/* Given a set of available frameworks ("InboxOnTargetFrameworks"), and a list of desired frameworks,
         * reduce the set of frameworks to the minimum set of frameworks which is compatible (preferring inbox frameworks. */
        public override bool Execute()
            if (null == Dependencies)
                Log.LogError("Dependencies argument must be specified");
            if (null == FrameworkListsPath)
                Log.LogError("FrameworkListsPath argument must be specified");

            // Retrieve the list of generation dependency group TFM's
            var dependencyGroups = Dependencies.GroupBy(d => d.GetMetadata("TargetFramework")).Select(dg => new
                Framework    = NuGetFramework.Parse(dg.Key),
                Dependencies = dg.ToArray()

            List <ITaskItem> addedDependencies = new List <ITaskItem>();

            // Exclude any non-portable frameworks that already have specific dependency groups.
            var frameworksToExclude = dependencyGroups.Select(dg => dg.Framework).Where(fx => !FrameworkUtilities.IsGenerationMoniker(fx));

            // Prepare a resolver for evaluating if candidate frameworks are actually supported by the package
            PackageItem[] packageItems = Files.Select(f => new PackageItem(f)).ToArray();
            var           packagePaths = packageItems.Select(pi => pi.TargetPath);
            var           targetFrameworksWithPlaceHolders = packageItems.Where(pi => NuGetAssetResolver.IsPlaceholder(pi.TargetPath)).Select(pi => pi.TargetFramework);

            NuGetAssetResolver resolver = new NuGetAssetResolver(null, packagePaths);

            foreach (var portableDependencyGroup in dependencyGroups.Where(dg => FrameworkUtilities.IsGenerationMoniker(dg.Framework)))
                // Determine inbox frameworks for this generation that don't already have explicit groups
                HashSet <NuGetFramework> inboxFrameworksList = new HashSet <NuGetFramework>(
                    .Where(fx => !fx.IsPCL)
                    .Where(fx => Generations.DetermineGenerationForFramework(fx, UseNetPlatform) >= portableDependencyGroup.Framework.Version &&
                           !frameworksToExclude.Any(exFx => exFx.Framework == fx.Framework && exFx.Version <= fx.Version)));

                // Check for assets which have a ref, but not a lib asset. If we have any of these, then they are actually not supported frameworks
                // and we should not include them.
                inboxFrameworksList.RemoveWhere(inboxFx => !IsSupported(inboxFx, resolver));

                // Only add the lowest version for a particular inbox framework.  EG if both net45 and net46 are supported by this generation,
                //        only add net45
                inboxFrameworksList.RemoveWhere(fx => inboxFrameworksList.Any(otherFx => (otherFx.Framework.Equals(fx.Framework)) && (otherFx.Version < fx.Version)));

                // Create dependency items for each inbox framework.
                foreach (var framework in inboxFrameworksList)
                    bool addedDependencyToFramework = false;
                    foreach (ITaskItem dependency in portableDependencyGroup.Dependencies)
                        string version = GetVersion(dependency);

                        if (!Frameworks.IsInbox(FrameworkListsPath, framework, dependency.ItemSpec, version))
                            addedDependencyToFramework = true;
                            AddDependency(addedDependencies, new TaskItem(dependency), framework, portableDependencyGroup.Framework);
                    if (!addedDependencyToFramework)
                        AddDependency(addedDependencies, new TaskItem("_._"), framework, portableDependencyGroup.Framework);

            // Collapse frameworks
            // For any dependency with a targetframework, if there is another target framework which is compatible and older, remove this dependency.

            // Get all Dependencies which are not in a portable dependency group so that we can collapse the frameworks.  If we include
            // the portable frameworks, then we'll end up collapsing to those.
            List <NuGetFramework> allDependencyGroups = new List <NuGetFramework>();

            allDependencyGroups.AddRange(Dependencies.Select(d => NuGetFramework.Parse(d.GetMetadata("TargetFramework"))).Where(a => !allDependencyGroups.Contains(a) &&
                                                                                                                                !FrameworkUtilities.IsGenerationMoniker(a) &&
            allDependencyGroups.AddRange(addedDependencies.Select(d => NuGetFramework.Parse(d.GetMetadata("TargetFramework"))).Where(a => !allDependencyGroups.Contains(a) &&
                                                                                                                                     !FrameworkUtilities.IsGenerationMoniker(a) &&

            List <NuGetFramework> collapsedDependencyGroups = FrameworkUtilities.ReduceDownwards(allDependencyGroups).ToList <NuGetFramework>();

            // Get the list of dependency groups that we collapsed down so that we can add them back if they contained different dependencies than what is present in the collapsed group.

