Exemple #1
        public void CredentialsMustBeValid()

            dynamic ccsInfo = new
                path     = FOLDER_PATH,
                identity = new
                    username = CcsTestUsername,
                    password = "******"
                private_key_password = PVK_PASS

            using (var client = ApiHttpClient.Create()) {
                JObject             webserver = client.Get($"{Configuration.Instance().TEST_SERVER_URL}/api/webserver/");
                string              ccsLink   = Utils.GetLink(webserver, "central_certificates");
                HttpResponseMessage res       = client.PostRaw(ccsLink, (object)ccsInfo);
                Assert.True((int)res.StatusCode == 400);
                JObject apiError = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);
                Assert.True(apiError.Value <string>("name").Equals("identity"));
        public void WebFileRange()
            var physicalPath = Path.Combine(Configuration.TEST_ROOT_PATH, "web_file_range_test");

            if (Directory.Exists(physicalPath))
                Directory.Delete(physicalPath, true);

            JObject site = null;

            using (HttpClient client = ApiHttpClient.Create()) {
                try {
                    var dirs = new List <string>()
                        "dir1", "dir2", "dir3", "dir4"
                    var files = new List <string>()
                        "file1.txt", "file2.txt", "file3.txt", "file4.txt"

                    Sites.EnsureNoSite(client, FILE_TEST_SITE_NAME);
                    site = Sites.CreateSite(client, FILE_TEST_SITE_NAME, Utils.GetAvailablePort(), physicalPath);


                    foreach (var dir in dirs)
                        Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(physicalPath, dir));

                    foreach (var file in files)
                        File.Create(Path.Combine(physicalPath, file)).Dispose();

                    JObject folder = Utils.FollowLink(client, site, "files");

                    HttpRequestMessage req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, Utils.GetLink(folder, "files"));
                    req.Headers.Add("Range", "files=2-5");

                    var res = client.SendAsync(req).Result;


                    var children = JObject.Parse(res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result)["files"].ToObject <IEnumerable <JObject> >();
                    Assert.True(children.Count() == 4);
                finally {
                    Directory.Delete(physicalPath, true);
                    if (site != null)
        public void CreateRemoveRule()
            using (HttpClient client = ApiHttpClient.Create()) {
                JObject feature = GetIpRestrictionsFeature(client, null, null);

                string rulesLink = Utils.GetLink(feature, "entries");

                var rule = new {
                    allowed        = false,
                    ip_address     = "",
                    ip_restriction = feature

                string result;
                Assert.True(client.Get(rulesLink, out result));

                JObject rulesRep = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(result);
                JArray  rules    = rulesRep.Value <JArray>("entries");

                foreach (JObject r in rules)
                    if (r.Value <string>("ip_address").Equals(""))

                Assert.True(client.Post(rulesLink, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(rule), out result));

                JObject newObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(result);

                Assert.False(client.Get(Utils.Self(newObject), out result));
Exemple #4
        public async Task PathMustBeAllowed()
            const string path = @"C:\Not\Allowed\Path";


            CcsUser user = await CcsUser.Get();

            dynamic ccsInfo = new
                path     = path,
                identity = new
                    username = user.Username,
                    password = user.Password
                private_key_password = PVK_PASS

            using (var client = ApiHttpClient.Create()) {
                JObject             webserver = client.Get($"{Configuration.Instance().TEST_SERVER_URL}/api/webserver/");
                string              ccsLink   = Utils.GetLink(webserver, "central_certificates");
                HttpResponseMessage res       = client.PostRaw(ccsLink, (object)ccsInfo);
                Assert.True((int)res.StatusCode == 403);
        private void CreateCheckConflictRemove(HttpClient client, string linkName, ExpandoObject obj, JObject requestFilteringFeature = null)
            if (requestFilteringFeature == null)
                requestFilteringFeature = GetRequestFilteringFeature(client, null, null);

            string link = Utils.GetLink(requestFilteringFeature, linkName);

            dynamic dynamicObj = obj;

            dynamicObj.request_filtering = requestFilteringFeature;

            string result;

            Assert.True(client.Post(link, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj), out result));

            JObject newObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(result);

            // Try to post same object again, ensuring we are returning conflict status code
            HttpContent         content  = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
            HttpResponseMessage response = client.PostAsync(link, content).Result;

