Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes a single-mutation neighborhood (one param at a time) for a given configuration. For
        /// numeric parameters, samples K mutations (i.e., creates K neighbors based on that paramater).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">Starting configuration.</param>
        /// <returns>A set of configurations that each differ from parent in exactly one parameter.</returns>
        private ParameterSet[] GetOneMutationNeighborhood(ParameterSet parent)
            List <ParameterSet>     neighbors = new List <ParameterSet>();
            SweeperProbabilityUtils spu       = new SweeperProbabilityUtils();

            for (int i = 0; i < _sweepParameters.Length; i++)
                // This allows us to query possible values of this parameter.
                IValueGenerator sweepParam = _sweepParameters[i];

                // This holds the actual value for this parameter, chosen in this parameter set.
                IParameterValue pset = parent[sweepParam.Name];

                AutoMlUtils.Assert(pset != null);

                DiscreteValueGenerator parameterDiscrete = sweepParam as DiscreteValueGenerator;
                if (parameterDiscrete != null)
                    // Create one neighbor for every discrete parameter.
                    Float[] neighbor = SweeperProbabilityUtils.ParameterSetAsFloatArray(_sweepParameters, parent, false);

                    int hotIndex = -1;
                    for (int j = 0; j < parameterDiscrete.Count; j++)
                        if (parameterDiscrete[j].Equals(pset))
                            hotIndex = j;

                    AutoMlUtils.Assert(hotIndex >= 0);

                    Random r           = new Random();
                    int    randomIndex = r.Next(0, parameterDiscrete.Count - 1);
                    randomIndex += randomIndex >= hotIndex ? 1 : 0;
                    neighbor[i]  = randomIndex;
                    neighbors.Add(SweeperProbabilityUtils.FloatArrayAsParameterSet(_sweepParameters, neighbor, false));
                    INumericValueGenerator parameterNumeric = sweepParam as INumericValueGenerator;
                    AutoMlUtils.Assert(parameterNumeric != null, "SMAC sweeper can only sweep over discrete and numeric parameters");

                    // Create k neighbors (typically 4) for every numerical parameter.
                    for (int j = 0; j < _args.NumNeighborsForNumericalParams; j++)
                        Float[] neigh  = SweeperProbabilityUtils.ParameterSetAsFloatArray(_sweepParameters, parent, false);
                        double  newVal = spu.NormalRVs(1, neigh[i], 0.2)[0];
                        while (newVal <= 0.0 || newVal >= 1.0)
                            newVal = spu.NormalRVs(1, neigh[i], 0.2)[0];
                        neigh[i] = (Float)newVal;
                        ParameterSet neighbor = SweeperProbabilityUtils.FloatArrayAsParameterSet(_sweepParameters, neigh, false);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sample child configuration from configuration centered at parent, using fitness proportional mutation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">Starting parent configuration (used as mean in multivariate Gaussian).</param>
        /// <param name="fitness">Numeric value indicating how good a configuration parent is.</param>
        /// <param name="n">Count of how many items currently in history.</param>
        /// <param name="previousRuns">Run history.</param>
        /// <param name="rMean">Mean metric value of previous random runs.</param>
        /// <param name="rVar">Metric value empirical variance of previous random runs.</param>
        /// <param name="isMetricMaximizing">Flag for if we are minimizing or maximizing values.</param>
        /// <returns>A mutated version of parent (i.e., point sampled near parent).</returns>
        private ParameterSet SampleChild(ParameterSet parent, double fitness, int n, IRunResult[] previousRuns, double rMean, double rVar, bool isMetricMaximizing)
            Float[]       child = SweeperProbabilityUtils.ParameterSetAsFloatArray(_sweepParameters, parent, false);
            List <int>    numericParamIndices = new List <int>();
            List <double> numericParamValues  = new List <double>();
            int           loopCount           = 0;

            // Interleave uniform random samples, according to proportion defined.
            if (_spu.SampleUniform() <= _args.ProportionRandom)
                ParameterSet ps = _randomSweeper.ProposeSweeps(1)[0];

                for (int i = 0; i < _sweepParameters.Length; i++)
                    // This allows us to query possible values of this parameter.
                    var sweepParam = _sweepParameters[i];

                    if (sweepParam is DiscreteValueGenerator parameterDiscrete)
                        // Sample categorical parameter.
                        double[] categoryWeights = _args.LegacyDpBehavior
                            ? CategoriesToWeightsOld(parameterDiscrete, previousRuns)
                            : CategoriesToWeights(parameterDiscrete, previousRuns);
                        child[i] = SampleCategoricalDist(1, categoryWeights)[0];
                        var parameterNumeric = sweepParam as INumericValueGenerator;

                if (numericParamIndices.Count > 0)
                    if (!_args.Beta)
                        // Sample point from multivariate Gaussian, centered on parent values, with mutation proportional to fitness.
                        double[] mu           = numericParamValues.ToArray();
                        double   correctedVal = isMetricMaximizing
                            ? 1.0 - SweeperProbabilityUtils.NormalCdf(fitness, rMean, rVar)
                            : 1.0 - SweeperProbabilityUtils.NormalCdf(2 * rMean - fitness, rMean, rVar);
                        double     bandwidthScale  = Math.Max(_args.MinimumMutationSpread, correctedVal);
                        double[]   stddevs         = Enumerable.Repeat(_args.Simple ? 0.2 : bandwidthScale, mu.Length).ToArray();
                        double[][] bandwidthMatrix = BuildBandwidthMatrix(n, stddevs);
                        double[]   sampledPoint    = SampleDiagonalCovMultivariateGaussian(1, mu, bandwidthMatrix)[0];
                        for (int j = 0; j < sampledPoint.Length; j++)
                            child[numericParamIndices[j]] = (Float)Corral(sampledPoint[j]);
                        // If Beta flag set, sample from independent Beta distributions instead.
                        double alpha = 1 + 15 * fitness;
                        foreach (int index in numericParamIndices)
                            const double epsCutoff = 1e-10;
                            double       eps       = Math.Min(Math.Max(child[index], epsCutoff), 1 - epsCutoff);
                            double       beta      = alpha / eps - alpha;
                            child[index] = (Float)Stats.SampleFromBeta(alpha, beta);

                // Don't get stuck at local point.
                if (loopCount > 10)
                    return(_randomSweeper.ProposeSweeps(1, null)[0]);
            } while (_alreadySeenConfigs.Contains(child));

            return(SweeperProbabilityUtils.FloatArrayAsParameterSet(_sweepParameters, child, false));