
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer">The API visitor and reflection data writer</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">This add-in has no configurable options</param>
        public XamlAttachedMembersAddIn(ManagedReflectionWriter writer, XPathNavigator configuration) :
          base(writer, configuration)
            attachedMembers = new Dictionary<Object, Field>();

            // Keep track of the writer
            mrw = writer;

            // Register processors as callbacks
            writer.RegisterStartTagCallback("apis", AddAttachedMembers);
            writer.RegisterStartTagCallback("apidata", WriteAttachedMember);
            writer.RegisterEndTagCallback("api", WriteAttachmentData);

            // Determine the type names and suffixes of our relevant fields
            dependencyPropertyTypeName = 
                GetConfigurationValue(configuration, "dependencyPropertyTypeName") ?? 

            dependencyPropertySuffix =
                GetConfigurationValue(configuration, "dependencyPropertySuffix") ??

            routedEventTypeName =
                GetConfigurationValue(configuration, "routedEventTypeName") ??

            routedEventSuffix =
                GetConfigurationValue(configuration, "routedEventSuffix") ??
        public XamlAttachedMembersAddIn(ManagedReflectionWriter writer, XPathNavigator configuration) : base(writer, configuration) {
            // keep track of the writer
            mrw = writer;

            // register processors as callbacks
            writer.RegisterStartTagCallback("apis", new MRefBuilderCallback(AddAttachedMembers));
            writer.RegisterStartTagCallback("apidata", new MRefBuilderCallback(WriteAttachedMember));
            writer.RegisterStartTagCallback("typedata", new MRefBuilderCallback(WriteContentPropertyData));
            writer.RegisterEndTagCallback("api", new MRefBuilderCallback(WriteAttachmentData));

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer">The API visitor and reflection data writer</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">This add-in has no configurable options</param>
        public ExtensionMethodAddIn(ManagedReflectionWriter writer, XPathNavigator configuration) :
          base(writer, configuration)
            index = new Dictionary<TypeNode, List<Method>>();

            this.mrw = writer;

            writer.RegisterStartTagCallback("apis", RecordExtensionMethods);
            writer.RegisterStartTagCallback("apidata", AddExtensionSubsubgroup);
            writer.RegisterEndTagCallback("elements", AddExtensionMethods);

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer">The API visitor and reflection data writer</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">This add-in has no configurable options</param>
        public XamlAttachedMembersAddIn(ManagedReflectionWriter writer, XPathNavigator configuration) :
          base(writer, configuration)
            attachedMembers = new Dictionary<Object, Field>();

            // Keep track of the writer
            mrw = writer;

            // Register processors as callbacks
            writer.RegisterStartTagCallback("apis", AddAttachedMembers);
            writer.RegisterStartTagCallback("apidata", WriteAttachedMember);
            writer.RegisterEndTagCallback("api", WriteAttachmentData);
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="writer">The API visitor and reflection data writer</param>
 /// <param name="configuration">An XPath navigator containing the add-in configuration</param>
 /// <remarks>For this base class, this does nothing</remarks>
 protected MRefBuilderAddIn(ManagedReflectionWriter writer, XPathNavigator configuration)

        /// <summary>
        /// Main program entry point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Command line arguments</param>
        /// <returns>Zero on success or non-zero on failure</returns>
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            string path, version, framework = null, assemblyPath, typeName;

            // Write banner

            // Specify options
            OptionCollection options = new OptionCollection();
            options.Add(new SwitchOption("?", "Show this help page."));
            options.Add(new StringOption("out", "Specify an output file. If unspecified, output goes to the " +
                "console.", "outputFilePath"));
            options.Add(new StringOption("config", "Specify a configuration file. If unspecified, " +
                "MRefBuilder.config is used", "configFilePath"));
            options.Add(new ListOption("dep", "Specify assemblies to load for dependencies.",

            // Process options
            ParseArgumentsResult results = options.ParseArguments(args);

                Console.WriteLine("MRefBuilder [options] assemblies");
                return 1;

            // Check for invalid options
                return 1;

            // Check for missing or extra assembly directories
            if(results.UnusedArguments.Count < 1)
                Console.WriteLine("Specify at least one assembly to reflect.");
                return 1;

            // Load the configuration file
            XPathDocument config;
            string configDirectory = ComponentUtilities.ToolsFolder,
                configFile = Path.Combine(ComponentUtilities.ToolsFolder, "MRefBuilder.config");

                configFile = (string)results.Options["config"].Value;
                configDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(configFile);

                config = new XPathDocument(configFile);
            catch(IOException e)
                ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "An error occurred while attempting to read " +
                    "the configuration file '{0}'. The error message is: {1}", configFile, e.Message);
                return 1;
            catch(UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "An error occurred while attempting to read " +
                    "the configuration file '{0}'. The error message is: {1}", configFile, e.Message);
                return 1;
            catch(XmlException e)
                ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The configuration file '{0}' is not " +
                    "well-formed. The error message is: {1}", configFile, e.Message);
                return 1;

