Exemple #1
        private IEnumerable <DependencyDetail> GetDependencyDetails(XmlDocument document, string branch = null)
            List <DependencyDetail> dependencyDetails = new List <DependencyDetail>();

            if (document != null)

                void BuildDependencies(XmlNodeList dependencies)
                    if (dependencies.Count > 0)
                        foreach (XmlNode dependency in dependencies)
                            if (dependency.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Comment && dependency.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Whitespace)
                                DependencyDetail dependencyDetail = new DependencyDetail
                                    Branch  = branch,
                                    Name    = dependency.Attributes["Name"].Value,
                                    RepoUri = dependency.SelectSingleNode("Uri").InnerText,
                                    Commit  = dependency.SelectSingleNode("Sha").InnerText,
                                    Version = dependency.Attributes["Version"].Value

                        _logger.LogWarning("No dependencies defined in file.");
                _logger.LogError($"There was an error while reading '{VersionFiles.VersionDetailsXml}' and it came back empty. " +
                                 $"Look for exceptions above.");

        /// <summary>
        ///     Update well-known version files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="versionProps">Versions.props xml document</param>
        /// <param name="token">Global.json document</param>
        /// <param name="itemToUpdate">Item that needs an update.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     TODO: https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/issues/1095
        /// </remarks>
        private void UpdateVersionFiles(XmlDocument versionProps, JToken token, DependencyDetail itemToUpdate)
            string versionElementName          = VersionFiles.GetVersionPropsPackageVersionElementName(itemToUpdate.Name);
            string alternateVersionElementName = VersionFiles.GetVersionPropsAlternatePackageVersionElementName(itemToUpdate.Name);

            // Select nodes case insensitively, then update the name.
            XmlNode packageVersionNode = versionProps.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode(
                $"//*[translate(local-name(),'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ','abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')=" +
            string foundElementName = versionElementName;

            // Find alternate names
            if (packageVersionNode == null)
                packageVersionNode = versionProps.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode(
                    $"//*[translate(local-name(),'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ','abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')=" +
                foundElementName = alternateVersionElementName;

            if (packageVersionNode != null)
                packageVersionNode.InnerText = itemToUpdate.Version;
                // If the node name was updated, then create a new node with the new name, unlink this node
                // and create a new one in the same location.
                if (packageVersionNode.LocalName != foundElementName)
                        XmlNode parentNode = packageVersionNode.ParentNode;
                        XmlNode newPackageVersionElement = versionProps.CreateElement(
                        newPackageVersionElement.InnerText = itemToUpdate.Version;
                        parentNode.ReplaceChild(newPackageVersionElement, packageVersionNode);

            // Update the global json too, even if there was an element in the props file, in case
            // it was listed in both
            UpdateVersionGlobalJson(itemToUpdate, token);
Exemple #3
        private async Task CommitFilesForPullRequestAsync(string repoUri, string branch, string assetsProducedInCommit, IEnumerable <DependencyDetail> itemsToUpdate, string pullRequestBaseBranch = null)
            GitFileContentContainer fileContainer = await _fileManager.UpdateDependencyFiles(itemsToUpdate, repoUri, branch);

            List <GitFile> filesToCommit = fileContainer.GetFilesToCommitMap(pullRequestBaseBranch);

            // If there is an arcade asset that we need to update we try to update the script files as well
            DependencyDetail arcadeItem = itemsToUpdate.Where(i => i.Name.ToLower().Contains("arcade")).FirstOrDefault();

            if (arcadeItem != null &&
                repoUri != arcadeItem.RepoUri)
                List <GitFile> engCommonsFiles = await GetScriptFilesAsync(arcadeItem.RepoUri, assetsProducedInCommit);


            await _gitClient.PushFilesAsync(filesToCommit, repoUri, pullRequestBaseBranch, "Updating version files");
Exemple #4
        public async Task AddDependencyToVersionProps(string filePath, DependencyDetail dependency)
            XmlDocument versionProps = await ReadVersionPropsAsync(filePath, null);

            string versionedName = dependency.Name.Replace(".", string.Empty);

            versionedName = $"{versionedName}Version";

            XmlNode versionNode = versionProps.DocumentElement.SelectNodes($"//PropertyGroup").Item(0);