            /* TODO: Look into NuGet's sorting algorithm, they may have a bug (fixed in this line). They were not including version in the sort.
             *       See ReduceCore in https://github.com/NuGet/NuGet.Client/blob/23ea68b91a439fcfd7f94bcd01bcdee2e8adae92/src/NuGet.Core/NuGet.Frameworks/FrameworkReducer.cs */
            IEnumerable <NuGetFramework> removedDependencyGroups = allDependencyGroups.Where(d => !collapsedDependencyGroups.Contains(d))?.OrderBy(f => f.Framework, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ThenBy(f => f.Version);

            foreach (NuGetFramework removedDependencyGroup in removedDependencyGroups)
                // always recalculate collapsedDependencyGroups in case we added an item in a previous iteration.  Dependency groups are sorted, so this should be additive and we shouldn't need to restart the collapse / add back cycle
                var nearest = FrameworkUtilities.GetNearest(removedDependencyGroup, collapsedDependencyGroups.ToArray());

                // gather the dependencies for this dependency group and the calculated "nearest" dependency group
                var nearestDependencies = addedDependencies.Where(d => nearest.Equals(NuGetFramework.Parse(d.GetMetadata("TargetFramework")))).OrderBy(f => f.ToString());
                var currentDependencies = addedDependencies.Where(d => removedDependencyGroup.Equals(NuGetFramework.Parse(d.GetMetadata("TargetFramework")))).OrderBy(f => f.ToString());

                // The nearest dependency group's dependencies are different than this dependency group's dependencies
                if (nearestDependencies.Count() != currentDependencies.Count())
                    // ignore if dependency is a placeholder
                    if (currentDependencies.Count() > 0)
                        if (!NuGetAssetResolver.IsPlaceholder(currentDependencies.First().ToString()))
                // identical dependency count between current and nearest, and the count is > 0
                else if (nearestDependencies.Count() > 0)
                    if (!currentDependencies.SequenceEqual(nearestDependencies, new DependencyITaskItemComparer()))

            List <ITaskItem> collapsedDependencies = new List <ITaskItem>();

            foreach (ITaskItem dependency in addedDependencies)
                if (collapsedDependencyGroups.Contains(NuGetFramework.Parse(dependency.GetMetadata("TargetFramework"))))
            TrimmedDependencies = collapsedDependencies.ToArray();

Exemple #2
        /* Given a set of available frameworks ("InboxOnTargetFrameworks"), and a list of desired frameworks,
         * reduce the set of frameworks to the minimum set of frameworks which is compatible (preferring inbox frameworks. */
        public override bool Execute()
            if (null == Dependencies)
                Log.LogError("Dependencies argument must be specified");
            if (null == FrameworkListsPath)
                Log.LogError("FrameworkListsPath argument must be specified");

            // Retrieve the list of generation dependency group TFM's
            Dictionary <string, IEnumerable <ITaskItem> > portableDependencyGroups = new Dictionary <string, IEnumerable <ITaskItem> >();

            foreach (ITaskItem dependency in Dependencies)
                string framework = dependency.GetMetadata("TargetFramework");
                if (framework != null && FrameworkUtilities.IsGenerationMoniker(framework) && !portableDependencyGroups.ContainsKey(framework))
                    portableDependencyGroups.Add(framework, Dependencies.Where(d => d.GetMetadata("TargetFramework") == framework));

            List <ITaskItem> addedDependencies     = new List <ITaskItem>();
            List <string>    placeHolderFrameworks = new List <string>();

            var frameworksToExclude = TrimFrameworks?.Select(fx => NuGetFramework.Parse(fx))?.ToArray() ?? new NuGetFramework[0];

            // Prepare a resolver for evaluating if candidate frameworks are actually supported by the package
            PackageItem[] packageItems = Files.Select(f => new PackageItem(f)).ToArray();
            var           packagePaths = packageItems.Select(pi => pi.TargetPath);
            var           targetFrameworksWithPlaceHolders = packageItems.Where(pi => NuGetAssetResolver.IsPlaceholder(pi.TargetPath)).Select(pi => pi.TargetFramework);

            NuGetAssetResolver resolver = new NuGetAssetResolver(null, packagePaths);

            foreach (string portableDependency in portableDependencyGroups.Keys)
                NuGetFramework portableDependencyFramework = NuGetFramework.Parse(portableDependency);

                // Determine inbox frameworks for this generations dependencies as a whole
                HashSet <NuGetFramework> inboxFrameworksList = new HashSet <NuGetFramework>();

                foreach (NuGetFramework inboxFramework in Frameworks.GetAlllInboxFrameworks(FrameworkListsPath))
                    if (Generations.DetermineGenerationForFramework(inboxFramework, UseNetPlatform) >= portableDependencyFramework.Version &&

                // Only add the lowest version for a particular inbox framework.  EG if both net45 and net46 are supported by this generation,
                //        only add net45
                inboxFrameworksList.RemoveWhere(fx => inboxFrameworksList.Any(otherFx => (otherFx.Framework.Equals(fx.Framework)) && (otherFx.Version < fx.Version)));

                // Check for assets which have a ref, but not a lib asset. If we have any of these, then they are actually not supported frameworks
                // and we should not include them.
                inboxFrameworksList.RemoveWhere(inboxFx => !IsSupported(inboxFx, resolver));

                // Remove the frameworks which have placeholders.
                inboxFrameworksList.RemoveWhere(fx => targetFrameworksWithPlaceHolders.Any(tfx => tfx != null && fx.DotNetFrameworkName == tfx.DotNetFrameworkName));