            // Adjust the target platform
            var platformNode = config.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/configuration/dduetools/platform");

            if(platformNode == null)
                ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "A platform element is required to define the " +
                    "framework type and version to use.");
                return 1;

            // !EFW - Use the framework definition file to load core framework assembly reference information
            version = platformNode.GetAttribute("version", String.Empty);
            framework = platformNode.GetAttribute("framework", String.Empty);

            // Get component locations used to find additional reflection data definition files
            List<string> componentFolders = new List<string>();
            var locations = config.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/configuration/dduetools/componentLocations");

            if(locations != null)
                foreach(XPathNavigator folder in locations.Select("location/@folder"))
                    if(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(folder.Value) && Directory.Exists(folder.Value))

            if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(framework) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(version))
                TargetPlatform.SetFrameworkInformation(framework, version, componentFolders);
                ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "Unknown target framework " +
                    "version '{0} {1}'.", framework, version);
                return 1;

            // Create an API member namer
            ApiNamer namer;

            // Apply a different naming method to assemblies using these frameworks
            if(framework == PlatformType.DotNetCore || framework == PlatformType.DotNetPortable ||
              framework == PlatformType.WindowsPhone || framework == PlatformType.WindowsPhoneApp)
                namer = new WindowsStoreAndPhoneNamer();
                namer = new OrcasNamer();

            XPathNavigator namerNode = config.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/configuration/dduetools/namer");

            if(namerNode != null)
                assemblyPath = namerNode.GetAttribute("assembly", String.Empty);
                typeName = namerNode.GetAttribute("type", String.Empty);

                assemblyPath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(assemblyPath);

                    assemblyPath = Path.Combine(configDirectory, assemblyPath);

                    Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyPath);
                    namer = (ApiNamer)assembly.CreateInstance(typeName);

                    if(namer == null)
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The type '{0}' was not found in the " +
                            "component assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                        return 1;
                catch(IOException e)
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "A file access error occurred while " +
                        "attempting to load the component assembly '{0}'. The error message is: {1}",
                        assemblyPath, e.Message);
                    return 1;
                catch(UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "A file access error occurred while " +
                        "attempting to load the component assembly '{0}'. The error message is: {1}",
                        assemblyPath, e.Message);
                    return 1;
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The component assembly '{0}' is not a " +
                        "valid managed assembly.", assemblyPath);
                    return 1;
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The type '{0}' was not found in the " +
                        "component assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                    return 1;
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "No appropriate constructor exists for " +
                        "the type'{0}' in the component assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                    return 1;
                catch(TargetInvocationException e)
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "An error occurred while initializing the " +
                        "type '{0}' in the component assembly '{1}'. The error message and stack trace " +
                        "follows: {2}", typeName, assemblyPath, e.InnerException);
                    return 1;
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The type '{0}' in the component assembly " +
                        "'{1}' is not a component type.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                    return 1;

            // Create a resolver
            AssemblyResolver resolver = new AssemblyResolver();
            XPathNavigator resolverNode = config.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/configuration/dduetools/resolver");

            if(resolverNode != null)
                assemblyPath = resolverNode.GetAttribute("assembly", String.Empty);
                typeName = resolverNode.GetAttribute("type", String.Empty);

                assemblyPath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(assemblyPath);
                    assemblyPath = Path.Combine(configDirectory, assemblyPath);

                    Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyPath);
                    resolver = (AssemblyResolver)assembly.CreateInstance(typeName, false, BindingFlags.Public |
                        BindingFlags.Instance, null, new object[1] { resolverNode }, null, null);

                    if(resolver == null)
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The type '{0}' was not found in the " +
                            "component assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                        return 1;
                catch(IOException e)
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "A file access error occurred while " +
                        "attempting to load the component assembly '{0}'. The error message is: {1}",
                        assemblyPath, e.Message);
                    return 1;
                catch(UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "A file access error occurred while " +
                        "attempting to load the component assembly '{0}'. The error message is: {1}",
                        assemblyPath, e.Message);
                    return 1;
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The component assembly '{0}' is not a " +
                        "valid managed assembly.", assemblyPath);
                    return 1;
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The type '{0}' was not found in the " +
                        "component assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                    return 1;
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "No appropriate constructor exists for " +
                        "the type'{0}' in the component assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                    return 1;
                catch(TargetInvocationException e)
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "An error occurred while initializing the " +
                        "type '{0}' in the component assembly '{1}'. The error message and stack trace " +
                        "follows: {2}", typeName, assemblyPath, e.InnerException);
                    return 1;
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The type '{0}' in the component assembly " +
                        "'{1}' is not a component type.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                    return 1;

            resolver.UnresolvedAssemblyReference += UnresolvedAssemblyReferenceHandler;