            XmlNode newDependency = versionProps.CreateElement(versionedName);

            newDependency.InnerText = dependency.Version;

            GitFile file = new GitFile(filePath, versionProps);

            File.WriteAllText(file.FilePath, file.Content);

            _logger.LogInformation($"Dependency '{dependency.Name}' with version '{dependency.Version}' successfully added to Version.props");
Exemple #5
        public async Task CommitUpdatesAsync(
            string repoUri,
            string branch,
            List <DependencyDetail> itemsToUpdate,
            string message)
            GitFileContentContainer fileContainer =
                await _fileManager.UpdateDependencyFiles(itemsToUpdate, repoUri, branch);

            List <GitFile> filesToCommit = fileContainer.GetFilesToCommit();

            // If we are updating the arcade sdk we need to update the eng/common files as well
            DependencyDetail arcadeItem = itemsToUpdate.FirstOrDefault(
                i => string.Equals(i.Name, "Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            if (arcadeItem != null && repoUri != arcadeItem.RepoUri)
                // Files in arcade repository
                List <GitFile> engCommonFiles = await GetCommonScriptFilesAsync(arcadeItem.RepoUri, arcadeItem.Commit);


                // Files in the target repo
                string latestCommit = await _gitClient.GetLastCommitShaAsync(_gitClient.GetOwnerAndRepoFromRepoUri(repoUri), branch);

                List <GitFile> targetEngCommonFiles = await GetCommonScriptFilesAsync(repoUri, latestCommit);

                foreach (GitFile file in targetEngCommonFiles)
                    if (!engCommonFiles.Where(f => f.FilePath == file.FilePath).Any())
                        file.Operation = GitFileOperation.Delete;

            await _gitClient.PushFilesAsync(filesToCommit, repoUri, branch, message);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     Updates existing dependencies in the dependency files
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dependencies">Dependencies that need updates.</param>
        /// <param name="remote">Remote instance for gathering eng/common script updates.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task UpdateDependenciesAsync(List <DependencyDetail> dependencies, IRemote remote)
            // TODO: This should use known updaters, but today the updaters for global.json can only
            // add, not actually update.  This needs a fix. https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/issues/1095

            /*List<DependencyDetail> defaultUpdates = new List<DependencyDetail>(, IRemote remote);
             * foreach (DependencyDetail dependency in dependencies)
             * {
             *  if (DependencyOperations.TryGetKnownUpdater(dependency.Name, out Delegate function))
             *  {
             *      await (Task)function.DynamicInvoke(_fileManager, _repo, dependency);
             *  }
             *  else
             *  {
             *      defaultUpdates.Add(dependency);
             *  }
             * }*/

            var fileContainer = await _fileManager.UpdateDependencyFiles(dependencies, _repo, null);

            List <GitFile> filesToUpdate = fileContainer.GetFilesToCommit();

            // TODO: This needs to be moved into some consistent handling between local/remote and add/update:
            // https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/issues/1095
            // If we are updating the arcade sdk we need to update the eng/common files as well
            DependencyDetail arcadeItem = dependencies.FirstOrDefault(
                i => string.Equals(i.Name, "Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            if (arcadeItem != null)
                List <GitFile> engCommonFiles = await remote.GetCommonScriptFilesAsync(arcadeItem.RepoUri, arcadeItem.Commit);


            // Push on local does not commit.
            await _gitClient.PushFilesAsync(filesToUpdate, _repo, null, null);
Exemple #7
        public async Task AddDependencyToVersionDetails(string filePath, DependencyDetail dependency, DependencyType dependencyType)
            XmlDocument versionDetails = await ReadVersionDetailsXmlAsync(filePath, null);

            XmlNode newDependency = versionDetails.CreateElement("Dependency");

            XmlAttribute nameAttribute = versionDetails.CreateAttribute("Name");

            nameAttribute.Value = dependency.Name;

            XmlAttribute versionAttribute = versionDetails.CreateAttribute("Version");

            versionAttribute.Value = dependency.Version;

            XmlNode uri = versionDetails.CreateElement("Uri");

            uri.InnerText = dependency.RepoUri;

