public JavaScriptValue Call(JavaScriptObject thisObject, IEnumerable<JavaScriptValue> args)
            var eng = GetEngineAndClaimContext();
            if (thisObject == null)
                thisObject = eng.NullValue;
            if (args == null)
                args = Enumerable.Empty<JavaScriptValue>();

            var applyFn = GetBuiltinFunctionProperty("call", "");
            return applyFn.Invoke(args.PrependWith(thisObject));
        public JavaScriptFunction Bind(JavaScriptObject thisObject, IEnumerable<JavaScriptValue> args)
            var eng = GetEngineAndClaimContext();

            if (thisObject == null)
                thisObject = eng.NullValue;
            if (args == null)
                args = Enumerable.Empty<JavaScriptValue>();

            var bindFn = GetBuiltinFunctionProperty("bind", "Function.prototype.bind");
            return bindFn.Invoke(args.PrependWith(thisObject)) as JavaScriptFunction;
        public JavaScriptValue Call(JavaScriptObject thisObject, IEnumerable<JavaScriptValue> args)
            var eng = GetEngine();
            if (thisObject == null)
                thisObject = eng.NullValue;

            if (args == null)
                args = Enumerable.Empty<JavaScriptValue>();

            var argsArray = args.PrependWith(thisObject).Select(v => v.handle_.DangerousGetHandle()).ToArray();
            JavaScriptValueSafeHandle result;
            Errors.CheckForScriptExceptionOrThrow(api_.JsCallFunction(handle_, argsArray, unchecked((ushort)argsArray.Length), out result), eng);
            return eng.CreateValueFromHandle(result);
        public JavaScriptValue Apply(JavaScriptObject thisObject, JavaScriptArray args = null)
            var eng = GetEngineAndClaimContext();
            if (thisObject == null)
                thisObject = eng.NullValue;

            var applyFn = GetBuiltinFunctionProperty("apply", "Function.prototype.apply");

            List<JavaScriptValue> resultList = new List<JavaScriptValue>();
            if (args != null)

            return applyFn.Invoke(resultList);
        private void ProjectEvents(string owningTypeName, JavaScriptObject target, JavaScriptEngine engine, IEnumerable<EventInfo> events, JavaScriptProjection baseTypeProjection, bool instance)
            var eventsArray = events.ToArray();
            var eventsLookup = eventsArray.ToDictionary(ei => ei.Name.ToLower());
            // General approach here
            // if there is a base thing, invoke that
            // for each event, register a delegate that marshals it back to JavaScript
            var add = engine.CreateFunction((eng, ctor, thisObj, args) =>
                bool callBase = instance && (baseTypeProjection?.HasInstanceEvents ?? false);
                var @this = thisObj as JavaScriptObject;
                if (@this == null)
                    return eng.UndefinedValue;

                if (callBase)
                    var baseObj = baseTypeProjection.Prototype;
                    var baseFn = baseObj.GetPropertyByName("addEventListener") as JavaScriptFunction;
                    if (baseFn != null)
                        baseFn.Call(@this, args);

                var argsArray = args.ToArray();
                if (argsArray.Length < 2)
                    return eng.UndefinedValue;

                string eventName = argsArray[0].ToString();
                JavaScriptFunction callbackFunction = argsArray[1] as JavaScriptFunction;
                if (callbackFunction == null)
                    return eng.UndefinedValue;

                EventInfo curEvent;
                if (!eventsLookup.TryGetValue(eventName, out curEvent))
                    return eng.UndefinedValue;

                MethodInfo targetMethod = curEvent.EventHandlerType.GetMethod("Invoke");

                var paramsExpr = targetMethod.GetParameters().Select(p => Expression.Parameter(p.ParameterType, p.Name)).ToArray();
                int cookie = EventMarshaler.RegisterDelegate(callbackFunction, SynchronizationContext.Current);

                var marshaler = Expression.Lambda(curEvent.EventHandlerType, Expression.Block(
                        Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(string), targetMethod.GetParameters().Select(p => Expression.Constant(p.Name))),
                        Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), paramsExpr))
                ), paramsExpr);

                curEvent.AddMethod.Invoke(@this.ExternalObject, new object[] { marshaler.Compile() });

                return eng.UndefinedValue;
            }, owningTypeName + ".addEventListener");
            target.SetPropertyByName("addEventListener", add);
        private void ProjectProperties(string owningTypeName, JavaScriptObject target, JavaScriptEngine engine, IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> properties)
            foreach (var prop in properties)
                if (prop.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0)
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Index properties not supported for projecting CLR to JavaScript objects.");