            // Get a text writer for output
            TextWriter output = Console.Out;

                string file = (string)results.Options["out"].Value;

                    output = new StreamWriter(file, false, Encoding.UTF8);
                catch(IOException e)
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "An error occurred while attempting to " +
                        "create an output file. The error message is: {0}", e.Message);
                    return 1;
                catch(UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "An error occurred while attempting to " +
                        "create an output file. The error message is: {0}", e.Message);
                    return 1;

            // Dependency directory
            string[] dependencies = new string[0];

                dependencies = (string[])results.Options["dep"].Value;

                // Create a builder
                ApiVisitor = new ManagedReflectionWriter(output, namer, resolver,
                    new ApiFilter(config.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/configuration/dduetools")));

                // Register add-ins to the builder
                XPathNodeIterator addinNodes = config.CreateNavigator().Select("/configuration/dduetools/addins/addin");

                foreach(XPathNavigator addinNode in addinNodes)
                    assemblyPath = addinNode.GetAttribute("assembly", String.Empty);
                    typeName = addinNode.GetAttribute("type", String.Empty);

                    assemblyPath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(assemblyPath);

                        assemblyPath = Path.Combine(configDirectory, assemblyPath);

                        Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyPath);
                        MRefBuilderAddIn addin = (MRefBuilderAddIn)assembly.CreateInstance(typeName, false,
                            BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null,
                            new object[2] { ApiVisitor, addinNode }, null, null);

                        if(addin == null)
                            ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The type '{0}' was not found in " +
                                "the add-in assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                            return 1;
                    catch(IOException e)
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "A file access error occurred while " +
                            "attempting to load the add-in assembly '{0}'. The error message is: {1}",
                            assemblyPath, e.Message);
                        return 1;
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The add-in assembly '{0}' is not a " +
                            "valid managed assembly.", assemblyPath);
                        return 1;
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The type '{0}' was not found in the " +
                            "add-in assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                        return 1;
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "No appropriate constructor exists " +
                            "for the type '{0}' in the add-in assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                        return 1;
                    catch(TargetInvocationException e)
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "An error occurred while initializing " +
                            "the type '{0}' in the add-in assembly '{1}'. The error message and stack trace " +
                            "follows: {2}", typeName, assemblyPath, e.InnerException);
                        return 1;
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The type '{0}' in the add-in " +
                            "assembly '{1}' is not an MRefBuilderAddIn type.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                        return 1;

                // Load dependencies
                foreach(string dependency in dependencies)
                        // Expand environment variables
                        path = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(dependency);

                        // If x86 but it didn't exist, assume it's a 32-bit system and change the name
                        if(path.IndexOf("%ProgramFiles(x86)%", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1)
                            path = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(path.Replace("(x86)", String.Empty));

                    catch(IOException e)
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "An error occurred while loading " +
                            "dependency assemblies. The error message is: {0}", e.Message);
                        return 1;

                // Parse the assemblies
                foreach(string dllPath in results.UnusedArguments)
                        // Expand environment variables
                        path = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(dllPath);

                        // If x86 but it didn't exist, assume it's a 32-bit system and change the name
                        if(path.IndexOf("%ProgramFiles(x86)%", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1)
                            path = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(path.Replace("(x86)", String.Empty));

                    catch(IOException e)
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "An error occurred while loading " +
                            "assemblies for reflection. The error message is: {0}", e.Message);
                        return 1;

                ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Info, "Loaded {0} assemblies for reflection and " +
                    "{1} dependency assemblies.", ApiVisitor.Assemblies.Count(),


                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "MRefBuilder task canceled");
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Info, "Wrote information on {0} namespaces, " +
                        "{1} types, and {2} members", ApiVisitor.NamespaceCount, ApiVisitor.TypeCount,
                if(ApiVisitor != null)


            return (ApiVisitor != null && ApiVisitor.Canceled) ? 2 : 0;
        public static int Main(string[] args) {

