// Alternative entrypoint for use by AppIconGenerator.
        internal void DrawIcon(CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession, string text)
            this.text = text;
            this.fontSize = 64;

            ConfigureEffect(new CanvasTimingInformation());

        //int count;
        public void Draw(CanvasDrawingSession ds, Size sizeRender, float totalTimeSeconds)
            //ds.DrawText(count.ToString(), new Vector2(10.0f, 10.0f), Colors.Red);

            ds.DrawImage(composite, sizeRender.ToVector2() / 2);
        void ApplyBloomFilter(CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession)
            // Configure effects to use the latest threshold, blur, and intensity settings.
            extractBrightAreas.RedSlope =
            extractBrightAreas.GreenSlope =
            extractBrightAreas.BlueSlope = 1 / (1 - BloomThreshold / 100);

            extractBrightAreas.RedOffset =
            extractBrightAreas.GreenOffset =
            extractBrightAreas.BlueOffset = -BloomThreshold / 100 / (1 - BloomThreshold / 100);

            blurBrightAreas.BlurAmount = BloomBlur;

            adjustBloomIntensity.RedSlope =
            adjustBloomIntensity.GreenSlope =
            adjustBloomIntensity.BlueSlope = BloomIntensity / 100;

            // Apply the bloom effect.
        // Draws all of the active particles.
        public void Draw(CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession)
            var previousBlend = drawingSession.Blend;

            drawingSession.Blend = blendState;

            // Go through the particles in reverse order, so new ones are drawn underneath
            // older ones. This improves visual appearance of effects like smoke plume
            // where many particles are created at the same position over a period of time.
            for (int i = activeParticles.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Particle particle = activeParticles[i];

                // Normalized lifetime is a value from 0 to 1 and represents how far a particle
                // is through its life. 0 means it just started, .5 is half way through, and
                // 1.0 means it's just about to be finished. This value will be used to calculate
                // alpha and scale, to avoid  having particles suddenly appear or disappear.
                float normalizedLifetime = particle.TimeSinceStart / particle.Lifetime;

                // We want particles to fade in and fade out, so we'll calculate alpha to be
                // (normalizedLifetime) * (1 - normalizedLifetime). This way, when normalizedLifetime
                // is 0 or 1, alpha is 0. The maximum value is at normalizedLifetime = .5, and is:
                //      (normalizedLifetime) * (1-normalizedLifetime)
                //      (.5)                 * (1-.5)
                //      .25
                // Since we want the maximum alpha to be 1, not .25, we'll scale the entire equation by 4.
                float alpha = 4 * normalizedLifetime * (1 - normalizedLifetime);

                // Make particles grow as they age.
                // They'll start at 75% of their size, and increase to 100% once they're finished.
                float scale = particle.Scale * (.75f + .25f * normalizedLifetime);

                // Compute a transform matrix for this particle.
                var transform = Matrix3x2.CreateRotation(particle.Rotation, bitmapCenter) *
                                Matrix3x2.CreateScale(scale, bitmapCenter) *
                                Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(particle.Position - bitmapCenter);

                // Draw the particle.
                drawingSession.DrawImage(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmapBounds, alpha, CanvasImageInterpolation.Linear, new Matrix4x4(transform));

            drawingSession.Blend = previousBlend;
Exemple #5
        public void Draw(CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession)
            // 保护原先画布的混合模式
            var previousBlend = drawingSession.Blend;

            drawingSession.Blend = CanvasBlend.SourceOver;
            // Compute a transform matrix for this particle.
            if (canDraw)
                var transform = Matrix3x2.CreateScale(scale.X, scale.Y, center) *
                    Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(position - center);
                if (blurFrame != 0)
                    drawingSession.DrawImage(blur, new Rect(position.X - (bound.Width * scale.X) / 2, position.Y - (bound.Height * scale.Y) / 2, bound.Width * scale.X, bound.Height * scale.Y), bound, opacity);
                    drawingSession.DrawImage(tempSurface, 0f, 0f, bound, opacity, CanvasImageInterpolation.Linear, new Matrix4x4(transform));
            drawingSession.Blend = previousBlend;
        protected virtual void Draw(CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession
            , CanvasSpriteBatch spriteBatch
            // 逆向遍历队列,可以让新粒子绘制在旧粒子下方,这样当很多粒子在同一个位置生成时,效果较好
            for (int i = activeParticles.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Particle particle = activeParticles[i];

                // NormalizedLifeTime 是一个0到1之间的值,用来表示粒子在生命周期中的进度,这个值接近0或接近1时,
                // 粒子将会渐隐/渐显,使用它来计算粒子的透明度和缩放
                //float normalizedLifetime = particle.TimeSinceStart / particle.Lifetime;

