Exemple #1
        public List <ExtractResult> Extract(string text, DateObject reference)
            var ret = new List <ExtractResult>();

            if (((this.config.Options & DateTimeOptions.FailFast) != 0) && IsFailFastCase(text))
                // @TODO needs better handling of holidays and timezones.
                // AddTo(ret, this.config.HolidayExtractor.Extract(text, reference), text);
                // ret = AddMod(ret, text);


            var originText = text;
            List <MatchResult <string> > superfluousWordMatches = null;

            if ((this.config.Options & DateTimeOptions.EnablePreview) != 0)
                text = MatchingUtil.PreProcessTextRemoveSuperfluousWords(
                    out superfluousWordMatches);

            // The order is important, since there can be conflicts in merging
            AddTo(ret, this.config.DateExtractor.Extract(text, reference), text);
            AddTo(ret, this.config.TimeExtractor.Extract(text, reference), text);
            AddTo(ret, this.config.DatePeriodExtractor.Extract(text, reference), text);
            AddTo(ret, this.config.DurationExtractor.Extract(text, reference), text);
            AddTo(ret, this.config.TimePeriodExtractor.Extract(text, reference), text);
            AddTo(ret, this.config.DateTimePeriodExtractor.Extract(text, reference), text);
            AddTo(ret, this.config.DateTimeExtractor.Extract(text, reference), text);
            AddTo(ret, this.config.SetExtractor.Extract(text, reference), text);
            AddTo(ret, this.config.HolidayExtractor.Extract(text, reference), text);

            if ((this.config.Options & DateTimeOptions.EnablePreview) != 0)
                AddTo(ret, this.config.TimeZoneExtractor.Extract(text, reference), text);
                ret = this.config.TimeZoneExtractor.RemoveAmbiguousTimezone(ret);

            // This should be the last extraction step, as it needs to determine if the previous text contains time or not
            AddTo(ret, NumberEndingRegexMatch(text, ret), text);

            // Modify time entity to an alternative DateTime expression if it follows a DateTime entity
            if ((this.config.Options & DateTimeOptions.ExtendedTypes) != 0)
                ret = this.config.DateTimeAltExtractor.Extract(ret, text, reference);

            ret = FilterUnspecificDatePeriod(ret);

            // Remove common ambiguous cases
            ret = FilterAmbiguity(ret, text);

            ret = AddMod(ret, text);

            // Filtering
            if ((this.config.Options & DateTimeOptions.CalendarMode) != 0)
                ret = CheckCalendarModeFilters(ret, text);

            ret = ret.OrderBy(p => p.Start).ToList();

            if ((this.config.Options & DateTimeOptions.EnablePreview) != 0)
                ret = MatchingUtil.PostProcessRecoverSuperfluousWords(ret, superfluousWordMatches, originText);