            Assert.True(response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Conflict);

            Assert.False(client.Get(Utils.Self(newObject), out result));
Exemple #6
        public void CreateEditDeleteFile()
            using (HttpClient client = ApiHttpClient.Create())
                using (TestSiteContainer container = new TestSiteContainer(client))
                    JObject site = Sites.GetSite(client, container.SiteName);

                    // Create web file
                    var webFile = CreateWebFile(client, site, TEST_FILE_NAME);

                    Assert.True(webFile != null);

                    try {
                        // Get physical file info
                        var fileInfo = Utils.FollowLink(client, webFile.Value <JObject>("file_info"), "self");

                        // Update content of file
                        var testContent = "Microsoft.IIS.Administration.Test.Files";
                        var res         = client.PutAsync(Utils.GetLink(fileInfo, "content"), new StringContent(testContent)).Result;

                        Assert.True(res.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK);

                        // Get updated content of file
                        string result = null;
                        Assert.True(client.Get(Utils.GetLink(fileInfo, "content"), out result));
                        Assert.True(result == testContent);

                        var downloadsHref = Utils.GetLink(fileInfo, "downloads");

                        var dl = new {
                            file = fileInfo

                        // Create download link for file
                        res = client.PostAsync(downloadsHref, new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dl), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")).Result;
                        Assert.True(res.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Created);

                        IEnumerable <string> locationHeader;
                        Assert.True(res.Headers.TryGetValues("location", out locationHeader));
                        var location = locationHeader.First();

                        // Download file
                        Assert.True(client.Get($"{Configuration.TEST_SERVER_URL}{location}", out result));
                        Assert.True(result == testContent);

                        // Update file with empty content
                        res = client.PutAsync(Utils.GetLink(fileInfo, "content"), new ByteArrayContent(new byte[] { })).Result;

                        Assert.True(res.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK);

                        // Assert file truncated
                        res = client.GetAsync(Utils.GetLink(fileInfo, "content")).Result;
                        Assert.True(res.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().Result.Length == 0);
                    finally {
                        Assert.True(client.Delete(Utils.Self(webFile.Value <JObject>("file_info"))));
        public static void DeleteModule(HttpClient client, JObject modulesFeature, string name)
            if (modulesFeature != null)
                string modulesLink = Utils.GetLink(modulesFeature, "entries");

                string result;
                if (!client.Get(modulesLink, out result))
                    throw new Exception();

                JObject modulesRep = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(result);
                var     entries    = modulesRep.Value <JArray>("entries").ToObject <IEnumerable <JObject> >();

                JObject targetModule = entries.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Value <string>("name").Equals(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                if (targetModule != null && !client.Delete(Utils.Self(targetModule)))
                    throw new Exception();

            var globalModules = GetGlobalModulesFeature(client).Value <JArray>("global_modules").ToObject <IEnumerable <JObject> >();;

            JObject targetGlobalModule = globalModules.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Value <string>("name").Equals(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            if (targetGlobalModule != null && !client.Delete(Utils.Self(targetGlobalModule)))
                throw new Exception();
Exemple #8
        private async Task <bool> MockUploadFile(HttpClient client, JObject file, int fileSize)
            const int chunkSize = 1024 * 1024 / 2;

            var initialSize = chunkSize < fileSize ? chunkSize : fileSize;

            return(await UploadFileChunked(client, Utils.GetLink(file, "content"), GetFileSlice(0, initialSize), 0, chunkSize, fileSize));
Exemple #9
 private bool Disable()
     using (var client = ApiHttpClient.Create()) {
         JObject webserver = client.Get($"{Configuration.Instance().TEST_SERVER_URL}/api/webserver/");
         string  ccsLink   = Utils.GetLink(webserver, "central_certificates");
Exemple #10
        public void CopyFile()
            string  copyName    = "TEST_FILE_NAME_COPY.txt";
            string  testContent = "Test content for copying files.";
            JObject copyInfo    = null;

            using (HttpClient client = ApiHttpClient.Create()) {
                JObject site = Sites.GetSite(client, "Default Web Site");

                var webFile = CreateWebFile(client, site, TEST_FILE_NAME);

                var physicalPath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(webFile["file_info"].Value <string>("physical_path"));
                File.WriteAllText(physicalPath, testContent);

                try {
                    var fileInfo = Utils.FollowLink(client, webFile.Value <JObject>("file_info"), "self");
                    var parent   = fileInfo.Value <JObject>("parent");

                    var copy = new
                        name   = copyName,
                        parent = parent,
                        file   = fileInfo

                    copyInfo = client.Post(Utils.GetLink(fileInfo, "copy"), copy);