                // We want particles to fade in and fade out, so we'll calculate alpha to be
                // (normalizedLifetime) * (1 - normalizedLifetime). This way, when normalizedLifetime
                // is 0 or 1, alpha is 0. The maximum value is at normalizedLifetime = .5, and is:
                //      (normalizedLifetime) * (1-normalizedLifetime)
                //      (.5)                 * (1-.5)
                //      .25
                // Since we want the maximum alpha to be 1, not .25, we'll scale the entire equation by 4.
                //float alpha = 4 * normalizedLifetime * (1 - normalizedLifetime);

                // Make particles grow as they age.
                // They'll start at 75% of their size, and increase to 100% once they're finished.
                //float scale = particle.Scale * (.75f + .25f * normalizedLifetime);

                if (spriteBatch != null)
                    spriteBatch.Draw(bitmap, particle.Position, new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1/*alpha*/), bitmapCenter,
                        particle.Rotation - 1.5708f, new Vector2(particle.ScaleX, particle.ScaleY/*scale*/), CanvasSpriteFlip.None);
                    // Compute a transform matrix for this particle.
                    var transform = Matrix3x2.CreateRotation(particle.Rotation - 1.5708f, bitmapCenter) *
                                    Matrix3x2.CreateScale(/*scale*/particle.ScaleX, particle.ScaleY, bitmapCenter) *
                                    Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(particle.Position - bitmapCenter);

                    // Draw the particle.
                    drawingSession.DrawImage(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmapBounds, 1/*alpha*/, CanvasImageInterpolation.Linear, new Matrix4x4(transform));
        public void Draw(ICanvasAnimatedControl sender, CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession)
            if (currentThunder == null)
            // 保护原先画布的混合模式
            var previousBlend = drawingSession.Blend;
            drawingSession.Blend = blendState;
            var builder = new CanvasPathBuilder(sender);
            builder.BeginFigure(0, 0);
            for (int i = 0; i < currentThunder.LifeLong; i++)
                builder.AddLine(currentThunder.Path[i].X, currentThunder.Path[i].Y);

            // Draw the particle.
            var path = CanvasGeometry.CreatePath(builder);
            var NormalizeLifeTime = currentThunder.TimeSinceStart / currentThunder.Duration;
            byte opacity = (byte)((NormalizeLifeTime - 1) * (NormalizeLifeTime - 1) * 255);
            CanvasCommandList cl = new CanvasCommandList(sender);
            using (CanvasDrawingSession clds = cl.CreateDrawingSession())
                clds.DrawGeometry(path, currentThunder.Position, Color.FromArgb((byte)(0.75f * opacity), 255, 255, 255), 6 * currentThunder.Luminace);
            var lightAmount = 20.6f * currentThunder.Luminace * (NormalizeLifeTime - 1) * (NormalizeLifeTime - 1);
            blur.Source = cl;
            blur.BlurAmount = lightAmount;
            drawingSession.DrawGeometry(path, currentThunder.Position, Color.FromArgb(opacity, 255, 240, 180), 2 * currentThunder.Luminace);
            drawingSession.Blend = previousBlend;
            if (NormalizeLifeTime > 1)
                currentThunder = null;
            public void Draw(CanvasDrawingSession ds, int frameCounter, float width, float height)
                var sz = sourceBitmap.Size;
                Rect sourceRect = new Rect(
                    sz.Width * 0.25 + Math.Sin(frameCounter * 0.02) * (sz.Width * 0.5),
                    sz.Height * 0.25 + Math.Cos(frameCounter * 0.01) * (sz.Height * 0.5),
                    sz.Width * 0.5,
                    sz.Height * 0.5);

                double y = DrawSourceImage(ds, sourceRect, width);

                double displayWidth = width / 2;
                double x = displayWidth;
                double destHeight = (height - y) / 3;

                Rect bitmapDestRect = new Rect(x, y + 5, displayWidth, destHeight - 10);
                y += destHeight;

                Rect bitmapDestRect2 = new Rect(x, y + 5, displayWidth, destHeight - 10);
                y += destHeight;

                Rect effectDestRect = new Rect(x, y + 5, displayWidth, destHeight - 10);

                var format = new CanvasTextFormat()
                    FontSize = 14,
                    HorizontalAlignment = CanvasHorizontalAlignment.Right,
                    VerticalAlignment = CanvasVerticalAlignment.Center

                ds.DrawText("D2D DrawBitmap", 0, (float)bitmapDestRect.Y, (float)displayWidth - 10, (float)destHeight, Colors.White, format);
                ds.DrawText("D2D DrawImage (bitmap)", 0, (float)bitmapDestRect2.Y, (float)displayWidth - 10, (float)destHeight, Colors.White, format);
                ds.DrawText("D2D DrawImage (effect)", 0, (float)effectDestRect.Y, (float)displayWidth - 10, (float)destHeight, Colors.White, format);

                ds.FillRectangle(bitmapDestRect, fillPattern);
                ds.FillRectangle(bitmapDestRect2, fillPattern);
                ds.FillRectangle(effectDestRect, fillPattern);

                ds.DrawImage(sourceBitmap, bitmapDestRect, sourceRect);
                ds.DrawImage(sourceBitmap, bitmapDestRect2, sourceRect, 1, CanvasImageInterpolation.Cubic);
                ds.DrawImage(sourceEffect, effectDestRect, sourceRect);

                ds.DrawRectangle(bitmapDestRect, Colors.Yellow, 1, hairline);
                ds.DrawRectangle(bitmapDestRect2, Colors.Yellow, 1, hairline);
                ds.DrawRectangle(effectDestRect, Colors.Yellow, 1, hairline);
            public void Draw(CanvasDrawingSession ds, int frameCounter, float width, float height)
                float opacity = (float)(Math.Sin(frameCounter * 0.05) + 1) / 2;