            // write banner

            // specify options
            OptionCollection options = new OptionCollection();
            options.Add(new SwitchOption("?", "Show this help page."));
            options.Add(new StringOption("out", "Specify an output file. If unspecified, output goes to the console.", "outputFilePath"));
            options.Add(new StringOption("config", "Specify a configuration file. If unspecified, MRefBuilder.config is used", "configFilePath"));
            options.Add(new ListOption("dep", "Speficy assemblies to load for dependencies.", "dependencyAssembly"));
            // options.Add( new BooleanOption("namespaces", "Control whether information on namespaces in provided.") );
            options.Add(new BooleanOption("internal", "Specify whether to document internal as well as externally exposed APIs."));

            // process options
            ParseArgumentsResult results = options.ParseArguments(args);
            if (results.Options["?"].IsPresent) {
                Console.WriteLine("MRefBuilder [options] assemblies");
                return (0);

            // check for invalid options
            if (!results.Success) {
                return (1);

            // check for missing or extra assembly directories
            if (results.UnusedArguments.Count < 1) {
                Console.WriteLine("Specify at least one assembly to reflect.");
                return (1);

            // load the configuration file
            XPathDocument config;
            string configDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
            string configFile = Path.Combine(configDirectory, "MRefBuilder.config");
            if (results.Options["config"].IsPresent) {
                configFile = (string)results.Options["config"].Value;
                configDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(configFile);
            try {
                config = new XPathDocument(configFile);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("An error occured while attempting to read the configuration file '{0}'. The error message is: {1}", configFile, e.Message));
                return (1);
            } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e) {
                ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("An error occured while attempting to read the configuration file '{0}'. The error message is: {1}", configFile, e.Message));
                return (1);
            } catch (XmlException e) {
                ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("The configuration file '{0}' is not well-formed. The error message is: {1}", configFile, e.Message));
                return (1);

            // adjust the target platform
            XPathNodeIterator platformNodes = config.CreateNavigator().Select("/configuration/dduetools/platform");
            if (platformNodes.MoveNext()) {
                XPathNavigator platformNode = platformNodes.Current;
                string version = platformNode.GetAttribute("version", String.Empty);
                string path = platformNode.GetAttribute("path", String.Empty);
                path = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(path);
                if (!Directory.Exists(path)) {
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("The specifed target platform directory '{0}' does not exist.", path));
                    return (1);
                if (version == "2.0") {
                } else if (version == "1.1") {
                } else if (version == "1.0") {
                } else {
                    Console.WriteLine("Unknown target platform version '{0}'.", version);
                    return (1);

            // create a namer
            ApiNamer namer = new OrcasNamer();
            XPathNavigator namerNode = config.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/configuration/dduetools/namer");
            if (namerNode != null) {
                string assemblyPath = namerNode.GetAttribute("assembly", String.Empty);
                string typeName = namerNode.GetAttribute("type", String.Empty);

                assemblyPath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(assemblyPath);
                if (!Path.IsPathRooted(assemblyPath)) assemblyPath = Path.Combine(configDirectory, assemblyPath);

                try {

                    Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyPath);
                    namer = (ApiNamer)assembly.CreateInstance(typeName);

                    if (namer == null) {
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("The type '{0}' was not found in the component assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath));
                        return (1);

                } catch (IOException e) {
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("A file access error occured while attempting to load the component assembly '{0}'. The error message is: {1}", assemblyPath, e.Message));
                    return (1);
                } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e) {
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("A file access error occured while attempting to load the component assembly '{0}'. The error message is: {1}", assemblyPath, e.Message));
                    return (1);
                } catch (BadImageFormatException) {
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("The component assembly '{0}' is not a valid managed assembly.", assemblyPath));
                    return (1);
                } catch (TypeLoadException) {
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("The type '{0}' was not found in the component assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath));
                    return (1);
                } catch (MissingMethodException) {
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("No appropriate constructor exists for the type'{0}' in the component assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath));
                    return (1);
                } catch (TargetInvocationException e) {
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("An error occured while initializing the type '{0}' in the component assembly '{1}'. The error message and stack trace follows: {2}", typeName, assemblyPath, e.InnerException.ToString()));
                    return (1);
                } catch (InvalidCastException) {
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("The type '{0}' in the component assembly '{1}' is not a component type.", typeName, assemblyPath));
                    return (1);


            // create a resolver
            AssemblyResolver resolver = new AssemblyResolver();
            XPathNavigator resolverNode = config.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/configuration/dduetools/resolver");
            if (resolverNode != null) {
                string assemblyPath = resolverNode.GetAttribute("assembly", String.Empty);
                string typeName = resolverNode.GetAttribute("type", String.Empty);

                assemblyPath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(assemblyPath);
                if (!Path.IsPathRooted(assemblyPath)) assemblyPath = Path.Combine(configDirectory, assemblyPath);

                try {

                    Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyPath);
                    resolver = (AssemblyResolver)assembly.CreateInstance(typeName, false, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Object[1] { resolverNode }, null, null);

                    if (resolver == null) {
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("The type '{0}' was not found in the component assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath));
                        return (1);

