internal virtual Object Construct(Object[] args){ JSObject newob = new JSObject(null, false); newob.SetParent(this.GetPrototypeForConstructedObject()); Object result = this.Call(args, newob); if (result is ScriptObject || (this is BuiltinFunction && ((BuiltinFunction)this).method.Name.Equals("CreateInstance"))) return result; return newob; }
internal virtual object Construct(object[] args) { JSObject thisob = new JSObject(null, false); thisob.SetParent(this.GetPrototypeForConstructedObject()); object obj3 = this.Call(args, thisob); if (!(obj3 is ScriptObject) && (!(this is BuiltinFunction) || !((BuiltinFunction) this).method.Name.Equals("CreateInstance"))) { return thisob; } return obj3; }
internal JSObject(ScriptObject parent, bool checkSubType) : base(parent) { this.memberCache = null; this.isASubClass = false; this.subClassIR = null; if (checkSubType){ Type subType = this.GetType(); Debug.Assert(subType != typeof(BuiltinFunction)); if (subType != Typeob.JSObject){ this.isASubClass = true; this.subClassIR = TypeReflector.GetTypeReflectorFor(subType); } }else Debug.Assert(this.GetType() == Typeob.JSObject); this.noExpando = this.isASubClass; this.name_table = null; this.field_table = null; this.outer_class_instance = null; }
private PayloadObject parseJsonObject(JSObject jsObject) { PayloadObject payloadObject = new PayloadObject(this); FieldInfo[] fields = jsObject.GetFields(BindingFlags.Default); for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) { JSField field = (JSField)fields[i]; var value = field.GetValue(field); if (value is ArrayObject) { PayloadObject payloadNestedParentObject = new PayloadObject(this); payloadNestedParentObject.Name = field.Name; ArrayObject nestedPayloadObjects = (ArrayObject)field.GetValue(field); payloadNestedParentObject.PayloadObjects.AddRange(this.ParseJsonArray(nestedPayloadObjects)); foreach (PayloadObject po in payloadNestedParentObject.PayloadObjects) { po.Name = field.Name; } payloadObject.PayloadObjects.Add(payloadNestedParentObject); } else if (value is JSObject) { if (field.Name == "__metadata") { payloadObject.Uri = this.GetArrayString(field, "uri"); payloadObject.Type = this.GetArrayString(field, "type"); string etag = this.GetArrayString(field, "etag"); if (etag != null) { payloadObject.ETag = etag; } } else { JSField firstChild = this.GetArrayField(field, 0); if (firstChild != null && firstChild.Name == v2JsonResultsField) { PayloadObject payloadNestedParentObject = new PayloadObject(this); payloadNestedParentObject.Name = field.Name; ArrayObject nestedPayloadObjects = (ArrayObject)firstChild.GetValue(firstChild); payloadNestedParentObject.PayloadObjects.AddRange(this.ParseJsonArray(nestedPayloadObjects)); foreach (PayloadObject po in payloadNestedParentObject.PayloadObjects) { po.Name = field.Name; } payloadObject.PayloadObjects.Add(payloadNestedParentObject); } else if (firstChild != null && firstChild.Name == "__deferred") // Deferred reference/collection { PayloadObject deferredObject = new PayloadObject(this); deferredObject.Name = field.Name; deferredObject.Uri = this.GetArrayString(firstChild, "uri"); deferredObject.Deferred = true; payloadObject.PayloadObjects.Add(deferredObject); } else if (firstChild != null && firstChild.Name == "__mediaresource") { PayloadNamedStream stream = new PayloadNamedStream(); stream.Name = field.Name; stream.ContentType = this.GetArrayString(firstChild, "content-type"); stream.EditLink = this.GetArrayString(firstChild, "edit_media"); stream.SelfLink = this.GetArrayString(firstChild, "media_src"); stream.ETag = this.GetArrayString(firstChild, "etag"); payloadObject.NamedStreams.Add(stream); } else { JSObject objectValue = (JSObject)field.GetValue(field); var objectValueFields = objectValue.GetFields(BindingFlags.Default); if (objectValueFields.Any(f => f.Name == "__metadata" && GetArrayString((JSField)f, "uri") != null)) { PayloadObject referencePayloadObject = parseJsonObject(objectValue); referencePayloadObject.Name = field.Name; referencePayloadObject.Reference = true; payloadObject.PayloadObjects.Add(referencePayloadObject); } else { PayloadComplexProperty payloadProperty = this.parseComplexObject(payloadObject, field); // Complex object payloadObject.PayloadProperties.Add(payloadProperty); } } } } else { PayloadProperty payloadProperty = this.parseSimpleObject(payloadObject, field); payloadObject.PayloadProperties.Add(payloadProperty); } } return payloadObject; }
