PreferPut() static private méthode

static private PreferPut ( Type type, bool holdsNull ) : bool
type System.Type
holdsNull bool
Résultat bool
        internal bool TryGetPropertySetterExplicit(string name, out ComMethodDesc method, Type limitType, bool holdsNull)

            int hresult = GetIDsOfNames(_dispatchObject, name, out int dispId);

            if (hresult == ComHresults.S_OK)
                // we do not know whether we have put or putref here
                // and we will not guess and pretend we found both.
                ComMethodDesc put = new ComMethodDesc(name, dispId, ComTypes.INVOKEKIND.INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT);
                _comTypeDesc.AddPut(name, put);

                ComMethodDesc putref = new ComMethodDesc(name, dispId, ComTypes.INVOKEKIND.INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF);
                _comTypeDesc.AddPutRef(name, putref);

                if (ComBinderHelpers.PreferPut(limitType, holdsNull))
                    method = put;
                    method = putref;

            if (hresult == ComHresults.DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME)
                method = null;

            throw Error.CouldNotGetDispId(name, String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0x{0:X})", hresult));
        internal bool TryGetPropertySetter(string name, out ComMethodDesc method, Type limitType, bool holdsNull)

            if (ComBinderHelpers.PreferPut(limitType, holdsNull))
                return(_comTypeDesc.TryGetPut(name, out method) ||
                       _comTypeDesc.TryGetPutRef(name, out method));

            return(_comTypeDesc.TryGetPutRef(name, out method) ||
                   _comTypeDesc.TryGetPut(name, out method));