            XmlNode sha = versionDetails.CreateElement("Sha");

            sha.InnerText = dependency.Commit;

            XmlNode dependencies = versionDetails.SelectSingleNode($"//{dependencyType}Dependencies");


            GitFile file = new GitFile(filePath, versionDetails);

            File.WriteAllText(file.FilePath, file.Content);

            _logger.LogInformation($"Dependency '{dependency.Name}' with version '{dependency.Version}' successfully added to Version.Details.xml");
Exemple #8
 public void AddChild(DependencyGraphNode newChild, DependencyDetail dependency)
Exemple #9
 /// <summary>
 ///     Adds a dependency to the dependency files
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public async Task AddDependencyAsync(DependencyDetail dependency, DependencyType dependencyType)
     // TODO: https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/issues/1095
     // This should be getting back a container and writing the files from here.
     await _fileManager.AddDependencyAsync(dependency, dependencyType, _repo, null);
        private static string GetRepoPath(
            DependencyDetail dependency,
            IEnumerable <string> remotesMap,
            string reposFolder,
            ILogger logger)
            string repoPath = null;

            if (remotesMap != null)
                if (_remotesMapping == null)
                    _remotesMapping = CreateRemotesMapping(remotesMap);

                if (!_remotesMapping.ContainsKey(repoPath))
                    throw new DarcException($"A key matching '{dependency.RepoUri}' was not " +
                                            $"found in the mapping. Please make sure to include it...");

                repoPath = _remotesMapping[repoPath];
                string folder = null;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reposFolder))
                    folder = reposFolder;
                    // If a repo folder or a mapping was not set we use the current parent's
                    // parent folder.
                    string gitDir = LocalHelpers.GetGitDir(logger);
                    string parent = Directory.GetParent(gitDir).FullName;
                    folder = Directory.GetParent(parent).FullName;

                // There are cases when the sha is not specified in Version.Details.xml
                // since owners want that Maestro++ fills this in. Without a sha we
                // cannot walk the graph. We do not fail the process but display/return
                // a dependency with no sha and for that graph path that would be the end of the walk
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dependency.Commit))

                repoPath = LocalHelpers.GetRepoPathFromFolder(folder, dependency.Commit, logger);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(repoPath))
                    throw new DarcException($"Commit '{dependency.Commit}' was not found in any " +
                                            $"folder in '{folder}'. Make sure a folder for '{dependency.RepoUri}' exists " +
                                            $"and it has all the latest changes...");

Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        ///     Add a dependency to Versions.props.  This has the form:
        ///     <!-- Package names -->
        ///     <PropertyGroup>
        ///         <MicrosoftDotNetApiCompatPackage>Microsoft.DotNet.ApiCompat</MicrosoftDotNetApiCompatPackage>
        ///     </PropertyGroup>
        ///     <!-- Package versions -->
        ///     <PropertyGroup>
        ///         <MicrosoftDotNetApiCompatPackageVersion>1.0.0-beta.18478.5</MicrosoftDotNetApiCompatPackageVersion>
        ///     </PropertyGroup>
        ///     See https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/blob/master/Documentation/DependencyDescriptionFormat.md for more
        ///     information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="repo">Path to Versions.props file</param>
        /// <param name="dependency">Dependency information to add.</param>
        /// <returns>Async task.</returns>
        public async Task AddDependencyToVersionsPropsAsync(string repo, string branch, DependencyDetail dependency)
            XmlDocument versionProps = await ReadVersionPropsAsync(repo, null);

            string documentNamespaceUri = versionProps.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI;

            string packageNameElementName             = VersionFiles.GetVersionPropsPackageElementName(dependency.Name);
            string packageVersionElementName          = VersionFiles.GetVersionPropsPackageVersionElementName(dependency.Name);
            string packageVersionAlternateElementName = VersionFiles.GetVersionPropsAlternatePackageVersionElementName(

            // Select elements by local name, since the Project (DocumentElement) element often has a default
            // xmlns set.
            XmlNodeList propertyGroupNodes = versionProps.DocumentElement.SelectNodes($"//*[local-name()='PropertyGroup']");

