public Parameter Build()
            string parameterName = _swaggerParameter.Name;
            SwaggerParameter unwrappedParameter = _swaggerParameter;
            if (_swaggerParameter.Reference != null)
                unwrappedParameter = Modeler.Unwrap(_swaggerParameter);

            if (unwrappedParameter.Schema != null && unwrappedParameter.Schema.Reference != null)
                parameterName = unwrappedParameter.Schema.Reference.StripDefinitionPath();

            if (parameterName == null)
                parameterName = unwrappedParameter.Name;

            IType parameterType = BuildServiceType(parameterName);
            var parameter = new Parameter
                Name = unwrappedParameter.Name,
                SerializedName = unwrappedParameter.Name,
                Type = parameterType,
                IsRequired = unwrappedParameter.IsRequired,
                Location = (Generator.ClientModel.ParameterLocation)Enum.Parse(typeof(Generator.ClientModel.ParameterLocation), unwrappedParameter.In.ToString())
            parameter.IsRequired = parameter.IsRequired || parameter.Location == Generator.ClientModel.ParameterLocation.Path;

            parameter.CollectionFormat = unwrappedParameter.CollectionFormat;
            parameter.Documentation = unwrappedParameter.Description;

            if(_swaggerParameter.Reference != null)
                var clientProperty = Modeler.ServiceClient.Properties.First(p => p.Name == unwrappedParameter.Name);
                parameter.ClientProperty = clientProperty;

            var enumType = parameterType as EnumType;
            if (enumType != null)
                if (parameter.Documentation == null)
                    parameter.Documentation = string.Empty;
                    parameter.Documentation = parameter.Documentation.TrimEnd('.') + ". ";
                parameter.Documentation += "Possible values for this parameter include: " +
                                           string.Join(", ", enumType.Values.Select(v =>
                                               "'{0}'", v.Name)));
            unwrappedParameter.Extensions.ForEach(e => parameter.Extensions[e.Key] = e.Value);

            return parameter;
        /// <summary>
        /// Format the value of a sequence given the modeled element format.  Note that only sequences of strings are supported
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameter">The parameter to format</param>
        /// <returns>return the separator</returns>
        public static string NeedsFormattedSeparator(Parameter parameter)
            if (parameter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parameter");

            SequenceType sequence = parameter.Type as SequenceType;
            if (sequence == null)
                return null;

            PrimaryType primaryType = sequence.ElementType as PrimaryType;
            EnumType enumType = sequence.ElementType as EnumType;
            if (enumType != null)
                primaryType = PrimaryType.String;

            if (primaryType != PrimaryType.String)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                    "Cannot generate a formatted sequence from a " +
                                  "non-string array parameter {0}", parameter));

            return parameter.CollectionFormat.GetSeparator();
        private void BuildOptionsParameterTemplateModel()
            CompositeType optionsType;
            optionsType = new CompositeType
                Name = "options",
                SerializedName = "options",
                Documentation = "Optional Parameters."
            var optionsParmeter = new Parameter
                Name = "options",
                SerializedName = "options",
                IsRequired = false,
                Documentation = "Optional Parameters.",
                Location = ParameterLocation.None,
                Type = optionsType

            IEnumerable<ParameterTemplateModel> optionalParameters = LocalParameters.Where(p => !p.IsRequired);
            foreach (ParameterTemplateModel parameter in optionalParameters)
                Property optionalProperty = new Property
                    IsReadOnly = false,
                    Name = parameter.Name,
                    IsRequired = parameter.IsRequired,
                    DefaultValue = parameter.DefaultValue,
                    Documentation = parameter.Documentation,
                    Type = parameter.Type,
                    SerializedName = parameter.SerializedName   
                parameter.Constraints.ToList().ForEach(x => optionalProperty.Constraints.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                parameter.Extensions.ToList().ForEach(x => optionalProperty.Extensions.Add(x.Key, x.Value));

            //Adding customHeaders to the options object
            Property customHeaders = new Property
                IsReadOnly = false,
                Name = "customHeaders",
                IsRequired = false,
                Documentation = "Headers that will be added to the request",
                Type = new PrimaryType(KnownPrimaryType.Object),
                SerializedName = "customHeaders"
            OptionsParameterTemplateModel = new ParameterTemplateModel(optionsParmeter);
 public ParameterModel(Parameter parameter, Method method)
     : base()
     this._method = method;
     // Use instance type for optional parameters
     if (!this.IsRequired)
         this.Type = ((ITypeModel) Type).InstanceType();
     _wireName = this.Name.ToCamelCase();
     if (NeedsConversion)
         _wireName += "Converted";
     _implImports = new List<string>();
        public void ParseWithServiceClientWithCreateResourceMethod()
            ServiceClient serviceClient = new ServiceClient();