                DoTest(opacity, ignoreSource, premultipliedTarget[0]);
                DoTest(opacity, ignoreSource, ignoreTarget[0]);
                DoTest(opacity, premultipliedSource, premultipliedTarget[1]);
                DoTest(opacity, premultipliedSource, ignoreTarget[1]);

                float halfWidth = width / 2;
                var premultipliedToIgnoreLabel = MakeLabel(ds, "Draw Premultiplied to Ignore", halfWidth);
                var premultipliedToPremultipliedLabel = MakeLabel(ds, "Draw Premultiplied to Premultiplied", halfWidth);
                var ignoreToIgnoreLabel = MakeLabel(ds, "Draw Ignore to Ignore", halfWidth);
                var ignoreToPremultipliedLabel = MakeLabel(ds, "Draw Ignore to Premultiplied", halfWidth);

                var totalHeight = 64 * 8.0f;

                float middle = width / 2;

                float imageX = middle + 10;
                float textRight = middle - 10;

                float y = (height / 2) - (totalHeight / 2);
                float ydiff = 64.0f * 2.0f;

                ds.DrawImage(premultipliedTarget[0], imageX, y);
                ds.DrawTextLayout(premultipliedToPremultipliedLabel, 0, y, Colors.White);
                y += ydiff;

                ds.DrawImage(ignoreTarget[0], imageX, y);
                ds.DrawTextLayout(premultipliedToIgnoreLabel, 0, y, Colors.White);
                y += ydiff;

                ds.DrawImage(premultipliedTarget[1], imageX, y);
                ds.DrawTextLayout(ignoreToPremultipliedLabel, 0, y, Colors.White);
                y += ydiff;

                ds.DrawImage(ignoreTarget[1], imageX, y);
                ds.DrawTextLayout(ignoreToIgnoreLabel, 0, y, Colors.White);
                y += ydiff;
Exemple #10
        private void DoUIElementsEffect(CanvasControl sender, CanvasDrawingSession ds)
            foreach (var elm in _uielements)
                var offset = (float)ExpandAmount / 2;
                using (var cl = new CanvasCommandList(ds))
                    using (var clds = cl.CreateDrawingSession())
                        using (var canvasbmp = CanvasBitmap.CreateFromBytes(sender.Device, elm.Item1, elm.Item2, elm.Item3, Windows.Graphics.DirectX.DirectXPixelFormat.B8G8R8A8UIntNormalized))
                            clds.DrawImage(canvasbmp, 0, 0);


                    _eg.Setup(cl, (float)GlowAmount, GlowColor);
                    ds.DrawImage(_eg.Output, offset + (float)elm.Item4, offset + (float)elm.Item5);
Exemple #11
        private void DoPathEffect(CanvasControl sender, CanvasDrawingSession ds )
            using (var thBuilder = new Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas.Geometry.CanvasPathBuilder(sender))
                var pthConverter = new PathToD2DPathGeometryConverter();

                foreach(var path in _paths)
                    var offset = (float)ExpandAmount / 2;
                    using (var cl = new CanvasCommandList(ds))
                    using (var pthGeo = pthConverter.parse(path, thBuilder))
                        using (var clds = cl.CreateDrawingSession())
                            clds.FillGeometry(pthGeo,0,0, GlowColor);

                        _eg.Setup(cl, (float)GlowAmount, GlowColor);
                        ds.DrawImage(_eg.Output, offset, offset);
                        ds.FillGeometry(pthGeo,offset, offset, ((SolidColorBrush)GlowFill).Color);

