public override void OnAction(IMFDeployForm form, MFDevice device)
                if (form == null || device == null) return;

                _DBG.Engine engine = device.DbgEngine;


            public override void OnAction(IMFDeployForm form, MFDevice device)
                if (device.ConnectToTinyBooter())
                    _WP.Commands.Monitor_FlashSectorMap.Reply reply = device.DbgEngine.GetFlashSectorMap();

                    if (reply != null)
                        foreach (_WP.Commands.Monitor_FlashSectorMap.FlashSectorData sector in reply.m_map)
                            if (0 != (sector.m_flags & _WP.Commands.Monitor_FlashSectorMap.c_MEMORY_USAGE_CODE) ||
                                0 != (sector.m_flags & _WP.Commands.Monitor_FlashSectorMap.c_MEMORY_USAGE_CONFIG))
                                device.DbgEngine.EraseMemory(sector.m_address, sector.m_size);
            public override void OnAction(IMFDeployForm form, MFDevice device)
                _DBG.Engine engine = device.DbgEngine;

                if (device.ConnectToTinyBooter())
                    // ExecuteMemory at address 0 performs an enumerate and execute, which
                    // will clear the bootloader entry flag
                    form.DumpToOutput("Unable to connect to TinyBooter!");
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the given public signature key
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newKeyInfo">Information that is used to update the key: including the new key,
        /// the new key signature (if the key has already been set), and the key index</param>
        /// <returns>true if successful false otherwise</returns>
        public bool UpdatePublicKey(PublicKeyUpdateInfo newKeyInfo)
            bool fRequiresReboot = false;
            bool retVal          = false;

            _DBG.PublicKeyIndex keyIndex;

            if (!m_init)

            if (!m_init)
                throw new MFInvalidConfigurationSectorException();
            if (!m_fStaticCfgOK)
                throw new MFInvalidConfigurationSectorException();
            if ((newKeyInfo.NewPublicKey.Length) != TINYBOOTER_KEY_CONFIG.c_RSAKeyLength)
                throw new MFInvalidKeyLengthException();

            if (newKeyInfo.PublicKeyIndex == PublicKeyUpdateInfo.KeyIndex.DeploymentKey)
                keyIndex        = _DBG.PublicKeyIndex.DeploymentKey;
                fRequiresReboot = m_deployKeyLocked;
                keyIndex        = _DBG.PublicKeyIndex.FirmwareKey;
                fRequiresReboot = m_firmwareKeyLocked;

            if (m_device.DbgEngine.ConnectionSource != Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.ConnectionSource.TinyBooter)
                if (!m_device.ConnectToTinyBooter())
                    throw new MFDeviceNoResponseException();

            if (m_device.DbgEngine.UpdateSignatureKey(keyIndex, newKeyInfo.NewPublicKeySignature, newKeyInfo.NewPublicKey, null))
                // if the key was previously set it requires an erase and a write which requires a reboot on some devices
                if (fRequiresReboot)

                retVal = true;

            PingConnectionType conn = m_device.Ping();

            if (PingConnectionType.TinyBooter == conn)

Exemple #5
        // Initialize the internal structures.
        private void InitializeConfigData()
            uint hal_config_block_size  = 0;
            uint hal_config_static_size = 0;
            int  index = 0;

                hal_config_block_size  = (uint)sizeof(HAL_CONFIG_BLOCK);
                hal_config_static_size = (uint)sizeof(HAL_CONFIGURATION_SECTOR) - hal_config_block_size;

            m_cfg_sector.m_address = uint.MaxValue;
            m_cfg_sector.m_size    = 0;

            _DBG.Engine engine = m_device.DbgEngine;

            if (!engine.TryToConnect(10, 100, true, Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.ConnectionSource.Unknown))
                throw new MFDeviceNoResponseException();

            if (!m_device.UpgradeToSsl())
                if (m_device.DbgEngine.ConnectionSource != Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.ConnectionSource.TinyBooter)
                    if (!m_device.ConnectToTinyBooter())
                        throw new MFDeviceNoResponseException();