                    // Wait for copy to finish
                    HttpResponseMessage res = null;
                        res = client.GetAsync(Utils.Self(copyInfo)).Result;
                    } while (res.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK);

                    var copyParent       = new DirectoryInfo(physicalPath).Parent.FullName;
                    var copyPhysicalPath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(copyInfo["file"].Value <string>("physical_path"));

                    Assert.True(copyPhysicalPath.Equals(Path.Combine(copyParent, copyName), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                    var copyContent = File.ReadAllText(copyPhysicalPath);

                    Assert.Equal(copyContent, testContent);
                finally {
                    if (webFile != null && webFile["file_info"] != null)
                        Assert.True(client.Delete(Utils.Self(webFile.Value <JObject>("file_info"))));
                    if (copyInfo != null)
                        Assert.True(client.Delete(Utils.Self(copyInfo.Value <JObject>("file"))));
        public async Task AppPool()
            using (HttpClient client = ApiHttpClient.Create()) {
                Sites.EnsureNoSite(client, SiteName);

                int port = Utils.GetAvailablePort();

                JObject site = Sites.CreateSite(client, SiteName, port, SitePath);

                try {
                    JObject appPool = client.Get(Utils.Self((JObject)site["application_pool"]));

                    using (var stresser = new SiteStresser($"http://localhost:{port}"))
                        using (var serverMonitor = new ServerMonitor(Utils.GetLink(appPool, "monitoring"))) {
                            await Task.Delay(2000);

                            JObject snapshot = serverMonitor.Current;

                            _output.WriteLine("Validing monitoring data for application pool");

                            Assert.True(snapshot["requests"].Value <long>("total") > 0);
                            Assert.True(snapshot["memory"].Value <long>("private_working_set") > 0);
                            Assert.True(snapshot["memory"].Value <long>("system_in_use") > 0);
                            Assert.True(snapshot["memory"].Value <long>("installed") > 0);
                            Assert.True(snapshot["cpu"].Value <long>("threads") > 0);
                            Assert.True(snapshot["cpu"].Value <long>("processes") > 0);

                            int tries = 0;

                            while (tries < 5)
                                snapshot = serverMonitor.Current;

                                if (serverMonitor.Current["requests"].Value <long>("per_sec") > 0)

                                await Task.Delay(1000);


                            _output.WriteLine("Validing monitoring data for application pool");

                            Assert.True(snapshot["requests"].Value <long>("per_sec") > 0);

                            Assert.True(serverMonitor.ErrorCount == 0);
                finally {
Exemple #12
        public void CopyDirectory()
            string startName        = "copy_dir_test";
            string destName         = "copy_dir_dest";
            var    physicalPath     = Path.Combine(Configuration.TEST_ROOT_PATH, startName);
            var    destPhysicalPath = Path.Combine(Configuration.TEST_ROOT_PATH, destName);


            JObject site = null;

            using (HttpClient client = ApiHttpClient.Create()) {
                Sites.EnsureNoSite(client, FILE_TEST_SITE_NAME);
                site = Sites.CreateSite(client, FILE_TEST_SITE_NAME, Utils.GetAvailablePort(), physicalPath);

                try {
                    var rootDir         = Utils.FollowLink(client, site, "files");
                    var rootDirFileInfo = Utils.FollowLink(client, rootDir.Value <JObject>("file_info"), "self");

                    object copy = new {
                        name   = destName,
                        parent = rootDirFileInfo.Value <JObject>("parent"),
                        file   = rootDirFileInfo

                    var copyInfo = client.Post(Utils.GetLink(rootDirFileInfo, "copy"), copy);

                    // Wait for copy to finish
                    HttpResponseMessage res = null;
                        res = client.GetAsync(Utils.Self(copyInfo)).Result;
                    } while (res.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK);

                    // Don't add code between copy end and verification so we can make sure files aren't being held
                finally {
                    if (site != null)
                        Sites.DeleteSite(client, Utils.Self(site));

                    if (Directory.Exists(physicalPath))
                        Directory.Delete(physicalPath, true);

                    if (Directory.Exists(destPhysicalPath))
                        Directory.Delete(destPhysicalPath, true);
        public static void ClearRules(HttpClient client, JObject feature)
            string result;