Exemple #12
        void DrawToOutput(PerDeviceResources resources, CanvasDrawingSession ds)
            if (CurrentIntermediate == IntermediateMode.None)
                // We can either draw directly to the output...
                DrawSourceGraphic(resources, ds, testOffset);
                // Or go via an intermediate such as a rendertarget or image effect.
                var intermediateImage = WrapSourceWithIntermediateImage(resources, CurrentIntermediate);

                ds.DrawImage(intermediateImage, testOffset, testOffset);

            resources.AddMessage("{0} (dpi: {1})", CurrentOutput, ds.Dpi);
Exemple #13
        void DrawSourceGraphic(PerDeviceResources resources, CanvasDrawingSession ds, float offset)
            var source = GetSourceBitmap(resources);

            if (source != null)
                // We can either draw a precreated bitmap...
                ds.DrawImage(source, offset, offset);
                // ... or directly draw some shapes.
                ds.FillRectangle(offset, offset, testSize, testSize, Colors.Gray);

                ds.DrawLine(offset, offset, offset + testSize, offset + testSize, Colors.Red);
                ds.DrawLine(offset + testSize, offset, offset, offset + testSize, Colors.Red);

                ds.DrawRectangle(offset + 0.5f, offset + 0.5f, testSize - 1, testSize - 1, Colors.Blue);

                ds.DrawText("DPI test", new Vector2(offset + testSize / 2), Colors.Blue, resources.TextFormat);

                resources.AddMessage("DrawingSession ->\n");
Exemple #14
        void DrawStuff(CanvasDrawingSession ds)
            int horizontalLimit = (int)m_canvasControl.ActualWidth;
            int verticalLimit = (int)m_canvasControl.ActualHeight;
            const float thickStrokeWidth = 80.0f;

            DrawnContentType drawnContentType = (DrawnContentType)m_drawnContentTypeCombo.SelectedValue;

            Rect rect;
            Vector2 point;
            float radiusX;
            float radiusY;

            switch (drawnContentType)
                case DrawnContentType.Clear_Only:

                case DrawnContentType.Bitmap:
                    if (m_bitmap_tiger != null)
                        ds.DrawImage(m_bitmap_tiger, NextRandomPoint(horizontalLimit, verticalLimit).ToVector2());
                        DrawNoBitmapErrorMessage(ds, horizontalLimit / 2, verticalLimit / 2);

                case DrawnContentType.Effect_Blur:
                    if (m_bitmap_tiger != null)
                        GaussianBlurEffect blurEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect();
                        blurEffect.StandardDeviation = 2.0f;
                        blurEffect.Source = m_bitmap_tiger;
                        ds.DrawImage(blurEffect, NextRandomPoint(horizontalLimit, verticalLimit).ToVector2());
                        DrawNoBitmapErrorMessage(ds, horizontalLimit / 2, verticalLimit / 2);

                case DrawnContentType.Line_Thin:
                        NextRandomPoint(horizontalLimit, verticalLimit).ToVector2(),
                        NextRandomPoint(horizontalLimit, verticalLimit).ToVector2(),

                case DrawnContentType.Line_Thick:
                        NextRandomPoint(horizontalLimit, verticalLimit).ToVector2(),
                        NextRandomPoint(horizontalLimit, verticalLimit).ToVector2(),

                case DrawnContentType.Rectangle_Thin:
                        NextRandomRect(horizontalLimit, verticalLimit),

                case DrawnContentType.Rectangle_Thick:
                        NextRandomRect(horizontalLimit, verticalLimit),

                case DrawnContentType.Rectangle_Filled:
                        NextRandomRect(horizontalLimit, verticalLimit),

                case DrawnContentType.RoundedRectangle_Thin:
                    NextRandomRoundedRect(horizontalLimit, verticalLimit, out rect, out radiusX, out radiusY);
                        rect, radiusX, radiusY,

                case DrawnContentType.RoundedRectangle_Thick:
                    NextRandomRoundedRect(horizontalLimit, verticalLimit, out rect, out radiusX, out radiusY);
                        rect, radiusX, radiusY,

                case DrawnContentType.Ellipse_Thin:
                    NextRandomEllipse(horizontalLimit, verticalLimit, out point, out radiusX, out radiusY);
                        point, radiusX, radiusY,

                case DrawnContentType.Ellipse_Thick:
                    NextRandomEllipse(horizontalLimit, verticalLimit, out point, out radiusX, out radiusY);
                        point, radiusX, radiusY,

                case DrawnContentType.Ellipse_Fill:
                    NextRandomEllipse(horizontalLimit, verticalLimit, out point, out radiusX, out radiusY);
                        point, radiusX, radiusY,

                case DrawnContentType.Circle_Fill:
                        NextRandomPoint(horizontalLimit, verticalLimit).ToVector2(),

                case DrawnContentType.Dashed_Lines:
                    DrawDashedLines(ds, NextRandomColor(), horizontalLimit, verticalLimit);

                case DrawnContentType.Text:
                    var p = NextRandomPoint(horizontalLimit, verticalLimit);
                    var x = (float)p.X;
                    var y = (float)p.Y;
                    var color = NextRandomColor();
                    ds.DrawLine(new Vector2(x, 0), new Vector2(x, verticalLimit), color);
                    ds.DrawLine(new Vector2(0, y), new Vector2(horizontalLimit, y), color);
                        new CanvasTextFormat()
                            FontSize = 18,
                            VerticalAlignment = CanvasVerticalAlignment.Center,
                            ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center