            Parameter body = new Parameter()
                Location = ParameterLocation.Body,
                Type = new CompositeType(),

            CompositeType responseBody = new CompositeType();
            responseBody.Extensions.Add("x-ms-azure-resource", true);

            const string url = "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Mock.Provider/mockResourceNames/{mockResourceName}";

            Method method = CreateMethod(body: body, responseBody: responseBody, url: url);


            IDictionary<string, ResourceSchema> schemas = ResourceSchemaParser.Parse(serviceClient);
            Assert.Equal(1, schemas.Count);

            ResourceSchema schema = schemas["Mock.Provider"];
            Assert.Equal("", schema.Schema);
            Assert.Equal("Mock.Provider", schema.Title);
            Assert.Equal("Mock Provider Resource Types", schema.Description);
            Assert.Equal(1, schema.ResourceDefinitions.Count);
            Assert.Equal("mockResourceNames", schema.ResourceDefinitions.Keys.Single());
                new JsonSchema()
                    JsonType = "object",
                    Description = "Mock.Provider/mockResourceNames"
                .AddProperty("type", new JsonSchema()
                        JsonType = "string"
            Assert.Equal(0, schema.Definitions.Count);
        public Parameter Build()
            string parameterName = _swaggerParameter.Name;
            SwaggerParameter unwrappedParameter = _swaggerParameter;

            if (_swaggerParameter.Reference != null)
                unwrappedParameter = Modeler.Unwrap(_swaggerParameter);

            if (unwrappedParameter.Schema != null && unwrappedParameter.Schema.Reference != null)
                parameterName = unwrappedParameter.Schema.Reference.StripDefinitionPath();

            if (parameterName == null)
                parameterName = unwrappedParameter.Name;

            IType parameterType = BuildServiceType(parameterName);
            var parameter = new Parameter
                Name = unwrappedParameter.Name,
                SerializedName = unwrappedParameter.Name,
                Type = parameterType,
                Location = (Generator.ClientModel.ParameterLocation)Enum.Parse(typeof(Generator.ClientModel.ParameterLocation), unwrappedParameter.In.ToString())
            parameter.IsRequired = parameter.IsRequired || parameter.Location == Generator.ClientModel.ParameterLocation.Path;
            PopulateParameter(parameter, unwrappedParameter);

            if (_swaggerParameter.Reference != null)
                var clientProperty = Modeler.ServiceClient.Properties.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SerializedName == unwrappedParameter.Name);
                parameter.ClientProperty = clientProperty;

            return parameter;
        public void VerifyInputMappingsForFlattening()
            var serviceClient = new ServiceClient();
            serviceClient.Name = "test service client";

            var customObjectType = new CompositeType();
            customObjectType.Name = "Foo";
            customObjectType.Properties.Add(new Property
                Name = "A",
                Type = PrimaryType.Boolean
            customObjectType.Properties.Add(new Property
                Name = "B",
                Type = PrimaryType.String
            var method = new Method
                Name = "method1",
                Group = "mGroup",
                ReturnType = new Response(customObjectType, null)
            var outputParameter = new Parameter { Name = "body", Type = customObjectType };
            method.Parameters.Add(new Parameter { Name = "paramA", Type = PrimaryType.Boolean, SerializedName = "paramA" });
            method.Parameters.Add(new Parameter { Name = "paramB", Type = PrimaryType.String, SerializedName = "paramB" });
            method.InputParameterTransformation.Add(new ParameterTransformation
                OutputParameter = outputParameter
            method.InputParameterTransformation[0].ParameterMappings.Add(new ParameterMapping
                InputParameter = method.Parameters[0],
                OutputParameterProperty = "A"
            method.InputParameterTransformation[0].ParameterMappings.Add(new ParameterMapping 
                InputParameter = method.Parameters[1],
                OutputParameterProperty = "B"

            MethodTemplateModel templateModel = new MethodTemplateModel(method, serviceClient);
            var output = templateModel.BuildInputMappings();
            string expected =
          @"Foo body = null;
            if (paramA != null || paramB != null)
                body = new Foo();
                body.A = paramA;
                body.B = paramB;