            XmlNode newPackageNameElement = versionProps.CreateElement(packageNameElementName, documentNamespaceUri);

            newPackageNameElement.InnerText = dependency.Name;

            bool addedPackageVersionElement = false;
            bool addedPackageNameElement    = false;

            // There can be more than one property group.  Find the appropriate one containing an existing element of
            // the same type, and add it to the parent.
            foreach (XmlNode propertyGroupNode in propertyGroupNodes)
                if (propertyGroupNode.HasChildNodes)
                    foreach (XmlNode propertyNode in propertyGroupNode.ChildNodes)
                        if (!addedPackageVersionElement && propertyNode.Name.EndsWith(VersionFiles.VersionPropsVersionElementSuffix))
                            XmlNode newPackageVersionElement = versionProps.CreateElement(
                            newPackageVersionElement.InnerText = dependency.Version;

                            addedPackageVersionElement = true;
                        // Test for alternate suffixes.  This will eventually be replaced by repo-level configuration:
                        // https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/issues/1095
                        else if (!addedPackageVersionElement && propertyNode.Name.EndsWith(
                            XmlNode newPackageVersionElement = versionProps.CreateElement(
                            newPackageVersionElement.InnerText = dependency.Version;

                            addedPackageVersionElement = true;
                        else if (!addedPackageNameElement && propertyNode.Name.EndsWith(VersionFiles.VersionPropsPackageElementSuffix))
                            addedPackageNameElement = true;

                    if (addedPackageVersionElement && addedPackageNameElement)

            // Add the property groups if none were present
            if (!addedPackageVersionElement)
                // If the repository doesn't have any package version element, then
                // use the non-alternate element name.
                XmlNode newPackageVersionElement = versionProps.CreateElement(packageVersionElementName, documentNamespaceUri);
                newPackageVersionElement.InnerText = dependency.Version;

                XmlNode propertyGroupElement        = versionProps.CreateElement("PropertyGroup", documentNamespaceUri);
                XmlNode propertyGroupCommentElement = versionProps.CreateComment("Package versions");

            if (!addedPackageNameElement)
                XmlNode propertyGroupElement        = versionProps.CreateElement("PropertyGroup", documentNamespaceUri);
                XmlNode propertyGroupCommentElement = versionProps.CreateComment("Package names");

            // TODO: This should not be done here.  This should return some kind of generic file container to the caller,
            // who will gather up all updates and then call the git client to write the files all at once:
            // https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/issues/1095.  Today this is only called from the Local interface so
            // it's okay for now.
            var file = new GitFile(VersionFiles.VersionProps, versionProps);
            await _gitClient.PushFilesAsync(new List <GitFile> {
            }, repo, branch, $"Add {dependency} to " +

                $"Dependency '{dependency.Name}' with version '{dependency.Version}' successfully added to " +
 public DependencyGraphNode(DependencyDetail dependencyDetail)
     : this(
         new HashSet <string>())
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        ///     Updates existing dependencies in the dependency files
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dependencies">Dependencies that need updates.</param>
        /// <param name="remote">Remote instance for gathering eng/common script updates.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task UpdateDependenciesAsync(List <DependencyDetail> dependencies, IRemoteFactory remoteFactory)
            // TODO: This should use known updaters, but today the updaters for global.json can only
            // add, not actually update.  This needs a fix. https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/issues/1095

            /*List<DependencyDetail> defaultUpdates = new List<DependencyDetail>(, IRemote remote);
             * foreach (DependencyDetail dependency in dependencies)
             * {
             *  if (DependencyOperations.TryGetKnownUpdater(dependency.Name, out Delegate function))
             *  {
             *      await (Task)function.DynamicInvoke(_fileManager, _repo, dependency);
             *  }
             *  else
             *  {
             *      defaultUpdates.Add(dependency);
             *  }
             * }*/

            var fileContainer = await _fileManager.UpdateDependencyFiles(dependencies, _repo, null);

            List <GitFile> filesToUpdate = fileContainer.GetFilesToCommit();

            // TODO: This needs to be moved into some consistent handling between local/remote and add/update:
            // https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/issues/1095
            // If we are updating the arcade sdk we need to update the eng/common files as well
            DependencyDetail arcadeItem = dependencies.FirstOrDefault(
                i => string.Equals(i.Name, "Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            if (arcadeItem != null)
                    IRemote remote = await remoteFactory.GetRemoteAsync(arcadeItem.RepoUri, _logger);