                    var r = NextRandomRect(horizontalLimit, verticalLimit);
                    ds.DrawRectangle(r, color);
                        new CanvasTextFormat()
                            FontFamily = "Comic Sans MS",
                            FontSize = 18,
                            ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment.Justify,
                            Options = CanvasDrawTextOptions.Clip

                case DrawnContentType.ImageBrush:
                    if (m_bitmap_tiger != null)
                        m_imageBrush.Image = m_bitmap_tiger;
                        m_imageBrush.ExtendX = (CanvasEdgeBehavior)(m_random.Next(3));
                        m_imageBrush.ExtendY = (CanvasEdgeBehavior)(m_random.Next(3));
                        ds.FillRectangle(new Rect(0, 0, horizontalLimit, verticalLimit), m_imageBrush);
                        DrawNoBitmapErrorMessage(ds, horizontalLimit / 2, verticalLimit / 2);

                case DrawnContentType.Test_Scene0_Default:
                    GeometryTestScene0.DrawGeometryTestScene(ds, TestSceneRenderingType.Default);

                case DrawnContentType.Test_Scene0_Wireframe:
                    GeometryTestScene0.DrawGeometryTestScene(ds, TestSceneRenderingType.Wireframe);

                case DrawnContentType.Test_Scene1_Default:
                    GeometryTestScene1.DrawGeometryTestScene(ds, TestSceneRenderingType.Default);

                case DrawnContentType.Test_Scene1_Randomized:
                    GeometryTestScene1.DrawGeometryTestScene(ds, TestSceneRenderingType.Randomized);

                case DrawnContentType.Test_Scene1_Wireframe:
                    GeometryTestScene1.DrawGeometryTestScene(ds, TestSceneRenderingType.Wireframe);

                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false); // Unexpected
Exemple #15
        public bool DisplayRegionMask(CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession, float zoomFactor, bool editInProgress)
            if (!IsEnabled || !IsEditingRegion || !ShowRegion || regionMask == null)
                return false;

            if (editInProgress && RegionSelectionOperation == SelectionOperation.Replace)
                return false;

            drawingSession.Blend = CanvasBlend.SourceOver;

            if (!editInProgress)
                // Gray out everything outside the region.
                var mask = new ColorMatrixEffect
                    Source = GetRegionMask(),

                    ColorMatrix = new Matrix5x4
                        // Set RGB = gray.
                        M51 = 0.5f,
                        M52 = 0.5f,
                        M53 = 0.5f,

                        // Invert and scale the mask alpha.
                        M44 = -0.75f,
                        M54 = 0.75f,


            // Magenta region border.
            var border = GetSelectionBorder(regionMask, zoomFactor);


            return true;
Exemple #16
        public void DisplayRegionEditInProgress(CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession, List<Vector2> points, float zoomFactor)
            if (RegionSelectionMode == SelectionMode.MagicWand)
                // Display a magic wand selection.
                var mask = GetMagicWandMask(points, zoomFactor);
                var border = GetSelectionBorder(mask, zoomFactor);

                drawingSession.Blend = CanvasBlend.Add;
                drawingSession.DrawImage(mask, Vector2.Zero, SourceBitmap.Bounds, 0.25f);

                drawingSession.Blend = CanvasBlend.SourceOver;
                // Display a geometric shape selection.
                var geometry = GetSelectionGeometry(drawingSession, points);

                drawingSession.Blend = CanvasBlend.Add;
                drawingSession.FillGeometry(geometry, Color.FromArgb(0x20, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF));

                drawingSession.Blend = CanvasBlend.SourceOver;
                drawingSession.DrawGeometry(geometry, Colors.Magenta, 1f / zoomFactor);
        protected override void Draw(CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession
            , CanvasSpriteBatch spriteBatch
            // 逆向遍历队列,可以让新粒子绘制在旧粒子下方,这样当很多粒子在同一个位置生成时,效果较好
            for (int i = ActiveParticles.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Particle particle = ActiveParticles[i];

                // NormalizedLifeTime 是一个0到1之间的值,用来表示粒子在生命周期中的进度,这个值接近0或接近1时,
                // 粒子将会渐隐/渐显,使用它来计算粒子的透明度和缩放
                float normalizedLifetime = particle.TimeSinceStart / 4;
                if (normalizedLifetime > 1)
                    normalizedLifetime = 1;

                // We want particles to fade in and fade out, so we'll calculate alpha to be
                // (normalizedLifetime) * (1 - normalizedLifetime). This way, when normalizedLifetime
                // is 0 or 1, alpha is 0. The maximum value is at normalizedLifetime = .5, and is:
                //      (normalizedLifetime) * (1-normalizedLifetime)
                //      (.5)                 * (1-.5)
                //      .25
                // Since we want the maximum alpha to be 1, not .25, we'll scale the entire equation by 4.
                float alpha = (float)EasingHelper.QuinticEase(Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation.EasingMode.EaseOut, normalizedLifetime);
                var x = particle.ScaleX;
                var y = particle.ScaleY;
                // Make particles grow as they age.
                // They'll start at 75% of their size, and increase to 100% once they're finished.
                if (isImmersive)
                    alpha *= 0.8f;
                    x *= 1.2f;
                    y *= 1.2f;
                if (spriteBatch != null)
                    spriteBatch.Draw(smokeSurfaces[particle.Key], particle.Position, new Vector4(1, 1, 1, alpha), bitmapCenter,
                        particle.Rotation, new Vector2(x, y), CanvasSpriteFlip.None);
                    // Compute a transform matrix for this particle.
                    var transform = Matrix3x2.CreateRotation(particle.Rotation, bitmapCenter) *
                                    Matrix3x2.CreateScale(x, y, bitmapCenter) *
                                    Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(particle.Position - bitmapCenter);