            MultilineAreEqual(expected, output.Trim());
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds ListNext() method for each List method with x-ms-pageable extension.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceClient"></param>
        /// <param name="codeNamer"></param>
        public static void AddPageableMethod(ServiceClient serviceClient, CodeNamer codeNamer)
            if (codeNamer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("codeNamer");
            if (serviceClient == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("serviceClient");

            foreach (var method in serviceClient.Methods.ToArray())
                if (method.Extensions.ContainsKey(PageableExtension))
                    var pageableExtension = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<PageableExtension>(method.Extensions[PageableExtension].ToString());
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pageableExtension.NextLinkName))

                    Method nextLinkMethod = null;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageableExtension.OperationName))
                        nextLinkMethod = serviceClient.Methods.FirstOrDefault(m =>
                            pageableExtension.OperationName.Equals(m.SerializedName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                        if (nextLinkMethod != null)
                            nextLinkMethod.Extensions["nextLinkMethod"] = true;

                    if (nextLinkMethod == null)
                        nextLinkMethod = (Method)method.Clone();

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageableExtension.OperationName))
                            nextLinkMethod.Name = codeNamer.GetMethodName(SwaggerModeler.GetMethodName(
                                new Rest.Modeler.Swagger.Model.Operation { OperationId = pageableExtension.OperationName }));
                            nextLinkMethod.Group = codeNamer.GetMethodGroupName(SwaggerModeler.GetMethodGroup(
                                new Rest.Modeler.Swagger.Model.Operation { OperationId = pageableExtension.OperationName }));
                            nextLinkMethod.Name = nextLinkMethod.Name + "Next";
                        method.Extensions["nextMethodName"] = nextLinkMethod.Name;
                        method.Extensions["nextMethodGroup"] = nextLinkMethod.Group;
                        nextLinkMethod.Extensions["nextLinkMethod"] = true;
                        nextLinkMethod.Url = "{nextLink}";
                        nextLinkMethod.IsAbsoluteUrl = true;
                        var nextLinkParameter = new Parameter
                            Name = "nextPageLink",
                            SerializedName = "nextLink",
                            Type = new PrimaryType(KnownPrimaryType.String),
                            Documentation = "The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.",
                            IsRequired = true,
                            Location = ParameterLocation.Path
                        nextLinkParameter.Extensions[SkipUrlEncodingExtension] = true;

                        // Need copy all the header parameters from List method to ListNext method
                        foreach (var param in method.Parameters.Where(p => p.Location == ParameterLocation.Header))

                        // Copy all grouped parameters that only contain header parameters
                        method.InputParameterTransformation.GroupBy(t => t.ParameterMappings[0].InputParameter)
                            .ForEach(grouping => {
                                if (grouping.All(t => t.OutputParameter.Location == ParameterLocation.Header))
                                    // All grouped properties were header parameters, reuse data type
                                    grouping.ForEach(t => nextLinkMethod.InputParameterTransformation.Add(t));
                                else if (grouping.Any(t => t.OutputParameter.Location == ParameterLocation.Header))
                                    // Some grouped properties were header parameters, creating new data types
                                    var headerGrouping = grouping.Where(t => t.OutputParameter.Location == ParameterLocation.Header);
                                    headerGrouping.ForEach(t => nextLinkMethod.InputParameterTransformation.Add((ParameterTransformation) t.Clone()));
                                    var newGroupingParam = CreateParameterFromGrouping(headerGrouping, nextLinkMethod, serviceClient);
                                    //grouping.Key.Name = newGroupingParam.Name;
                                    var inputParameter = (Parameter) nextLinkMethod.InputParameterTransformation.First().ParameterMappings[0].InputParameter.Clone();
                                    inputParameter.Name = newGroupingParam.Name.ToCamelCase();
                                    nextLinkMethod.InputParameterTransformation.ForEach(t => t.ParameterMappings[0].InputParameter = inputParameter);

 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the AzureParameterTemplateModel class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">The source.</param>
 public AzureParameterTemplateModel(Parameter source) : base(source)
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides the parameter documentation string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameter">Parameter to be documented</param>
        /// <returns>Parameter documentation string correct notation</returns>
        public static string GetParameterDocumentationString(Parameter parameter)
            if (parameter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parameter");

            string docString = ":param ";

            docString += parameter.Name + ":";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameter.Documentation))
                docString += " " + parameter.Documentation;

            return docString;
        private static string BuildSerializeDataCall(Parameter parameter, string functionName)
            string divChar = ClientModelExtensions.NeedsFormattedSeparator(parameter);
            string divParameter = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(divChar))
                divParameter = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, ", div='{0}'", divChar);