            Assert.True(client.Get(Utils.GetLink(feature, "rules"), out result));

            JArray rules = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(result).Value <JArray>("rules");

            foreach (JObject r in rules)
Exemple #14
        public void MoveDirectory()
            string startName        = "move_dir_test";
            string destName         = "move_dir_dest";
            var    physicalPath     = Path.Combine(Configuration.TEST_ROOT_PATH, startName);
            var    destPhysicalPath = Path.Combine(Configuration.TEST_ROOT_PATH, destName);


            JObject site = null;

            using (HttpClient client = ApiHttpClient.Create()) {
                Sites.EnsureNoSite(client, FILE_TEST_SITE_NAME);
                site = Sites.CreateSite(client, FILE_TEST_SITE_NAME, Utils.GetAvailablePort(), physicalPath);

                try {
                    var rootDir         = Utils.FollowLink(client, site, "files");
                    var rootDirFileInfo = Utils.FollowLink(client, rootDir.Value <JObject>("file_info"), "self");

                    object move = new {
                        name   = destName,
                        parent = rootDirFileInfo.Value <JObject>("parent"),
                        file   = rootDirFileInfo

                    var moveInfo = client.Post(Utils.GetLink(rootDirFileInfo, "move"), move);

                    // Wait for move to finish
                    HttpResponseMessage res = null;
                    while (res == null || res.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        res = client.GetAsync(Utils.Self(moveInfo)).Result;

                finally {
                    if (site != null)
                        Sites.DeleteSite(client, Utils.Self(site));

                    if (Directory.Exists(destPhysicalPath))
                        Directory.Delete(destPhysicalPath, true);
Exemple #15
        public void CoreFileRange()
            var physicalPath = Path.Combine(Configuration.TEST_ROOT_PATH, "api_file_range_test");

            if (Directory.Exists(physicalPath))
                Directory.Delete(physicalPath, true);

            using (HttpClient client = ApiHttpClient.Create()) {
                try {
                    var dirs = new List <string>()
                        "dir1", "dir2", "dir3"
                    var files = new List <string>()
                        "file1.txt", "file2.txt", "file3.txt"

                    foreach (var dir in dirs)
                        Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(physicalPath, dir));

                    foreach (var file in files)
                        File.Create(Path.Combine(physicalPath, file)).Dispose();

                    JObject folder = client.Get($"{Configuration.TEST_SERVER_URL}/api/files?physical_path={physicalPath}");

                    HttpRequestMessage req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, Utils.GetLink(folder, "files"));
                    req.Headers.Add("Range", "files=1-3");

                    var res = client.SendAsync(req).Result;


                    var children = JObject.Parse(res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result)["files"].ToObject <IEnumerable <JObject> >();
                    Assert.True(children.Count() == 3);
                finally {
                    Directory.Delete(physicalPath, true);
Exemple #16
        public void AddRemoveNativedModuleEntry()
            using (HttpClient client = ApiHttpClient.Create()) {
                string name = "test_native_module";

                JObject modulesFeature = GetModulesFeature(client, null, null);
                DeleteModule(client, modulesFeature, name);

                var globalModulePayload = new {
                    name = name,
                    // Use a module that exists with IIS installations because the dll must exist to create Global Module
                    image = "%windir%\\System32\\inetsrv\\cachuri.dll",

                string result;
                Assert.True(client.Post(GLOBAL_MODULES_URL, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(globalModulePayload), out result));

                JObject globalModule = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(result);

                modulesFeature = GetModulesFeature(client, null, null);

                string modulesLink = Utils.GetLink(modulesFeature, "entries");

                var nativeModulePayload = new {
                    name = globalModule.Value <string>("name"),
                    // Type must be empty for native module
                    type    = "",
                    modules = modulesFeature

                Assert.True(client.Post(modulesLink, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(nativeModulePayload), out result));

                JObject nativeModule = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(result);

                // Make sure we can successfully retrieve the new modules
                Assert.True(client.Get(Utils.Self(nativeModule), out result));
                Assert.True(client.Get(Utils.Self(globalModule), out result));

