                       //clear flags number
            Width            = MS.FieldWidth;           //set minefield width
            Height           = MS.FieldHeight;          //set minefield height
            UseQuestionMarks = MS.UseQuestionMarks;     //to use questions or not to?
            Level3BV         = 0;                       //clear difficulty level
            CurrentGameState = new CurrentGameStateInfo //set current game state
                State          = GameState.NewGame,     //ready to begin the new game
                BombedMines    = null,                  //clear bombed mines array
                WrongFlags     = null,                  //clear wrong flags array
                NumMinesBombed = 0,                     //clear number of bombed mines
                NumWrongFlags  = 0                      //clear number of wrong flags
            };                                          //ENDCURRENTGAMESTATE (game state)
            Array.Resize(ref field, Width);             //get memory for the minefield
            Array.Resize(ref markers, Width);           //get memory for markers
            Array.Resize(ref state, Width);             //get memory for cell states
            for (int i = 0; i < Width; i++)             //moving through all the minefield columns
                Array.Resize(ref field[i], Height);     //get memory for the current column
                Array.Resize(ref markers[i], Height);   //get memory for the current column's markers
                Array.Resize(ref state[i], Height);     //get memory for the current column's cell's states
            }                                           //ENDFOR (columns)
            GenerateField();                            //generate the new minefield
        }                                               //END (NewGame)
Exemple #2
        }                                      //ENDTHIS (external access)

        #region Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// Minesweeper engine ctor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="MS">Minesweeper settings class</param>
        private MinesEngine(MinesSettings MS)
            //ctor is private. MinesEngine is developped as a Singleton.
            //It is needed to prevent creation of several instances of game engine.
            //Because engine can be only one.
            NewGame(MS); //just start the new game with specified settings
        }                //END (ctor)
Exemple #3
        }                                                      //END (FormSettings_FormClosing)


        #region Form controls events handlers
        /// <summary>
        /// Close button click event handler
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Event sender</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event arguments</param>
        private void butClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (rbNewbie.Checked)                            //if Newbie radiobutton is checked
                formParent.MS = MinesSettings.setSettings(   //set new game settings
                    MinesSettings.Preset.Newbie,             //preset: Newbie
                    cbUseQuestionMarks.Checked);             //questions: equals checkbox state
            }                                                //ENDIF (newbie)
            else if (rbAdvanced.Checked)                     //if Advanced radiobutton is checked
                formParent.MS = MinesSettings.setSettings(   //set new game settings
                    MinesSettings.Preset.Advanced,           //preset: Advanced
                    cbUseQuestionMarks.Checked);             //questions: equals checkbox state
            }                                                //END (advanced)
            else if (rbProfessional.Checked)                 //if Professional radiobutton is checked
                formParent.MS = MinesSettings.setSettings(   //set new game settings
                    MinesSettings.Preset.Professional,       //preset: Professional
                    cbUseQuestionMarks.Checked);             //questions: equals checkbox state
            }                                                //END (professional)
            else if (rbCustom.Checked)                       //if Custom radiobutton is checked
                formParent.MS = MinesSettings.setSettings(   //set new game settings
                    (int)nudWidth.Value,                     //width equals Width box
                    (int)nudHeight.Value,                    //height equals Height box
                    (uint)nudMines.Value,                    //mines equals Mines box
                    cbUseQuestionMarks.Checked);             //questions: equals checkbox state
            }                                                //END (custom)
            else                                             //if somehow no radiobutton is checked
                formParent.MS = MinesSettings.setSettings(); //set default game settings
            Close();                                         //close Settings form
        }                                                    //END (butClose_Click)
Exemple #4
        }                        //END (ctor)

        /// <summary>
        /// Settings form load event handler
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Event sender</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event arguments</param>
        private void FormSettings_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            switch (formParent.MS.CurrentPreset)                            //switch between presets
            case MinesSettings.Preset.Newbie:                               //current preset is Newbie
                rbNewbie.Checked = true;                                    //check Newbie radiobutton

            case MinesSettings.Preset.Advanced:                                 //current preset is Advanced
                rbAdvanced.Checked = true;                                      //check Advanced radiobutton

            case MinesSettings.Preset.Professional:                             //current preset is Professional
                rbProfessional.Checked = true;                                  //check Professional radiobutton

            case MinesSettings.Preset.Custom:             //current preset is Custom
                rbCustom.Checked = true;                  //check Custom radiobutton
            }                                             //ENDSWITCH (presets)
            nudHeight.Value  = formParent.MS.FieldHeight; //set Height box to the current mine field height
            nudWidth.Value   = formParent.MS.FieldWidth;  //set Width box to the current mine field width
            nudMines.Value   = formParent.MS.NumMines;    //set Mines box to the current mines number
            nudMines.Maximum =
                                          (int)nudHeight.Value);         //set maximal value of the Mines box to appropriate for current mine field
            cbUseQuestionMarks.Checked = formParent.MS.UseQuestionMarks; //set use question marks check-box as in current settings
        }                                                                //END (FormSettings_Load)
        }                                                           //END (ctor - by numeric values)

