Exemple #1
		internal Song(Album album, Artist artist, Genre genre, MusicProperties musicProperties)
            this.album = album;
            this.artist = artist;
            this.genre = genre;
            this.musicProperties = musicProperties;
Exemple #2
 private Album(SongCollection songCollection, string name, Artist artist, Genre genre)
     Songs = songCollection;
     Name = name;
     Artist = artist;
     Genre = genre;
     IsDisposed = false;
Exemple #3
 internal Song(Album album, Artist artist, Genre genre, string title, TimeSpan duration, MPMediaItem mediaItem, NSUrl assetUrl)
     this.album = album;
     this.artist = artist;
     this.genre = genre;
     this.title = title;
     this.duration = duration;
     this.mediaItem = mediaItem;
     this.assetUrl = assetUrl;
Exemple #4
 internal Song(Album album, Artist artist, Genre genre, string title, TimeSpan duration, object mediaItem, NSUrl assetUrl)
     this.album = album;
     this.artist = artist;
     this.genre = genre;
     this.title = title;
     this.duration = duration;
     #if !TVOS
     this.mediaItem = mediaItem;
     this.assetUrl = assetUrl;
Exemple #5
		internal Song(Album album, Artist artist, Genre genre)
            this.album = album;
            this.artist = artist;
            this.genre = genre;
Exemple #6
 internal Song(Album album, Artist artist, Genre genre, string title, TimeSpan duration, MPMediaItem mediaItem, NSUrl assetUrl)
Exemple #7
 private Song(Album album, Artist artist, Genre genre)
     this.album = album;
     this.artist = artist;
     this.genre = genre;
Exemple #8
 internal Song(Album album, Artist artist, Genre genre)
     this.album  = album;
     this.artist = artist;
     this.genre  = genre;
        private void PlatformLoad(Action<int> progressCallback)
            Task.Run(async () =>
                if (musicFolder == null)
                        musicFolder = KnownFolders.MusicLibrary;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Debug.WriteLine("Failed to access Music Library: " + e.Message);
                        albumCollection = new AlbumCollection(new List<Album>());
                        songCollection = new SongCollection(new List<Song>());
                var files = new List<StorageFile>();
                await this.GetAllFiles(musicFolder, files);

                var songList = new List<Song>();
                var albumList = new List<Album>();

                var artists = new Dictionary<string, Artist>();
                var albums = new Dictionary<string, Album>();
                var genres = new Dictionary<string, Genre>();

                var cache = new Dictionary<string, MusicProperties>();

                // Read cache
                var cacheFile = await ApplicationData.Current.TemporaryFolder.CreateFileAsync(CacheFile, CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists);
                using (var stream = new BinaryReader(await cacheFile.OpenStreamForReadAsync()))
                        for (; stream.BaseStream.Position < stream.BaseStream.Length; )
                            var entry = MusicProperties.Deserialize(stream);
                            cache.Add(entry.Path, entry);
                    catch { }

                // Write cache
                cacheFile = await ApplicationData.Current.TemporaryFolder.CreateFileAsync(CacheFile, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
                using (var stream = new BinaryWriter(await cacheFile.OpenStreamForWriteAsync()))
                    int prevProgress = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++)
                        var file = files[i];
                            MusicProperties properties;
                            if (!(cache.TryGetValue(file.Path, out properties) && properties.TryMatch(file)))
                                properties = new MusicProperties(file);

                            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(properties.Title))

                            Artist artist;
                            if (!artists.TryGetValue(properties.Artist, out artist))
                                artist = new Artist(properties.Artist);
                                artists.Add(artist.Name, artist);

                            Artist albumArtist;
                            if (!artists.TryGetValue(properties.AlbumArtist, out albumArtist))
                                albumArtist = new Artist(properties.AlbumArtist);
                                artists.Add(albumArtist.Name, albumArtist);

                            Genre genre;
                            if (!genres.TryGetValue(properties.Genre, out genre))
                                genre = new Genre(properties.Genre);
                                genres.Add(genre.Name, genre);

                            Album album;
                            if (!albums.TryGetValue(properties.Album, out album))
                                var thumbnail = Task.Run(async () => await properties.File.GetThumbnailAsync(ThumbnailMode.MusicView, 300, ThumbnailOptions.ResizeThumbnail)).Result;
                                album = new Album(new SongCollection(), properties.Album, albumArtist, genre, thumbnail.Type == ThumbnailType.Image ? thumbnail : null);
                                albums.Add(album.Name, album);