                // Delete the native module in module entries

                // Delete the global module
Exemple #17
        private bool Enable(string physicalPath, string username, string password, string privateKeyPassword)
            dynamic ccsInfo = new
                path     = physicalPath,
                identity = new
                    username = username,
                    password = password
                private_key_password = privateKeyPassword

            using (var client = ApiHttpClient.Create()) {
                JObject webserver = client.Get($"{Configuration.Instance().TEST_SERVER_URL}/api/webserver/");
                string  ccsLink   = Utils.GetLink(webserver, "central_certificates");
                return(client.Post(ccsLink, (object)ccsInfo) != null);
        private JObject Create(HttpClient client, string linkName, ExpandoObject obj, JObject requestFilteringFeature = null)
            if (requestFilteringFeature == null)
                requestFilteringFeature = GetRequestFilteringFeature(client, null, null);

            string link = Utils.GetLink(requestFilteringFeature, linkName);

            dynamic dynamicObj = obj;

            dynamicObj.request_filtering = requestFilteringFeature;

            string result;

            Assert.True(client.Post(link, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj), out result));

            return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(result));
        public void AddRemoveRule()
            using (HttpClient client = ApiHttpClient.Create()) {
                Sites.EnsureNoSite(client, TEST_SITE_NAME);

                JObject site    = Sites.CreateSite(client, TEST_SITE_NAME, 50310, @"c:\sites\test_site");
                JObject feature = GetAuthorizationFeature(client, site.Value <string>("name"), null);

                ClearRules(client, feature);

                var rulePayload = new {
                    users         = "test_u",
                    roles         = "test_r",
                    verbs         = "test_v",
                    access_type   = "deny",
                    authorization = feature

                string result;
                Assert.True(client.Post(Utils.GetLink(feature, "rules"), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(rulePayload), out result));

                JObject rule = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(result);

                var conflictingRule = new {
                    users         = "test_u",
                    roles         = "test_r",
                    verbs         = "test_v",
                    access_type   = "allow",
                    authorization = feature

                HttpContent content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(conflictingRule), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

                var res = client.PostAsync(Utils.GetLink(feature, "rules"), content).Result;

                Assert.True(res.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Conflict);


                Sites.EnsureNoSite(client, TEST_SITE_NAME);
Exemple #20
        public void AddRemoveManagedModuleEntry()
            using (HttpClient client = ApiHttpClient.Create()) {
                JObject feature = GetModulesFeature(client, null, null);

                string modulesLink = Utils.GetLink(feature, "entries");

                var testManagedModule = new {
                    name    = "test_managed_module",
                    type    = "test.managed.module",
                    modules = feature

                string result;
                Assert.True(client.Post(modulesLink, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(testManagedModule), out result));

                JObject managedModule = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(result);

                Assert.True(client.Get(Utils.Self(managedModule), out result));
        public void CreateRemoveMimeMap()
            using (HttpClient client = ApiHttpClient.Create()) {
                JObject feature = GetStaticContentFeature(client, null, null);

                string link = Utils.GetLink(feature, "mime_maps");

                var mimeMapPayload = new {
                    // Want to avoid collisions with any default file extensions
                    file_extension = "tst9",
                    mime_type      = "test/test",
                    static_content = feature

                string result;
                Assert.True(client.Post(link, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mimeMapPayload), out result));

                JObject mimeMap = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(result);

                Assert.False(client.Get(Utils.Self(mimeMap), out result));
Exemple #22
        public void RangeUploadDownload()
            using (HttpClient client = ApiHttpClient.Create()) {
                JObject site = Sites.GetSite(client, "Default Web Site");

                // Create web file
                var webFile = CreateWebFile(client, site, TEST_FILE_NAME);

                try {
                    // Get physical file info
                    var fileInfo = Utils.FollowLink(client, webFile.Value <JObject>("file_info"), "self");

                    var chunkSize     = 1024 * 1024;
                    var totalFileSize = 1024 * 1024 * 10;
                    HttpRequestMessage  req;
                    HttpResponseMessage res;

                    for (var i = 0; i < totalFileSize; i += chunkSize)
                        req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Put, Utils.GetLink(fileInfo, "content"));

                        var currentChunkSize = totalFileSize - i < chunkSize ? totalFileSize - i : chunkSize;
                        var slice            = GetFileSlice(i, currentChunkSize);