        /// <summary>
        /// Set default settings
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Unique instance of MineSettings class</returns>
        public static MinesSettings setSettings()
            if (Instance == null)                             //if class instance is not created yet
                lock (multyThreadLock)                        //lock static members of class
                    if (Instance == null)                     //if class instance is still not created
                        Instance = new MinesSettings();       //create unique instance of class with default settings
                }                                             //ENDLOCK (multy thread lock)
            else                                              //if class instance is already created
                Instance.ChangeSettings(Preset.Newbie, true); //change settings to default
            return(Instance);                                 //return unique instance
        }                                                     //END (setSettings - default)
Exemple #6
        }                //END (ctor)

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets unique instance of the MinesEngine with specified settings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="MS">Settings for the engine</param>
        /// <returns>Unique instance of the MinesEngine class</returns>
        public static MinesEngine getEngine(MinesSettings MS)
            if (Instance == null)                       //if class instance is not created
                lock (multyThreadLock)                  //begin lock section (to nobody could create instance at the same time)
                    if (Instance == null)               //again: if class instance is not created
                        Instance = new MinesEngine(MS); //create unique class instance
                }                                       //ENDLOCK (lock section)
            else                                        //if class instance is already created
                Instance.NewGame(MS);                   //just begin the new game for it
            return(Instance);                           //return unique class instance
        }                                               //END (getEngine)
        }                                                     //END (setSettings - default)

        /// <summary>
        /// Set default settings by preset
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Unique instance of MineSettings class</returns>
        public static MinesSettings setSettings(Preset preset, bool useQuestionMarks)
            if (Instance == null)                               //if class instance is not created
                lock (multyThreadLock)                          //lock static members of class
                    if (Instance == null)                       //if class instance is still not created
                        Instance =
                            new MinesSettings(preset,
                                              useQuestionMarks); //create instance with specified preset
                }                                                //ENDLOCK (multy thread lock)
            else                                                 //if class instance is already created
                                        useQuestionMarks); //change its settings according the specified preset
            return(Instance);                              //return unique instance of class
        }                                                  //END (setSettings - by preset)
        }                                                  //END (setSettings - by preset)

        /// <summary>
        /// Set default settings by numeric parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Unique instance of MineSettings class</returns>
        public static MinesSettings setSettings(int width, int height, uint mines, bool useQuestionMarks)
            if (Instance == null)                                       //if class instance is not created
                lock (multyThreadLock)                                  //lock static members of the class
                    if (Instance == null)                               //if class instance is still not created
                        Instance = new MinesSettings(width,
                                                     useQuestionMarks); //create new instance using specified values
                }                                                       //ENDLOCK (multy thread lock)
            else                                                        //if class instance is already created
                                        useQuestionMarks); //change its settings according to specified values
            return(Instance);                              //return unique instance of the class
        }                                                  //END (setSettings - by numeric values)
Exemple #9
        }   //END (ctor)

        /// <summary>
        /// Main form load handler
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sender of the form load event</param>
        /// <param name="e">Form load event args</param>
        private void FormMineSweeper_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //loading game settings
            try                                     //trying to load settings from the file
                FileStream fs = new FileStream("minesettings.soap", FileMode.Open);
                //using SOAP-serialization
                SoapFormatter formatter = new SoapFormatter();
                MS = (MinesSettings)formatter.Deserialize(fs);
                //disposing the file-stream
                fs = null;
            }   //ENDTRY
            catch (FileNotFoundException)           //if game-settings file wasn't found
                MS = MinesSettings.setSettings();   //loading default settings
            }   //ENDCATCH (File not found)
            catch (SerializationException)          //if something went wrong with serialization
                MS = MinesSettings.setSettings();   //loading default settings
            }   //ENDCATCH (Serialization)

            //loading game stats
            try                                         //trying to load stats from the file
                FileStream fs = new FileStream("minestats.soap", FileMode.Open);
                //using SOAP-serialization
                SoapFormatter formatter = new SoapFormatter();
                MStats = (MinesStatistics)formatter.Deserialize(fs);
                //disposing the file-stream
                fs = null;
            }   //ENDTRY
            catch (FileNotFoundException)               //if game-stats file wasn't found
                MStats = MinesStatistics.getInstance(); //create empty stats
            }   //ENDCATCH (File not found
            catch (SerializationException)              //if something went wrong with serialization
                MStats = MinesStatistics.getInstance(); //create empty stats
            }   //ENDCATCH (Serialization)
            //setting styles for the form controls
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);                //controls must be drawn by themselves (not by OS)
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);     //controls must ignore WM_ERASEBKGND message (reduces flicker)
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true);    //controls must be pre-drawn in buffer (reduces flicker)
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);             //controls must be re-drawn when their size changes
            UpdateStyles();                                         //force apply the new styles