            //TODO: This creates a very long line - break it up over multiple lines.
            return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                    "self._serialize.{0}(\"{1}\", {1}, '{2}'{3}{4}{5})",
                        parameter.SkipUrlEncoding() ? ", skip_quote=True" : string.Empty,
 public ParameterTemplateModel(Parameter source)
 /// <summary>
 /// Provides the parameter name in the correct jsdoc notation depending on 
 /// whether it is required or optional
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parameter">Parameter to be documented</param>
 /// <returns>Parameter name in the correct jsdoc notation</returns>
 public static string GetParameterDocumentationName(Parameter parameter)
     if (parameter == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("parameter");
     if (parameter.IsRequired)
         return parameter.Name;
         return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[{0}]", parameter.Name);
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Flattens the request payload if the number of properties of the 
        /// payload is less than or equal to the PayloadFlatteningThreshold.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceClient">Service client</param>                            
        /// <param name="settings">AutoRest settings</param>                            
        public static void FlattenMethodParameters(ServiceClient serviceClient, Settings settings)
            if (serviceClient == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("serviceClient");    
            if (settings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("settings");

            foreach (var method in serviceClient.Methods)
                var bodyParameter = method.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(
                    p => p.Location == ClientModel.ParameterLocation.Body);

                if (bodyParameter != null)
                    var bodyParameterType = bodyParameter.Type as CompositeType;
                    if (bodyParameterType != null && 
                        (bodyParameterType.ComposedProperties.Count(p => !p.IsConstant) <= settings.PayloadFlatteningThreshold ||
                        var parameterTransformation = new ParameterTransformation
                            OutputParameter = bodyParameter

                        foreach (var property in bodyParameterType.ComposedProperties.Where(p => !p.IsConstant && p.Name != null))
                            var newMethodParameter = new Parameter();
                            bodyParameter.Extensions.ForEach(kv => { newMethodParameter.Extensions[kv.Key] = kv.Value; });

                            parameterTransformation.ParameterMappings.Add(new ParameterMapping
                                InputParameter = newMethodParameter,
                                OutputParameterProperty = property.GetClientName()

Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the parameter groups to operation parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceClient"></param>
        public static void AddParameterGroups(ServiceClient serviceClient)
            if (serviceClient == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("serviceClient");

            HashSet<CompositeType> generatedParameterGroups = new HashSet<CompositeType>();

            foreach (Method method in serviceClient.Methods)
                //This group name is normalized by each languages code generator later, so it need not happen here.
                Dictionary<string, Dictionary<Property, Parameter>> parameterGroups = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<Property, Parameter>>();

                foreach (Parameter parameter in method.Parameters)
                    if (parameter.Extensions.ContainsKey(ParameterGroupExtension))
                        Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JContainer extensionObject = parameter.Extensions[ParameterGroupExtension] as Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JContainer;
                        if (extensionObject != null)
                            string specifiedGroupName = extensionObject.Value<string>("name");
                            string parameterGroupName;
                            if (specifiedGroupName == null)
                                string postfix = extensionObject.Value<string>("postfix") ?? "Parameters";
                                parameterGroupName = method.Group + "-" + method.Name + "-" + postfix;
                                parameterGroupName = specifiedGroupName;

                            if (!parameterGroups.ContainsKey(parameterGroupName))
                                parameterGroups.Add(parameterGroupName, new Dictionary<Property, Parameter>());

                            Property groupProperty = new Property()
                                IsReadOnly = false, //Since these properties are used as parameters they are never read only
                                Name = parameter.Name,
                                IsRequired = parameter.IsRequired,
                                DefaultValue = parameter.DefaultValue,
                                //Constraints = parameter.Constraints, Omit these since we don't want to perform parameter validation
                                Documentation = parameter.Documentation,
                                Type = parameter.Type,
                                SerializedName = null //Parameter is never serialized directly

                            parameterGroups[parameterGroupName].Add(groupProperty, parameter);

                foreach (string parameterGroupName in parameterGroups.Keys)
                    CompositeType parameterGroupType =
                        generatedParameterGroups.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == parameterGroupName);
                    bool createdNewCompositeType = false;
                    if (parameterGroupType == null)
                        parameterGroupType = new CompositeType()
                            Name = parameterGroupName,
                            Documentation = "Additional parameters for the " + method.Name + " operation."