                    List <GitFile> engCommonFiles = await remote.GetCommonScriptFilesAsync(arcadeItem.RepoUri, arcadeItem.Commit);


                    List <GitFile> localEngCommonFiles = await _gitClient.GetFilesAtCommitAsync(null, null, "eng/common");

                    foreach (GitFile file in localEngCommonFiles)
                        if (!engCommonFiles.Where(f => f.FilePath == file.FilePath).Any())
                            file.Operation = GitFileOperation.Delete;
                catch (Exception exc) when
                    (exc.Message == "Not Found")
                    _logger.LogWarning("Could not update 'eng/common'. Most likely this is a scenario " +
                                       "where a packages folder was passed and the commit which generated them is not " +
                                       "yet pushed.");

            // Push on local does not commit.
            await _gitClient.CommitFilesAsync(filesToUpdate, _repo, null, null);
Exemple #14
        public static async Task UpdateGlobalJson(GitFileManager fileManager, string repository, DependencyDetail dependency)
            Dictionary <string, string> dependencyMapping = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk", "msbuild-sdks" },
                { "dotnet", "tools" }

            if (!dependencyMapping.ContainsKey(dependency.Name))
                throw new Exception($"Dependency '{dependency.Name}' has no parent mapping defined.");

            string parent = dependencyMapping[dependency.Name];

            await fileManager.AddDependencyToGlobalJson(Path.Combine(repository, VersionFilePath.GlobalJson), parent, dependency.Name, dependency.Version);

            await fileManager.AddDependencyToVersionDetails(Path.Combine(repository, VersionFilePath.VersionDetailsXml), dependency, DependencyType.Toolset);
 public bool Equals(Asset x, DependencyDetail y)
     return(x.Name.Equals(y.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
            x.Version == y.Version);
Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        ///     Updates existing dependencies in the dependency files
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dependencies">Dependencies that need updates.</param>
        /// <param name="remote">Remote instance for gathering eng/common script updates.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task UpdateDependenciesAsync(List <DependencyDetail> dependencies, IRemoteFactory remoteFactory)
            // Read the current dependency files and grab their locations so that nuget.config can be updated appropriately.
            // Update the incoming dependencies with locations.
            IEnumerable <DependencyDetail> oldDependencies = await GetDependenciesAsync();

            IRemote barOnlyRemote = await remoteFactory.GetBarOnlyRemoteAsync(_logger);

            await barOnlyRemote.AddAssetLocationToDependenciesAsync(oldDependencies);

            await barOnlyRemote.AddAssetLocationToDependenciesAsync(dependencies);

            // If we are updating the arcade sdk we need to update the eng/common files as well
            DependencyDetail arcadeItem = dependencies.FirstOrDefault(
                i => string.Equals(i.Name, "Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
            SemanticVersion targetDotNetVersion = null;
            IRemote         arcadeRemote        = null;

            if (arcadeItem != null)
                arcadeRemote = await remoteFactory.GetRemoteAsync(arcadeItem.RepoUri, _logger);

                targetDotNetVersion = await arcadeRemote.GetToolsDotnetVersionAsync(arcadeItem.RepoUri, arcadeItem.Commit);

            var fileContainer = await _fileManager.UpdateDependencyFiles(dependencies, _repo, null, oldDependencies, targetDotNetVersion);

            List <GitFile> filesToUpdate = fileContainer.GetFilesToCommit();

            if (arcadeItem != null)
                    List <GitFile> engCommonFiles = await arcadeRemote.GetCommonScriptFilesAsync(arcadeItem.RepoUri, arcadeItem.Commit);


                    List <GitFile> localEngCommonFiles = await _gitClient.GetFilesAtCommitAsync(null, null, "eng/common");

                    foreach (GitFile file in localEngCommonFiles)
                        if (!engCommonFiles.Where(f => f.FilePath == file.FilePath).Any())
                            // This is a file in the repo's eng/common folder that isn't present in Arcade at the
                            // requested SHA so delete it during the update.
                            // GitFile instances do not have public setters since we insert/retrieve them from an
                            // In-memory cache during remote updates and we don't want anything to modify the cached,
                            // references, so add a copy with a Delete FileOperation.
                            filesToUpdate.Add(new GitFile(
                catch (Exception exc) when
                    (exc.Message == "Not Found")
                    _logger.LogWarning("Could not update 'eng/common'. Most likely this is a scenario " +
                                       "where a packages folder was passed and the commit which generated them is not " +
                                       "yet pushed.");