                } catch (IOException e) {
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("A file access error occured while attempting to load the component assembly '{0}'. The error message is: {1}", assemblyPath, e.Message));
                    return (1);
                } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e) {
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("A file access error occured while attempting to load the component assembly '{0}'. The error message is: {1}", assemblyPath, e.Message));
                    return (1);
                } catch (BadImageFormatException) {
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("The component assembly '{0}' is not a valid managed assembly.", assemblyPath));
                    return (1);
                } catch (TypeLoadException) {
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("The type '{0}' was not found in the component assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath));
                    return (1);
                } catch (MissingMethodException) {
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("No appropriate constructor exists for the type'{0}' in the component assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath));
                    return (1);
                } catch (TargetInvocationException e) {
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("An error occured while initializing the type '{0}' in the component assembly '{1}'. The error message and stack trace follows: {2}", typeName, assemblyPath, e.InnerException.ToString()));
                    return (1);
                } catch (InvalidCastException) {
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("The type '{0}' in the component assembly '{1}' is not a component type.", typeName, assemblyPath));
                    return (1);

            resolver.UnresolvedAssemblyReference += new EventHandler < AssemblyReferenceEventArgs >(UnresolvedAssemblyReferenceHandler);

            // get a textwriter for output
            TextWriter output = Console.Out;
            if (results.Options["out"].IsPresent) {
                string file = (string)results.Options["out"].Value;
                try {
                    output = new StreamWriter(file, false, Encoding.UTF8);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("An error occured while attempting to create an output file. The error message is: {0}", e.Message));
                    return (1);
                } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e) {
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("An error occured while attempting to create an output file. The error message is: {0}", e.Message));
                    return (1);

            // dependency directory
            string[] dependencies = new string[0];
            if (results.Options["dep"].IsPresent) dependencies = (string[])results.Options["dep"].Value;

            try {
                // create a builder
                ManagedReflectionWriter builder = new ManagedReflectionWriter(output, namer);

                // specify the resolver for the builder
                builder.Resolver = resolver;

                // builder.ApiFilter = new ExternalDocumentedFilter(config.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/configuration/dduetools"));

                // specify the filter for the builder

                if (results.Options["internal"].IsPresent && (bool)results.Options["internal"].Value) {
                    builder.ApiFilter = new AllDocumentedFilter(config.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/configuration/dduetools"));
                } else {
                    builder.ApiFilter = new ExternalDocumentedFilter(config.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/configuration/dduetools"));

                // register add-ins to the builder

                XPathNodeIterator addinNodes = config.CreateNavigator().Select("/configuration/dduetools/addins/addin");
                foreach (XPathNavigator addinNode in addinNodes) {
                    string assemblyPath = addinNode.GetAttribute("assembly", String.Empty);
                    string typeName = addinNode.GetAttribute("type", String.Empty);

                    assemblyPath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(assemblyPath);
                    if (!Path.IsPathRooted(assemblyPath)) assemblyPath = Path.Combine(configDirectory, assemblyPath);

                    try {

                        Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyPath);
                        MRefBuilderAddIn addin = (MRefBuilderAddIn)assembly.CreateInstance(typeName, false, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Object[2] { builder, addinNode }, null, null);

                        if (namer == null) {
                            ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("The type '{0}' was not found in the addin assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath));
                            return (1);

                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("A file access error occured while attempting to load the addin assembly '{0}'. The error message is: {1}", assemblyPath, e.Message));
                        return (1);
                    } catch (BadImageFormatException) {
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("The addin assembly '{0}' is not a valid managed assembly.", assemblyPath));
                        return (1);
                    } catch (TypeLoadException) {
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("The type '{0}' was not found in the addin assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath));
                        return (1);
                    } catch (MissingMethodException) {
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("No appropriate constructor exists for the type '{0}' in the addin assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath));
                        return (1);
                    } catch (TargetInvocationException e) {
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("An error occured while initializing the type '{0}' in the addin assembly '{1}'. The error message and stack trace follows: {2}", typeName, assemblyPath, e.InnerException.ToString()));
                        return (1);
                    } catch (InvalidCastException) {
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("The type '{0}' in the addin assembly '{1}' is not an MRefBuilderAddIn type.", typeName, assemblyPath));
                        return (1);


                try {

                    // add a handler for unresolved assembly references
                    //builder.UnresolvedModuleHandler = new System.Compiler.Module.AssemblyReferenceResolver(AssemblyNotFound);

