Exemple #1
        public override async Task ExecuteAsync(OutputContext output, ApplicationBuilder application, ServiceBuilder service)
            var bindings = service.Outputs.OfType <ComputedBindings>().FirstOrDefault();

            if (bindings is null)

            foreach (var binding in bindings.Bindings)
                if (binding is SecretInputBinding secretInputBinding)
                    if (!Secrets.Add(secretInputBinding.Name))
                        output.WriteDebugLine($"Already validated secret '{secretInputBinding.Name}'.");

                    output.WriteDebugLine($"Validating secret '{secretInputBinding.Name}'.");

                    var config = KubernetesClientConfiguration.BuildDefaultConfig();

                    // Workaround for https://github.com/kubernetes-client/csharp/issues/372
                    var store = await KubernetesClientConfiguration.LoadKubeConfigAsync();

                    var context = store.Contexts.Where(c => c.Name == config.CurrentContext).FirstOrDefault();
                    config.Namespace ??= context?.ContextDetails?.Namespace;

                    var kubernetes = new Kubernetes(config);

                        var result = await kubernetes.ReadNamespacedSecretWithHttpMessagesAsync(secretInputBinding.Name, config.Namespace ?? "default");

                        output.WriteInfoLine($"Found existing secret '{secretInputBinding.Name}'.");
                    catch (HttpOperationException ex) when(ex.Response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                        // The kubernetes client uses exceptions for 404s.
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        output.WriteDebugLine("Failed to query secret.");
                        throw new CommandException("Unable connect to kubernetes.", ex);

                    if (Force)
                        output.WriteDebugLine("Skipping because force was specified.");

                    if (!Interactive)
                        throw new CommandException(
                                  $"The secret '{secretInputBinding.Name}' used for service '{secretInputBinding.Service.Name}' is missing from the deployment environment. " +
                                  $"Rerun the command with --interactive to specify the value interactively, or with --force to skip validation. Alternatively " +
                                  $"use the following command to manually create the secret." + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  $"kubectl create secret generic {secretInputBinding.Name} --from-literal=connectionstring=<value>");

                    // If we get here then we should create the secret.
                    var text = output.Prompt($"Enter the connection string to use for service '{secretInputBinding.Service.Name}'", allowEmpty: true);
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
                        output.WriteAlways($"Skipping creation of secret for '{secretInputBinding.Service.Name}'. This may prevent creation of pods until secrets are created.");
                        output.WriteAlways($"Manually create a secret with:");
                        output.WriteAlways($"kubectl create secret generic {secretInputBinding.Name} --from-literal=connectionstring=<value>");

                    var secret = new V1Secret(type: "Opaque", stringData: new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "connectionstring", text },
                    secret.Metadata      = new V1ObjectMeta();
                    secret.Metadata.Name = secretInputBinding.Name;

                    output.WriteDebugLine($"Creating secret '{secret.Metadata.Name}'.");

                        await kubernetes.CreateNamespacedSecretWithHttpMessagesAsync(secret, config.Namespace ?? "default");

                        output.WriteInfoLine($"Created secret '{secret.Metadata.Name}'.");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        output.WriteDebugLine("Failed to create secret.");
                        throw new CommandException("Failed to create secret.", ex);

            var yaml = service.Outputs.OfType <IYamlManifestOutput>().ToArray();

            if (yaml.Length == 0)
                output.WriteDebugLine($"No yaml manifests found for service '{service.Name}'. Skipping.");

            using var tempFile = TempFile.Create();
            output.WriteDebugLine($"Writing output to '{tempFile.FilePath}'.");

                await using var stream = File.OpenWrite(tempFile.FilePath);
                await using var writer = new StreamWriter(stream, Encoding.UTF8, bufferSize: -1, leaveOpen: true);
                var yamlStream = new YamlStream(yaml.Select(y => y.Yaml));
                yamlStream.Save(writer, assignAnchors: false);