                    // Draw the particle.
                    drawingSession.DrawImage(smokeSurfaces[particle.Key], 0, 0, bitmapBounds, alpha, CanvasImageInterpolation.Linear, new Matrix4x4(transform));
Exemple #18
        private void DoEffect(CanvasDrawingSession ds, Size size, float amount, Windows.UI.Color glowColor, Windows.UI.Color fillColor, double expandAmount)
            var offset = (float)expandAmount / 2;
            //using (var textLayout = CreateTextLayout(ds, size))
            using (var cl = new CanvasCommandList(ds))
                using (var clds = cl.CreateDrawingSession())
                    clds.FillRectangle(0, 0, (float)size.Width, (float)size.Height, glowColor);

                glowEffectGraph.Setup(cl, amount);
                ds.DrawImage(glowEffectGraph.Output, offset, offset);
                ds.FillRectangle(offset, offset, (float)size.Width, (float)size.Height, fillColor);
        private void DrawSprite(CanvasDrawingSession g, object o, Vector2 position)
            var visualHint = o as IVisualHint;
            var canvasPosition = _coords.GameToCanvasPoint(position);
            var targetRect = new F.Rect(canvasPosition.X, canvasPosition.Y, CurrentZoomLevel * _coords.DipsPerUnit, CurrentZoomLevel * _coords.DipsPerUnit);
            var sourceRect = _spriteSheet[visualHint?.VisualKey];
            var orientation = visualHint?.VisualOrientation ?? Point.Zero;

            if (orientation.IsDirection)
                var rotation = _radiansForDirection[orientation];
                var m = Matrix4x4.CreateRotationZ(rotation, new Vector3(canvasPosition.X + (CurrentZoomLevel * _coords.DipsPerUnit) / 2, canvasPosition.Y + (CurrentZoomLevel * _coords.DipsPerUnit) / 2, 0));
                g.DrawImage(_spriteSheet.Image, targetRect, sourceRect, 1, CanvasImageInterpolation.Linear, m);
                g.DrawImage(_spriteSheet.Image, targetRect, sourceRect);
Exemple #20
        private async void DoStreamsEffect(CanvasControl sender, CanvasDrawingSession ds)
            foreach (var stream in _streams)
                var offset = (float)ExpandAmount / 2;
                using (var cl = new CanvasCommandList(ds))
                    using (var clds = cl.CreateDrawingSession())
                        var canvasbmp = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, stream);
                        clds.DrawImage(canvasbmp, 0, 0);

                    _eg.Setup(cl, (float)GlowAmount, GlowColor);
                    ds.DrawImage(_eg.Output, offset, offset);

        private void DoEffect(CanvasDrawingSession ds, Size size, float amount)
            size.Width = size.Width - ExpandAmount;
            size.Height = size.Height - ExpandAmount;

            var offset = (float)(ExpandAmount / 2);           

            using (var textLayout = CreateTextLayout(ds, size))
            using (var textCommandList = new CanvasCommandList(ds))
                using (var textDs = textCommandList.CreateDrawingSession())
                    textDs.DrawTextLayout(textLayout, 0, 0, GlowColor);

                glowEffectGraph.Setup(textCommandList, amount);
                ds.DrawImage(glowEffectGraph.Output, offset, offset);

                ds.DrawTextLayout(textLayout, offset, offset, TextColor);
            public void RunScenario(CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession, CanvasSpriteSortMode sortMode)
                switch (method)
                    case Scenario.DrawMethod.Win2DSpriteBatch:
                        using (var sb = drawingSession.CreateSpriteBatch(sortMode))
                            foreach (var sprite in sprites)
                                sb.Draw(sprite.Bitmap, sprite.Position, sprite.Tint, Vector2.Zero, sprite.Rotation, Vector2.One, CanvasSpriteFlip.None);

                    case Scenario.DrawMethod.DrawImage:
                        var oldTransform = drawingSession.Transform;
                        foreach (var sprite in sprites)
                            drawingSession.Transform = Matrix3x2.CreateRotation(sprite.Rotation) * Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(sprite.Position);
                            drawingSession.DrawImage(sprite.Bitmap, Vector2.Zero, sprite.Bitmap.Bounds, sprite.Tint.W);
                        drawingSession.Transform = oldTransform;
            public void Draw(CanvasDrawingSession ds, int frameCounter, float width, float height)
                Size sz = sourceBitmap.Size;

                double sourceSizeScale = (Math.Sin(frameCounter * 0.03) * 0.3) + 0.7;