                            var song = new Song(album, artist, genre, properties);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Debug.WriteLine("MediaLibrary exception: " + e.Message);

                        int progress = 100 * i / files.Count;
                        if (progress > prevProgress)
                            prevProgress = progress;
                            if (progressCallback != null)

                if (progressCallback != null)

                albumCollection = new AlbumCollection(albumList);
                songCollection = new SongCollection(songList);
 public void Add(Genre genre)
     foreach (Song s in genre.Songs)
        private void PlatformLoad(Action <int> progressCallback)
            List <Song>  songList  = new List <Song>();
            List <Album> albumList = new List <Album>();

            using (var musicCursor = Context.ContentResolver.Query(MediaStore.Audio.Media.ExternalContentUri, null, null, null, null))
                if (musicCursor != null)
                    Dictionary <string, Artist> artists = new Dictionary <string, Artist>();
                    Dictionary <string, Album>  albums  = new Dictionary <string, Album>();
                    Dictionary <string, Genre>  genres  = new Dictionary <string, Genre>();

                    // Note: Grabbing album art using MediaStore.Audio.AlbumColumns.AlbumArt and
                    // MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns.AlbumArt is broken
                    // See: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=1630
                    // Workaround: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1954434/cover-art-on-android

                    int albumNameColumn   = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.AlbumColumns.Album);
                    int albumArtistColumn = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.AlbumColumns.Artist);
                    int albumIdColumn     = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.AlbumColumns.AlbumId);
                    int genreColumn       = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.GenresColumns.Name); // Also broken :(

                    int artistColumn   = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns.Artist);
                    int titleColumn    = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns.Title);
                    int durationColumn = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns.Duration);
                    int assetIdColumn  = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns.Id);

                    if (titleColumn == -1 || durationColumn == -1 || assetIdColumn == -1)
                        Debug.WriteLine("Missing essential properties from music library. Returning empty library.");
                        albumCollection = new AlbumCollection(albumList);
                        songCollection  = new SongCollection(songList);

                    for (musicCursor.MoveToFirst(); !musicCursor.IsAfterLast; musicCursor.MoveToNext())
                            long     durationProperty = musicCursor.GetLong(durationColumn);
                            TimeSpan duration         = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(durationProperty);

                            // Exclude sound effects
                            if (duration < MinimumSongDuration)

                            string albumNameProperty   = (albumNameColumn > -1 ? musicCursor.GetString(albumNameColumn) : null) ?? "Unknown Album";
                            string albumArtistProperty = (albumArtistColumn > -1 ? musicCursor.GetString(albumArtistColumn) : null) ?? "Unknown Artist";
                            string genreProperty       = (genreColumn > -1 ? musicCursor.GetString(genreColumn) : null) ?? "Unknown Genre";
                            string artistProperty      = (artistColumn > -1 ? musicCursor.GetString(artistColumn) : null) ?? "Unknown Artist";
                            string titleProperty       = musicCursor.GetString(titleColumn);

                            long assetId     = musicCursor.GetLong(assetIdColumn);
                            var  assetUri    = ContentUris.WithAppendedId(MediaStore.Audio.Media.ExternalContentUri, assetId);
                            long albumId     = albumIdColumn > -1 ? musicCursor.GetInt(albumIdColumn) : -1;
                            var  albumArtUri = albumId > -1 ? ContentUris.WithAppendedId(Uri.Parse("content://media/external/audio/albumart"), albumId) : null;

                            Artist artist;
                            if (!artists.TryGetValue(artistProperty, out artist))
                                artist = new Artist(artistProperty);
                                artists.Add(artist.Name, artist);

                            Artist albumArtist;
                            if (!artists.TryGetValue(albumArtistProperty, out albumArtist))
                                albumArtist = new Artist(albumArtistProperty);
                                artists.Add(albumArtist.Name, albumArtist);

                            Genre genre;
                            if (!genres.TryGetValue(genreProperty, out genre))
                                genre = new Genre(genreProperty);
                                genres.Add(genre.Name, genre);

                            Album album;
                            if (!albums.TryGetValue(albumNameProperty, out album))
                                album = new Album(new SongCollection(), albumNameProperty, albumArtist, genre, albumArtUri);
                                albums.Add(album.Name, album);