            _DBG.WireProtocol.Commands.Monitor_FlashSectorMap.Reply reply = engine.GetFlashSectorMap();

            // Find the config sector
            foreach (_DBG.WireProtocol.Commands.Monitor_FlashSectorMap.FlashSectorData fsd in reply.m_map)
                const uint usage_mask = _DBG.WireProtocol.Commands.Monitor_FlashSectorMap.c_MEMORY_USAGE_MASK;
                const uint usage_cfg  = _DBG.WireProtocol.Commands.Monitor_FlashSectorMap.c_MEMORY_USAGE_CONFIG;

                if (usage_cfg == (fsd.m_flags & usage_mask))
                    m_cfg_sector = fsd;

            // read in the configuration data if the config sector was found
            if (m_cfg_sector.m_address != uint.MaxValue)
                int hal_static_cfg_size = 0;
                    hal_static_cfg_size = sizeof(HAL_CONFIGURATION_SECTOR);

                // read in the static portion of the config sector
                engine.ReadMemory(m_cfg_sector.m_address, (uint)hal_static_cfg_size, out m_all_cfg_data);

                m_StaticConfig = (HAL_CONFIGURATION_SECTOR)UnmarshalData(m_all_cfg_data, typeof(HAL_CONFIGURATION_SECTOR));

                // uninitialized config sector, lets try to fix it
                if (m_StaticConfig.ConfigurationLength == 0xFFFFFFFF)
                    m_StaticConfig.ConfigurationLength = (uint)hal_static_cfg_size;
                    m_StaticConfig.Version.Major       = 3;
                    m_StaticConfig.Version.Minor       = 0;
                    m_StaticConfig.Version.Extra       = 0;
                    m_StaticConfig.Version.TinyBooter  = 4;

                if (m_StaticConfig.ConfigurationLength >= m_cfg_sector.m_size)
                    throw new MFInvalidConfigurationSectorException();

                if (m_StaticConfig.Version.TinyBooter == 4)
                    m_fStaticCfgOK = true;
                    m_fStaticCfgOK = (m_StaticConfig.ConfigurationLength != hal_config_static_size);

                // determine if we have a new or old version of the config (security keys are only supported in the new version)
                m_fValidConfig = (m_StaticConfig.Version.TinyBooter == CONFIG_SECTOR_VERSION.c_CurrentTinyBooterVersion);

                if (m_fStaticCfgOK)
                    m_firmwareKeyLocked = CheckKeyLocked(m_StaticConfig, true);
                    m_deployKeyLocked   = CheckKeyLocked(m_StaticConfig, false);

                // move to the dynamic configuration section
                index = (int)m_StaticConfig.ConfigurationLength;

                m_lastCfgIndex = index;

                while (true)
                    byte[] data;

                    // read the next configuration block
                    engine.ReadMemory((uint)(m_cfg_sector.m_address + index), hal_config_block_size, out data);

                    HAL_CONFIG_BLOCK cfg_header = (HAL_CONFIG_BLOCK)UnmarshalData(data, typeof(HAL_CONFIG_BLOCK));

                    // out of memory or last record
                    if (cfg_header.Size > m_cfg_sector.m_size)
                        // last record or bogus entry
                        m_lastCfgIndex = index;

                        // save the configuration data for later use
                        m_all_cfg_data = new byte[m_lastCfgIndex];

                        int    idx = 0;
                        byte[] tmp;

                        while (idx < index)
                            int size = 512;

                            if ((index - idx) < size)
                                size = index - idx;

                            engine.ReadMemory((uint)(m_cfg_sector.m_address + idx), (uint)size, out tmp);

                            Array.Copy(tmp, 0, m_all_cfg_data, idx, tmp.Length);

                            idx += size;

                        break; // no more configs

                    // move to the next configuration block
                    if (cfg_header.Size + hal_config_block_size + index > m_cfg_sector.m_size)
                        // end of config sector

                    m_cfgHash[cfg_header.DriverNameString] = new ConfigIndexData(index, (int)(cfg_header.Size + hal_config_block_size));

                    index += (int)(cfg_header.Size + hal_config_block_size);

                    while (0 != (index % 4))
            m_init = true;