private List<PayloadObject> ParseSingleJsonObject(JSObject jsonData) { List<PayloadObject> payloadObjects = new List<PayloadObject>(); payloadObjects.Add(this.parseJsonObject(jsonData)); return payloadObjects; }
public override Object Eval(VsaEngine engine) #line 62 "./Nodes/" { // Create a new instance of "Object". JSObject value = new JSObject(EngineInstance.GetEngineInstance(engine) .GetObjectPrototype()); // Evaluate and add the properties. JExprListElem elem = first; while(elem != null) { value.Put(Convert.ToString(, elem.expr.Eval(engine)); elem =; } // Return the object to the caller. return value; }
internal object Construct(JSObject thisob, object[] args) { JSObject obj2 = new JSObject(null, false); obj2.SetParent(base.GetPrototypeForConstructedObject()); obj2.outer_class_instance = thisob; object obj3 = this.Call(args, obj2); if (obj3 is ScriptObject) { return obj3; } return obj2; }
// Perform a constructor call on this object. internal virtual Object Construct(VsaEngine engine, Object[] args) { JSObject obj = new JSObject(GetPrototypeForConstructedObject()); Object result = Call(engine, obj, args); if(result is ScriptObject) { return result; } else { return obj; } }
internal Object Construct(JSObject thisob, Object[] args){ JSObject newob = new JSObject(null, false); newob.SetParent(this.GetPrototypeForConstructedObject()); newob.outer_class_instance = thisob; Object result = this.Call(args, newob); if (result is ScriptObject) return result; return newob; }
internal static object smartToString(JSObject thisObj) { JSObject obj = (JSObject) thisObj; object val = obj.GetDefaultValue (typeof (string), true); if (val == thisObj) return toString (thisObj); else return Convert.ToString (val); }
// Constructor. public PropertyEnumerator(JSObject obj) { this.obj = obj; this.prop =; this.current = null; }
// Constructor. internal GlobalObject(VsaEngine engine) { // Record the engine for later. this.engine = engine; // Create the actual storage value, with no prototype. globalObject = new JSObject(null, engine); // Get the instance object for the engine. EngineInstance inst = EngineInstance.GetEngineInstance(engine); // Add all of the properties to the global object. AddBuiltin(inst, "CollectGarbage"); AddBuiltin(inst, "decodeURI"); AddBuiltin(inst, "decodeURIComponent"); AddBuiltin(inst, "encodeURI"); AddBuiltin(inst, "encodeURIComponent"); AddBuiltin(inst, "escape"); AddBuiltin(inst, "eval"); AddBuiltin(inst, "GetObject"); AddBuiltin(inst, "isFinite"); AddBuiltin(inst, "isNaN"); AddBuiltin(inst, "parseFloat"); AddBuiltin(inst, "parseInt"); AddBuiltin(inst, "ScriptEngine"); AddBuiltin(inst, "ScriptEngineBuildVersion"); AddBuiltin(inst, "ScriptEngineMajorVersion"); AddBuiltin(inst, "ScriptEngineMinorVersion"); AddBuiltin(inst, "unescape"); globalObject.Put("Infinity", Double.PositiveInfinity, PropertyAttributes.DontEnum | PropertyAttributes.DontDelete); globalObject.Put("NaN", Double.NaN, PropertyAttributes.DontEnum | PropertyAttributes.DontDelete); globalObject.Put("undefined", null, PropertyAttributes.DontEnum | PropertyAttributes.DontDelete); #if false AddProperty("ActiveXObject", ActiveXObject); #endif AddProperty("Array", Array); #if false AddProperty("Boolean", Boolean); AddProperty("Date", Date); AddProperty("Enumerator", Enumerator); AddProperty("Error", Error); AddProperty("EvalError", EvalError); #endif AddProperty("Function", Function); AddProperty("Math", Math); AddProperty("Number", Number); AddProperty("Object", Object); #if false AddProperty("RangeError", RangeError); AddProperty("ReferenceError", ReferenceError); AddProperty("RegExp", RegExp); #endif AddProperty("String", String); #if false AddProperty("SyntaxError", SyntaxError); AddProperty("TypeError", TypeError); AddProperty("URIError", URIError); AddProperty("VBArray", VBArray); #endif }