Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 ///     Allow the construction of a complex property at a specified position.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent">Property's Parent</param>
 /// <param name="element">Property's XElement</param>
 /// <param name="insertPosition">Information where the property should be inserted to. If the parameter is null, the property will be placed as the last property of the entity.</param>
 internal ComplexConceptualProperty(EFElement parent, XElement element, InsertPropertyPosition insertPosition)
     : base(parent, element, insertPosition)
         parent is ConceptualEntityType || parent is ComplexType || parent == null,
         "Parent of ConceptualProperty should be either ConceptualEntityType or ComplexType (or null for testing)");
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 ///     Create a Conceptual property at a specified position.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent">Property's Parent. The value is either ConceptualEntityTYpe or a ComplexType.</param>
 /// <param name="element">Property's XElement</param>
 /// <param name="insertPosition">Information where the property should be inserted to. If the parameter is null, the property will be placed as the last property of the entity.</param>
 public ConceptualProperty(EFElement parent, XElement element, InsertPropertyPosition insertPosition)
     : base(parent, element, insertPosition)
         parent is ConceptualEntityType || parent is ComplexType,
         "Parent of ConceptualProperty should be either ConceptualEntityType or ComplexType");
Exemple #3
 protected PropertyBase(EFElement parent, XElement element, InsertPropertyPosition insertPosition)
     : base(parent, element)
     // Unfortunately, the XElement is created in the EFObject constructor. When the base class called EntityType's GetXLinqInsertPosition,
     // the Property's InsertPosition is not set. As a work around, we need to manually move the Property here.
     // This is not efficient as it could be because it involves removing and adding the property's XElement.
     // Currently, the only thing that use this functionality is CopyAndPaste.
     // We might want to consider change this when other scenarios depend on the functionality.
     if (insertPosition != null)
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 ///     Create a property at the a specified position.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent">Property's Parent.</param>
 /// <param name="element">Property's XElement</param>
 /// <param name="insertPosition">Information where the property should be inserted to. If the parameter is null, the property will be placed as the last property of the entity.</param>
 protected Property(EFElement parent, XElement element, InsertPropertyPosition insertPosition)
     : base(parent, element, insertPosition)
     // nothing
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        ///     Move Property's XElement before the specified position.
        ///     If position parameter is null, the property XElement will be moved to the last position.
        /// </summary>
        internal void MoveTo(InsertPropertyPosition position)
                PreviousSiblingInPropertyXElementOrder != null || NextSiblingInPropertyXElementOrder != null,
                "Why do we need to move the property if it is the only property?");
            Debug.Assert(position != null, "InsertPropertyPosition parameter is null.");
            if (position != null)
                // Check if the InsertPropertyPosition's InsertAt is not null.
                Debug.Assert(position.InsertAtProperty != null, "Why InsertPropertyPosition's InsertAt is null?");
                if (position.InsertAtProperty != null)
                    // Instead of re-parenting the property's XElement, we are going to clone the XElement, insert the clone and delete the old XElement.
                    // This is a workaround for an XML editor bug where re-parenting an element causes asserts.

                    // First create the new XElement.
                    var tempDoc             = XDocument.Parse(XElement.ToString(SaveOptions.None), LoadOptions.None);
                    var newPropertyXElement = tempDoc.Root;

                    // Remove known namespaces from the element since the namespaces are already set in the parent node.
                    // This is workaround because XDocument automatically appends the default namespace in the property XElement.
                    foreach (var a in newPropertyXElement.Attributes())
                        if (a.IsNamespaceDeclaration &&
                            (a.Value == SchemaManager.GetCSDLNamespaceName(Artifact.SchemaVersion) ||
                             a.Value == SchemaManager.GetSSDLNamespaceName(Artifact.SchemaVersion) ||
                             a.Value == SchemaManager.GetAnnotationNamespaceName()))

                    var toBeDeleteElement = XElement;

                    // format the XML we just parsed so that the XElement will have the same indenting.
                    Utils.FormatXML(newPropertyXElement, GetIndentLevel());

                    // Call method that will insert the XElement to the specified location.
                    InsertPosition = position;

                    // Re-establish the links between EFElement and XElement.
                        XElement == newPropertyXElement,
                        "Unexpected XElement value. Expected:" + newPropertyXElement + " , Actual:" + XElement);

                    ModelItemAnnotation.SetModelItem(newPropertyXElement, this);
                        ModelItemAnnotation.GetModelItem(newPropertyXElement) == this,
                        "The new XElement should contain annotation to the model property.");

                    // Delete both old XElement and the preceding whitespace.
                    // Preceding whitespace is preferred over trailing whitespace because we don't want to remove the last property's trailing white-space since
                    // it has different indent level than the rest (see EFElement's EnsureFirstNodeWhitespaceSeparation method).
                    var preceedingNewLine = toBeDeleteElement.PreviousNode as XText;
                    while (preceedingNewLine != null &&
                        var toBeDeletedWhiteSpace = preceedingNewLine;
                        preceedingNewLine = preceedingNewLine.PreviousNode as XText;

                    // Assert if the property is not moved to the correct location.
                    if (position.InsertBefore)
                            position.InsertAtProperty == NextSiblingInPropertyXElementOrder,
                            "Expected next sibling property: " + position.InsertAtProperty.DisplayName + " , Actual next sibling:"
                            + NextSiblingInPropertyXElementOrder.DisplayName);
                            position.InsertAtProperty == PreviousSiblingInPropertyXElementOrder,
                            "Expected previous sibling property: " + position.InsertAtProperty.DisplayName + " , Actual previous sibling:"
                            + PreviousSiblingInPropertyXElementOrder.DisplayName);
 /// <summary>
 ///     Create a Navigation property at a specified position.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent">Property's Parent. The value is either ConceptualEntityTYpe or a ComplexType.</param>
 /// <param name="element">Property's XElement</param>
 /// <param name="insertPosition">Information where the property should be inserted to. If the parameter is null, the property will be placed as the last property of the entity.</param>
 internal NavigationProperty(EntityType parent, XElement element, InsertPropertyPosition insertPostion)
     : base(parent, element, insertPostion)
     // Nothing