            // Push on local does not commit.
            await _gitClient.CommitFilesAsync(filesToUpdate, _repo, null, null);
        private IEnumerable <DependencyDetail> GetDependencyDetails(XmlDocument document, string branch = null, bool includePinned = true)
            List <DependencyDetail> dependencyDetails = new List <DependencyDetail>();

            if (document != null)

                void BuildDependencies(XmlNodeList dependencies)
                    if (dependencies.Count > 0)
                        foreach (XmlNode dependency in dependencies)
                            if (dependency.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Comment && dependency.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Whitespace)
                                DependencyType type;
                                switch (dependency.ParentNode.Name)
                                case "ProductDependencies":
                                    type = DependencyType.Product;

                                case "ToolsetDependencies":
                                    type = DependencyType.Toolset;

                                    throw new DarcException($"Unknown dependency type '{dependency.ParentNode.Name}'");

                                bool isPinned = false;

                                // If the 'Pinned' attribute does not exist or if it is set to false we just not update it
                                if (dependency.Attributes[VersionFiles.PinnedAttributeName] != null)
                                    if (!bool.TryParse(dependency.Attributes[VersionFiles.PinnedAttributeName].Value, out isPinned))
                                        throw new DarcException($"The '{VersionFiles.PinnedAttributeName}' attribute is set but the value " +
                                                                $"'{dependency.Attributes[VersionFiles.PinnedAttributeName].Value}' " +
                                                                $"is not a valid boolean...");

                                DependencyDetail dependencyDetail = new DependencyDetail
                                    Name    = dependency.Attributes[VersionFiles.NameAttributeName].Value,
                                    RepoUri = dependency.SelectSingleNode(VersionFiles.UriElementName).InnerText,
                                    Commit  = dependency.SelectSingleNode(VersionFiles.ShaElementName)?.InnerText,
                                    Version = dependency.Attributes[VersionFiles.VersionAttributeName].Value,
                                    CoherentParentDependencyName = dependency.Attributes[VersionFiles.CoherentParentAttributeName]?.Value,
                                    Pinned = isPinned,
                                    Type   = type

                _logger.LogError($"There was an error while reading '{VersionFiles.VersionDetailsXml}' and it came back empty. " +
                                 $"Look for exceptions above.");

            if (includePinned)

            return(dependencyDetails.Where(d => !d.Pinned));
Exemple #18
        public async Task CommitUpdatesAsync(
            string repoUri,
            string branch,
            List <DependencyDetail> itemsToUpdate,
            string message)
            GitFileContentContainer fileContainer =
                await _fileManager.UpdateDependencyFiles(itemsToUpdate, repoUri, branch);

            List <GitFile> filesToCommit = new List <GitFile>();

            // If we are updating the arcade sdk we need to update the eng/common files and the dotnet versions as well
            DependencyDetail arcadeItem = itemsToUpdate.FirstOrDefault(
                i => string.Equals(i.Name, "Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            if (arcadeItem != null && repoUri != arcadeItem.RepoUri)
                // Files in arcade repository. All Arcade items have a GitHub repo URI by default so we need to change the
                // URI from we are getting the eng/common files. If in an AzDO context we change the URI to that of
                // dotnet-arcade in dnceng

                string arcadeRepoUri = arcadeItem.RepoUri;

                if (Uri.TryCreate(repoUri, UriKind.Absolute, out Uri parsedUri))
                    if (parsedUri.Host == "dev.azure.com" || parsedUri.Host.EndsWith("visualstudio.com"))
                        arcadeRepoUri = "https://dev.azure.com/dnceng/internal/_git/dotnet-arcade";