                        req.Content = new ByteArrayContent(slice);

                        req.Content.Headers.Add("Content-Range", $"bytes {i}-{i + currentChunkSize - 1}/{totalFileSize}");

                        res = client.SendAsync(req).Result;


                    req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, Utils.GetLink(fileInfo, "content"));

                    res = client.SendAsync(req).Result;


                    var resultBytes = res.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().Result;

                    Assert.True(resultBytes.SequenceEqual(GetFileSlice(0, totalFileSize)));

                    var download = new byte[totalFileSize];

                    // Range download
                    for (var i = 0; i < totalFileSize; i += chunkSize)
                        req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, Utils.GetLink(fileInfo, "content"));

                        var currentChunkSize = totalFileSize - i < chunkSize ? totalFileSize - i : chunkSize;

                        req.Headers.Add("Range", $"bytes={i}-{i + currentChunkSize - 1}");

                        res = client.SendAsync(req).Result;


                        resultBytes = res.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().Result;
                        resultBytes.CopyTo(download, i);

                    Assert.True(download.SequenceEqual(GetFileSlice(0, totalFileSize)));
                finally {
                    Assert.True(client.Delete(Utils.Self(webFile.Value <JObject>("file_info"))));
        public async Task WebSite()
            const string name = SiteName + "z";

            using (HttpClient client = ApiHttpClient.Create()) {
                JObject pool = ApplicationPools.GetAppPool(client, name);

                if (pool == null)
                    pool = ApplicationPools.CreateAppPool(client, name);

                JObject site = Sites.GetSite(client, name);

                if (site == null)
                    site = Sites.CreateSite(client, name, Utils.GetAvailablePort(), SitePath, true, pool);

                int port = site["bindings"].ToObject <IEnumerable <JObject> >().First().Value <int>("port");

                try {
                    using (var stresser = new SiteStresser($"http://localhost:{port}"))
                        using (var serverMonitor = new ServerMonitor(Utils.GetLink(site, "monitoring"))) {
                            int     tries    = 0;
                            JObject snapshot = null;

                            while (tries < 15)
                                snapshot = serverMonitor.Current;

                                if (snapshot != null &&
                                    serverMonitor.Current["requests"].Value <long>("per_sec") > 0 &&
                                    snapshot["network"].Value <long>("total_bytes_sent") > 0)

                                await Task.Delay(1000);


                            Assert.True(snapshot["requests"].Value <long>("per_sec") > 0);
                            Assert.True(snapshot["network"].Value <long>("total_bytes_sent") > 0);
                            Assert.True(snapshot["network"].Value <long>("total_bytes_recv") > 0);
                            Assert.True(snapshot["network"].Value <long>("total_connection_attempts") > 0);
                            Assert.True(snapshot["requests"].Value <long>("total") > 0);
                            Assert.True(snapshot["memory"].Value <long>("private_working_set") > 0);
                            Assert.True(snapshot["memory"].Value <long>("system_in_use") > 0);
                            Assert.True(snapshot["memory"].Value <long>("installed") > 0);
                            Assert.True(snapshot["cpu"].Value <long>("threads") > 0);
                            Assert.True(snapshot["cpu"].Value <long>("processes") > 0);

                            Assert.True(serverMonitor.ErrorCount == 0);
                finally {

Exemple #24
        public void CreatePatchRemoveProvider()
            var TEST_PROVIDER_NAME = "Test Provider";
            var TEST_PROVIDER_GUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("B");
            var TEST_AREAS         = new string[] {
            var PATCH_PROVIDER_NAME = "Patch Provider";
            var PATCH_PROVIDER_GUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("B");
            var PATCH_AREAS         = new string[] {

            using (var client = ApiHttpClient.Create()) {
                var feature = GetFeature(client, null, null);

                var providersObj = Utils.FollowLink(client, feature, "providers");
                var providers    = providersObj.Value <JArray>("providers").ToObject <IEnumerable <JObject> >();

                foreach (var p in providers)
                    if (p.Value <string>("name").Equals(TEST_PROVIDER_NAME, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                        p.Value <string>("name").Equals(PATCH_PROVIDER_NAME, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                var testProvider = new {
                    name            = TEST_PROVIDER_NAME,
                    guid            = TEST_PROVIDER_GUID,
                    areas           = TEST_AREAS,
                    request_tracing = feature
                var patchProvider = new {
                    name  = PATCH_PROVIDER_NAME,
                    guid  = PATCH_PROVIDER_GUID,
                    areas = PATCH_AREAS

                var jProvider = JObject.FromObject(testProvider);
                var pProvider = JObject.FromObject(patchProvider);

                string result;
                Assert.True(client.Post(Utils.GetLink(feature, "providers"), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(testProvider), out result));
                JObject newProvider = null;

                try {
                    newProvider = Utils.ToJ(result);
                    CompareProviders(jProvider, newProvider);