                        //Populate the parameter group type with properties.

                        //Add to the service client
                        createdNewCompositeType = true;

                    foreach (Property property in parameterGroups[parameterGroupName].Keys)
                        //Either the paramter group is "empty" since it is new, or it is "full" and we don't allow different schemas
                        if (createdNewCompositeType)
                            Property matchingProperty = parameterGroupType.Properties.FirstOrDefault(
                                item => item.Name == property.Name &&
                                        item.IsReadOnly == property.IsReadOnly &&
                                        item.DefaultValue == property.DefaultValue &&
                                        item.SerializedName == property.SerializedName);

                            if (matchingProperty == null)
                                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Property {0} was specified on group {1} but it is not on shared parameter group object {2}",
                                    property.Name, method.Name, parameterGroupType.Name));

                    bool isGroupParameterRequired = parameterGroupType.Properties.Any(p => p.IsRequired);

                    //Create the new parameter object based on the parameter group type
                    Parameter parameterGroup = new Parameter()
                        Name = parameterGroupName,
                        IsRequired = isGroupParameterRequired,
                        Location = ParameterLocation.None,
                        SerializedName = string.Empty,
                        Type = parameterGroupType,
                        Documentation = "Additional parameters for the operation"


                    //Link the grouped parameters to their parent, and remove them from the method parameters
                    foreach (Property property in parameterGroups[parameterGroupName].Keys)
                        Parameter p = parameterGroups[parameterGroupName][property];

                        var parameterTransformation = new ParameterTransformation
                            OutputParameter = p
                        parameterTransformation.ParameterMappings.Add(new ParameterMapping
                            InputParameter = parameterGroup,
                            InputParameterProperty = property.Name
Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Flattens the request payload if the number of properties of the 
        /// payload is less than or equal to the PayloadFlatteningThreshold.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceClient">Service client</param>                            
        /// <param name="settings">AutoRest settings</param>                            
        public static void FlattenRequestPayload(ServiceClient serviceClient, Settings settings)
            if (serviceClient == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("serviceClient");    
            if (settings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("settings");

            foreach (var method in serviceClient.Methods)
                var bodyParameter = method.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(
                    p => p.Location == ParameterLocation.Body);

                if (bodyParameter != null)
                    var bodyParameterType = bodyParameter.Type as CompositeType;
                    if (bodyParameterType != null && bodyParameterType.ComposedProperties.Count(p => !p.IsConstant) <= settings.PayloadFlatteningThreshold)
                        var parameterTransformation = new ParameterTransformation
                            OutputParameter = bodyParameter

                        foreach (var property in bodyParameterType.ComposedProperties.Where(p => !p.IsConstant))
                            var newMethodParameter = new Parameter();

                            parameterTransformation.ParameterMappings.Add(new ParameterMapping
                                InputParameter = newMethodParameter,
                                OutputParameterProperty = property.Name

        public void VerifyInputMappingsForGrouping()
            var serviceClient = new ServiceClient();
            serviceClient.Name = "test service client";

            var customObjectType = new CompositeType();
            customObjectType.Name = "Foo";
            customObjectType.Properties.Add(new Property
                Name = "A",
                Type = PrimaryType.Boolean
            customObjectType.Properties.Add(new Property
                Name = "B",
                Type = new PrimaryType(KnownPrimaryType.String)
            var method = new Method
                Name = "method1",
                Group = "mGroup",
                ReturnType = new Response(customObjectType, null)
            var inputParameter = new Parameter { Name = "body", Type = customObjectType };
            method.InputParameterTransformation.Add(new ParameterTransformation
                OutputParameter = new Parameter { Name = "paramA", Type = new PrimaryType(KnownPrimaryType.String), SerializedName = "paramA" }
            method.InputParameterTransformation.Last().ParameterMappings.Add(new ParameterMapping
                InputParameter = inputParameter,
                InputParameterProperty = "A"
            method.InputParameterTransformation.Add(new ParameterTransformation
                OutputParameter = new Parameter { Name = "paramB", Type = new PrimaryType(KnownPrimaryType.String), SerializedName = "paramB" }
            method.InputParameterTransformation.Last().ParameterMappings.Add(new ParameterMapping
                InputParameter = inputParameter,
                InputParameterProperty = "B"