            // kubectl apply logic is implemented in the client in older versions of k8s. The capability
            // to get the same behavior in the server isn't present in every version that's relevant.
            // https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#server-side-apply
            output.WriteDebugLine("Running 'kubectl apply'.");
            output.WriteCommandLine("kubectl", $"apply -f \"{tempFile.FilePath}\"");
            var capture  = output.Capture();
            var exitCode = await Process.ExecuteAsync(
                $"apply -f \"{tempFile.FilePath}\"",
                stdOut : capture.StdOut,
                stdErr : capture.StdErr);

            output.WriteDebugLine($"Done running 'kubectl apply' exit code: {exitCode}");
            if (exitCode != 0)
                throw new CommandException("'kubectl apply' failed.");

            output.WriteInfoLine($"Deployed service '{service.Name}'.");
        public static async Task BuildContainerImageAsync(OutputContext output, Application application, ServiceEntry service, Project project, ContainerInfo container)
            if (output is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(output));

            if (application is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(application));

            if (service is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(service));

            if (project is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(project));

            if (container is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(container));

            using var tempFile = TempFile.Create();

            var dockerFilePath = Path.Combine(application.GetProjectDirectory(project), Path.GetDirectoryName(project.RelativeFilePath) !, "Dockerfile");

            if (File.Exists(dockerFilePath))
                output.WriteDebugLine($"Using existing Dockerfile '{dockerFilePath}'.");
                await DockerfileGenerator.WriteDockerfileAsync(output, application, service, project, container, tempFile.FilePath);

                dockerFilePath = tempFile.FilePath;

            // We need to know if this is a single-phase or multi-phase Dockerfile because the context directory will be
            // different depending on that choice.
            string contextDirectory;

            if (container.UseMultiphaseDockerfile ?? true)
                contextDirectory = ".";
                var publishOutput = service.Outputs.OfType <ProjectPublishOutput>().FirstOrDefault();
                if (publishOutput is null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("We should have published the project for a single-phase Dockerfile.");

                contextDirectory = publishOutput.Directory.FullName;

            output.WriteDebugLine("Running 'docker build'.");
            output.WriteCommandLine("docker", $"build \"{contextDirectory}\" -t {container.ImageName}:{container.ImageTag} -f \"{dockerFilePath}\"");
            var capture  = output.Capture();
            var exitCode = await Process.ExecuteAsync(
                $"build \"{contextDirectory}\" -t {container.ImageName}:{container.ImageTag} -f \"{dockerFilePath}\"",
                stdOut : capture.StdOut,
                stdErr : capture.StdErr);

            output.WriteDebugLine($"Done running 'docker build' exit code: {exitCode}");
            if (exitCode != 0)
                throw new CommandException("'docker build' failed.");

            output.WriteInfoLine($"Created Docker Image: '{container.ImageName}:{container.ImageTag}'");
            service.Outputs.Add(new DockerImageOutput(container.ImageName !, container.ImageTag !));
        public static async Task BuildContainerImageAsync(OutputContext output, ApplicationBuilder application, DotnetProjectServiceBuilder project, ContainerInfo container)
            if (output is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(output));

            if (application is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(application));

            if (project is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(project));

            if (container is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(container));

            string contextDirectory;
            var    dockerFilePath = Path.Combine(project.ProjectFile.DirectoryName !, "Dockerfile");

            TempFile?     tempFile      = null;
            TempDirectory?tempDirectory = null;

                // We need to know if this is a single-phase or multi-phase Dockerfile because the context directory will be
                // different depending on that choice.
                // For the cases where generate a Dockerfile, we have the constraint that we need
                // to place it on the same drive (Windows) as the docker context.
                if (container.UseMultiphaseDockerfile ?? true)
                    // For a multi-phase Docker build, the context is always the project directory.
                    contextDirectory = ".";

                    if (File.Exists(dockerFilePath))
                        output.WriteDebugLine($"Using existing Dockerfile '{dockerFilePath}'.");
                        // We need to write the file, let's stick it under obj.
                        dockerFilePath = Path.Combine(project.IntermediateOutputPath, "Dockerfile");

                        // Clean up file when done building image
                        tempFile = new TempFile(dockerFilePath);

                        await DockerfileGenerator.WriteDockerfileAsync(output, application, project, container, tempFile.FilePath);
                    // For a single-phase Docker build the context is always the directory containing the publish
                    // output. We need to put the Dockerfile in the context directory so it's on the same drive (Windows).
                    var publishOutput = project.Outputs.OfType <ProjectPublishOutput>().FirstOrDefault();
                    if (publishOutput is null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("We should have published the project for a single-phase Dockerfile.");

                    contextDirectory = publishOutput.Directory.FullName;