                            var song = new Song(album, artist, genre, titleProperty, duration, assetUri);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Debug.WriteLine("MediaLibrary exception: " + e.Message);


            albumCollection = new AlbumCollection(albumList);
            songCollection  = new SongCollection(songList);
Exemple #12
 internal Song(Album album, Artist artist, Genre genre, MusicProperties musicProperties)
     : this(album, artist, genre)
     this.musicProperties = musicProperties;
Exemple #13
 private Song(Album album, Artist artist, Genre genre)
     this.album  = album;
     this.artist = artist;
     this.genre  = genre;
 internal Song(Album album, Artist artist, Genre genre, string title, TimeSpan duration, MPMediaItem mediaItem, NSUrl assetUrl)
Exemple #15
		internal Song(Album album, Artist artist, Genre genre, MusicProperties musicProperties)
			: this(album, artist, genre)
			this.musicProperties = musicProperties;
Exemple #16
 internal Album(SongCollection songCollection, string name, Artist artist, Genre genre, StorageItemThumbnail thumbnail)
     : this(songCollection, name, artist, genre)
     this.thumbnail = thumbnail;
Exemple #17
 internal Album(SongCollection songCollection, string name, Artist artist, Genre genre, MPMediaItemArtwork thumbnail)
     : this(songCollection, name, artist, genre)
     this.thumbnail = thumbnail;
 public void Insert(Genre genre, int index)
     foreach (Song s in genre.Songs)
         Insert(s, index++);
Exemple #19
 internal Album(SongCollection songCollection, string name, Artist artist, Genre genre, Android.Net.Uri thumbnail)
     : this(songCollection, name, artist, genre)
     this.thumbnail = thumbnail;
        private void PlatformLoad(Action<int> progressCallback)
            List<Song> songList = new List<Song>();
            List<Album> albumList = new List<Album>();

            using (var musicCursor = Context.ContentResolver.Query(MediaStore.Audio.Media.ExternalContentUri, null, null, null, null))
                if (musicCursor != null)
                    Dictionary<string, Artist> artists = new Dictionary<string, Artist>();
                    Dictionary<string, Album> albums = new Dictionary<string, Album>();
                    Dictionary<string, Genre> genres = new Dictionary<string, Genre>();

                    // Note: Grabbing album art using MediaStore.Audio.AlbumColumns.AlbumArt and
                    // MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns.AlbumArt is broken
                    // See: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=1630
                    // Workaround: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1954434/cover-art-on-android

                    int albumNameColumn = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.AlbumColumns.Album);
                    int albumArtistColumn = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.AlbumColumns.Artist);
                    int albumIdColumn = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.AlbumColumns.AlbumId);
                    int genreColumn = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.GenresColumns.Name); // Also broken :(

                    int artistColumn = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns.Artist);
                    int titleColumn = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns.Title);
                    int durationColumn = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns.Duration);
                    int assetIdColumn = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns.Id);

                    if (titleColumn == -1 || durationColumn == -1 || assetIdColumn == -1)
                        Debug.WriteLine("Missing essential properties from music library. Returning empty library.");
                        albumCollection = new AlbumCollection(albumList);
                        songCollection = new SongCollection(songList);

                    for (musicCursor.MoveToFirst(); !musicCursor.IsAfterLast; musicCursor.MoveToNext())
                            long durationProperty = musicCursor.GetLong(durationColumn);
                            TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(durationProperty);

                            // Exclude sound effects
                            if (duration < MinimumSongDuration)

                            string albumNameProperty = (albumNameColumn > -1 ? musicCursor.GetString(albumNameColumn) : null) ?? "Unknown Album";
                            string albumArtistProperty = (albumArtistColumn > -1 ? musicCursor.GetString(albumArtistColumn) : null) ?? "Unknown Artist";
                            string genreProperty = (genreColumn > -1 ? musicCursor.GetString(genreColumn) : null) ?? "Unknown Genre";
                            string artistProperty = (artistColumn > -1 ? musicCursor.GetString(artistColumn) : null) ?? "Unknown Artist";
                            string titleProperty = musicCursor.GetString(titleColumn);