                JavaScriptFunction jsGet = null, jsSet = null;
                if (prop.GetMethod != null)
                    jsGet = engine.CreateFunction((eng, ctor, thisObj, args) =>
                        var @this = thisObj as JavaScriptObject;
                        if (@this == null)
                            eng.SetException(eng.CreateTypeError("Could not retrieve property '" + prop.Name + "' because there was an invalid 'this' context."));
                            return eng.UndefinedValue;

                            return FromObject(prop.GetValue(@this.ExternalObject));
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            return eng.UndefinedValue;
                    }, owningTypeName + "." + prop.Name + ".get");
                if (prop.SetMethod != null)
                    jsSet = engine.CreateFunction((eng, ctor, thisObj, args) =>
                        var @this = thisObj as JavaScriptObject;
                        if (@this == null)
                            eng.SetException(eng.CreateTypeError("Could not retrieve property '" + prop.Name + "' because there was an invalid 'this' context."));
                            return eng.UndefinedValue;

                            var val = ToObject(args.First());
                            if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(int))
                                val = (int)(double)val;
                            prop.SetValue(@this.ExternalObject, val);
                            return eng.UndefinedValue;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            return eng.UndefinedValue;
                    }, owningTypeName + "." + prop.Name + ".set");

                var descriptor = engine.CreateObject();
                if (jsGet != null)
                    descriptor.SetPropertyByName("get", jsGet);
                if (jsSet != null)
                    descriptor.SetPropertyByName("set", jsSet);
                descriptor.SetPropertyByName("enumerable", engine.TrueValue);
                target.DefineProperty(prop.Name, descriptor);
        private void ProjectMethods(string owningTypeName, JavaScriptObject target, JavaScriptEngine engine, IEnumerable<MethodInfo> methods)
            var methodsByName = methods.GroupBy(m => m.Name);
            foreach (var group in methodsByName)
                var method = engine.CreateFunction((eng, ctor, thisObj, args) =>
                    var @this = thisObj as JavaScriptObject;
                    if (@this == null)
                        eng.SetException(eng.CreateTypeError("Could not call method '" + group.Key + "' because there was an invalid 'this' context."));
                        return eng.UndefinedValue;

                    var argsArray = args.ToArray();
                    var candidate = GetBestFitMethod(group, thisObj, argsArray);
                    if (candidate == null)
                        eng.SetException(eng.CreateReferenceError("Could not find suitable method or not enough arguments to invoke '" + group.Key + "'."));
                        return eng.UndefinedValue;

                    List<object> argsToPass = new List<object>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < candidate.GetParameters().Length; i++)

                        return FromObject(candidate.Invoke(@this.ExternalObject, argsToPass.ToArray()));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        return eng.UndefinedValue;
                }, owningTypeName + "." + group.Key);
                //var propDescriptor = engine.CreateObject();
                //propDescriptor.SetPropertyByName("configurable", engine.TrueValue);
                //propDescriptor.SetPropertyByName("enumerable", engine.TrueValue);
                //propDescriptor.SetPropertyByName("value", method);
                //target.DefineProperty(group.Key, propDescriptor);
                target.SetPropertyByName(group.Key, method);
        public JavaScriptObject CreateObject(JavaScriptObject prototype = null)

            JavaScriptValueSafeHandle handle;
            Errors.ThrowIfIs(api_.JsCreateObject(out handle));

            if (prototype != null)
                Errors.ThrowIfIs(api_.JsSetPrototype(handle, prototype.handle_));

            return CreateObjectFromHandle(handle);
        public void DefineProperties(JavaScriptObject propertiesContainer)
            var eng = GetEngine();
            var fnDP = GetObjectBuiltinFunction("defineProperties", "Object.defineProperties");

            fnDP.Invoke(new JavaScriptValue[] { eng.UndefinedValue, this, propertiesContainer });
        public void DefineProperty(string propertyName, JavaScriptObject descriptor)
            if (descriptor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(descriptor));

            var eng = GetEngine();