                    // load dependent bits
                    foreach (string dependency in dependencies) {
                        try {
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("An error occured while loading dependency assemblies. The error message is: {0}", e.Message));
                            return (1);

                    // parse the bits
                    foreach (string dllPath in results.UnusedArguments) {
                        try {
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, String.Format("An error occured while loading assemblies for reflection. The error message is: {0}", e.Message));
                            return (1);

                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Info, String.Format("Loaded {0} assemblies for reflection and {1} dependency assemblies.", builder.Assemblies.Length, builder.AccessoryAssemblies.Length));

                    // register callbacks

                    //builder.RegisterStartTagCallback("apis", new MRefBuilderCallback(startTestCallback));

                    //MRefBuilderAddIn addin = new XamlAttachedMembersAddIn(builder, null);


                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Info, String.Format("Wrote information on {0} namespaces, {1} types, and {2} members", builder.Namespaces.Length, builder.Types.Length, builder.Members.Length));

                } finally {


            } finally {

                // output.Close();


            return (0);


        /// <summary>
        /// Main program entry point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Command line arguments</param>
        /// <returns>Zero on success or non-zero on failure</returns>
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            string path, version, framework = null, assemblyPath, typeName;

            // Write banner

            // Specify options
            OptionCollection options = new OptionCollection();
            options.Add(new SwitchOption("?", "Show this help page."));
            options.Add(new StringOption("out", "Specify an output file. If unspecified, output goes to the " +
                "console.", "outputFilePath"));
            options.Add(new StringOption("config", "Specify a configuration file. If unspecified, " +
                "MRefBuilder.config is used", "configFilePath"));
            options.Add(new ListOption("dep", "Specify assemblies to load for dependencies.",
            options.Add(new BooleanOption("internal", "Specify whether to document internal as well as " +
                "externally exposed APIs.  *** DEPRECATED:  Use the visibility settings in the MRefBuilder.config " +
                "file instead which provide finer grained control over the exposed API members."));

            // Process options
            ParseArgumentsResult results = options.ParseArguments(args);

                Console.WriteLine("MRefBuilder [options] assemblies");
                return 1;

            // Check for invalid options
                return 1;

            // Check for missing or extra assembly directories
            if(results.UnusedArguments.Count < 1)
                Console.WriteLine("Specify at least one assembly to reflect.");
                return 1;

            // Load the configuration file
            XPathDocument config;
            string configDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
            string configFile = Path.Combine(configDirectory, "MRefBuilder.config");

                configFile = (string)results.Options["config"].Value;
                configDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(configFile);

                config = new XPathDocument(configFile);
            catch(IOException e)
                ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "An error occurred while attempting to read " +
                    "the configuration file '{0}'. The error message is: {1}", configFile, e.Message);
                return 1;
            catch(UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "An error occurred while attempting to read " +
                    "the configuration file '{0}'. The error message is: {1}", configFile, e.Message);
                return 1;
            catch(XmlException e)
                ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The configuration file '{0}' is not " +
                    "well-formed. The error message is: {1}", configFile, e.Message);
                return 1;

            // Adjust the target platform
            XPathNodeIterator platformNodes = config.CreateNavigator().Select("/configuration/dduetools/platform");

                XPathNavigator platformNode = platformNodes.Current;
                version = platformNode.GetAttribute("version", String.Empty);
                path = platformNode.GetAttribute("path", String.Empty);

                // !EFW - Added support for the new platform attributes and the framework XML file
                if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(version) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                    // Set the framework using the legacy attributes.  If set properly, they will document
                    // other framework types but it uses the standard .NET assemblies which contain more
                    // classes and methods that are not relevant to the other frameworks.
                    path = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(path);
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The specified target platform " +
                            "directory '{0}' does not exist.", path);
                        return 1;
                    if(version == "2.0")
                        if(version == "1.1")
                            if(version == "1.0")
                                ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "Unknown target platform " +
                                    "version '{0}'.", version);
                                return 1;
                    // Use the new framework definition file
                    framework = platformNode.GetAttribute("framework", String.Empty);

                    if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(framework) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(version))
                        TargetPlatform.SetFrameworkInformation(framework, version);
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "Unknown target framework " +
                            "version '{0} {1}'.", framework, version);
                        return 1;

            // Create an API member namer
            ApiNamer namer;

            // Apply a different naming method to assemblies using the Windows Store or Windows Phone frameworks
            if(framework == ".NETCore" || framework == ".NETPortable" || framework == "WindowsPhone" ||
              framework == "WindowsPhoneApp")
                namer = new WindowsStoreAndPhoneNamer();
                namer = new OrcasNamer();