                    // Clean up directory when done building image
                    tempDirectory = new TempDirectory(publishOutput.Directory);

                    if (File.Exists(dockerFilePath))
                        output.WriteDebugLine($"Using existing Dockerfile '{dockerFilePath}'.");
                        File.Copy(dockerFilePath, Path.Combine(contextDirectory, "Dockerfile"));
                        dockerFilePath = Path.Combine(contextDirectory, "Dockerfile");
                        // No need to clean up, it's in a directory we're already cleaning up.
                        dockerFilePath = Path.Combine(contextDirectory, "Dockerfile");
                        await DockerfileGenerator.WriteDockerfileAsync(output, application, project, container, dockerFilePath);

                output.WriteDebugLine("Running 'docker build'.");
                output.WriteCommandLine("docker", $"build \"{contextDirectory}\" -t {container.ImageName}:{container.ImageTag} -f \"{dockerFilePath}\"");
                var capture  = output.Capture();
                var exitCode = await application.ContainerEngine.ExecuteAsync(
                    $"build \"{contextDirectory}\" -t {container.ImageName}:{container.ImageTag} -f \"{dockerFilePath}\"",
                    stdOut : capture.StdOut,
                    stdErr : capture.StdErr);

                output.WriteDebugLine($"Done running 'docker build' exit code: {exitCode}");
                if (exitCode != 0)
                    throw new CommandException("'docker build' failed.");

                output.WriteInfoLine($"Created Docker Image: '{container.ImageName}:{container.ImageTag}'");
                project.Outputs.Add(new DockerImageOutput(container.ImageName !, container.ImageTag !));
Exemple #4
        public override async Task ExecuteAsync(OutputContext output, ApplicationBuilder application)
            using var step = output.BeginStep("Applying Kubernetes Manifests...");

            if (await KubectlDetector.GetKubernetesServerVersion(output) == null)
                throw new CommandException($"Cannot apply manifests because kubectl is not installed.");

            if (!await KubectlDetector.IsKubectlConnectedToClusterAsync(output))
                throw new CommandException($"Cannot apply manifests because kubectl is not connected to a cluster.");

            using var tempFile = TempFile.Create();
            output.WriteInfoLine($"Writing output to '{tempFile.FilePath}'.");

                await using var stream = File.OpenWrite(tempFile.FilePath);
                await using var writer = new StreamWriter(stream, new UTF8Encoding(encoderShouldEmitUTF8Identifier: false), leaveOpen: true);

                await ApplicationYamlWriter.WriteAsync(output, writer, application);

            var ns = $"namespace ${application.Namespace}";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(application.Namespace))
                ns = "current namespace";
            output.WriteDebugLine($"Running 'kubectl apply' in ${ns}");
            output.WriteCommandLine("kubectl", $"apply -f \"{tempFile.FilePath}\"");
            var capture  = output.Capture();
            var exitCode = await Process.ExecuteAsync(
                $"apply -f \"{tempFile.FilePath}\"",
                stdOut : capture.StdOut,
                stdErr : capture.StdErr);

            output.WriteDebugLine($"Done running 'kubectl apply' exit code: {exitCode}");
            if (exitCode != 0)
                throw new CommandException("'kubectl apply' failed.");

            output.WriteInfoLine($"Deployed application '{application.Name}'.");
            if (application.Ingress.Count > 0)
                output.WriteInfoLine($"Waiting for ingress to be deployed. This may take a long time.");
                foreach (var ingress in application.Ingress)
                    using var ingressStep = output.BeginStep($"Retrieving details for {ingress.Name}...");

                    var done = false;

                    Action <string> complete = line =>
                        done = line != "''";
                        if (done)
                            output.WriteInfoLine($"IngressIP: {line}");

                    var retries = 0;
                    while (!done && retries < 60)
                        var ingressExitCode = await Process.ExecuteAsync(
                            $"get ingress {ingress.Name} -o jsonpath='{{..ip}}'",

                        if (ingressExitCode != 0)
                            throw new CommandException("'kubectl get ingress' failed");

                        if (!done)
                            await Task.Delay(2000);
