Exemple #1
        public StatisticValue GetStatistic(XboxLiveUser user, string statName)
            if (user == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("user");

            // Allocates memory for returned objects
            IntPtr cStatValue;
            IntPtr cErrMessage;
            IntPtr cStatName = MarshalingHelpers.StringToHGlobalUtf8(statName);

            // Invokes the c method
            XSAPI_RESULT errCode = StatsManagerGetStat(user.Impl.XboxLiveUserPtr, cStatName, out cStatValue, out cErrMessage);

            if (errCode != XSAPI_RESULT.XSAPI_RESULT_OK)
                throw new XboxException(errCode, cErrMessage);

            // Does local work
            StatisticValue statValue = new StatisticValue(cStatValue);

        public StatisticValue GetStatistic(XboxLiveUser user, string statName)
            if (user == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("user");

            // Allocates memory for returned objects
            IntPtr cStatValue  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf <IntPtr>());
            IntPtr cErrMessage = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf <IntPtr>());
            IntPtr cStatName   = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(statName);

            // Invokes the c method
            XSAPI_RESULT errCode = StatsManagerGetStat(user.Impl.XboxLiveUserPtr, cStatName, cStatValue, cErrMessage);

            // Handles error
            string errMessage = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(cErrMessage));


            if (errCode != XSAPI_RESULT.XSAPI_RESULT_OK)
                // todo do something

            // Handles returned objects
            StatisticValue statValue = new StatisticValue(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(cStatValue));


        public void GetLeaderboard(XboxLiveUser user, string statName, LeaderboardQuery query)
            if (!LocalUsers.Contains(user))
                throw new ArgumentException("Local User needs to be added.");

            if (!mStats.ContainsKey(statName))
                mStats[statName] = new StatisticValue()
                    Name      = statName,
                    AsInteger = 300,
                    AsNumber  = 300,
                    DataType  = StatisticDataType.Number

            StatisticValue stat = mStats[statName];

            List <LeaderboardRow> rows = new List <LeaderboardRow>();
            uint maxScore      = query.MaxItems * 100;
            uint rankOffset    = query.SkipResultToRank == 0 ? 1 : query.SkipResultToRank;
            bool userDisplayed = false;

            for (uint i = 0; i < query.MaxItems; i++)
                uint           score = maxScore - i * 100;
                LeaderboardRow row;
                if (!userDisplayed && stat.DataType == StatisticDataType.Number && (stat.AsNumber >= score || stat.AsInteger >= score))
                    userDisplayed = true;
                    row           = new LeaderboardRow(new List <string> {
                    }, i + rankOffset, 0.8, user.XboxUserId, user.Gamertag);
                    row = new LeaderboardRow(new List <string> {
                    }, i + rankOffset, 0.8, string.Format("{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}", i), string.Format("Gamertag {0}", i));


            List <LeaderboardColumn> cols = new List <LeaderboardColumn>();

            cols.Add(new LeaderboardColumn(stat.DataType == StatisticDataType.String ? LeaderboardStatType.String : LeaderboardStatType.Integer, ""));

            LeaderboardResult result = new LeaderboardResult(rows, cols, query.MaxItems);

            LeaderboardResultEventArgs args = new LeaderboardResultEventArgs(result);

            mStatEventList.Add(new StatisticEvent(StatisticEventType.GetLeaderboardComplete, user, args));