            //creating prototype mine-field label (will be used in cloning all the minefield cells)
            flPrototype = new MineFieldLabel(
                new Size(CellSize, CellSize),   //label size
                ilIconsField,                   //image list for label
                ClosedColor,                    //back color of the label
                Cell_Down,                      //mouse-down event handler
                Cell_Up,                        //mouse-up event handler
                MineFieldLabel_DoubleClick);    //double-click event handler

            //generating all the cells for the maximal-field-dimensions by using prototype label
            Array.Resize(ref FL, MinesSettings.MaxWidth);       //get memory for the field
            for(int i = 0; i < MinesSettings.MaxWidth; i++)     //moving through all the columns
                Array.Resize(ref FL[i], MinesSettings.MaxHeight);   //get memory for the current field column
                for (int j = 0; j < MinesSettings.MaxHeight; j++)   //moving through all the cells in current column
                    FL[i][j] = flPrototype.GetNew(CellSize, i, j);      //create new label for the current cell
                gbMineField.Controls.AddRange(FL[i]);               //add current column of cells into the field
            }   //ENDFOR (columns)

            //initialising the mine field
        }   //END (FormMineSweeper_Load)
Exemple #10
        }                                                                             //END (nudHeight_ValueChanged)

        /// <summary>
        /// Width box value changed event handler
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Event sender</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event arguments</param>
        private void nudWidth_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            nudMines.Maximum =
                MinesSettings.GetMaxMines((int)nudWidth.Value, (int)nudHeight.Value); //set maximal value for the Mines box
        }                                                                             //END (nudWidth_ValueChanged)
        }                     //END (getInstance)

        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate stats for the current game
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="me">Engine of the current game</param>
        /// <param name="ms">Settings of the current game</param>
        /// <param name="askPN">Handler of the method that asks for a player name</param>
        public void CalcStats(MinesEngine me, MinesSettings ms, uint gameTime, AskPlayerName askPN)
            DateTime curTime = DateTime.Now;                                //current date and time
            int      index   = -1;                                          //index of the current preset in the stats array

            if (me.CurrentGameState.State != MinesEngine.GameState.Loose && //if game is not lost
                me.CurrentGameState.State != MinesEngine.GameState.Win)     //AND game is not won
                return;                                                     //do nothing and just return
            uint level3BV = me.Level3BV;                                    //get difficulty level of the game from the engine

            switch (ms.CurrentPreset)                                       //switch between game presets
            case MinesSettings.Preset.Newbie: index = 0; break;             //for Newbie index is zero

            case MinesSettings.Preset.Advanced: index = 1; break;           //for Advanced index is 1

            case MinesSettings.Preset.Professional: index = 2; break;       //for Professional index is 2

            case MinesSettings.Preset.Custom:                               //for Custom we will not add stats by preset
                                                                            //  but we will try to add a record to the top by difficulty level
                if (me.CurrentGameState.State == MinesEngine.GameState.Win) //if game is won
                    AddToTop(3, curTime, gameTime, level3BV, askPN);        //try to add record to top list
                return;                                                     //return

            default: return;                                                //if somehow preset in game settings is invalid do nothing and return
            }                                                               //ENDSWITCH (preset)
            StatsByPreset[index].TotalGames++;                              //increase total games played for the current preset
            if (me.CurrentGameState.State == MinesEngine.GameState.Win)     //if game is won
                if (gameTime > StatsByPreset[index].LongestGameTime)        //if current game duration is more than the saved in stats one
                    StatsByPreset[index].LongestGameTime = gameTime;        //save current game duration
                StatsByPreset[index].WinGames++;                            //increase won games counter
                StatsByPreset[index].WinPercent =
                    StatsByPreset[index].WinGames /
                    (double)StatsByPreset[index].TotalGames *
                    100.0;                                                          //calculate the new win-percentage
                StatsByPreset[index].WinStreak++;                                   //increase win streak counter
                if (StatsByPreset[index].LooseStreak >
                    StatsByPreset[index].MaxLooseStreak)                            //if current loose streak is longer than the saved one
                    StatsByPreset[index].MaxLooseStreak =
                        StatsByPreset[index].LooseStreak;                //save the current loose streak as the maximal
                StatsByPreset[index].LooseStreak     = 0;                //reset current loose streak
                StatsByPreset[index].FastestGameTime =
                    AddToTop(index, curTime, gameTime, level3BV, askPN); //try to add current game to top
            }                                                            //ENDIF (game is won)
            else                                                         //if game is LOST
                if (StatsByPreset[index].WinStreak >
                    StatsByPreset[index].MaxWinStreak)                              //if current win streak is longer than the saved one
                    StatsByPreset[index].MaxWinStreak =
                        StatsByPreset[index].WinStreak; //save current win streak as the maximal
                StatsByPreset[index].WinStreak = 0;     //reset current win streak
                StatsByPreset[index].LooseStreak++;     //increase the loose streak counter
            }                                           //ENDELSE (game is lost)
        }                                               //END (CalcStats)