            XPathNavigator namerNode = config.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/configuration/dduetools/namer");

            if(namerNode != null)
                assemblyPath = namerNode.GetAttribute("assembly", String.Empty);
                typeName = namerNode.GetAttribute("type", String.Empty);

                assemblyPath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(assemblyPath);

                    assemblyPath = Path.Combine(configDirectory, assemblyPath);

                    Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyPath);
                    namer = (ApiNamer)assembly.CreateInstance(typeName);

                    if(namer == null)
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The type '{0}' was not found in the " +
                            "component assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                        return 1;
                catch(IOException e)
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "A file access error occurred while " +
                        "attempting to load the component assembly '{0}'. The error message is: {1}",
                        assemblyPath, e.Message);
                    return 1;
                catch(UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "A file access error occurred while " +
                        "attempting to load the component assembly '{0}'. The error message is: {1}",
                        assemblyPath, e.Message);
                    return 1;
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The component assembly '{0}' is not a " +
                        "valid managed assembly.", assemblyPath);
                    return 1;
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The type '{0}' was not found in the " +
                        "component assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                    return 1;
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "No appropriate constructor exists for " +
                        "the type'{0}' in the component assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                    return 1;
                catch(TargetInvocationException e)
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "An error occurred while initializing the " +
                        "type '{0}' in the component assembly '{1}'. The error message and stack trace " +
                        "follows: {2}", typeName, assemblyPath, e.InnerException);
                    return 1;
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The type '{0}' in the component assembly " +
                        "'{1}' is not a component type.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                    return 1;

            // Create a resolver
            AssemblyResolver resolver = new AssemblyResolver();
            XPathNavigator resolverNode = config.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/configuration/dduetools/resolver");

            if(resolverNode != null)
                assemblyPath = resolverNode.GetAttribute("assembly", String.Empty);
                typeName = resolverNode.GetAttribute("type", String.Empty);

                assemblyPath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(assemblyPath);
                    assemblyPath = Path.Combine(configDirectory, assemblyPath);

                    Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyPath);
                    resolver = (AssemblyResolver)assembly.CreateInstance(typeName, false, BindingFlags.Public |
                        BindingFlags.Instance, null, new object[1] { resolverNode }, null, null);

                    if(resolver == null)
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The type '{0}' was not found in the " +
                            "component assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                        return 1;
                catch(IOException e)
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "A file access error occurred while " +
                        "attempting to load the component assembly '{0}'. The error message is: {1}",
                        assemblyPath, e.Message);
                    return 1;
                catch(UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "A file access error occurred while " +
                        "attempting to load the component assembly '{0}'. The error message is: {1}",
                        assemblyPath, e.Message);
                    return 1;
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The component assembly '{0}' is not a " +
                        "valid managed assembly.", assemblyPath);
                    return 1;
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The type '{0}' was not found in the " +
                        "component assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                    return 1;
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "No appropriate constructor exists for " +
                        "the type'{0}' in the component assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                    return 1;
                catch(TargetInvocationException e)
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "An error occurred while initializing the " +
                        "type '{0}' in the component assembly '{1}'. The error message and stack trace " +
                        "follows: {2}", typeName, assemblyPath, e.InnerException);
                    return 1;
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The type '{0}' in the component assembly " +
                        "'{1}' is not a component type.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                    return 1;

            resolver.UnresolvedAssemblyReference += UnresolvedAssemblyReferenceHandler;

            // Get a text writer for output
            TextWriter output = Console.Out;

                string file = (string)results.Options["out"].Value;

                    output = new StreamWriter(file, false, Encoding.UTF8);
                catch(IOException e)
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "An error occurred while attempting to " +
                        "create an output file. The error message is: {0}", e.Message);
                    return 1;
                catch(UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "An error occurred while attempting to " +
                        "create an output file. The error message is: {0}", e.Message);
                    return 1;

            // Dependency directory
            string[] dependencies = new string[0];

                dependencies = (string[])results.Options["dep"].Value;

                // Create a builder
                ApiVisitor = new ManagedReflectionWriter(output, namer, resolver,
                    new ApiFilter(config.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/configuration/dduetools")));