                // Create dependency items for each inbox framework.
                foreach (string framework in inboxFrameworksList.Select(fx => fx.GetShortFolderName()))
                    bool addedDependencyToFramework = false;
                    foreach (ITaskItem dependency in portableDependencyGroups[portableDependency])
                        // If we don't have the AssemblyVersion metadata (4 part version string), fall back and use Version (3 part version string)
                        string version = dependency.GetMetadata("AssemblyVersion");
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(version))
                            version = dependency.GetMetadata("Version");

                            int prereleaseIndex = version.IndexOf('-');
                            if (prereleaseIndex != -1)
                                version = version.Substring(0, prereleaseIndex);
                        if (!Frameworks.IsInbox(FrameworkListsPath, framework, dependency.ItemSpec, version))
                            addedDependencyToFramework = true;
                            TaskItem dependencyItem = new TaskItem(dependency);
                            dependencyItem.SetMetadata("TargetFramework", framework);
                            // "Generation" is not required metadata, we just include it because it can be useful for debugging.
                            dependencyItem.SetMetadata("Generation", portableDependency);
                    if (!addedDependencyToFramework)
                        TaskItem dependencyItem = new TaskItem("_._");
                        dependencyItem.SetMetadata("TargetFramework", framework);
                        // "Generation" is not required metadata, we just include it because it can be useful for debugging.
                        dependencyItem.SetMetadata("Generation", portableDependency);

            // Collapse frameworks
            // For any dependency with a targetframework, if there is another target framework which is compatible and older, remove this dependency.

            // Get all Dependencies which are not in a portable dependency group so that we can collapse the frameworks.  If we include
            // the portable frameworks, then we'll end up collapsing to those.
            List <NuGetFramework> allDependencyGroups = new List <NuGetFramework>();

            allDependencyGroups.AddRange(Dependencies.Select(d => NuGetFramework.Parse(d.GetMetadata("TargetFramework"))).Where(a => !allDependencyGroups.Contains(a) &&
                                                                                                                                !FrameworkUtilities.IsGenerationMoniker(a) &&
            allDependencyGroups.AddRange(addedDependencies.Select(d => NuGetFramework.Parse(d.GetMetadata("TargetFramework"))).Where(a => !allDependencyGroups.Contains(a) &&
                                                                                                                                     !FrameworkUtilities.IsGenerationMoniker(a) &&

            List <NuGetFramework> collapsedDependencyGroups = FrameworkUtilities.ReduceDownwards(allDependencyGroups).ToList <NuGetFramework>();

            // Get the list of dependency groups that we collapsed down so that we can add them back if they contained different dependencies than what is present in the collapsed group.

            /* TODO: Look into NuGet's sorting algorithm, they may have a bug (fixed in this line). They were not including version in the sort.
             *       See ReduceCore in https://github.com/NuGet/NuGet.Client/blob/23ea68b91a439fcfd7f94bcd01bcdee2e8adae92/src/NuGet.Core/NuGet.Frameworks/FrameworkReducer.cs */
            IEnumerable <NuGetFramework> removedDependencyGroups = allDependencyGroups.Where(d => !collapsedDependencyGroups.Contains(d))?.OrderBy(f => f.Framework, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ThenBy(f => f.Version);

            foreach (NuGetFramework removedDependencyGroup in removedDependencyGroups)
                // always recalculate collapsedDependencyGroups in case we added an item in a previous iteration.  Dependency groups are sorted, so this should be additive and we shouldn't need to restart the collapse / add back cycle
                var nearest = FrameworkUtilities.GetNearest(removedDependencyGroup, collapsedDependencyGroups.ToArray());

                // gather the dependencies for this dependency group and the calculated "nearest" dependency group
                var nearestDependencies = addedDependencies.Where(d => nearest.Equals(NuGetFramework.Parse(d.GetMetadata("TargetFramework")))).OrderBy(f => f.ToString());
                var currentDependencies = addedDependencies.Where(d => removedDependencyGroup.Equals(NuGetFramework.Parse(d.GetMetadata("TargetFramework")))).OrderBy(f => f.ToString());

                // The nearest dependency group's dependencies are different than this dependency group's dependencies
                if (nearestDependencies.Count() != currentDependencies.Count())
                    // ignore if dependency is a placeholder
                    if (currentDependencies.Count() > 0)
                        if (!NuGetAssetResolver.IsPlaceholder(currentDependencies.First().ToString()))
                // identical dependency count between current and nearest, and the count is > 0
                else if (nearestDependencies.Count() > 0)
                    if (!currentDependencies.SequenceEqual(nearestDependencies, new DependencyITaskItemComparer()))

            List <ITaskItem> collapsedDependencies = new List <ITaskItem>();

            foreach (ITaskItem dependency in addedDependencies)
                if (collapsedDependencyGroups.Contains(NuGetFramework.Parse(dependency.GetMetadata("TargetFramework"))))
            TrimmedDependencies = collapsedDependencies.ToArray();