                Point center = new Point(Math.Sin(frameCounter * 0.02), (Math.Cos(frameCounter * 0.01)));

                center.X *= (1 - sourceSizeScale) * sz.Width * 0.5;
                center.Y *= (1 - sourceSizeScale) * sz.Height * 0.5;

                center.X += sz.Width * 0.5;
                center.Y += sz.Height * 0.5;

                Rect sourceRect = new Rect(
                    center.X - sz.Width * sourceSizeScale * 0.5,
                    center.Y - sz.Height * sourceSizeScale * 0.5,
                    sz.Width * sourceSizeScale,
                    sz.Height * sourceSizeScale);

                var format = new CanvasTextFormat()
                    FontSize = 14,
                    HorizontalAlignment = CanvasHorizontalAlignment.Right,
                    VerticalAlignment = CanvasVerticalAlignment.Center,
                    WordWrapping = CanvasWordWrapping.Wrap

                float y = 0;
                float labelX = width / 2 - 5;
                float imageX = width / 2 + 5;
                float entryHeight = (float)sourceBitmap.Bounds.Height;
                float margin = 14;

                Rect labelRect = new Rect(0, y, labelX, entryHeight);

                ds.DrawText(string.Format("Source image {0} DPI", sourceBitmap.Dpi), labelRect, Colors.White, format);
                ds.FillRectangle(imageX, y, (float)sz.Width, (float)sz.Height, fillPattern);
                ds.DrawImage(showSourceRectRT, imageX, y, showSourceRectRT.Bounds, 1, CanvasImageInterpolation.NearestNeighbor);

                y += entryHeight + margin;
                labelRect.Y = y;

                ds.DrawText("D2D DrawBitmap (emulated dest rect)", labelRect, Colors.White, format);
                ds.FillRectangle(imageX, y, (float)sz.Width, (float)sz.Height, fillPattern);
                ds.DrawImage(sourceBitmap, imageX, y, sourceRect);
                y += (float)sourceBitmap.Bounds.Height + 14;
                labelRect.Y = y;

                ds.DrawText("D2D DrawImage", labelRect, Colors.White, format);
                ds.FillRectangle(imageX, y, (float)sz.Width, (float)sz.Height, fillPattern);
                ds.DrawImage(sourceEffect, imageX, y, sourceRect);

Exemple #24
        private bool Trail_Smudge(CanvasDrawingSession context, Drop drop)
            var y = drop.Y - drop.R - 3;
            var x = drop.X - drop.R / 2 + (random.NextDouble() * 2);
            if (y < 0 || x < 0)
                return false;
            context.DrawImage(img, new Rect(x, y, drop.R, 2), new Rect(x / ImgScalefactor, y / ImgScalefactor, drop.R / ImgScalefactor, 2 / ImgScalefactor), 1);

            return true;
            double DrawSourceImage(CanvasDrawingSession ds, Rect sourceRect, float width)
                var sourceImageOffsetX = (float)((width / 2) - (sourceBitmap.Size.Width / 2));
                var sourceImageOffsetY = (float)(10);
                ds.DrawImage(sourceBitmap, sourceImageOffsetX, sourceImageOffsetY);

                sourceRect.X += sourceImageOffsetX;
                sourceRect.Y += sourceImageOffsetY;
                ds.DrawRectangle(sourceRect, Colors.Yellow, 1, hairline);

                return sourceImageOffsetY + sourceBitmap.Size.Height * 1.2;
Exemple #26
 private bool Reflection_Miniature(CanvasDrawingSession context, Drop drop)
     var sx = Math.Max((drop.X / ImgScalefactor - reflectionDropMappingWidth), 0);
     var sy = Math.Max((drop.Y / ImgScalefactor - reflectionDropMappingHeight), 0);
     var sw = PositiveMin(reflectionDropMappingWidth * 2, width/ImgScalefactor - sx);
     var sh = PositiveMin(reflectionDropMappingHeight * 2, height / ImgScalefactor - sy);
     var dx = Math.Max(drop.X - 1.1 * drop.R, 0);
     var dy = Math.Max(drop.Y - 1.1 * drop.R, 0);
     context.DrawImage(img, new Rect(dx, dy, drop.R * 2, drop.R * 2), new Rect(sx, sy, sw, sh));
     return true;
        static void DrawTile(CanvasDrawingSession ds, float width, float height)
            using (var cl = new CanvasCommandList(ds))
                using (var clds = cl.CreateDrawingSession())
                    var text = string.Format("{0}\n{1}", DateTime.Now.ToString("ddd"), DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm"));