            IntPtr propId;
            Errors.ThrowIfIs(api_.JsGetPropertyIdFromName(propertyName, out propId));

            bool wasSet;
            Errors.CheckForScriptExceptionOrThrow(api_.JsDefineProperty(handle_, propId, descriptor.handle_, out wasSet), eng);
        public bool IsPrototypeOf(JavaScriptObject other)
            if (other == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(other));

            var eng = GetEngine();
            var fn = GetBuiltinFunctionProperty("isPrototypeOf", "Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf");

            var args = new List<JavaScriptValue>() { this, other };

            return eng.Converter.ToBoolean(fn.Invoke(args));
Exemple #12
        private void ProjectEvents(string owningTypeName, JavaScriptObject target, JavaScriptEngine engine, IEnumerable <EventInfo> events, JavaScriptProjection baseTypeProjection, bool instance)
            var eventsArray  = events.ToArray();
            var eventsLookup = eventsArray.ToDictionary(ei => ei.Name.ToLower());
            // General approach here
            // if there is a base thing, invoke that
            // for each event, register a delegate that marshals it back to JavaScript
            var add = engine.CreateFunction((eng, ctor, thisObj, args) =>
                bool callBase = instance && (baseTypeProjection?.HasInstanceEvents ?? false);
                var @this     = thisObj as JavaScriptObject;
                if (@this == null)

                if (callBase)
                    var baseObj = baseTypeProjection.Prototype;
                    var baseFn  = baseObj.GetPropertyByName("addEventListener") as JavaScriptFunction;
                    if (baseFn != null)
                        baseFn.Call(@this, args);

                var argsArray = args.ToArray();
                if (argsArray.Length < 2)

                string eventName = argsArray[0].ToString();
                JavaScriptFunction callbackFunction = argsArray[1] as JavaScriptFunction;
                if (callbackFunction == null)

                EventInfo curEvent;
                if (!eventsLookup.TryGetValue(eventName, out curEvent))

                MethodInfo targetMethod = curEvent.EventHandlerType.GetMethod("Invoke");

                var paramsExpr = targetMethod.GetParameters().Select(p => Expression.Parameter(p.ParameterType, p.Name)).ToArray();
                int cookie     = EventMarshaler.RegisterDelegate(callbackFunction, SynchronizationContext.Current);

                var marshaler = Expression.Lambda(curEvent.EventHandlerType, Expression.Block(
                                                          Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(string), targetMethod.GetParameters().Select(p => Expression.Constant(p.Name))),
                                                          Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), paramsExpr))
                                                      ), paramsExpr);

                curEvent.AddMethod.Invoke(@this.ExternalObject, new object[] { marshaler.Compile() });

            }, owningTypeName + ".addEventListener");

            target.SetPropertyByName("addEventListener", add);
Exemple #13
        private void ProjectProperties(string owningTypeName, JavaScriptObject target, JavaScriptEngine engine, IEnumerable <PropertyInfo> properties)
            foreach (var prop in properties)
                if (prop.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0)
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Index properties not supported for projecting CLR to JavaScript objects.");

                JavaScriptFunction jsGet = null, jsSet = null;
                if (prop.GetMethod != null)
                    jsGet = engine.CreateFunction((eng, ctor, thisObj, args) =>
                        var @this = thisObj as JavaScriptObject;
                        if (@this == null)
                            eng.SetException(eng.CreateTypeError("Could not retrieve property '" + prop.Name + "' because there was an invalid 'this' context."));

                        catch (Exception ex)
                    }, owningTypeName + "." + prop.Name + ".get");
                if (prop.SetMethod != null)
                    jsSet = engine.CreateFunction((eng, ctor, thisObj, args) =>
                        var @this = thisObj as JavaScriptObject;
                        if (@this == null)
                            eng.SetException(eng.CreateTypeError("Could not retrieve property '" + prop.Name + "' because there was an invalid 'this' context."));

                            var val = ToObject(args.First());
                            if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(int))
                                val = (int)(double)val;
                            prop.SetValue(@this.ExternalObject, val);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                    }, owningTypeName + "." + prop.Name + ".set");

                var descriptor = engine.CreateObject();
                if (jsGet != null)
                    descriptor.SetPropertyByName("get", jsGet);
                if (jsSet != null)
                    descriptor.SetPropertyByName("set", jsSet);
                descriptor.SetPropertyByName("enumerable", engine.TrueValue);
                target.DefineProperty(prop.Name, descriptor);