                    Assert.True(client.Patch(Utils.Self(newProvider), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(patchProvider), out result));
                    newProvider = Utils.ToJ(result);

                    CompareProviders(pProvider, newProvider);
                finally {
Exemple #25
        public void CreatePatchRemoveRule()
            var TEST_RULE_PATH           = "test_rule*.path";
            var TEST_RULE_STATUS_CODES   = new string[] { "101", "244-245", "280-301", "340" };
            var TEST_RULE_MIN_TIME       = 100;
            var TEST_RULE_EVENT_SEVERITY = "error";
            var TEST_RULE_PROVIDER_NAME  = "ASP";
            var TEST_RULE_ALLOWED_AREAS  = new Dictionary <string, bool>()

            var PATCH_PATH = "test_patch*.path";
            var PATCH_RULE_STATUS_CODES   = new string[] { "104-181", "333" };
            var PATCH_RULE_MIN_TIME       = 103;
            var PATCH_RULE_EVENT_SEVERITY = "criticalerror";
            var PATCH_RULE_PROVIDER_NAME  = "WWW Server";
            var PATCH_RULE_ALLOWED_AREAS  = new Dictionary <string, bool>()
                { "Security", true },
                { "Compression", true },
                { "Module", true }

            using (var client = ApiHttpClient.Create()) {
                var feature = GetFeature(client, null, null);

                var rulesObj = Utils.FollowLink(client, feature, "rules");
                var rules    = rulesObj.Value <JArray>("rules").ToObject <IEnumerable <JObject> >();

                var providersObj = Utils.FollowLink(client, feature, "providers");
                var providers    = providersObj.Value <JArray>("providers").ToObject <IEnumerable <JObject> >();

                // Ensure rule with test path doesn't already exist
                foreach (var r in rules)
                    if (r.Value <string>("path").Equals(TEST_RULE_PATH, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                        r.Value <string>("path").Equals(PATCH_PATH, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                var testRule = new {
                    path         = TEST_RULE_PATH,
                    status_codes = TEST_RULE_STATUS_CODES,
                    min_request_execution_time = TEST_RULE_MIN_TIME,
                    event_severity             = TEST_RULE_EVENT_SEVERITY,
                    traces = new [] {
                        new {
                            allowed_areas = TEST_RULE_ALLOWED_AREAS,
                            provider      = providers.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Value <string>("name").Equals(TEST_RULE_PROVIDER_NAME)),
                            verbosity     = "verbose"
                    request_tracing = feature
                var patchRule = new {
                    path         = PATCH_PATH,
                    status_codes = PATCH_RULE_STATUS_CODES,
                    min_request_execution_time = PATCH_RULE_MIN_TIME,
                    event_severity             = PATCH_RULE_EVENT_SEVERITY,
                    traces = new[] {
                        new {
                            allowed_areas = PATCH_RULE_ALLOWED_AREAS,
                            provider      = providers.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Value <string>("name").Equals(PATCH_RULE_PROVIDER_NAME)),
                            verbosity     = "verbose"

                var jRule = JObject.FromObject(testRule);
                var pRule = JObject.FromObject(patchRule);

                string result;
                Assert.True(client.Post(Utils.GetLink(feature, "rules"), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(testRule), out result));
                JObject newRule = null;

                try {
                    newRule = Utils.ToJ(result);

                    CompareRules(jRule, newRule);

                    Assert.True(client.Patch(Utils.Self(newRule), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(patchRule), out result));
                    newRule = Utils.ToJ(result);

                    CompareRules(pRule, newRule);
                finally {
Exemple #26
 private JObject CreateHandlerForFeature(HttpClient client, JObject feature, JObject handler)
     handler.Add("handler", feature);
     return(client.Post(Utils.GetLink(feature, "entries"), handler));