                    var textFormat = new CanvasTextFormat()
                        FontFamily = "Segoe UI Black",
                        HorizontalAlignment = CanvasHorizontalAlignment.Right,
                        VerticalAlignment = CanvasVerticalAlignment.Center,
                        FontSize = 20,
                        LineSpacing = 20

                    clds.DrawText(text, 0, 0, Colors.White, textFormat);

                var effect = new GaussianBlurEffect()
                    Source = cl,
                    BlurAmount = 1,


                var bounds = effect.GetBounds(ds);
                var ratio = bounds.Height / bounds.Width;
                var destHeight = height * ratio;

                ds.DrawImage(effect, new Rect(0, height / 2 - destHeight / 2, width, destHeight), bounds);

                ds.DrawText(string.Format("Generated by Win2D\n{0}\n{1}", DateTime.Now.ToString("d"), DateTime.Now.ToString("t")),
                    12, 12, Colors.Black,
                    new CanvasTextFormat()
                        HorizontalAlignment = CanvasHorizontalAlignment.Left,
                        VerticalAlignment = CanvasVerticalAlignment.Top,
                        FontSize = 12
        static void DrawSecondsText(CanvasDrawingSession ds, Vector2 pos, int seconds)
            // The text is drawn via a command list so we can use DrawImage to specify a difference CanvasComposite mode.
            using (var cl = new CanvasCommandList(ds))
                using (var clds = cl.CreateDrawingSession())
                    clds.DrawText(seconds.ToString(), Vector2.Zero, Colors.White, textFormat);

                Rect textBounds = cl.GetBounds(ds);
                var offset = new Vector2((float)textBounds.Left, (float)textBounds.Top);

                ds.DrawImage(cl, pos + offset, cl.GetBounds(ds), 1, CanvasImageInterpolation.NearestNeighbor, CanvasComposite.MaskInvert);
        private void DrawPage(CanvasPrintDocument sender, CanvasDrawingSession ds, uint pageNumber, Rect imageableRect)
            var cellAcross = new Vector2(cellSize.X, 0);
            var cellDown = new Vector2(0, cellSize.Y);

            var totalSize = cellAcross * columns + cellDown * rows;
            Vector2 topLeft = (pageSize - totalSize) / 2;

            int bitmapIndex = ((int)pageNumber - 1) * bitmapsPerPage;

            var labelFormat = new CanvasTextFormat()
                FontFamily = "Comic Sans MS",
                FontSize = 12,
                VerticalAlignment = CanvasVerticalAlignment.Bottom,
                HorizontalAlignment = CanvasHorizontalAlignment.Left

            var numberFormat = new CanvasTextFormat()
                FontFamily = "Comic Sans MS",
                FontSize = 18,
                VerticalAlignment = CanvasVerticalAlignment.Top,
                HorizontalAlignment = CanvasHorizontalAlignment.Left

            var pageNumberFormat = new CanvasTextFormat()
                FontFamily = "Comic Sans MS",
                FontSize = 10,
                VerticalAlignment = CanvasVerticalAlignment.Bottom,
                HorizontalAlignment = CanvasHorizontalAlignment.Center

            var titleFormat = new CanvasTextFormat()
                FontFamily = "Comic Sans MS",
                FontSize = 24,
                VerticalAlignment = CanvasVerticalAlignment.Top,
                HorizontalAlignment = CanvasHorizontalAlignment.Left

            if (pageNumber == 1)
                ds.DrawText("Win2D Printing Example", imageableRect, Colors.Black, titleFormat);

            ds.DrawText(string.Format("Page {0} / {1}", pageNumber, pageCount),

            DrawGrid(ds, cellAcross, cellDown, topLeft);

            for (int row = 0; row < rows; ++row)
                for (int column = 0; column < columns; ++column)
                    var cellTopLeft = topLeft + (cellAcross * column) + (cellDown * row);

                    var paddedTopLeft = cellTopLeft + textPadding / 2;
                    var paddedSize = cellSize - textPadding;

                    var bitmapInfo = bitmaps[bitmapIndex % bitmaps.Count];

                    // Center the bitmap in the cell
                    var bitmapPos = cellTopLeft + (cellSize - bitmapInfo.Bitmap.Size.ToVector2()) / 2;

                    ds.DrawImage(bitmapInfo.Bitmap, bitmapPos);

                    using (var labelLayout = new CanvasTextLayout(sender, bitmapInfo.Name, labelFormat, paddedSize.X, paddedSize.Y))
                    using (var numberLayout = new CanvasTextLayout(sender, (bitmapIndex + 1).ToString(), numberFormat, paddedSize.X, paddedSize.Y))
                        DrawTextOverWhiteRectangle(ds, paddedTopLeft, labelLayout);
                        DrawTextOverWhiteRectangle(ds, paddedTopLeft, numberLayout);

        public void Draw(CanvasDrawingSession session)
            session.DrawImage(displacement,new Vector2(X, Y));

            //session.DrawImage((ICanvasImage)displacement.Source, new Vector2(X, Y));