private async Task <BoolResult> GetFileWithDedupAsync(Context context, ContentHash contentHash, string path, CancellationToken cts)
            VstsBlobIdentifier  blobId  = ToVstsBlobIdentifier(contentHash.ToBlobIdentifier());
            VstsDedupIdentifier dedupId = blobId.ToDedupIdentifier();

                await TryGatedArtifactOperationAsync <Object>(
                    async innerCts =>
                    await DedupStoreClient.DownloadToFileAsync(dedupId, path, null, null, EdgeCache.Allowed, innerCts);
                }, cts);
            catch (NullReferenceException) // Null reference thrown when DedupIdentifier doesn't exist in VSTS.
                return(new BoolResult("DedupIdentifier not found."));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new BoolResult(ex));

        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to update expiry of all children. Pin parent node if all children were extended successfully.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <PinResult> TryPinChildrenAsync(Context context, VstsDedupIdentifier parentNode, IEnumerable <VstsDedupIdentifier> dedupIdentifiers, CancellationToken cts)
            var chunks = new List <VstsDedupIdentifier>();
            var nodes  = new List <VstsDedupIdentifier>();

            foreach (var id in dedupIdentifiers)
                if (id.AlgorithmId == Hashing.ChunkDedupIdentifier.ChunkAlgorithmId)

            // Attempt to save all children.
            Tracer.Debug(context, $"Pinning children: nodes=[{string.Join(",", nodes.Select(x => x.ValueString))}] chunks=[{string.Join(",", chunks.Select(x => x.ValueString))}]");
            var result = await TryPinNodesAsync(context, nodes, cts) & await TryPinChunksAsync(context, chunks, cts);

            if (result == PinResult.Success)
                // If all children are saved, pin parent.
                result = await TryPinNodeAsync(context, parentNode, cts);

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to update expiry of all children. Pin parent node if all children were extended successfully.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <PinResult> TryPinChildrenAsync(OperationContext context, VstsDedupIdentifier parentNode, IEnumerable <VstsDedupIdentifier> dedupIdentifiers)
            var chunks = new List <VstsDedupIdentifier>();
            var nodes  = new List <VstsDedupIdentifier>();

            foreach (var id in dedupIdentifiers)
                if (id.AlgorithmId == Hashing.ChunkDedupIdentifier.ChunkAlgorithmId)
                else if (((NodeAlgorithmId)id.AlgorithmId).IsValidNode())
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unknown dedup algorithm id detected for dedup {id.ValueString} : {id.AlgorithmId}");

            // Attempt to save all children.
            Tracer.Debug(context, $"Pinning children: nodes=[{string.Join(",", nodes.Select(x => x.ValueString))}] chunks=[{string.Join(",", chunks.Select(x => x.ValueString))}]");
            var result = await TryPinNodesAsync(context, nodes) & await TryPinChunksAsync(context, chunks);

            if (result == PinResult.Success)
                // If all children are saved, pin parent.
                result = await TryPinNodeAsync(context, parentNode);

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates expiry of single node in DedupStore if
        ///     1) Node exists
        ///     2) All children exist and have sufficient TTL
        /// If children have insufficient TTL, attempt to extend the expiry of all children before pinning.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <PinResult> TryPinNodeAsync(Context context, VstsDedupIdentifier dedupId, CancellationToken cts)
            TryReferenceNodeResponse referenceResult;

                referenceResult = await TryGatedArtifactOperationAsync(
                    innerCts => DedupStoreClient.Client.TryKeepUntilReferenceNodeAsync(dedupId.CastToNodeDedupIdentifier(), new KeepUntilBlobReference(EndDateTime), null, innerCts),
            catch (DedupNotFoundException)
                // When VSTS processes response, throws exception when node doesn't exist.
                referenceResult = new TryReferenceNodeResponse(new DedupNodeNotFound());
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new PinResult(ex));

            PinResult pinResult = PinResult.ContentNotFound;

                (notFound) =>
                // Root node has expired.
                async(needAction) =>
                pinResult = await TryPinChildrenAsync(context, dedupId, needAction.InsufficientKeepUntil, cts);
                (added) =>
                pinResult = PinResult.Success;

Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates expiry of single chunk in DedupStore if it exists.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <PinResult> TryPinChunkAsync(OperationContext context, VstsDedupIdentifier dedupId)
                var receipt = await TryGatedArtifactOperationAsync(
                    innerCts => DedupStoreClient.Client.TryKeepUntilReferenceChunkAsync(dedupId.CastToChunkDedupIdentifier(), new KeepUntilBlobReference(EndDateTime), innerCts));

                if (receipt == null)

            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new PinResult(ex));
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     Checks the current keepUntil of a node. Returns null if the node is not found.
        /// </summary>
        protected async Task <Result <DateTime?> > CheckNodeKeepUntilAsync(OperationContext context, VstsDedupIdentifier dedupId)
            TryReferenceNodeResponse referenceResult;

                // Pinning with keepUntil of now means that, if the content is available, the call will always succeed.
                referenceResult = await TryGatedArtifactOperationAsync(
                    innerCts => DedupStoreClient.Client.TryKeepUntilReferenceNodeAsync(dedupId.CastToNodeDedupIdentifier(), new KeepUntilBlobReference(DateTime.UtcNow), null, innerCts));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new Result <DateTime?>(ex));

            DateTime?keepUntil = null;

                (notFound) => { /* Do nothing */ },
                (needAction) =>
                // For the reason explained above, this case where children need to be pinned should never happen.
                // However, as a best approximation, we take the min of all the children, which always outlive the parent.
                keepUntil = needAction.Receipts.Select(r => r.Value.KeepUntil.KeepUntil).Min();
                (added) =>
                keepUntil = added.Receipts[dedupId].KeepUntil.KeepUntil;

            return(new Result <DateTime?>(keepUntil, isNullAllowed: true));
Exemple #7
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override async Task <PinResult> PinCoreAsync(
            OperationContext context, ContentHash contentHash, UrgencyHint urgencyHint, Counter retryCounter)
            if (!contentHash.HashType.IsValidDedup())
                return(new PinResult($"DedupStore client requires a HashType that supports dedup. Given hash type: {contentHash.HashType}."));

            var pinResult = CheckPinInMemory(contentHash);

            if (pinResult.Succeeded)

            VstsBlobIdentifier  blobId  = ToVstsBlobIdentifier(contentHash.ToBlobIdentifier());
            VstsDedupIdentifier dedupId = blobId.ToDedupIdentifier();

            if (dedupId.AlgorithmId == Hashing.ChunkDedupIdentifier.ChunkAlgorithmId)
                // No need to optimize since pinning a chunk is always a fast operation.
                return(await PinImplAsync(context, contentHash));

            // Since pinning the whole tree can be an expensive operation, we have optimized how we call it. Depending on the current
            //  keepUntil of the root node, which is unexpensive to check, the operation will behave differently:
            //      The pin operation will be ignored if it is greater than ignorePinThreshold, to reduce amount of calls
            //      The pin operation will be inlined if it is lower than pinInlineThreshold, to make sure that we don't try to use
            //          content that we pin in the background but has expired before we could complete the pin.
            //      The pin operation will be done asynchronously and will return success otherwise. Most calls should follow this
            //          behavior, to avoid waiting on a potentially long operation. We're confident returning a success because we
            //          know that the content is there even though we still have to extend it's keepUntil

            var keepUntilResult = await CheckNodeKeepUntilAsync(context, dedupId);

            if (!keepUntilResult.Succeeded)
                // Returned a service error. Fail fast.
                return(new PinResult(keepUntilResult));
            else if (!keepUntilResult.Value.HasValue)
                // Content not found.
                return(new PinResult(PinResult.ResultCode.ContentNotFound));

            var timeLeft = keepUntilResult.Value.Value - DateTime.UtcNow;

            if (timeLeft > _ignorePinThreshold)
                Tracer.Debug(context, $"Pin was skipped because keepUntil has remaining time [{timeLeft}] that is greater than ignorePinThreshold=[{_ignorePinThreshold}]");

            var pinTask = PinImplAsync(context, contentHash);

            if (timeLeft < _pinInlineThreshold)
                Tracer.Debug(context, $"Pin inlined because keepUntil has remaining time [{timeLeft}] that is less than pinInlineThreshold=[{_pinInlineThreshold}]");
                return(await pinTask);