                SemanticVersion arcadeDotnetVersion = await GetToolsDotnetVersionAsync(arcadeRepoUri, arcadeItem.Commit);

                if (arcadeDotnetVersion != null)
                    fileContainer.GlobalJson = UpdateDotnetVersionGlobalJson(arcadeDotnetVersion, fileContainer.GlobalJson);

                List <GitFile> engCommonFiles = await GetCommonScriptFilesAsync(arcadeRepoUri, arcadeItem.Commit);


                // Files in the target repo
                string latestCommit = await _gitClient.GetLastCommitShaAsync(repoUri, branch);

                List <GitFile> targetEngCommonFiles = await GetCommonScriptFilesAsync(repoUri, latestCommit);

                foreach (GitFile file in targetEngCommonFiles)
                    if (!engCommonFiles.Where(f => f.FilePath == file.FilePath).Any())
                        file.Operation = GitFileOperation.Delete;


            await _gitClient.CommitFilesAsync(filesToCommit, repoUri, branch, message);
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        ///     Determine what dependencies need to be updated given an input set of assets.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceCommit">Commit the assets come from.</param>
        /// <param name="assets">Assets as inputs for the update.</param>
        /// <param name="dependencies">Current set of the dependencies.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceRepoUri">Repository the assets came from.</param>
        /// <returns>Map of existing dependency->updated dependency</returns>
        public Task <List <DependencyUpdate> > GetRequiredNonCoherencyUpdatesAsync(
            string sourceRepoUri,
            string sourceCommit,
            IEnumerable <AssetData> assets,
            IEnumerable <DependencyDetail> dependencies)
            Dictionary <DependencyDetail, DependencyDetail> toUpdate = new Dictionary <DependencyDetail, DependencyDetail>();

            // Walk the assets, finding the dependencies that don't have coherency markers.
            // those must be updated in a second pass.
            foreach (AssetData asset in assets)
                DependencyDetail matchingDependencyByName =
                    dependencies.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Name.Equals(asset.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&

                if (matchingDependencyByName == null)

                // If the dependency is pinned, don't touch it.
                if (matchingDependencyByName.Pinned)

                // Build might contain multiple assets of the same name
                if (toUpdate.ContainsKey(matchingDependencyByName))

                // Check if an update is actually needed.
                // Case-sensitive compare as case-correction is desired.
                if (matchingDependencyByName.Name == asset.Name &&
                    matchingDependencyByName.Version == asset.Version &&
                    matchingDependencyByName.Commit == sourceCommit &&
                    matchingDependencyByName.RepoUri == sourceRepoUri)

                DependencyDetail newDependency = new DependencyDetail(matchingDependencyByName)
                    Commit  = sourceCommit,
                    RepoUri = sourceRepoUri,
                    Version = asset.Version,
                    Name    = asset.Name

                toUpdate.Add(matchingDependencyByName, newDependency);

            List <DependencyUpdate> dependencyUpdates = toUpdate.Select(kv => new DependencyUpdate
                From = kv.Key,
                To   = kv.Value

Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        ///     Get updates required by coherency constraints.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dependencies">Current set of dependencies.</param>
        /// <param name="remoteFactory">Remote factory for remote queries.</param>
        /// <returns>Dependencies with updates.</returns>
        public async Task <List <DependencyUpdate> > GetRequiredCoherencyUpdatesAsync(
            IEnumerable <DependencyDetail> dependencies,
            IRemoteFactory remoteFactory)
            List <DependencyUpdate> toUpdate = new List <DependencyUpdate>();

            IEnumerable <DependencyDetail> leavesOfCoherencyTrees =

            if (!leavesOfCoherencyTrees.Any())
                // Nothing to do.

            DependencyGraphBuildOptions dependencyGraphBuildOptions = new DependencyGraphBuildOptions()
                IncludeToolset = true,
                LookupBuilds   = true,
                NodeDiff       = NodeDiff.None

            // Now make a walk over coherent dependencies. Note that coherent dependencies could make
            // a chain (A->B->C). In all cases we need to walk to the head of the chain, keeping track
            // of all elements in the chain. Also note that we are walking all dependencies here, not
            // just those that match the incoming AssetData and aligning all of these based on the coherency data.
            Dictionary <string, DependencyGraphNode> nodeCache = new Dictionary <string, DependencyGraphNode>();
            HashSet <DependencyDetail> visited = new HashSet <DependencyDetail>();

            foreach (DependencyDetail dependency in leavesOfCoherencyTrees)
                // If the dependency was already updated, then skip it (could have been part of a larger
                // dependency chain)
                if (visited.Contains(dependency))