            MethodTemplateModel templateModel = new MethodTemplateModel(method, serviceClient);
            var output = templateModel.BuildInputMappings();
            string expected =
          @"String paramA = null;
            if (body != null)
                paramA = body.A;
            String paramB = null;
            if (body != null)
                paramB = body.B;

            MultilineAreEqual(expected, output.Trim());
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the parameter groups to operation parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceClient"></param>
        public static void AddParameterGroups(ServiceClient serviceClient)
            if (serviceClient == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("serviceClient");

            HashSet<CompositeType> generatedParameterGroups = new HashSet<CompositeType>();

            foreach (Method method in serviceClient.Methods)
                //Copy out flattening transformations as they should be the last
                List<ParameterTransformation> flatteningTransformations = method.InputParameterTransformation.ToList();

                //This group name is normalized by each languages code generator later, so it need not happen here.
                Dictionary<string, Dictionary<Property, Parameter>> parameterGroups = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<Property, Parameter>>();

                foreach (Parameter parameter in method.Parameters)
                    if (parameter.Extensions.ContainsKey(ParameterGroupExtension))
                        JContainer extensionObject = parameter.Extensions[ParameterGroupExtension] as JContainer;
                        if (extensionObject != null)
                            string specifiedGroupName = extensionObject.Value<string>("name");
                            string parameterGroupName;
                            if (specifiedGroupName == null)
                                string postfix = extensionObject.Value<string>("postfix") ?? "Parameters";
                                parameterGroupName = method.Group + "-" + method.Name + "-" + postfix;
                                parameterGroupName = specifiedGroupName;

                            if (!parameterGroups.ContainsKey(parameterGroupName))
                                parameterGroups.Add(parameterGroupName, new Dictionary<Property, Parameter>());

                            Property groupProperty = new Property()
                                IsReadOnly = false, //Since these properties are used as parameters they are never read only
                                Name = parameter.Name,
                                IsRequired = parameter.IsRequired,
                                DefaultValue = parameter.DefaultValue,
                                //Constraints = parameter.Constraints, Omit these since we don't want to perform parameter validation
                                Documentation = parameter.Documentation,
                                Type = parameter.Type,
                                SerializedName = null //Parameter is never serialized directly
                            // Copy over extensions
                            foreach (var key in parameter.Extensions.Keys)
                                groupProperty.Extensions[key] = parameter.Extensions[key];

                            parameterGroups[parameterGroupName].Add(groupProperty, parameter);

                foreach (string parameterGroupName in parameterGroups.Keys)
                    CompositeType parameterGroupType =
                        generatedParameterGroups.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == parameterGroupName);
                    if (parameterGroupType == null)
                        parameterGroupType = new CompositeType
                            Name = parameterGroupName,
                            Documentation = "Additional parameters for the " + method.Name + " operation."

                        //Add to the service client

                    foreach (Property property in parameterGroups[parameterGroupName].Keys)
                        Property matchingProperty = parameterGroupType.Properties.FirstOrDefault(
                                item => item.Name == property.Name &&
                                        item.IsReadOnly == property.IsReadOnly &&
                                        item.DefaultValue == property.DefaultValue &&
                                        item.SerializedName == property.SerializedName);
                        if (matchingProperty == null)

                    bool isGroupParameterRequired = parameterGroupType.Properties.Any(p => p.IsRequired);

                    //Create the new parameter object based on the parameter group type
                    Parameter parameterGroup = new Parameter()
                        Name = parameterGroupName,
                        IsRequired = isGroupParameterRequired,
                        Location = ClientModel.ParameterLocation.None,
                        SerializedName = string.Empty,
                        Type = parameterGroupType,
                        Documentation = "Additional parameters for the operation"


                    //Link the grouped parameters to their parent, and remove them from the method parameters
                    foreach (Property property in parameterGroups[parameterGroupName].Keys)
                        Parameter p = parameterGroups[parameterGroupName][property];

                        var parameterTransformation = new ParameterTransformation
                            OutputParameter = p
                        parameterTransformation.ParameterMappings.Add(new ParameterMapping
                            InputParameter = parameterGroup,
                            InputParameterProperty = property.GetClientName()

