Exemple #1
            /// <summary>
            /// Revert the list view suggestion.
            /// Namely, clear the list view and revert the buffer to the original user input.
            /// </summary>
            internal bool RevertSuggestion()
                bool retValue = false;

                if (ActiveView is PredictionListView listView && listView.HasActiveSuggestion)
                    if (listView.SelectedItemIndex > -1 && _singleton._undoEditIndex > 0)
                        _singleton._edits[_singleton._undoEditIndex - 1].Undo();

                    retValue    = true;
                    using var _ = DisableScoped();

Exemple #2
        private static ConsoleKeyInfo ReadKey()
            // Reading a key is handled on a different thread.  During process shutdown,
            // PowerShell will wait in it's ConsoleCtrlHandler until the pipeline has completed.
            // If we're running, we're most likely blocked waiting for user input.
            // This is a problem for two reasons.  First, exiting takes a long time (5 seconds
            // on Win8) because PowerShell is waiting forever, but the OS will forcibly terminate
            // the console.  Also - if there are any event handlers for the engine event
            // PowerShell.Exiting, those handlers won't get a chance to run.
            // By waiting for a key on a different thread, our pipeline execution thread
            // (the thread Readline is called from) avoid being blocked in code that can't
            // be unblocked and instead blocks on events we control.

            // First, set an event so the thread to read a key actually attempts to read a key.

            int handleId;

            System.Management.Automation.PowerShell ps = null;

                while (true)
                    // Next, wait for one of three things:
                    //   - a key is pressed
                    //   - the console is exiting
                    //   - 300ms - to process events if we're idle

                    handleId = WaitHandle.WaitAny(_singleton._requestKeyWaitHandles, 300);
                    if (handleId != WaitHandle.WaitTimeout)
                    if (_singleton._engineIntrinsics == null)

                    // If we timed out, check for event subscribers (which is just
                    // a hint that there might be an event waiting to be processed.)
                    var eventSubscribers = _singleton._engineIntrinsics.Events.Subscribers;
                    if (eventSubscribers.Count > 0)
                        bool runPipelineForEventProcessing = false;
                        foreach (var sub in eventSubscribers)
                            if (sub.SourceIdentifier.Equals("PowerShell.OnIdle", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                // There is an OnIdle event.  We're idle because we timed out.  Normally
                                // PowerShell generates this event, but PowerShell assumes the engine is not
                                // idle because it called PSConsoleHostReadline which isn't returning.
                                // So we generate the event intstead.
                                _singleton._engineIntrinsics.Events.GenerateEvent("PowerShell.OnIdle", null, null, null);
                                runPipelineForEventProcessing = true;

                            // If there are any event subscribers that have an action (which might
                            // write to the console) and have a source object (i.e. aren't engine
                            // events), run a tiny useless bit of PowerShell so that the events
                            // can be processed.
                            if (sub.Action != null && sub.SourceObject != null)
                                runPipelineForEventProcessing = true;

                        if (runPipelineForEventProcessing)
                            if (ps == null)
                                ps = System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.Create(RunspaceMode.CurrentRunspace);

                            // To detect output during possible event processing, see if the cursor moved
                            // and rerender if so.
                            var console = _singleton._console;
                            var y       = console.CursorTop;
                            if (y != console.CursorTop)
                                _singleton._initialY = console.CursorTop;
                if (ps != null)

            if (handleId == 1)
                // The console is exiting - throw an exception to unwind the stack to the point
                // where we can return from ReadLine.
                if (_singleton.Options.HistorySaveStyle == HistorySaveStyle.SaveAtExit)

                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            var key = _singleton._queuedKeys.Dequeue();

Exemple #3
        internal static PSKeyInfo ReadKey()
            // Reading a key is handled on a different thread.  During process shutdown,
            // PowerShell will wait in it's ConsoleCtrlHandler until the pipeline has completed.
            // If we're running, we're most likely blocked waiting for user input.
            // This is a problem for two reasons.  First, exiting takes a long time (5 seconds
            // on Win8) because PowerShell is waiting forever, but the OS will forcibly terminate
            // the console.  Also - if there are any event handlers for the engine event
            // PowerShell.Exiting, those handlers won't get a chance to run.
            // By waiting for a key on a different thread, our pipeline execution thread
            // (the thread ReadLine is called from) avoid being blocked in code that can't
            // be unblocked and instead blocks on events we control.

            // First, set an event so the thread to read a key actually attempts to read a key.

            int handleId;

            System.Management.Automation.PowerShell ps = null;

                while (true)
                    // Next, wait for one of three things:
                    //   - a key is pressed
                    //   - the console is exiting
                    //   - 300ms timeout - to process events if we're idle
                    //   - ReadLine cancellation is requested externally
                    handleId = WaitHandle.WaitAny(_singleton._requestKeyWaitHandles, 300);
                    if (handleId != WaitHandle.WaitTimeout)

                    if (_handleIdleOverride is not null)

                    // If we timed out, check for event subscribers (which is just
                    // a hint that there might be an event waiting to be processed.)
                    var eventSubscribers = _singleton._engineIntrinsics?.Events.Subscribers;
                    if (eventSubscribers?.Count > 0)
                        bool runPipelineForEventProcessing = false;
                        foreach (var sub in eventSubscribers)
                            if (sub.SourceIdentifier.Equals(PSEngineEvent.OnIdle, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                // If the buffer is not empty, let's not consider we are idle because the user is in the middle of typing something.
                                if (_singleton._buffer.Length > 0)

                                // There is an OnIdle event subscriber and we are idle because we timed out and the buffer is empty.
                                // Normally PowerShell generates this event, but PowerShell assumes the engine is not idle because
                                // it called PSConsoleHostReadLine which isn't returning. So we generate the event instead.
                                runPipelineForEventProcessing = true;
                                _singleton._engineIntrinsics.Events.GenerateEvent(PSEngineEvent.OnIdle, null, null, null);

                                // Break out so we don't genreate more than one 'OnIdle' event for a timeout.

                            runPipelineForEventProcessing = true;

                        // If there are any event subscribers, run a tiny useless PowerShell pipeline
                        // so that the events can be processed.
                        if (runPipelineForEventProcessing)
                            if (ps == null)
                                ps = System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.Create(RunspaceMode.CurrentRunspace);
                                ps.AddScript("0", useLocalScope: true);

                            // To detect output during possible event processing, see if the cursor moved
                            // and rerender if so.
                            var console = _singleton._console;
                            var y       = console.CursorTop;
                            if (y != console.CursorTop)
                                _singleton._initialY = console.CursorTop;

            if (handleId == ConsoleExiting)
                // The console is exiting - throw an exception to unwind the stack to the point
                // where we can return from ReadLine.
                if (_singleton.Options.HistorySaveStyle == HistorySaveStyle.SaveAtExit)

                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            if (handleId == CancellationRequested)
                // ReadLine was cancelled. Save the current line to be restored next time ReadLine
                // is called, clear the buffer and throw an exception so we can return an empty string.
                _singleton._getNextHistoryIndex = _singleton._history.Count;
                _singleton._current             = 0;
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            var key = _singleton._queuedKeys.Dequeue();