                // Walk to head of dependency tree, keeping track of elements along the way.
                // If we hit a pinned dependency in the walk, that means we can't move
                // the dependency and therefore it is effectively the "head" of the subtree.
                // We will still visit all the elements in the chain eventually in this algorithm:
                // Consider A->B(pinned)->C(pinned)->D.
                List <DependencyDetail> updateList        = new List <DependencyDetail>();
                DependencyDetail        currentDependency = dependency;
                while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentDependency.CoherentParentDependencyName) && !currentDependency.Pinned)
                    DependencyDetail parentCoherentDependency = dependencies.FirstOrDefault(d =>
                                                                                            d.Name.Equals(currentDependency.CoherentParentDependencyName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                    currentDependency = parentCoherentDependency ?? throw new DarcException($"Dependency {currentDependency.Name} has non-existent parent " +
                                                                                            $"dependency {currentDependency.CoherentParentDependencyName}");

                DependencyGraphNode rootNode = null;

                // Build the graph to find the assets if we don't have the root in the cache.
                // The graph build is automatically broken when
                // all the desired assets are found (breadth first search). This means the cache may or
                // may not contain a complete graph for a given node. So, we first search the cache for the desired assets,
                // then if not found (or if there was no cache), we then build the graph from that node.
                bool nodeFromCache = nodeCache.TryGetValue($"{currentDependency.RepoUri}@{currentDependency.Commit}", out rootNode);
                if (!nodeFromCache)
                    _logger.LogInformation($"Node not found in cache, starting graph build at " +
                    rootNode = await BuildGraphAtDependency(remoteFactory, currentDependency, updateList, nodeCache);

                List <DependencyDetail> leftToFind = new List <DependencyDetail>(updateList);
                // Now do the lookup to find the element in the tree for each item in the update list
                foreach (DependencyDetail dependencyInUpdateChain in updateList)
                    (Asset coherentAsset, Build buildForAsset) =
                        FindAssetInBuildTree(dependencyInUpdateChain.Name, rootNode);

                    // If we originally got the root node from the cache the graph may be incomplete.
                    // Rebuild to attempt to find all the assets we have left to find. If we still can't find, or if
                    // the root node did not come the cache, then we're in an invalid state.
                    if (coherentAsset == null && nodeFromCache)
                        _logger.LogInformation($"Asset {dependencyInUpdateChain.Name} was not found in cached graph, rebuilding from " +
                        rootNode = await BuildGraphAtDependency(remoteFactory, currentDependency, leftToFind, nodeCache);

                        // And attempt to find again.
                        (coherentAsset, buildForAsset) =
                            FindAssetInBuildTree(dependencyInUpdateChain.Name, rootNode);

                    if (coherentAsset == null)
                        // This is an invalid state. We can't satisfy the
                        // constraints so they should either be removed or pinned.
                        throw new DarcException($"Unable to update {dependencyInUpdateChain.Name} to have coherency with " +
                                                $"parent {dependencyInUpdateChain.CoherentParentDependencyName}. No matching asset found in tree. " +
                                                $"Either remove the coherency attribute or mark as pinned.");

                    string buildRepoUri = buildForAsset.GitHubRepository ?? buildForAsset.AzureDevOpsRepository;

                    if (dependencyInUpdateChain.Name == coherentAsset.Name &&
                        dependencyInUpdateChain.Version == coherentAsset.Version &&
                        dependencyInUpdateChain.Commit == buildForAsset.Commit &&
                        dependencyInUpdateChain.RepoUri == buildRepoUri)

                    DependencyDetail updatedDependency = new DependencyDetail(dependencyInUpdateChain)
                        Name    = coherentAsset.Name,
                        Version = coherentAsset.Version,
                        RepoUri = buildRepoUri,
                        Commit  = buildForAsset.Commit

                    toUpdate.Add(new DependencyUpdate
                        From = dependencyInUpdateChain,
                        To   = updatedDependency