                            long assetId = musicCursor.GetLong(assetIdColumn);
                            var assetUri = ContentUris.WithAppendedId(MediaStore.Audio.Media.ExternalContentUri, assetId);
                            long albumId = albumIdColumn > -1 ? musicCursor.GetInt(albumIdColumn) : -1;
                            var albumArtUri = albumId > -1 ? ContentUris.WithAppendedId(Uri.Parse("content://media/external/audio/albumart"), albumId) : null;

                            Artist artist;
                            if (!artists.TryGetValue(artistProperty, out artist))
                                artist = new Artist(artistProperty);
                                artists.Add(artist.Name, artist);

                            Artist albumArtist;
                            if (!artists.TryGetValue(albumArtistProperty, out albumArtist))
                                albumArtist = new Artist(albumArtistProperty);
                                artists.Add(albumArtist.Name, albumArtist);

                            Genre genre;
                            if (!genres.TryGetValue(genreProperty, out genre))
                                genre = new Genre(genreProperty);
                                genres.Add(genre.Name, genre);

                            Album album;
                            if (!albums.TryGetValue(albumNameProperty, out album))
                                album = new Album(new SongCollection(), albumNameProperty, albumArtist, genre, albumArtUri);
                                albums.Add(album.Name, album);

                            var song = new Song(album, artist, genre, titleProperty, duration, assetUri);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Debug.WriteLine("MediaLibrary exception: " + e.Message);


            albumCollection = new AlbumCollection(albumList);
            songCollection = new SongCollection(songList);
Exemple #21
        private void PlatformLoad(Action <int> progressCallback)
            Task.Run(async() =>
                if (musicFolder == null)
                    musicFolder = KnownFolders.MusicLibrary;

                var files = new List <StorageFile>();
                await this.GetAllFiles(musicFolder, files);

                var songList  = new List <Song>();
                var albumList = new List <Album>();

                var artists = new Dictionary <string, Artist>();
                var albums  = new Dictionary <string, Album>();
                var genres  = new Dictionary <string, Genre>();

                var cache = new Dictionary <string, MusicProperties>();

                // Read cache
                var cacheFile = await ApplicationData.Current.TemporaryFolder.CreateFileAsync(CacheFile, CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists);
                using (var stream = new BinaryReader(await cacheFile.OpenStreamForReadAsync()))
                        for (; stream.BaseStream.Position < stream.BaseStream.Length;)
                            var entry = MusicProperties.Deserialize(stream);
                            cache.Add(entry.Path, entry);
                    catch { }

                // Write cache
                cacheFile = await ApplicationData.Current.TemporaryFolder.CreateFileAsync(CacheFile, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
                using (var stream = new BinaryWriter(await cacheFile.OpenStreamForWriteAsync()))
                    int prevProgress = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++)
                        var file = files[i];
                            MusicProperties properties;
                            if (!(cache.TryGetValue(file.Path, out properties) && properties.TryMatch(file)))
                                properties = new MusicProperties(file);

                            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(properties.Title))

                            Artist artist;
                            if (!artists.TryGetValue(properties.Artist, out artist))
                                artist = new Artist(properties.Artist);
                                artists.Add(artist.Name, artist);

                            Artist albumArtist;
                            if (!artists.TryGetValue(properties.AlbumArtist, out albumArtist))
                                albumArtist = new Artist(properties.AlbumArtist);
                                artists.Add(albumArtist.Name, albumArtist);

                            Genre genre;
                            if (!genres.TryGetValue(properties.Genre, out genre))
                                genre = new Genre(properties.Genre);
                                genres.Add(genre.Name, genre);

                            Album album;
                            if (!albums.TryGetValue(properties.Album, out album))
                                var thumbnail = Task.Run(async() => await properties.File.GetThumbnailAsync(ThumbnailMode.MusicView, 300, ThumbnailOptions.ResizeThumbnail)).Result;
                                album         = new Album(new SongCollection(), properties.Album, albumArtist, genre, thumbnail.Type == ThumbnailType.Image ? thumbnail : null);
                                albums.Add(album.Name, album);

                            var song = new Song(album, artist, genre, properties);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Debug.WriteLine("MediaLibrary exception: " + e.Message);

                        int progress = 100 * i / files.Count;
                        if (progress > prevProgress)
                            prevProgress = progress;
                            if (progressCallback != null)

                if (progressCallback != null)

                albumCollection = new AlbumCollection(albumList);
                songCollection  = new SongCollection(songList);