C# (CSharp) Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop Update.SaveAndGotoBookmark - 16 exemples trouvés. Ce sont les exemples réels les mieux notés de Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop.Update.SaveAndGotoBookmark extraits de projets open source. Vous pouvez noter les exemples pour nous aider à en améliorer la qualité.
Update the tableid and position the tableid on the record that was modified. This can be useful when inserting a record because by default the tableid remains in its old location.
Save is the final step in performing an insert or an update. The update is begun by calling creating an Update object and then by calling JetSetColumn or JetSetColumns one or more times to set the record state. Finally, Update is called to complete the update operation. Indexes are updated only by Update or and not during JetSetColumn or JetSetColumns