                // Copy back flattening transformations if any
                flatteningTransformations.ForEach(t => method.InputParameterTransformation.Add(t));
        private static Method CreateMethod(HttpMethod httpMethod = HttpMethod.Put, Parameter body = null, IType responseBody = null, string url = null)
            Method method = new Method()
                HttpMethod = httpMethod,
                ReturnType = new Response(responseBody, null),
                Url = url,

            return method;
        public virtual void NormalizeODataMethods(ServiceClient client)
            if (client == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("client");

            foreach (var method in client.Methods)
                if (method.Extensions.ContainsKey(AzureExtensions.ODataExtension))
                    var odataFilter = method.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(p =>
                        p.SerializedName.Equals("$filter", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                        p.Location == ParameterLocation.Query &&
                        p.Type is CompositeType);

                    if (odataFilter == null)

                    // Remove all odata parameters
                    method.Parameters.RemoveAll(source =>
                        (source.SerializedName.Equals("$filter", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                        source.SerializedName.Equals("$top", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                        source.SerializedName.Equals("$orderby", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                        source.SerializedName.Equals("$skip", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                        source.SerializedName.Equals("$expand", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        && source.Location == ParameterLocation.Query);

                    var odataQuery = new Parameter
                        SerializedName = "$filter",
                        Name = "odataQuery",
                        Type = new CompositeType
                            Name = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "ODataQuery<{0}>", odataFilter.Type.Name)
                        Documentation = "OData parameters to apply to the operation.",
                        Location = ParameterLocation.Query,
                        IsRequired = odataFilter.IsRequired
                    odataQuery.Extensions[AzureExtensions.ODataExtension] = method.Extensions[AzureExtensions.ODataExtension];
                    method.Parameters.Insert(0, odataQuery);
        public void VerifyInputMappingsForResources()
            var serviceClient = new ServiceClient();
            serviceClient.Name = "test service client";

            var flattenedPropertyType = new CompositeType();
            flattenedPropertyType.Name = "FooFlattened";
            flattenedPropertyType.Properties.Add(new Property
                Name = "Sku",
                Type = PrimaryType.String
            flattenedPropertyType.Properties.Add(new Property
                Name = "ProvState",
                Type = PrimaryType.String
            flattenedPropertyType.Properties.Add(new Property
                Name = "Id",
                Type = PrimaryType.Int

            var customObjectPropertyType = new CompositeType();
            customObjectPropertyType.Name = "FooProperty";
            customObjectPropertyType.Properties.Add(new Property
                Name = "Sku",
                Type = PrimaryType.String
            customObjectPropertyType.Properties.Add(new Property
                Name = "ProvState",
                Type = PrimaryType.String

            var customObjectType = new CompositeType();
            customObjectType.Name = "Foo";
            customObjectType.Properties.Add(new Property
                Name = "Property",
                Type = customObjectPropertyType
            customObjectType.Properties.Add(new Property
                Name = "Id",
                Type = PrimaryType.Int

            var method = new Method
                Name = "method1",
                Group = "mGroup",
                ReturnType = new Response(flattenedPropertyType, null)
            var inputParameter = new Parameter { Name = "prop", Type = flattenedPropertyType };
            method.InputParameterTransformation.Add(new ParameterTransformation
                OutputParameter = new Parameter { Name = "body", Type = customObjectType, SerializedName = "body" }
            method.InputParameterTransformation.Last().ParameterMappings.Add(new ParameterMapping
                InputParameter = inputParameter,
                InputParameterProperty = "Id",
                OutputParameterProperty = "Id"
            method.InputParameterTransformation.Last().ParameterMappings.Add(new ParameterMapping
                InputParameter = inputParameter,
                InputParameterProperty = "Sku",
                OutputParameterProperty = "Property.Sku"
            method.InputParameterTransformation.Last().ParameterMappings.Add(new ParameterMapping
                InputParameter = inputParameter,
                InputParameterProperty = "ProvState",
                OutputParameterProperty = "Property.ProvState"

            MethodTemplateModel templateModel = new MethodTemplateModel(method, serviceClient);
            var output = templateModel.BuildInputMappings();
            string expected =
          @"String paramA = null;
            if (body != null)
                paramA = body.A;
            String paramB = null;
            if (body != null)
                paramB = body.B;

