CanLoadModuleType() public méthode

Evaluates the ModuleInfo.Ref property to see if the current typeloader will be able to retrieve the moduleInfo. Returns true if the ModuleInfo.Ref property starts with "file://", because this indicates that the file is a local file.
public CanLoadModuleType ( ModuleInfo moduleInfo ) : bool
moduleInfo Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Modularity.ModuleInfo Module that should have it's type loaded.
Résultat bool
        public void CanLoadModulesWithUrlThatHaveFilePrefix()
            MefFileModuleTypeLoader loader = new MefFileModuleTypeLoader();
            ModuleInfo info = this.CreateModuleInfo();

            bool canLoad = loader.CanLoadModuleType(info);

        public void CannotLoadModulesWithUrlThatDontHaveFilePrefix()
            MefFileModuleTypeLoader loader = new MefFileModuleTypeLoader();
            ModuleInfo info = this.CreateModuleInfo();
            info.Ref = "MefModulesForTesting.dll";

            bool canLoad = loader.CanLoadModuleType(info);
