private void ShowHelpExecute(object target, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
			if (!aboutWindowOpened)
				AboutWindow window = new AboutWindow();
				window.Closed += new EventHandler(aboutWindow_Closed);
				window.DataContext = plotter2D;

				window.Owner = Window.GetWindow(plotter2D);

				aboutWindowOpened = true;

				e.Handled = true;
		private void ShowHelpExecute(object target, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
			if (!aboutWindowOpened)
				AboutWindow window = new AboutWindow();
				window.Closed += new EventHandler(aboutWindow_Closed);
				window.DataContext = plotter2D;
				window.Owner = Window.GetWindow(plotter2D);
				aboutWindowOpened = true;

				//            string helpText =
				//@"Dynamic Data Display is in ""Auto Fit"" mode by default.
				//By using mouse with shift or ctrl pressed you can manually select an area to display.
				//Mouse wheel, '+' and '-' — Zoom in/Zoom out
				//Mouse drag or arrow keys — Pan the display area
				//Ctrl + Mouse drag — Select an area to zoom in
				//Shift + Mouse drag — Select an area with fixed aspect ratio
				//Home — Fit to view
				//F11 — Copy chart to clipboard";

				//            MessageBox.Show(helpText, "DynamicDataDisplay Quick Help", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);

				e.Handled = true;