                // If the deprecated /internal+ option is used, expose everything via the filter to mimic the
                // behavior of prior versions.
                if(results.Options["internal"].IsPresent && (bool)results.Options["internal"].Value)
                    ApiVisitor.ApiFilter.IncludeAttributes =
                        ApiVisitor.ApiFilter.IncludeExplicitInterfaceImplementations =
                        ApiVisitor.ApiFilter.IncludePrivates =
                        ApiVisitor.ApiFilter.IncludePrivateFields =
                        ApiVisitor.ApiFilter.IncludeInternals =
                        ApiVisitor.ApiFilter.IncludeProtected =
                        ApiVisitor.ApiFilter.IncludeSealedProtected =
                        ApiVisitor.ApiFilter.IncludeInheritedMembers =
                        ApiVisitor.ApiFilter.IncludeInheritedFrameworkMembers =
                        ApiVisitor.ApiFilter.IncludeInheritedFrameworkPrivateMembers =
                        ApiVisitor.ApiFilter.IncludeInheritedFrameworkInternalMembers =
                        ApiVisitor.ApiFilter.IncludeNoPIATypes = true;
                    ApiVisitor.ApiFilter.IncludeProtectedInternalAsProtected = false;

                // Register add-ins to the builder
                XPathNodeIterator addinNodes = config.CreateNavigator().Select("/configuration/dduetools/addins/addin");

                foreach(XPathNavigator addinNode in addinNodes)
                    assemblyPath = addinNode.GetAttribute("assembly", String.Empty);
                    typeName = addinNode.GetAttribute("type", String.Empty);

                    assemblyPath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(assemblyPath);

                        assemblyPath = Path.Combine(configDirectory, assemblyPath);

                        Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyPath);
                        MRefBuilderAddIn addin = (MRefBuilderAddIn)assembly.CreateInstance(typeName, false,
                            BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null,
                            new object[2] { ApiVisitor, addinNode }, null, null);

                        if(addin == null)
                            ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The type '{0}' was not found in " +
                                "the add-in assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                            return 1;
                    catch(IOException e)
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "A file access error occurred while " +
                            "attempting to load the add-in assembly '{0}'. The error message is: {1}",
                            assemblyPath, e.Message);
                        return 1;
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The add-in assembly '{0}' is not a " +
                            "valid managed assembly.", assemblyPath);
                        return 1;
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The type '{0}' was not found in the " +
                            "add-in assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                        return 1;
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "No appropriate constructor exists " +
                            "for the type '{0}' in the add-in assembly '{1}'.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                        return 1;
                    catch(TargetInvocationException e)
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "An error occurred while initializing " +
                            "the type '{0}' in the add-in assembly '{1}'. The error message and stack trace " +
                            "follows: {2}", typeName, assemblyPath, e.InnerException);
                        return 1;
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "The type '{0}' in the add-in " +
                            "assembly '{1}' is not an MRefBuilderAddIn type.", typeName, assemblyPath);
                        return 1;

                // Load dependencies
                foreach(string dependency in dependencies)
                        // Expand environment variables
                        path = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(dependency);

                        // If x86 but it didn't exist, assume it's a 32-bit system and change the name
                        if(path.IndexOf("%ProgramFiles(x86)%", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1)
                            path = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(path.Replace("(x86)", String.Empty));

                    catch(IOException e)
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "An error occurred while loading " +
                            "dependency assemblies. The error message is: {0}", e.Message);
                        return 1;

                // Parse the assemblies
                foreach(string dllPath in results.UnusedArguments)
                        // Expand environment variables
                        path = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(dllPath);

                        // If x86 but it didn't exist, assume it's a 32-bit system and change the name
                        if(path.IndexOf("%ProgramFiles(x86)%", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1)
                            path = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(path.Replace("(x86)", String.Empty));

                    catch(IOException e)
                        ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "An error occurred while loading " +
                            "assemblies for reflection. The error message is: {0}", e.Message);
                        return 1;

                ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Info, "Loaded {0} assemblies for reflection and " +
                    "{1} dependency assemblies.", ApiVisitor.Assemblies.Count(),


                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Error, "MRefBuilder task canceled");
                    ConsoleApplication.WriteMessage(LogLevel.Info, "Wrote information on {0} namespaces, " +
                        "{1} types, and {2} members", ApiVisitor.Namespaces.Count(), ApiVisitor.Types.Count(),
                if(ApiVisitor != null)


            return (ApiVisitor != null && ApiVisitor.Canceled) ? 2 : 0;
 public ExtensionMethodAddIn(ManagedReflectionWriter reflector, XPathNavigator configuration) : base(reflector, configuration) {
     this.reflector = reflector;
     reflector.RegisterStartTagCallback("apis", new MRefBuilderCallback(RecordExtensionMethods));
     reflector.RegisterEndTagCallback("elements", new MRefBuilderCallback(AddExtensionMethods));
     reflector.RegisterStartTagCallback("apidata", new MRefBuilderCallback(AddExtensionSubsubgroup));