            MultilineAreEqual(expected, output.Trim());
        public static string GetParameterDocumentationType(Parameter parameter)
            if (parameter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parameter");
            string typeName = PrimaryType.Object.Name;
            if (parameter.Type is PrimaryType)
                typeName = parameter.Type.Name;
            else if (parameter.Type is SequenceType)
                typeName = "array";
            else if (parameter.Type is EnumType)
                typeName = PrimaryType.String.Name;

            return typeName.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds ListNext() method for each List method with x-ms-pageable extension.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceClient"></param>
        public static void AddPageableMethod(ServiceClient serviceClient)
            if (serviceClient == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("serviceClient");

            foreach (var method in serviceClient.Methods.ToArray())
                if (method.Extensions.ContainsKey(PageableExtension))
                    var newMethod = (Method) method.Clone();
                    newMethod.Name = newMethod.Name + "Next";
                    newMethod.Url = "{nextLink}";
                    newMethod.IsAbsoluteUrl = true;
                    var nextLinkParameter = new Parameter
                        Name = "nextLink",
                        SerializedName = "nextLink",
                        Type = PrimaryType.String,
                        Documentation = "NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation.",
                        IsRequired = true,
                        Location = ParameterLocation.Path
                    nextLinkParameter.Extensions[SkipUrlEncodingExtension] = true;
        private static string BuildSerializeDataCall(Parameter parameter, string functionName)
            string divChar = ClientModelExtensions.NeedsFormattedSeparator(parameter);
            string divParameter = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(divChar))
                divParameter = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, ", div='{0}'", divChar);

            return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                    "self._serialize.{0}(\"{1}\", {1}, '{2}'{3}{4})",
                        parameter.SkipUrlEncoding() ? ", skip_quote=True" : string.Empty,
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the parameter groups to operation parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceClient"></param>
        public static void AddParameterGroups(ServiceClient serviceClient)
            if (serviceClient == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("serviceClient");

            foreach (Method method in serviceClient.Methods)
                //This group name is normalized by each languages code generator later, so it need not happen here.
                Dictionary<string, Dictionary<Property, Parameter>> parameterGroups = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<Property, Parameter>>();
                foreach (Parameter parameter in method.Parameters)
                    if (parameter.Extensions.ContainsKey(ParameterGroupExtension))
                        Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JContainer extensionObject = parameter.Extensions[ParameterGroupExtension] as Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JContainer;
                        if (extensionObject != null)
                            string parameterGroupName = method.Group + "-" + method.Name + "-" + "Parameters";
                            parameterGroupName = extensionObject.Value<string>("name") ?? parameterGroupName;
                            if (!parameterGroups.ContainsKey(parameterGroupName))
                                parameterGroups.Add(parameterGroupName, new Dictionary<Property, Parameter>());

                            Property groupProperty = new Property()
                                    IsReadOnly = false, //Since these properties are used as parameters they are never read only
                                    Name = parameter.Name,
                                    IsRequired = parameter.IsRequired,
                                    DefaultValue = parameter.DefaultValue,
                                    //Constraints = parameter.Constraints, Omit these since we don't want to perform parameter validation
                                    Documentation = parameter.Documentation,
                                    Type = parameter.Type,
                                    SerializedName = null //Parameter is never serialized directly
                            parameterGroups[parameterGroupName].Add(groupProperty, parameter);

                foreach (string parameterGroupName in parameterGroups.Keys)
                    //Define the new parameter group type (it's always a composite type)
                    CompositeType parameterGroupType = new CompositeType()
                            Name = parameterGroupName,
                            Documentation = "Additional parameters for the " + method.Name + " operation."
                    //Populate the parameter group type with properties.
                    foreach (Property property in parameterGroups[parameterGroupName].Keys)

                    //Add to the service client

                    bool isGroupParameterRequired = parameterGroupType.Properties.Any(p => p.IsRequired);

                    //Create the new parameter object based on the parameter group type
                    Parameter parameterGroup = new Parameter()
                            Name = parameterGroupName,
                            IsRequired = isGroupParameterRequired,
                            Location = ParameterLocation.None,
                            SerializedName = string.Empty,
                            Type = parameterGroupType,
                            Documentation = "Additional parameters for the operation"

                    //Link the grouped parameters to their parent, and remove them from the method parameters
                    foreach (Property property in parameterGroups[parameterGroupName].Keys)
                        Parameter p = parameterGroups[parameterGroupName][property];
                        method.InputParameterMappings.Add(new ParameterMapping
                            InputParameter = parameterGroup,
                            OutputParameter = p,
                            InputParameterProperty = property.Name